mollusk 0e4acfb8f2 fix incorrect folder name for julia-0.6.x
Former-commit-id: ef2c7401e0876f22d2f7762d182cfbcd5a7d9c70
2018-06-11 03:28:36 -07:00

888 lines
23 KiB

# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:
import Base.MPFR
# constructors
setprecision(53) do
x = BigFloat()
x = BigFloat(12)
x = BigFloat(12)
y = BigFloat(x)
@test x y
y = BigFloat(0xc)
@test x y
y = BigFloat(12.)
@test x y
y = BigFloat(BigInt(12))
@test x y
y = BigFloat(BigFloat(12))
@test x y
y = parse(BigFloat,"12")
@test x y
y = BigFloat(Float32(12.))
@test x y
y = BigFloat(12//1)
@test x y
# +
x = BigFloat(12)
y = BigFloat(30)
@test x + y == BigFloat(42)
@test x + typemax(UInt128) == x + BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
@test x + typemax(Int128) == x + BigInt(typemax(Int128))
# -
x = BigFloat(12)
y = BigFloat(-30)
@test x - y == BigFloat(42)
@test x - typemax(UInt128) == x - BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
@test x - typemax(Int128) == x - BigInt(typemax(Int128))
# *
x = BigFloat(6)
y = BigFloat(9)
@test x * y != BigFloat(42)
@test x * y == BigFloat(54)
@test x * typemax(UInt128) == x * BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
@test x * typemax(Int128) == x * BigInt(typemax(Int128))
# /
x = BigFloat(9)
y = BigFloat(6)
@test x / y == BigFloat(9/6)
@test x / typemax(UInt128) == x / BigInt(typemax(UInt128))
@test x / typemax(Int128) == x / BigInt(typemax(Int128))
# iterated arithmetic
a = BigFloat(12.25)
b = BigFloat(23.125)
c = BigFloat(-7)
d = BigFloat(-12.75)
f = BigFloat(2.0625)
g = BigFloat(0.03125)
@test +(a, b) == BigFloat(35.375)
@test +(a, b, c) == BigFloat(28.375)
@test +(a, b, c, d) == BigFloat(15.625)
@test +(a, b, c, d, f) == BigFloat(17.6875)
@test +(a, b, c, d, f, g) == BigFloat(17.71875)
@test *(a, b) == parse(BigFloat,"2.8328125e+02")
@test *(a, b, c) == parse(BigFloat,"-1.98296875e+03")
@test *(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigFloat,"2.52828515625e+04")
@test *(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigFloat,"5.214588134765625e+04")
@test *(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigFloat,"1.6295587921142578125e+03")
# < / > / <= / >=
x = BigFloat(12)
y = BigFloat(42)
z = BigFloat(30)
@test y > x
@test y >= x
@test y > z
@test y >= z
@test x < y
@test x <= y
@test z < y
@test z <= y
@test y - x >= z
@test y - x <= z
@test !(x >= z)
@test !(y <= z)
# rounding modes
setprecision(4) do
# default mode is round to nearest
down, up = setrounding(BigFloat,RoundNearest) do
parse(BigFloat,"0.0938"), parse(BigFloat,"0.102")
setrounding(BigFloat,RoundDown) do
@test BigFloat(0.1) == down
@test BigFloat(0.1) != up
setrounding(BigFloat,RoundUp) do
@test BigFloat(0.1) != down
@test BigFloat(0.1) == up
# ^
x = BigFloat(12)
y = BigFloat(4)
@test x^y == BigFloat(20736)
# ceil
x = BigFloat(12.042)
@test BigFloat(13) == ceil(x)
# copysign
x = BigFloat(1)
y = BigFloat(-1)
@test copysign(x, y) == y
@test copysign(y, x) == x
# isfinite / isinf
x = BigFloat(Inf)
y = BigFloat(1)
@test isinf(x) == true
@test isinf(y) == false
@test isfinite(x) == false
@test isinf(x) == true
# isnan
x = BigFloat(NaN)
y = BigFloat(1)
@test isnan(x) == true
@test isnan(y) == false
