#!/bin/bash pkgname="teamviewer" arch="amd64" deps="wget xz hicolor-icon-theme qt5-declarative qt5-quickcontrols qt5-webkit qt5-x11extras" src="https://download.${pkgname}.com/download/linux/${pkgname}_${arch}.tar.xz" installdir="/home/${USER}/.teamviewer" prepare_(){ echo "Preparing directories..." if [ ! -d ${installdir} ];then mkdir -pv ${installdir} fi } deps_(){ echo "Installing dependencies..." sudo xbps-install -Sy ${deps} } download_(){ echo "Downloading source file..." if [ ! -f /tmp/${pkgname}_${arch}.tar.xz ];then wget ${src} -P /tmp fi } extract_(){ echo "Extracting archive..." if [ -f /tmp/${pkgname}_${arch}.tar.xz ];then tar -xvf /tmp/${pkgname}_${arch}.tar.xz -C ${installdir} fi } install_(){ echo "Installing desktop file..." sudo cp ${installdir}/${pkgname}/${pkgname}.desktop /usr/share/applications/ echo "Linking binaries..." sudo ln -s ${installdir}/${pkgname}/tv_bin/script/${pkgname} /usr/bin/${pkgname} sudo ln -s ${installdir}/${pkgname}/tv_bin/${pkgname}d /usr/bin/${pkgname}d echo } init_(){ echo "Launching Teamviewer to create desktop file..." ${installdir}/${pkgname}/${pkgname} & } finished_(){ echo "All finished! Look for the desktop icon in your applications menu." } prepare_ deps_ download_ extract_ init_ install_ finished_