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3 new
We learned that Javascript has var, let, and const.
Var being the origional and assigns globals Let being new as of 2015 to assign locals And also Const to make immutables Declared, but uninitialized, variables have a value of undefined Redeclared variables do not lose their value
Multiple variables can be declared and assigned by using commas
5 data types, string number boolean null and undefined
2 Interesting
I'm someone who likes working close to the metal, but I like the way they explained using encapsulation to design your code
I've often found myself wondering how to organize code, but this concept of, write code until you feel that peice is done, wrap it into a function, and then move onto the next step, somewhat made it click a bit better for me.
Having used Lisp, I've loved the lots of small functions concept, but I suppose I always had trouble with design. Somehow, thinking about it this way, works for me.
1 not clear
The difference between null and undefined.