- The target pkgs are unpacked with -U, and then reconfiguration happens within the chroot, so that there's no need for host dependencies. - Use chroot where possible to make sure that euid==0, not xbps-uchroot. Close #32 and #33
978 B
978 B
The Void Linux image/live/rootfs maker and installer
This repository contains utilities for Void Linux:
installer (The Void Linux el-cheapo installer for x86)
mklive (The Void Linux live image maker for x86)
mkimage (The Void Linux image maker for ARM platforms)
mkrootfs (The Void Linux rootfs maker for ARM platforms)
- xbps>=0.45
- parted (for mkimage)
- qemu-user-static binaries (for mkrootfs)
$ make
and then see the usage output:
$ ./mklive.sh -h
$ ./mkrootfs.sh -h
$ ./mkimage.sh -h
Build a native live image with runit and keyboard set to 'fr':
# ./mklive.sh -k fr
Build an i686 (on x86_64) live image with some additional packages:
# ./mklive.sh -a i686 -p 'vim rtorrent'
Build an x86_64 musl live image with packages stored in a local repository:
# ./mklive.sh -a x86_64-musl -r /path/to/host/binpkgs
See the usage output for more information :-)