mollusk 019f8e3064 Add: julia-0.6.2
Former-commit-id: ccc667cf67d569f3fb3df39aa57c2134755a7551
2018-02-10 10:27:19 -07:00

638 lines
23 KiB

// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:
// Meant to be included in <julia.h>
// threading ------------------------------------------------------------------
// WARNING: Threading support is incomplete and experimental
// Nonetheless, we define JL_THREAD and use it to give advanced notice to
// maintainers of what eventual threading support will change.
// set (in Make.user)
#if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__SSE2__)
# error Julia can only be built for architectures above Pentium 4. Pass -march=pentium4, or set MARCH=pentium4 and ensure that -march is not passed separately with an older architecture.
# include <intrin.h>
# include <type_traits>
#if defined(_CPU_X86_64_) || defined(_CPU_X86_)
# include <immintrin.h>
#ifndef _OS_WINDOWS_
# include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
typedef struct {
jl_taggedvalue_t *freelist; // root of list of free objects
jl_taggedvalue_t *newpages; // root of list of chunks of free objects
uint16_t osize; // size of objects in this pool
} jl_gc_pool_t;
typedef struct {
// variable for tracking weak references
arraylist_t weak_refs;
// variables for tracking malloc'd arrays
struct _mallocarray_t *mallocarrays;
struct _mallocarray_t *mafreelist;
// variables for tracking big objects
struct _bigval_t *big_objects;
// variables for tracking "remembered set"
arraylist_t rem_bindings;
arraylist_t _remset[2]; // contains jl_value_t*
// lower bound of the number of pointers inside remembered values
int remset_nptr;
arraylist_t *remset;
arraylist_t *last_remset;
// variables for allocating objects from pools
#ifdef _P64
# define JL_GC_N_POOLS 41
#elif defined(_CPU_ARM_) || defined(_CPU_PPC_) || defined(_CPU_X86_)
# define JL_GC_N_POOLS 42
# define JL_GC_N_POOLS 43
jl_gc_pool_t norm_pools[JL_GC_N_POOLS];
} jl_thread_heap_t;
// Cache of thread local change to global metadata during GC
// This is sync'd after marking.
typedef struct {
// thread local increment of `perm_scanned_bytes`
size_t perm_scanned_bytes;
// thread local increment of `scanned_bytes`
size_t scanned_bytes;
// Number of queued big objects (<= 1024)
size_t nbig_obj;
// Array of queued big objects to be moved between the young list
// and the old list.
// A set low bit means that the object should be moved from the old list
// to the young list (`mark_reset_age`).
// Objects can only be put into this list when the mark bit is flipped to
// `1` (atomically). Combining with the sync after marking,
// this makes sure that a single objects can only appear once in
// the lists (the mark bit cannot be flipped to `0` without sweeping)
void *big_obj[1024];
} jl_gc_mark_cache_t;
// This includes all the thread local states we care about for a thread.
#define JL_MAX_BT_SIZE 80000
typedef struct _jl_tls_states_t {
struct _jl_gcframe_t *pgcstack;
size_t world_age;
struct _jl_value_t *exception_in_transit;
volatile size_t *safepoint;
// Whether it is safe to execute GC at the same time.
// gc_state = 1 means the thread is doing GC or is waiting for the GC to
// finish.
#define JL_GC_STATE_SAFE 2
// gc_state = 2 means the thread is running unmanaged code that can be
// execute at the same time with the GC.
volatile int8_t gc_state;
volatile int8_t in_finalizer;
int8_t disable_gc;
volatile sig_atomic_t defer_signal;
struct _jl_module_t *current_module;
struct _jl_task_t *volatile current_task;
struct _jl_task_t *root_task;
void *stackbase;
char *stack_lo;
char *stack_hi;
jl_jmp_buf *volatile jmp_target;
jl_jmp_buf base_ctx; // base context of stack
jl_jmp_buf *safe_restore;
int16_t tid;
size_t bt_size;
// JL_MAX_BT_SIZE + 1 elements long
uintptr_t *bt_data;
// Atomically set by the sender, reset by the handler.
