mollusk 0e4acfb8f2 fix incorrect folder name for julia-0.6.x
Former-commit-id: ef2c7401e0876f22d2f7762d182cfbcd5a7d9c70
2018-06-11 03:28:36 -07:00

72 lines
1.9 KiB

# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:
# Floating point numbers - basic tests
@test 4.00000000000001 4.0
@test 5.0 4.999999999999993
@test 4.000000002 4.00300002
# Other tolerance levels
@test 4.32 4.3 rtol=0.1 atol=0.01
@test 1.001 1.002 rtol=0.001 atol=0.0001
@test 4.5 4.9 rtol=0.001 atol=0.001
# Complex numbers
@test 1.0 + 1.0im 1.0 + 1.00000000000001im
@test 0.9999999999999 + 1.0im 1.0 + 1.000000000000001im
@test 0.9999 + 1.0im 1.0 + 1.1im rtol=0.0001 atol=1.1
# Complex <-> reals
@test 1.0 + 0im 1.0000000000001
@test 0.9999999999999 1.0 + 0im
@test 1.0+1im 1.000000000000001
# Comparing NaNs
@test 4.0 NaN
@test NaN 4.0
@test complex(2.3,NaN) complex(NaN,2.3)
@test NaN NaN
@test complex(NaN,NaN) complex(NaN,NaN)
@test complex(NaN,2.3) complex(NaN,2.3)
@test complex(2.3,NaN) complex(2.3,NaN)
# Comparing Infs
@test Inf Inf
@test Inf 1
@test Inf -Inf
@test complex(0.0,Inf) complex(0.0,Inf)
@test complex(0.0,Inf) complex(0.0,-Inf)
# Tests for integers and rationals
@test 4 4
@test 4 5 atol=1
@test 4 6 atol=1
@test 4 5
@test 1//2+3im 1//2+3im
@test 1//3 0.33333333333333333
@test 1//3 0.3333 rtol=0.0001 atol=0.0001
@test 1+1im 1im+1
# Notably missing from this test suite at the moment
# * Tests for other magnitudes of numbers - very small, very big, and combinations of small and big
# * Tests for various odd combinations of types, e.g. x::Integer ≈ y::Rational
# issue #12375:
@test 1e17 1
# Tests for arrays:
@test [1,2,3] [1,2,3+1e-9]
@test [0,1] [1e-9, 1]
@test [0,Inf] [0,Inf]
@test [0,Inf] [0,-Inf]
# issue #19936
for elty in (Float16,Float32,Float64)
nan = elty(NaN)
half = elty(0.5)
@test nan nan
@test nan nan nans=true
@test [half, nan, half] [half, nan, half]
@test [half, nan, half] [half, nan, half] nans=true