#!/usr/bin/julia function check_dir(directory) if ispath(directory) print("The directory: ", directory, " :already exists\n") return true else print("The directory: ", directory, " :does not exist\n") return false end end function create_default_structure(projectDir) subDirs = ["src", "lib"] for dirs in subDirs mkpath("$projectDir/$dirs") end projectName = rsearchindex(projectDir, "/" ) print(projectName, "\n") projectName = projectDir[projectName+1:length(projectDir)] touch("$projectDir/src/$projectName.jl") touch("$projectDir/README.md") touch("$projectDir/LICENSE") end function help() print("This will be help\n") end function main() if (length(ARGS) == 2 && ARGS[1] == "init") print(length(ARGS), "\n") if check_dir(ARGS[2]) == true print("Dir exists") else create_default_structure(ARGS[2]) if check_dir(ARGS[2]) == true print("Directory: ", ARGS[2], " created\n") else print("The directory: ", ARGS[2], " could not be created\n") end end else help() end end main()