#!/bin/bash # Colors RED='\033[0;31m' LRED="\033[1;31m" BLUE="\033[0;34m" LBLUE="\033[1;34m" GREEN="\033[0;32m" LGREEN="\033[1;32m" YELLOW="\033[1;33m" CYAN="\033[0;36m" LCYAN="\033[1;36m" PURPLE="\033[0;35m" LPURPLE="\033[1;35m" BWHITE="\e[1m" NC='\033[0m' # No Color VOICEON="true" #VoicControl (){ if [ "${VOICEON}" = "true" ];then MODE="espeak" elif [ "${VOICEON}" = "false" ];then MODE="" fi #} printf "${LBLUE}What is the name of person 1?:${NC} " read person1 if [ "${MODE}" = "espeak" ];then espeak "${person1} Joined the chat" & echo "${person1} Joined the chat" else echo "${person1} Joined the chat" fi printf "${LPURPLE}What is the name of person 2?:${NC} " read person2 if [ "${MODE}" = "espeak" ];then espeak "${person2} Joined the chat" & echo "${person2} Joined the chat" else echo "${person2} Joined the chat" fi echo -e "${LCYAN}Type 'quit' to exit the chat${NC}\n" while true;do #printf "${LGREEN}${person1}:${NC} " read something1 if [ ! -z "${something1}" ];then echo -e "${LGREEN}${person1}: ${something1}${NC}\n" continue elif [ "${something1}" = "quit" ];then echo -e "${LRED}${person1} exited the chat!${NC}\n" exit 0 else continue fi #printf "${YELLOW}${person2}:${NC} " read something2 if [ ! -z "${something2}" ];then echo -e "${YELLOW}${person2}: ${something2}${NC}\n" continue elif [ "${something2}" = "quit" ];then echo -e "${LRED}${person2} exited the chat!${NC}\n" exit 0 else continue fi done