require "lib/keys" require "lib/functions" require "levels/gamestates" function love.load() -- Create a table and grab the screen width/height screen = {} screen.width = screen.height = -- Create a table to hold all actors actors = {} -- Create a table to hold all the player data actors.player = create_object(screen.width /2, screen.height - 50, 30, 5, 500) -- Create a table to hold ball data actors.ball = create_object(screen.width /2, screen.height /2, 5, 5, 600) actors.ball.x_speed = (-actors.ball.speed /2) actors.ball.y_speed = (-actors.ball.speed /2) actors.ball.score = 0 -- Timer vars (see keys.lua for loaded timer vars) actors.start = love.timer.getTime() actors.end_timer = 0 -- Set the starting screen gamestate = {} gamestate.draw = Gamestates.title_draw gamestate.update = Gamestates.title_update end function love.update(dt) gamestate.update(dt) end function love.draw() gamestate.draw() end