That means that mklive just needs xbps to generate working images. Usage: [options] Options: -r <repo-url> Use this XBPS repository (may be specified multiple times). -c <cachedir> Use this XBPS cache directory (/var/cache/xbps if unset). -k <keymap> Default keymap to use (us if unset) -l <locale> Default locale to use (en_US.UTF-8 if unset). -i <gzip|bzip2|xz> Compression type for the initramfs image (gzip if unset). -s <gzip|bzip2|xz> Compression type for the squashfs image (xz if unset) -o <file> Output file name for the ISO image (auto if unset). -p "pkg pkgN ..." Install additional packages into the ISO image. The script generates a live image of the Void Linux distribution. This ISO image can be written to a CD/DVD-ROM or any USB stick.
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The Void Linux image/live/rootfs maker and installer
This repository contains utilities for Void Linux:
installer (The Void Linux el-cheapo installer for x86)
mklive (The Void Linux live image maker for x86)
mkimage (The Void Linux image maker for ARM platforms)
mkrootfs (The Void Linux rootfs maker for ARM platforms)
- xbps>=0.35
- GNU bash
- parted (for mkimage)
- qemu-user-static binaries (for mkrootfs)
$ make
and then see the usage output:
$ ./ -h
$ ./ -h
$ ./ -h