# convert to
@test convert(BigFloat, 1//2) == parse(BigFloat,"0.5")
@test typeof(convert(BigFloat, 1//2)) == BigFloat
@test convert(BigFloat, 0.5) == parse(BigFloat,"0.5")
@test typeof(convert(BigFloat, 0.5)) == BigFloat
@test convert(BigFloat, 40) == parse(BigFloat,"40")
@test typeof(convert(BigFloat, 40)) == BigFloat
@test convert(BigFloat, Float32(0.5)) == parse(BigFloat,"0.5")
@test typeof(convert(BigFloat, Float32(0.5))) == BigFloat
@test convert(BigFloat, parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775808")) == parse(BigFloat,"9223372036854775808")
@test typeof(convert(BigFloat, parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775808"))) == BigFloat
@test convert(AbstractFloat, parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775808")) == parse(BigFloat,"9223372036854775808")
@test typeof(convert(AbstractFloat, parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775808"))) == BigFloat
# convert from
@test convert(Float64, BigFloat(0.5)) == 0.5
@test convert(Float32, BigFloat(0.5)) == Float32(0.5)
@test convert(Float16, BigFloat(0.5)) == Float16(0.5)
@test convert(Bool, BigFloat(0.0)) == false
@test convert(Bool, BigFloat(1.0)) == true
@test_throws InexactError convert(Bool, BigFloat(0.1))
# exponent
x = BigFloat(0)
@test_throws DomainError exponent(x)
x = BigFloat(Inf)
@test_throws DomainError exponent(x)
x = BigFloat(15.674)
@test exponent(x) == exponent(15.674)
# frexp
for i in [big(0.2), big(1.2), big(1220.0), big(23414.123)]
mantissa, ex = frexp(i)
@test i == mantissa * 2. ^ ex
# significand
for i in [big(0.2), big(1.2), big(1220.0), big(23414.123)]
@test i == significand(i) * 2. ^ exponent(i)
# nextfloat/prevfloat should be immutable
x = 12.
y = BigFloat(x)
@test x == y
@test x == y
@test x == y
# sqrt DomainError
@test_throws DomainError sqrt(BigFloat(-1))
# precision
old_precision = precision(BigFloat)
x = BigFloat(0)
@test precision(x) == old_precision
x = BigFloat(0)
@test precision(x) == 256
z = setprecision(240) do
z = x + 20
return z
@test float(z) == 20.
@test precision(z) == 240
x = BigFloat(12)
@test precision(x) == old_precision
@test_throws DomainError setprecision(1)
# isinteger
@test !isinteger(BigFloat(1.2))
@test isinteger(BigFloat(12))
@test isinteger(zero(BigFloat))
@test isinteger(-zero(BigFloat))
@test !isinteger(nextfloat(zero(BigFloat)))
@test !isinteger(prevfloat(zero(BigFloat)))
@test isinteger(maxintfloat(BigFloat))
@test isinteger(-maxintfloat(BigFloat))
@test !isinteger(BigFloat(Inf))
@test !isinteger(-BigFloat(Inf))
@test !isinteger(BigFloat(NaN))
# nextfloat / prevfloat
setprecision(53) do
x = BigFloat(12.12)
@test BigFloat(nextfloat(12.12)) == nextfloat(x)
@test BigFloat(prevfloat(12.12)) == prevfloat(x)
@test isnan(nextfloat(BigFloat(NaN)))
@test isnan(prevfloat(BigFloat(NaN)))
# comparisons
x = BigFloat(1)
y = BigFloat(-1)
z = BigFloat(NaN)
ipl = BigFloat(Inf)
imi = BigFloat(-Inf)
@test x > y
@test x >= y
@test x >= x
@test y < x
@test y <= x
@test y <= y
@test x < ipl
@test x <= ipl
@test x > imi
@test x >= imi
@test imi == imi
@test ipl == ipl
@test imi < ipl
@test z != z
@test !(z == z)
@test !(z <= z)
@test !(z < z)
@test !(z >= z)
@test !(z > z)