volatile sig_atomic_t signal_request;
// Allow the sigint to be raised asynchronously
// this is limited to the few places we do synchronous IO
// we can make this more general (similar to defer_signal) if necessary
volatile sig_atomic_t io_wait;
jl_thread_heap_t heap;
#ifndef _OS_WINDOWS_
// These are only used on unix now
pthread_t system_id;
void *signal_stack;
// execution of certain certain impure
// statements is prohibited from certain
// callbacks (such as generated functions)
// as it may make compilation undecidable
int in_pure_callback;
// Counter to disable finalizer **on the current thread**
int finalizers_inhibited;
arraylist_t finalizers;
jl_gc_mark_cache_t gc_cache;
} jl_tls_states_t;
typedef jl_tls_states_t *jl_ptls_t;
// Update codegen version in `ccall.cpp` after changing either `pause` or `wake`
#ifdef __MIC__
# define jl_cpu_pause() _mm_delay_64(100)
# define jl_cpu_wake() ((void)0)
# define JL_CPU_WAKE_NOOP 1
#elif defined(_CPU_X86_64_) || defined(_CPU_X86_) /* !__MIC__ */
# define jl_cpu_pause() _mm_pause()
# define jl_cpu_wake() ((void)0)
# define JL_CPU_WAKE_NOOP 1
#elif defined(_CPU_AARCH64_) || (defined(_CPU_ARM_) && __ARM_ARCH >= 7)
# define jl_cpu_pause() __asm__ volatile ("wfe" ::: "memory")
# define jl_cpu_wake() __asm__ volatile ("sev" ::: "memory")
# define JL_CPU_WAKE_NOOP 0
# define jl_cpu_pause() ((void)0)
# define jl_cpu_wake() ((void)0)
# define JL_CPU_WAKE_NOOP 1
// Copied from libuv. Add `JL_CONST_FUNC` so that the compiler
// can optimize this better.
static inline unsigned long JL_CONST_FUNC jl_thread_self(void)
#ifdef _OS_WINDOWS_
return (unsigned long)GetCurrentThreadId();
return (unsigned long)pthread_self();
* Thread synchronization primitives:
* These roughly follows the c11/c++11 memory model and the act as memory
* barriers at both the compiler level and the hardware level.
* The only exception is the GC safepoint and GC state transitions for which
* we use only a compiler (signal) barrier and use the signal handler to do the
* synchronization in order to lower the mutator overhead as much as possible.
* We use the compiler intrinsics to implement a similar API to the c11/c++11
* one instead of using it directly because,
* 1. We support GCC 4.7 and GCC add support for c11 atomics in 4.9.
* Luckily, the __atomic intrinsics were added in GCC 4.7.
* 2. (most importantly) we need interoperability between code written
* in different languages.
* The current c++ standard (c++14) does not allow using c11 atomic
* functions or types and there's currently no guarantee that the two
* types are compatible (although most of them probably are).
* We also need to access these atomic variables from the LLVM JIT code
* which is very hard unless the layout of the object is fully
* specified.
