mollusk 0e4acfb8f2 fix incorrect folder name for julia-0.6.x
Former-commit-id: ef2c7401e0876f22d2f7762d182cfbcd5a7d9c70
2018-06-11 03:28:36 -07:00

72 lines
2.1 KiB

# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:
@test length(ExponentialBackOff(n=10)) == 10
@test collect(ExponentialBackOff(n=10, first_delay=0.01))[1] == 0.01
@test maximum(ExponentialBackOff(n=10, max_delay=0.06)) == 0.06
ratio(x) = x[2:end]./x[1:end-1]
@test all(x->x 10.0, ratio(collect(ExponentialBackOff(n=10, max_delay=Inf, factor=10, jitter=0.0))))
@test (mean(ratio(collect(ExponentialBackOff(n=100, max_delay=Inf, factor=1, jitter=0.1)))) - 1.0) < 1e-4
function foo_error(c, n)
c[1] += 1
if c[1] <= n
return 7
# Success on first attempt
c = [0]
@test retry(foo_error)(c,0) == 7
@test c[1] == 1
# Success on second attempt
c = [0]
@test retry(foo_error)(c,1) == 7
@test c[1] == 2
# 2 failed retry attempts, so exception is raised
c = [0]
ex = try retry(foo_error, delays=ExponentialBackOff(n=2))(c,3) catch e; e end
@test ex.msg == "foo"
@test c[1] == 3
c = [0]
ex = try retry(foo_error, check=(s,e)->(s,isa(e, ErrorException)))(c,2) catch e; e end
@test typeof(ex) == ErrorException
@test ex.msg == "foo"
@test c[1] == 2
c = [0]
ex = try retry(foo_error, check=(s,e)->(s,e.msg == "foo"))(c,2) catch e; e end
@test typeof(ex) == ErrorException
@test ex.msg == "foo"
@test c[1] == 2
# No retry if condition does not match
c = [0]
ex = try retry(foo_error, check=(s,e)->(s,e.msg == "bar"))(c,2) catch e; e end
@test typeof(ex) == ErrorException
@test ex.msg == "foo"
@test c[1] == 1
c = [0]
ex = try retry(foo_error, check=(s,e)->(s,try e.http_status_code == "503" end != true))(c,2) catch e; e end
@test typeof(ex) == ErrorException
@test ex.msg == "foo"
@test c[1] == 2
c = [0]
ex = try retry(foo_error, check=(s,e)->(s,isa(e,SystemError)))(c,2) catch e; e end
@test typeof(ex) == ErrorException
@test ex.msg == "foo"
@test c[1] == 1
# Functions with keyword arguments
foo_kwargs(x; y=5) = x + y
@test retry(foo_kwargs)(3) == 8
@test retry(foo_kwargs)(3; y=4) == 7