mollusk 0e4acfb8f2 fix incorrect folder name for julia-0.6.x
Former-commit-id: ef2c7401e0876f22d2f7762d182cfbcd5a7d9c70
2018-06-11 03:28:36 -07:00

364 lines
10 KiB

# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:
a = parse(BigInt,"123456789012345678901234567890")
b = parse(BigInt,"123456789012345678901234567891")
@test typeof(a+1) == BigInt
@test a+1 == b
@test isequal(a+1, b)
@test b == a+1
@test !(b == a)
@test b > a
@test b >= a
@test !(b < a)
@test !(b <= a)
c = parse(BigInt,"246913578024691357802469135780")
@test typeof(a * 2) == BigInt
@test a*2 == c
@test c-a == a
@test c == a + a
@test c+1 == a+b
d = parse(BigInt,"-246913578024691357802469135780")
@test typeof(d) == BigInt
@test d == -c
ee = typemax(Int64)
@test typeof(BigInt(ee)) == BigInt
@test BigInt(ee)+1 == parse(BigInt,"9223372036854775808")
#Multiple calls for sanity check, since we're doing direct memory manipulation
@test string(a) == "123456789012345678901234567890"
@test string(b) == "123456789012345678901234567891"
@test string(c) == "246913578024691357802469135780"
@test string(d) == "-246913578024691357802469135780"
@test string(a) == "123456789012345678901234567890"
for i = -10:10, j = [-10:-1; 1:10]
@test div(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == div(i,j)
@test fld(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == fld(i,j)
@test mod(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == mod(i,j)
@test rem(BigInt(i), BigInt(j)) == rem(i,j)
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int8))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int16))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int32))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int64))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(Int128))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(true)) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt8))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt16))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt32))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt64))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(typemax(UInt128))) == BigInt
@test typeof(BigInt(BigInt(1))) == BigInt
# Signed addition
@test a+Int8(1) == b
@test a+Int16(1) == b
@test a+Int32(1) == b
@test a+Int64(1) == b
@test a+Int128(1) == b
@test Int8(1)+ a == b
@test Int16(1)+a == b
@test Int32(1)+a == b
@test Int64(1)+a == b
@test b+Int8(-1) == a
@test b+Int16(-1) == a
@test b+Int32(-1) == a
@test b+Int64(-1) == a
@test Int8(-1)+ b == a
@test Int16(-1)+b == a
@test Int32(-1)+b == a
@test Int64(-1)+b == a
# Unsigned addition
@test a+true == b
@test a+UInt8(1) == b
@test a+UInt16(1) == b
@test a+UInt32(1) == b
@test a+UInt64(1) == b
@test a+UInt128(1) == b
@test true+a == b
@test UInt8(1)+ a == b
@test UInt16(1)+a == b
@test UInt32(1)+a == b
@test UInt64(1)+a == b
# Signed subtraction
@test b-Int8(1) == a
@test b-Int16(1) == a
@test b-Int32(1) == a
@test b-Int64(1) == a
@test Int8(1)- b == -a
@test Int16(1)-b == -a
@test Int32(1)-b == -a
@test Int64(1)-b == -a
@test a-Int8(-1) == b
@test a-Int16(-1) == b
@test a-Int32(-1) == b
@test a-Int64(-1) == b
@test Int8(-1)- a == -b
@test Int16(-1)-a == -b
@test Int32(-1)-a == -b
@test Int64(-1)-a == -b
# Unsigned subtraction
@test b-true == a
@test b-UInt8(1) == a
@test b-UInt16(1) == a
@test b-UInt32(1) == a
@test b-UInt64(1) == a
@test true-b == -a
@test UInt8(1)- b == -a
@test UInt16(1)-b == -a
@test UInt32(1)-b == -a
@test UInt64(1)-b == -a
# Signed multiplication
@test a*Int8(1) == a
@test a*Int16(1) == a
@test a*Int32(1) == a
@test a*Int64(1) == a
@test Int8(1)* a == a
@test Int16(1)*a == a
@test Int32(1)*a == a
@test Int64(1)*a == a
@test a*Int8(-1) == -a
@test a*Int16(-1) == -a
@test a*Int32(-1) == -a
@test a*Int64(-1) == -a
@test Int8(-1)* a == -a
@test Int16(-1)*a == -a
@test Int32(-1)*a == -a
@test Int64(-1)*a == -a