@test !isequal(BigFloat(0.0),BigFloat(-0.0))
@test isequal(z, BigFloat(NaN))
# total ordering
@test isless(big(-0.0), big(0.0))
@test isless(big(1.0), big(NaN))
# cmp
@test cmp(big(-0.0), big(0.0)) == 0
@test cmp(big(0.0), big(-0.0)) == 0
@test_throws DomainError cmp(big(1.0), big(NaN))
@test_throws DomainError cmp(big(NaN), big(NaN))
@test_throws DomainError cmp(big(NaN), big(1.0))
# signbit
@test signbit(BigFloat(-1.0)) == 1
@test signbit(BigFloat(1.0)) == 0
@test signbit(BigFloat(-0.0)) == 1
# modf
x = BigFloat(12)
y = BigFloat(0.5)
@test modf(x+y) == (y, x)
x = BigFloat(NaN)
@test map(isnan, modf(x)) == (true, true)
x = BigFloat(Inf)
y = modf(x)
@test (isnan(y[1]), isinf(y[2])) == (true, true)
# rem
setprecision(53) do
x = BigFloat(2)
y = BigFloat(1.67)
@test rem(x,y) == rem(2, 1.67)
y = BigFloat(NaN)
@test isnan(rem(x,y))
@test isnan(rem(y,x))
y = BigFloat(Inf)
@test rem(x,y) == x
@test isnan(rem(y,x))
# min/max
x = BigFloat(4)
y = BigFloat(2)
@test max(x,y) == x
@test min(x,y) == y
y = BigFloat(NaN)
@test isnan(max(x,y))
@test isnan(min(x,y))
@test isnan(max(y,y))
@test isnan(min(y,y))
# sum
x = BigFloat(1)
y = BigFloat(2)
z = BigFloat(3)
w = BigFloat(4)
@test sum([x,y,z,w]) == BigFloat(10)
big_array = ones(BigFloat, 100)
@test sum(big_array) == BigFloat(100)
@test sum(BigFloat[]) == BigFloat(0)
# promotion
# the array converts everyone to the DEFAULT_PRECISION!
x = BigFloat(12)
y = setprecision(60) do
@test [x,y] == [BigFloat(12), BigFloat(42)]
# log / log2 / log10
setprecision(53) do
x = BigFloat(42)
@test log(x) == log(42)
@test isinf(log(BigFloat(0)))
@test_throws DomainError log(BigFloat(-1))
@test log2(x) == log2(42)
@test isinf(log2(BigFloat(0)))
@test_throws DomainError log2(BigFloat(-1))
@test log10(x) == log10(42)
@test isinf(log10(BigFloat(0)))
@test_throws DomainError log10(BigFloat(-1))
# exp / exp2 / exp10
setprecision(53) do
x = BigFloat(10)
@test exp(x) == exp(10)
@test exp2(x) == 1024
@test exp10(x) == 10000000000
# convert to integer types
x = BigFloat(12.1)
y = BigFloat(42)
@test_throws InexactError convert(Int32, x)
@test_throws InexactError convert(Int64, x)
@test_throws InexactError convert(BigInt, x)
@test_throws InexactError convert(UInt32, x)
@test_throws InexactError convert(UInt32, x)
@test convert(Int32, y) == 42
@test convert(Int64, y) == 42
@test convert(BigInt, y) == 42
@test convert(UInt32, y) == 42
@test convert(UInt32, y) == 42
# round
x = BigFloat(42.42)
y = setprecision(256) do
z = parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775809")
@test round(Integer,x) == 42
@test round(Integer,y) == z
@test typeof(round(UInt8, x)) == UInt8 && round(UInt8, x) == 0x2a
@test typeof(round(UInt16, x)) == UInt16 && round(UInt16, x) == 0x2a
@test typeof(round(UInt32, x)) == UInt32 && round(UInt32, x) == 0x2a
@test typeof(round(UInt64, x)) == UInt64 && round(UInt64, x) == 0x2a
@test typeof(round(Int64, x)) == Int64 && round(Int64, x) == 42
@test typeof(round(Int, x)) == Int && round(Int, x) == 42
@test typeof(round(UInt, x)) == UInt && round(UInt, x) == 0x2a
# string representation
str = "1.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000012"
setprecision(406) do
@test string(nextfloat(BigFloat(1))) == str
