#!/bin/bash echo " ===============" echo "| Git Config |" echo " ===============" echo echo -n "Global config or local? (g/l): " read location echo echo "The following will be displayed in your commits..." echo -n "E-mail Address: " read email echo -n "Username: " read name echo if [ "${location}" = "g" ];then echo "Review for global config:" echo echo "Email Address: ${email}" echo "Username: ${name}" echo echo -n "Are these settings correct? (y/n): " read confirm if [ "${confirm}" = "n" ];then echo echo "Setup Cancelled...re-run to start over" exit 0; else git config --global user.email ${email} git config --global user.name ${name} echo echo "Saved global config" exit 0; fi elif [ "${location}" = "l" ];then echo "Review for local config:" echo echo "Email Address: ${email}" echo "Username: ${name}" echo echo -n "Are these settings correct? (y/n): " read confirm if [ "${confirm}" = "n" ];then echo echo "Setup Cancelled...re-run to start over" exit 0; else git config user.email ${email} git config user.name ${name} echo echo "Saved local config" exit 0; fi fi