# Unsigned multiplication
@test a*true == a
@test a*UInt8(1) == a
@test a*UInt16(1) == a
@test a*UInt32(1) == a
@test a*UInt64(1) == a
@test true*a == a
@test UInt8(1)* a == a
@test UInt16(1)*a == a
@test UInt32(1)*a == a
@test UInt64(1)*a == a
@test a+BigInt(1) == b
@test BigInt(5) << 3 == 40
@test BigInt(5) >> 1 == 2
@test BigInt(-5) << 3 == -40
@test BigInt(-5) >> 1 == -3
@test BigInt(5) >> -3 == 40
@test BigInt(5) << -1 == 2
@test BigInt(-5) >> -3 == -40
@test BigInt(-5) << -1 == -3
@test ~BigInt(123) == -124
@test BigInt(123) & BigInt(234) == 106
@test BigInt(123) | BigInt(234) == 251
@test BigInt(123) BigInt(234) == 145
@test gcd(BigInt(48), BigInt(180)) == 12
@test lcm(BigInt(48), BigInt(180)) == 720
@test factorial(BigInt(40)) == parse(BigInt,"815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000")
@test binomial(BigInt(1), -1) == BigInt(0)
@test binomial(BigInt(1), 2) == BigInt(0)
@test binomial(BigInt(-53), 42) == parse(BigInt,"959509335087854414441273718")
@test binomial(BigInt(113), BigInt(42)) == parse(BigInt,"18672199984318438125634054194360")
a = rand(1:100, 10000)
b = map(BigInt, a)
@test sum(a) == sum(b)
# Iterated arithmetic
a = parse(BigInt,"315135")
b = parse(BigInt,"12412")
c = parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783478347")
d = parse(BigInt,"-1398984130")
f = parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437315263635345357386985747464")
g = parse(BigInt,"-1")
@test +(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"327547")
@test +(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783805894")
@test +(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485903384821764")
@test +(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437318690130968843290370569228")
@test +(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437318690130968843290370569227")
@test *(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"3911455620")
@test *(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"13402585563389346256121263521460140")
@test *(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"-18750004504148804423388563022070650287578200")
@test *(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"-45258849200337190631492857400003938881995610529251881450243326128168934937055005474972396281351684800")
@test *(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"45258849200337190631492857400003938881995610529251881450243326128168934937055005474972396281351684800")
@test xor(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"327299")
@test xor(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783798472")
@test xor(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"-3426495623485906178489610")
@test xor(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"-2413804710837418037418307081437316711364709261074607933698")
@test xor(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"2413804710837418037418307081437316711364709261074607933697")
@test (&)(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"124")
@test (&)(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"72")
@test (&)(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"8")
@test (&)(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"8")
@test (&)(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"8")
@test (|)(a, b) == parse(BigInt,"327423")
@test (|)(a, b, c) == parse(BigInt,"3426495623485904783802111")
@test (|)(a, b, c, d) == parse(BigInt,"-1396834561")
@test (|)(a, b, c, d, f) == parse(BigInt,"-1358954753")
@test (|)(a, b, c, d, f, g) == parse(BigInt,"-1")
@test trailing_ones(a) == 8
@test trailing_zeros(b) == 2
@test count_ones(a) == 14
# Large Fibonacci to exercise BigInt
# from Bill Hart,
function mul(a::Vector{BigInt}, b::Vector{BigInt})
x = a[2]*b[2]
c = Array{BigInt,1}(3)
c[1] = a[1]*b[1] + x
c[2] = a[1]*b[2] + a[2]*b[3]
c[3] = x + a[3]*b[3]
return c
function bigfib(n)