setprecision(21) do
@test string(zero(BigFloat)) == "0.0000000"
@test string(parse(BigFloat, "0.1")) == "1.0000002e-01"
@test string(parse(BigFloat, "-9.9")) == "-9.9000015"
setprecision(40) do
@test string(zero(BigFloat)) == "0.0000000000000"
@test string(parse(BigFloat, "0.1")) == "1.0000000000002e-01"
@test string(parse(BigFloat, "-9.9")) == "-9.8999999999942"
setprecision(123) do
@test string(zero(BigFloat)) == "0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000"
@test string(parse(BigFloat, "0.1")) == "9.99999999999999999999999999999999999953e-02"
@test string(parse(BigFloat, "-9.9")) == "-9.8999999999999999999999999999999999997"
# eps
x = eps(BigFloat)
@test BigFloat(1) + x == BigFloat(1) + prevfloat(x)
@test eps(BigFloat) == eps(BigFloat(1))
# realmin/realmax
x = realmin(BigFloat)
@test x > 0
@test prevfloat(x) == 0
x = realmax(BigFloat)
@test !isinf(x)
@test isinf(nextfloat(x))
# factorial
setprecision(256) do
x = BigFloat(42)
@test factorial(x) == factorial(BigInt(42))
x = BigFloat(10)
@test factorial(x) == factorial(10)
@test_throws DomainError factorial(BigFloat(-1))
@test_throws DomainError factorial(BigFloat(331.3))
# trigonometric functions
setprecision(53) do
for f in (:sin,:cos,:tan,:sec,:csc,:cot,:acos,:asin,:atan,
j in (-1., -0.5, -0.25, .25, .5, 1.)
@eval begin
@test ($f)(BigFloat($j)) ($f)($j)
for f in (:acos,:asin,:acosh,:atanh),
j in (-2, -1.5)
@eval begin
@test_throws DomainError ($f)(BigFloat($j))
for f in (:sin,:cos,:tan,:sec,:csc,:cot,:cosh,:sinh,:tanh,
j in (1., 1.5, 1.9)
@eval begin
@test ($f)(BigFloat($j)) ($f)($j)
for j in (.25, .5)
@test atanh(BigFloat(j)) atanh(j)
# hypot
@test hypot(BigFloat(3), BigFloat(4)) == 5
# atan2
setprecision(53) do
@test atan2(12,2) == atan2(BigFloat(12), BigFloat(2))
# ldexp
setprecision(53) do
@test ldexp(BigFloat(24.5), 72) == ldexp(24.5, 72)
@test ldexp(BigFloat(24.5), Int16(72)) == ldexp(24.5, 72)
@test ldexp(BigFloat(24.5), -72) == ldexp(24.5, -72)
@test ldexp(BigFloat(24.5), Int16(-72)) == ldexp(24.5, -72)
@test ldexp(BigFloat(24.5), UInt(72)) == ldexp(24.5, 72)
@test ldexp(BigFloat(24.5), 0x48) == ldexp(24.5, 72)
# ceil / floor / trunc
x = parse(BigFloat,"28273.7312487489135135135")
y = BigInt(28273)
z = BigInt(28274)
a = parse(BigFloat,"123456789012345678901234567890.2414")
b = parse(BigInt,"123456789012345678901234567890")
c = parse(BigInt,"123456789012345678901234567891")
@test ceil(x) == z
@test typeof(ceil(x)) == BigFloat
@test floor(x) == y
@test typeof(floor(x)) == BigFloat
@test trunc(x) == y
@test typeof(trunc(x)) == BigFloat
@test ceil(Integer,x) == z
@test typeof(ceil(Integer,x)) == BigInt
@test floor(Integer,x) == y
@test typeof(floor(Integer,x)) == BigInt
@test trunc(Integer,x) == y
@test typeof(trunc(Integer,x)) == BigInt
@test ceil(Int64, x) == Int64(z)
@test typeof(ceil(Int64, x)) == Int64
@test floor(Int64, x) == Int64(y)
@test typeof(floor(Int64, x)) == Int64
@test trunc(Int64, x) == Int64(y)
@test typeof(trunc(Int64, x)) == Int64
@test ceil(Int32, x) == Int32(z)
@test typeof(ceil(Int32, x)) == Int32
@test floor(Int32, x) == Int32(y)
@test typeof(floor(Int32, x)) == Int32
@test trunc(Int32, x) == Int32(y)
@test typeof(trunc(Int32, x)) == Int32
