added direction change to sprite

This commit is contained in:
Jalen Winslow 2018-01-22 10:09:33 -07:00
commit c6b9153782
4 changed files with 124 additions and 52 deletions

background.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

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@ -1,30 +1,24 @@
// main
package main
import (
_ "image/png"
_ "image/png"
//something like this should handle everything within the game.
//this is not the final form. I was just testing things.
type Handler struct {
s *pixel.Sprite
x, y float64
func loadPicture(path string) (pixel.Picture, error) {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer file.Close()
img, _, err := image.Decode(file)
if err != nil {
@ -37,65 +31,143 @@ func run() {
cfg := pixelgl.WindowConfig{
Title: "Pixel Rocks!",
Bounds: pixel.R(0, 0, 1024, 768),
//Going to use different method then vsync
VSync: true,
win, err := pixelgl.NewWindow(cfg)
if err != nil {
pic, err := loadPicture("hiking.png")
spritesheet, err := loadPicture("sprites.png")
if err != nil {
sprite := pixel.NewSprite(pic, pic.Bounds())
background, err := loadPicture("background.png")
//Create handler
var handler Handler
handler.s = sprite
handler.x = 0
handler.y = 0
if err != nil {
bg := pixel.NewSprite(background, background.Bounds())
//batch := pixel.NewBatch(&pixel.TrianglesData{}, spritesheet)
//Game Loop -- Should be 60 fps
var timePerFrame int64 = 1000000000/60
last := time.Now().UnixNano()
var now, dt int64
for !win.Closed() {
now = time.Now().UnixNano()
dt += now-last
last = now
if (dt >= timePerFrame) {
dt -= 0
render(handler, win)
When creating the sprite, you need to know big each frame is inside the spritesheet.
If you use aseprite or some other pixel art program, you can find the number of pixels
within each frame. For our sprite sheet, each frame is 96 px wide and 96 px high. So
we increment it by 96 for both x and y so that it can get the position of the frame
at the bottom right corner.
var spritesFrames []pixel.Rect
for x := spritesheet.Bounds().Min.X; x < spritesheet.Bounds().Max.X; x += 96 {
for y := spritesheet.Bounds().Min.Y; y < spritesheet.Bounds().Max.Y; y += 96 {
spritesFrames = append(spritesFrames, pixel.R(x, y, x+96, y+96))// (x, y, width, height) of frame
Sprite := pixel.NewSprite(spritesheet, spritesFrames[3])
var (
camPos = pixel.ZV
//camSpeed = 500.0
camZoom = 0.3
camZoomSpeed = 1.2
var (
frames = 0
second = time.Tick(time.Second)
playerX := win.Bounds().Max.X / 2
playerY := win.Bounds().Max.Y / 2
var (
playerXY = pixel.Vec{
var fps int64 = 60
timePerFrame := 1000000000/fps
var lastTime int64 = time.Now().UnixNano()
var now int64
var dt int64
// Game Loop
for !win.Closed() {
now = time.Now().UnixNano()
dt += (now-lastTime)
lastTime = time.Now().UnixNano()
//Execute a frame.
if (dt >= timePerFrame) {
// *** Update begins *** //
playerXY = pixel.Vec{
cam := pixel.IM.Scaled(camPos, camZoom).Moved(win.Bounds().Center().Sub(camPos))
This is where Sprite and bg was originally. Creating them over and over inside
the main loop is not very good resource management. When i added my own dt, the game was
only going about 22 fps, when it should've been going 60. I moved them
out of the loop and created them up top. It fixed it and now runs faster.
the tutorial only has it in the loop with the exception that it creates it only
if you click the button to make a tree. It only created it once and added it.
//mouse := cam.Unproject(win.MousePosition())
speed := 2.0
if win.Pressed(pixelgl.KeyA) {//left
playerX -= speed
Sprite.Set(spritesheet, spritesFrames[2])
if win.Pressed(pixelgl.KeyD) {//Right
playerX += speed
Sprite.Set(spritesheet, spritesFrames[1])
if win.Pressed(pixelgl.KeyS) { //Down
playerY -= speed
Sprite.Set(spritesheet, spritesFrames[3])
if win.Pressed(pixelgl.KeyW) { //up
playerY += speed
Sprite.Set(spritesheet, spritesFrames[0])
camPos.X = playerX
camPos.Y = playerY
camZoom *= math.Pow(camZoomSpeed, win.MouseScroll().Y)
// *** Update Ends *** //
// *** Render begin *** //
bg.Draw(win, pixel.IM.Moved(win.Bounds().Center()))
Sprite.Draw(win, pixel.IM.Scaled(pixel.ZV, 4).Moved(playerXY))
// *** Render End *** //
select {
case <-second:
win.SetTitle(fmt.Sprintf("%s | FPS: %d", cfg.Title, frames))
frames = 0
func main() {
func update(handler *Handler) {
handler.x += 0.5
handler.y += 0.5
func render(handler Handler, win *pixelgl.Window) {
//Draw here---
handler.s.Draw(win, pixel.IM.Moved(pixel.V(handler.x,handler.y)))

sprites.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 62 KiB

trees.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB