# 1) use alpine to generate a void environment FROM alpine:3.9 as stage0 ARG REPOSITORY=https://alpha.de.repo.voidlinux.org ARG ARCH=x86_64 COPY keys/* /target/var/db/xbps/keys/ RUN apk add ca-certificates curl && \ curl ${REPOSITORY}/static/xbps-static-latest.$(uname -m)-musl.tar.xz | \ tar Jx && \ XBPS_ARCH=${ARCH} xbps-install.static -yMU \ --repository=${REPOSITORY}/current \ --repository=${REPOSITORY}/current/musl \ -r /target \ base-minimal # 2) using void to generate the final build FROM scratch as stage1 ARG REPOSITORY=https://alpha.de.repo.voidlinux.org ARG ARCH=x86_64 ARG BASEPKG=base-minimal COPY --from=stage0 /target / COPY keys/* /target/var/db/xbps/keys/ RUN xbps-reconfigure -a && \ mkdir -p /target/var/cache && ln -s /var/cache/xbps /target/var/cache/xbps && \ XBPS_ARCH=${ARCH} xbps-install -yMU \ --repository=${REPOSITORY}/current \ --repository=${REPOSITORY}/current/musl \ -r /target \ ${BASEPKG} # 3) configure and clean up the final image FROM scratch COPY --from=stage1 /target / RUN xbps-reconfigure -a && \ rm -r /var/cache/xbps