@test ceil(Int16, x) == Int16(z)
@test typeof(ceil(Int16, x)) == Int16
@test floor(Int16, x) == Int16(y)
@test typeof(floor(Int16, x)) == Int16
@test trunc(Int16, x) == Int16(y)
@test typeof(trunc(Int16, x)) == Int16
#@test ceil(Int8, x) == Int8(z)
#@test typeof(ceil(Int8, x)) == Int8
#@test floor(Int8, x) == Int8(y)
#@test typeof(floor(Int8, x)) == Int8
#@test trunc(Int8, x) == Int8(y)
#@test typeof(trunc(Int8, x)) == Int8
@test ceil(UInt64, x) == UInt64(z)
@test typeof(ceil(UInt64, x)) == UInt64
@test floor(UInt64, x) == UInt64(y)
@test typeof(floor(UInt64, x)) == UInt64
@test trunc(UInt64, x) == UInt64(y)
@test typeof(trunc(UInt64, x)) == UInt64
@test ceil(UInt32, x) == UInt32(z)
@test typeof(ceil(UInt32, x)) == UInt32
@test floor(UInt32, x) == UInt32(y)
@test typeof(floor(UInt32, x)) == UInt32
@test trunc(UInt32, x) == UInt32(y)
@test typeof(trunc(UInt32, x)) == UInt32
@test ceil(UInt16, x) == UInt16(z)
@test typeof(ceil(UInt16, x)) == UInt16
@test floor(UInt16, x) == UInt16(y)
@test typeof(floor(UInt16, x)) == UInt16
@test trunc(UInt16, x) == UInt16(y)
@test typeof(trunc(UInt16, x)) == UInt16
#@test ceil(UInt8, x) == UInt8(z)
#@test typeof(ceil(UInt8, x)) == UInt8
#@test floor(UInt8, x) == UInt8(y)
#@test typeof(floor(UInt8, x)) == UInt8
#@test trunc(UInt8, x) == UInt8(y)
#@test typeof(trunc(UInt8, x)) == UInt8
@test ceil(Integer,a) == c
@test typeof(ceil(Integer,a)) == BigInt
@test floor(Integer,a) == b
@test typeof(floor(Integer,a)) == BigInt
@test trunc(Integer,a) == b
@test typeof(trunc(Integer,a)) == BigInt
@test ceil(Int128,a) == c
@test typeof(ceil(Int128,a)) == Int128
@test floor(Int128,a) == b
@test typeof(floor(Int128,a)) == Int128
@test trunc(Int128,a) == b
@test typeof(trunc(Int128,a)) == Int128
@test ceil(UInt128,a) == c
@test typeof(ceil(UInt128,a)) == UInt128
@test floor(UInt128,a) == b
@test typeof(floor(UInt128,a)) == UInt128
@test trunc(UInt128,a) == b
@test typeof(trunc(UInt128,a)) == UInt128
# basic arithmetic
# Signed addition
a = parse(BigFloat,"123456789012345678901234567890")
b = parse(BigFloat,"123456789012345678901234567891")
@test a+Int8(1) == b
@test a+Int16(1) == b
@test a+Int32(1) == b
@test a+Int64(1) == b
@test Int8(1)+ a == b
@test Int16(1)+a == b
@test Int32(1)+a == b
@test Int64(1)+a == b
@test b+Int8(-1) == a
@test b+Int16(-1) == a
@test b+Int32(-1) == a
@test b+Int64(-1) == a
@test Int8(-1)+ b == a
@test Int16(-1)+b == a
@test Int32(-1)+b == a
@test Int64(-1)+b == a
# Unsigned addition
@test a+true == b
@test a+UInt8(1) == b
@test a+UInt16(1) == b
@test a+UInt32(1) == b
@test a+UInt64(1) == b
@test true+a == b
@test UInt8(1)+ a == b
@test UInt16(1)+a == b
@test UInt32(1)+a == b
@test UInt64(1)+a == b
# Float64 addition
@test a + 1.0f0 == b
@test 1.0f0 + a == b
@test a + 1.0 == b
@test 1.0 + a == b
# BigInt addition
@test a + BigInt(1) == b
@test BigInt(1) + a == b
# Signed subtraction
@test b-Int8(1) == a
@test b-Int16(1) == a
@test b-Int32(1) == a
@test b-Int64(1) == a
@test Int8(1)- b == -a
@test Int16(1)-b == -a
@test Int32(1)-b == -a
@test Int64(1)-b == -a
@test a-Int8(-1) == b
@test a-Int16(-1) == b
@test a-Int32(-1) == b
@test a-Int64(-1) == b
@test Int8(-1)- a == -b
@test Int16(-1)-a == -b
@test Int32(-1)-a == -b
