#!/bin/bash echo "=========================" echo "| BASE VOID x86_64 |" echo " ------------------------" CURRENT=https://mirrors.servercentral.com/voidlinux/current MUTILIB=https://mirrors.servercentral.com/voidlinux/current/multilib NONFREE=https://mirrors.servercentral.com/voidlinux/current/nonfree FILENAME="void-live-unofficial" DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) KERNEL=$(uname -r) BUILDDIR="$(pwd)/build" retry=0 # Run mklive command with set architechure, repos and package list until [ -f ${FILENAME}-x86_64-${KERNEL}-${DATE}.iso ];do ((retry++)) if [[ $retry -eq 2 ]];then break fi sudo ./mklive.sh \ -a x86_64 \ -r "${CURRENT}" \ -r "${MULTILIB}" \ -p "$(grep '^[^#].' base-x64.packages)" \ -T "${DESKTOP}" \ -o ${FILENAME}-x86_64-${KERNEL}-${DATE}.iso done # Make sure resulting ISO exists and sent error to webpage if not if [ ! -f ${FILENAME}-x86_64-${KERNEL}-${DATE}.iso ];then echo "Error: ${FILENAME}-x86_64-${KERNEL}-${DATE}.iso : does not exist! Aborting!" echo "ERR=1" > error-status.txt exit 1 fi # Add iso file to checksum list sha256sum ${FILENAME}-x86_64-${KERNEL}-${DATE}.iso >> sha256sums.txt # Check if checksum file exists, send error to webpage if not if [ ! -f sha256sums.txt ];then echo "Missing checksum file, aborting!" echo "ERR=1" > error-status.txt exit 1 fi # make sure build directory exists and create it if not if [ ! -d "${BUILDDIR}" ];then mkdir ${BUILDDIR} fi # Move the iso file to the build directory mv ${FILENAME}-x86_64-${KERNEL}-${DATE}.iso build