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# define jl_signal_fence() __atomic_signal_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
# define jl_atomic_fetch_add_relaxed(obj, arg) \
__atomic_fetch_add(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
# define jl_atomic_fetch_add(obj, arg) \
__atomic_fetch_add(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
# define jl_atomic_fetch_and_relaxed(obj, arg) \
__atomic_fetch_and(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
# define jl_atomic_fetch_and(obj, arg) \
__atomic_fetch_and(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
# define jl_atomic_fetch_or_relaxed(obj, arg) \
__atomic_fetch_or(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
# define jl_atomic_fetch_or(obj, arg) \
__atomic_fetch_or(obj, arg, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
// Returns the original value of `obj`
// Use the legacy __sync builtins for now, this can also be written using
// the __atomic builtins or c11 atomics with GNU extension or c11 _Generic
# define jl_atomic_compare_exchange(obj, expected, desired) \
__sync_val_compare_and_swap(obj, expected, desired)
# define jl_atomic_exchange(obj, desired) \
__atomic_exchange_n(obj, desired, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
# define jl_atomic_exchange_relaxed(obj, desired) \
__atomic_exchange_n(obj, desired, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
// TODO: Maybe add jl_atomic_compare_exchange_weak for spin lock
# define jl_atomic_store(obj, val) \
__atomic_store_n(obj, val, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
# if defined(__clang__) || defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || \
!(defined(_CPU_X86_) || defined(_CPU_X86_64_))
// ICC and Clang doesn't have this bug...
# define jl_atomic_store_release(obj, val) \
__atomic_store_n(obj, val, __ATOMIC_RELEASE)
# else
// Workaround a GCC bug when using store with release order by using the
// stronger version instead.
# define jl_atomic_store_release(obj, val) do { \
jl_signal_fence(); \
__atomic_store_n(obj, val, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); \
} while (0)
# endif
# define jl_atomic_load(obj) \
__atomic_load_n(obj, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)
# define jl_atomic_load_acquire(obj) \
__atomic_load_n(obj, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)
#elif defined(_COMPILER_MICROSOFT_)
# define jl_signal_fence() _ReadWriteBarrier()
// add
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_add(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedExchangeAdd8((volatile char*)obj, (char)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_add(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedExchangeAdd16((volatile short*)obj, (short)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_add(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile LONG*)obj, (LONG)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_add(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedExchangeAdd64((volatile __int64*)obj, (__int64)arg);
#define jl_atomic_fetch_add_relaxed(obj, arg) jl_atomic_fetch_add(obj, arg)
// and
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_and(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedAnd8((volatile char*)obj, (char)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_and(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedAnd16((volatile short*)obj, (short)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_and(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedAnd((volatile LONG*)obj, (LONG)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_and(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedAnd64((volatile __int64*)obj, (__int64)arg);
#define jl_atomic_fetch_and_relaxed(obj, arg) jl_atomic_fetch_and(obj, arg)
// or
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_or(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedOr8((volatile char*)obj, (char)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_or(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedOr16((volatile short*)obj, (short)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_or(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedOr((volatile LONG*)obj, (LONG)arg);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8, T>::type
jl_atomic_fetch_or(T *obj, T2 arg)
return (T)_InterlockedOr64((volatile __int64*)obj, (__int64)arg);
#define jl_atomic_fetch_or_relaxed(obj, arg) jl_atomic_fetch_or(obj, arg)
// Returns the original value of `obj`
template<typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1, T>::type
jl_atomic_compare_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 expected, T3 desired)
return (T)_InterlockedCompareExchange8((volatile char*)obj,
(char)desired, (char)expected);
template<typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2, T>::type
jl_atomic_compare_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 expected, T3 desired)
return (T)_InterlockedCompareExchange16((volatile short*)obj,
(short)desired, (short)expected);
template<typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4, T>::type
jl_atomic_compare_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 expected, T3 desired)
return (T)_InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile LONG*)obj,
(LONG)desired, (LONG)expected);
template<typename T, typename T2, typename T3>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8, T>::type
jl_atomic_compare_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 expected, T3 desired)
return (T)_InterlockedCompareExchange64((volatile __int64*)obj,
(__int64)desired, (__int64)expected);
// atomic exchange
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1, T>::type
jl_atomic_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
return _InterlockedExchange8((volatile char*)obj, (char)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2, T>::type
jl_atomic_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
return _InterlockedExchange16((volatile short*)obj, (short)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4, T>::type
jl_atomic_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
return _InterlockedExchange((volatile LONG*)obj, (LONG)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8, T>::type
jl_atomic_exchange(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
return _InterlockedExchange64((volatile __int64*)obj, (__int64)val);
#define jl_atomic_exchange_relaxed(obj, val) jl_atomic_exchange(obj, val)
// atomic stores
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1>::type
jl_atomic_store(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
_InterlockedExchange8((volatile char*)obj, (char)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2>::type
jl_atomic_store(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
_InterlockedExchange16((volatile short*)obj, (short)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4>::type
jl_atomic_store(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
_InterlockedExchange((volatile LONG*)obj, (LONG)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8>::type
jl_atomic_store(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
_InterlockedExchange64((volatile __int64*)obj, (__int64)val);
template<typename T, typename T2>
static inline void jl_atomic_store_release(volatile T *obj, T2 val)
*obj = (T)val;
// atomic loads
template<typename T>
static inline T jl_atomic_load(volatile T *obj)
// Trick to generate cheaper instructions compare to `_InterlockedOr`
// Note that we don't care whether the exchange succeeded or not...