@test Int64(-1)-a == -b
# Unsigned subtraction
@test b-true == a
@test b-UInt8(1) == a
@test b-UInt16(1) == a
@test b-UInt32(1) == a
@test b-UInt64(1) == a
@test true-b == -a
@test UInt8(1)- b == -a
@test UInt16(1)-b == -a
@test UInt32(1)-b == -a
@test UInt64(1)-b == -a
# Float64 subtraction
@test b - 1.0f0 == a
@test 1.0f0 - b == -a
@test b - 1.0 == a
@test 1.0 - b == -a
# BigInt subtraction
@test b - BigInt(1) == a
@test BigInt(1) - b == -a
# Signed multiplication
@test a*Int8(1) == a
@test a*Int16(1) == a
@test a*Int32(1) == a
@test a*Int64(1) == a
@test Int8(1)* a == a
@test Int16(1)*a == a
@test Int32(1)*a == a
@test Int64(1)*a == a
@test a*Int8(-1) == -a
@test a*Int16(-1) == -a
@test a*Int32(-1) == -a
@test a*Int64(-1) == -a
@test Int8(-1)* a == -a
@test Int16(-1)*a == -a
@test Int32(-1)*a == -a
@test Int64(-1)*a == -a
# Unsigned multiplication
@test a*true == a
@test a*UInt8(1) == a
@test a*UInt16(1) == a
@test a*UInt32(1) == a
@test a*UInt64(1) == a
@test true*a == a
@test UInt8(1)* a == a
@test UInt16(1)*a == a
@test UInt32(1)*a == a
@test UInt64(1)*a == a
# Float64 multiplication
@test a * 1.0f0 == a
@test 1.0f0 * a == a
@test a * 1.0 == a
@test 1.0 * a == a
# BigInt multiplication
@test a * BigInt(1) == a
@test BigInt(1) * a == a
# Signed division
c = parse(BigInt,"61728394506172839450617283945")
# d = 2^200
d = parse(BigFloat,"1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376")
f = parse(BigFloat,"6.223015277861141707144064053780124240590252168721167133101116614789698834035383e-61")
@test a/Int8(2) == c
@test a/Int16(2) == c
@test a/Int32(2) == c
@test a/Int64(2) == c
@test Int8(1)/ d == f
@test Int16(1)/d == f
@test Int32(1)/d == f
@test Int64(1)/d == f
@test a/Int8(-2) == -c
@test a/Int16(-2) == -c
@test a/Int32(-2) == -c
@test a/Int64(-2) == -c
@test Int8(-1)/ d == -f
@test Int16(-1)/d == -f
@test Int32(-1)/d == -f
@test Int64(-1)/d == -f
# Unsigned division
@test a/true == a
@test a/UInt8(2) == c
@test a/UInt16(2) == c
@test a/UInt32(2) == c
@test a/UInt64(2) == c
@test true/d == f
@test UInt8(1)/ d == f
@test UInt16(1)/d == f
@test UInt32(1)/d == f
@test UInt64(1)/d == f
# Float64 division
@test a / 2.0f0 == c
@test 1.0f0 / d == f
@test a / 2.0 == c
@test 1.0 / d == f
# BigInt division
@test a / BigInt(2) == c
# div
@test div(big"1.0",big"0.1") == 9
@test div(1,big"0.1") == 9
@test div(1.0,big"0.1") == 9
@test div(big"1.0",0.1) == 9
@test div(big"1",big"0.1") == 9
@test div(big"1",0.1) == 9
# old tests
tol = 1e-12
a = parse(BigFloat,"12.34567890121")
b = parse(BigFloat,"12.34567890122")
@test a+1e-11 b atol=tol
@test !(b == a)
@test b > a
@test b >= a
@test !(b < a)
@test !(b <= a)
c = parse(BigFloat,"24.69135780242")
@test typeof(a * 2) == BigFloat
@test a*2 c atol=tol
@test (c-a) a atol=tol
d = parse(BigFloat,"-24.69135780242")
@test typeof(d) == BigFloat
@test d+c 0 atol=tol
@test (BigFloat(3)/BigFloat(2)) BigFloat(1.5) atol=tol