n == 0 && return BigInt(0)
n -= 1
r = [BigInt(1), BigInt(1), BigInt(0)]
s = [BigInt(1), BigInt(0), BigInt(1)]
while true
(n & 1) == 1 && (s = mul(s,r))
(n >>= 1) == 0 && return s[1]
r = mul(r,r)
@test [bigfib(n) for n=0:10] == [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55]
n = bigfib(1000001)
@test ndigits(n) == 208988
@test mod(n,big(10)^15) == 359244926937501
@test div(n,big(10)^208973) == 316047687386689
s = string(n)
@test length(s) == 208988
@test endswith(s, "359244926937501")
@test startswith(s, "316047687386689")
# serialization (#5133)
let n = parse(BigInt,"359334085968622831041960188598043661065388726959079837")
b = IOBuffer()
@test deserialize(b) == n
# issue #5873
@test ndigits(big(90)) == 2
@test ndigits(big(99)) == 2
ndigits_mismatch(n) = ndigits(n) != ndigits(BigInt(n))
@test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 8:9)
@test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 64:99)
@test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 512:999)
@test !any(ndigits_mismatch, 8192:9999)
# The following should not crash (#16579)
ndigits(rand(big.(-999:999)), rand(63:typemax(Int)))
ndigits(rand(big.(-999:999)), big(2)^rand(2:999))
for i in big.([-20:-1;1:20])
for b in -10:1
@test_throws DomainError ndigits(i, b)
# conversion from float
@test BigInt(2.0) == BigInt(2.0f0) == BigInt(big(2.0)) == 2
@test_throws InexactError convert(BigInt, 2.1)
@test_throws InexactError convert(BigInt, big(2.1))
# issue #13367
@test trunc(BigInt,2.1) == 2
@test round(BigInt,2.1) == 2
@test floor(BigInt,2.1) == 2
@test ceil(BigInt,2.1) == 3
@test trunc(BigInt,2.1f0) == 2
@test round(BigInt,2.1f0) == 2
@test floor(BigInt,2.1f0) == 2
@test ceil(BigInt,2.1f0) == 3
@test_throws InexactError trunc(BigInt,Inf)
@test_throws InexactError round(BigInt,Inf)
@test_throws InexactError floor(BigInt,Inf)
@test_throws InexactError ceil(BigInt,Inf)
@test bin(big(3)) == "11"
@test oct(big(9)) == "11"
@test oct(-big(9)) == "-11"
@test hex(big(12)) == "c"
# Issue #18849: bin, oct, dec, hex should not call sizeof on BigInts
# when padding is desired
let padding = 4, low = big(4), high = big(2^20)
@test bin(low, padding) == "0100"
@test oct(low, padding) == "0004"
@test dec(low, padding) == "0004"
@test hex(low, padding) == "0004"
@test bin(high, padding) == "100000000000000000000"
@test oct(high, padding) == "4000000"
@test dec(high, padding) == "1048576"
@test hex(high, padding) == "100000"
@test bin(-low, padding) == "-0100" # handle negative numbers correctly
@test oct(-low, padding) == "-0004"
@test dec(-low, padding) == "-0004"
@test hex(-low, padding) == "-0004"
@test bin(-high, padding) == "-100000000000000000000"
@test oct(-high, padding) == "-4000000"
@test dec(-high, padding) == "-1048576"
@test hex(-high, padding) == "-100000"
# respect 0-padding on big(0)
for f in (bin, oct, dec, hex)
@test f(big(0), 0) == ""
@test base(rand(2:62), big(0), 0) == ""
@test isqrt(big(4)) == 2
@test isqrt(big(5)) == 2
@test big(5)^true == big(5)
@test big(5)^false == one(BigInt)
# operations that when applied to Int64 give Float64, should give BigFloat
@test typeof(exp(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(exp2(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(exp10(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(expm1(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(cosh(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(sinh(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(tanh(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(sech(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(csch(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(coth(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(cbrt(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(tan(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(cos(a)) == BigFloat
@test typeof(sin(a)) == BigFloat