Write a program to replace podbeuter. (the target is the pyra. so arm) - Perhaps name it "loser"
Write a calculater with an ephisis on using stepwise refinement
/* Write a number guessing game with an ephisis on using stepwise refinement -- completed*/
Write a program that converts a file to html from a custom markdown.

Write a terminal gui. It will have a manually edited config file that can also be edited from 
the application itself.

	The config something will be something like this:

		variable={application_name: application_path}

	When the config is reloaded, it will add everything to a list of applications (think like desktopfiles... except just a list).
	Perhaps this will use tmux (default) or screen
	sorted by name
	possibly allow other sort options
	either use ncurses, or just number selections
	allow to just open applications (just let the new app take over)
	also allow to open with a new tmux window... something like this