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Int8))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Int16))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Int32))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Int64))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(Int128))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(true)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt8))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt16))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt32))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt64))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(typemax(UInt128))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(realmax(Float32))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(realmax(Float64))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(BigInt(1))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(BigFloat(1))) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(1//1)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(BigFloat(one(Rational{BigInt}))) == BigFloat
f = parse(BigFloat,"1234567890.123")
g = parse(BigFloat,"1234567891.123")
tol = 1e-3
@test f+Int8(1) g atol=tol
@test f+Int16(1) g atol=tol
@test f+Int32(1) g atol=tol
@test f+Int64(1) g atol=tol
@test f+Int128(1) g atol=tol
@test f+true g atol=tol
@test f+UInt8(1) g atol=tol
@test f+UInt16(1) g atol=tol
@test f+UInt32(1) g atol=tol
@test f+UInt64(1) g atol=tol
@test f+UInt128(1) g atol=tol
@test f+BigInt(1) g atol=tol
@test f+1f0 g atol=tol
@test f+1e0 g atol=tol
@test f+BigFloat(1) g atol=tol
@test f+(1//1) g atol=tol
@test f+one(Rational{BigInt}) g atol=tol
# issue #5963
@test typemax(Int128) == convert(BigFloat, typemax(Int128))
@test typemax(Int128) * big(1.0) == convert(BigFloat, typemax(Int128))
@test typemax(UInt64) * big(1.0) == big(typemax(UInt64))
@test typemax(UInt128) * big(1.0) == big(typemax(UInt128))
# issue #3399
i1 = BigInt(10)^Int32(1000)
i2 = parse(BigInt,"10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
f = BigFloat(10)^Int32(1000)
@test i1 != i2
@test i1 != f
@test i2 != f
@test f > i1
@test f > i2
i3 = trunc(Integer,f)
@test i3 == f
@test i3+1 > f
@test i3+1 >= f
# issue #8318
@test convert(Int64,big(500_000_000_000_000.)) == 500_000_000_000_000
# issue #9816
# check exponent range is set to max possible
@test MPFR.get_emin() == MPFR.get_emin_min()
@test MPFR.get_emax() == MPFR.get_emax_max()
# issue #10994: handle embedded NUL chars for string parsing
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(BigFloat, "1\0")
# serialization (issue #12386)
let b = IOBuffer()
x = 2.1*big(pi)
serialize(b, x)
@test deserialize(b) == x
@test isnan(sqrt(BigFloat(NaN)))
# PR 17217 -- BigFloat constructors with given precision and rounding mode
# test constructors and `big` with additional precision and rounding mode:
for prec in (10, 100, 1000)
for val in ("3.1", pi, "-1.3", 3.1)
a = BigFloat(val)
b = BigFloat(val, prec)
c = BigFloat(val, RoundUp)
d = BigFloat(val, prec, RoundDown)
e = BigFloat(val, prec, RoundUp)
@test precision(a) == precision(BigFloat)
@test precision(b) == prec
@test precision(c) == precision(BigFloat)
@test precision(d) == prec
@test precision(e) == prec
(val != 3.1) && @test e > d # rounding has no effect when constructing from Float64
setprecision(256) do
@test string(big(Inf)) == "BigFloat(Inf, 256)"
@test string(big(-Inf)) == "BigFloat(-Inf, 256)"
@test string(big(NaN)) == "BigFloat(NaN, 256)"