return jl_atomic_compare_exchange(obj, T(0), T(0));
template<typename T>
static inline T jl_atomic_load_acquire(volatile T *obj)
T val = *obj;
return val;
# error "No atomic operations supported."
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
JL_DLLEXPORT int16_t jl_threadid(void);
JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_threadgroup(void);
JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_threading_profile(void);
JL_DLLEXPORT void (jl_cpu_pause)(void);
JL_DLLEXPORT void (jl_cpu_wake)(void);
// Accessing the tls variables, gc safepoint and gc states
JL_DLLEXPORT JL_CONST_FUNC jl_ptls_t (jl_get_ptls_states)(void);
// This triggers a SegFault when we are in GC
// Assign it to a variable to make sure the compiler emit the load
// and to avoid Clang warning for -Wunused-volatile-lvalue
#define jl_gc_safepoint_(ptls) do { \
jl_signal_fence(); \
size_t safepoint_load = *ptls->safepoint; \
jl_signal_fence(); \
(void)safepoint_load; \
} while (0)
#define jl_sigint_safepoint(ptls) do { \
jl_signal_fence(); \
size_t safepoint_load = ptls->safepoint[-1]; \
jl_signal_fence(); \
(void)safepoint_load; \
} while (0)
extern JL_DLLEXPORT jl_tls_states_t jl_tls_states;
#define jl_get_ptls_states() (&jl_tls_states)
#define jl_gc_state(ptls) ((int8_t)0)
STATIC_INLINE int8_t jl_gc_state_set(jl_ptls_t ptls, int8_t state,
int8_t old_state)
return old_state;
typedef jl_ptls_t (*jl_get_ptls_states_func)(void);
#if !defined(_OS_DARWIN_) && !defined(_OS_WINDOWS_)
JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_set_ptls_states_getter(jl_get_ptls_states_func f);
// Make sure jl_gc_state() is always a rvalue
#define jl_gc_state(ptls) ((int8_t)ptls->gc_state)
STATIC_INLINE int8_t jl_gc_state_set(jl_ptls_t ptls, int8_t state,
int8_t old_state)
ptls->gc_state = state;
// A safe point is required if we transition from GC-safe region to
// non GC-safe region.
if (old_state && !state)
return old_state;
STATIC_INLINE int8_t jl_gc_state_save_and_set(jl_ptls_t ptls,
int8_t state)
return jl_gc_state_set(ptls, state, jl_gc_state(ptls));
#define jl_gc_unsafe_enter(ptls) jl_gc_state_save_and_set(ptls, 0)
#define jl_gc_unsafe_leave(ptls, state) ((void)jl_gc_state_set(ptls, (state), 0))
#define jl_gc_safe_enter(ptls) jl_gc_state_save_and_set(ptls, JL_GC_STATE_SAFE)
#define jl_gc_safe_leave(ptls, state) ((void)jl_gc_state_set(ptls, (state), JL_GC_STATE_SAFE))
JL_DLLEXPORT void (jl_gc_safepoint)(void);
#define JL_SIGATOMIC_BEGIN() do { \
jl_get_ptls_states()->defer_signal++; \
jl_signal_fence(); \
} while (0)
#define JL_SIGATOMIC_END() do { \
jl_signal_fence(); \
if (--jl_get_ptls_states()->defer_signal == 0) { \
jl_sigint_safepoint(jl_get_ptls_states()); \
} \
} while (0)
// Recursive spin lock
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned long owner;
uint32_t count;
} jl_mutex_t;
JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_gc_enable_finalizers(jl_ptls_t ptls, int on);
static inline void jl_lock_frame_push(jl_mutex_t *lock);
static inline void jl_lock_frame_pop(void);
// JL_LOCK and jl_mutex_lock are GC safe points while JL_LOCK_NOGC
// and jl_mutex_lock_nogc are not.
// Always use JL_LOCK unless no one holding the lock can trigger a GC or GC
// safepoint. JL_LOCK_NOGC should only be needed for GC internal locks.
// The JL_LOCK* and JL_UNLOCK* macros are no-op for non-threading build
// while the jl_mutex_* functions are always locking and unlocking the locks.
static inline void jl_mutex_wait(jl_mutex_t *lock, int safepoint)
unsigned long self = jl_thread_self();
unsigned long owner = jl_atomic_load_acquire(&lock->owner);
if (owner == self) {
while (1) {
if (owner == 0 &&
jl_atomic_compare_exchange(&lock->owner, 0, self) == 0) {
lock->count = 1;
if (safepoint) {
jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
owner = lock->owner;
static inline void jl_mutex_lock_nogc(jl_mutex_t *lock)
jl_mutex_wait(lock, 0);
static inline void jl_mutex_lock(jl_mutex_t *lock)
jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
jl_mutex_wait(lock, 1);
jl_gc_enable_finalizers(ptls, 0);
/* Call this function for code that could be called from either a managed
or an unmanaged thread */
static inline void jl_mutex_lock_maybe_nogc(jl_mutex_t *lock)
jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
if (ptls->safepoint) {
} else {
static inline void jl_mutex_unlock_nogc(jl_mutex_t *lock)
assert(lock->owner == jl_thread_self() &&
"Unlocking a lock in a different thread.");
if (--lock->count == 0) {
jl_atomic_store_release(&lock->owner, 0);
static inline void jl_mutex_unlock(jl_mutex_t *lock)
jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
jl_gc_enable_finalizers(ptls, 1);
static inline void jl_mutex_unlock_maybe_nogc(jl_mutex_t *lock) {
jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_get_ptls_states();
if (ptls->safepoint) {
} else {
static inline void jl_mutex_init(jl_mutex_t *lock)
lock->owner = 0;
lock->count = 0;
// Locks
#define JL_MUTEX_INIT(m) jl_mutex_init(m)
#define JL_LOCK(m) jl_mutex_lock(m)
#define JL_UNLOCK(m) jl_mutex_unlock(m)
#define JL_LOCK_NOGC(m) jl_mutex_lock_nogc(m)
#define JL_UNLOCK_NOGC(m) jl_mutex_unlock_nogc(m)
static inline void jl_mutex_check_type(jl_mutex_t *m)
#define JL_MUTEX_INIT(m) jl_mutex_check_type(m)
#define JL_LOCK(m) do { \
jl_gc_enable_finalizers(jl_get_ptls_states(), 0); \
jl_mutex_check_type(m); \
} while (0)
#define JL_UNLOCK(m) do { \
jl_gc_enable_finalizers(jl_get_ptls_states(), 1); \
jl_mutex_check_type(m); \
} while (0)
#define JL_LOCK_NOGC(m) jl_mutex_check_type(m)
#define JL_UNLOCK_NOGC(m) jl_mutex_check_type(m)
#ifdef __cplusplus