#!/bin/bash # Author: Justin Moore # Version: 0.2.0 #connection testing settings pingcmd="ping -q -c 1" site="google.com" #notification settings sound_player="espeak" player_opts=("-v en-uk-north") sound_file="" sound_message="The internet is working!" popup_box="false" play_sound="true" #Script Functions loop_script="true" ################################################################################ ## DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BEYOND THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ## ################################################################################ withLoop(){ while true; do clear echo echo "Pinging ${site} until a connection is reached" ${pingcmd} ${site} &>/dev/null if [ $? = "2" ];then echo echo "The internet is not working:(" sleep 1 elif [ $? = "1" ];then if [ "${play_sound}" = "true" ];then ${sound_player} ${player_opts[*]} ${sound_file} "${sound_message}" & fi lanip=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p') pubip=$(curl -s ifconfig.me) clear echo "Yay! The internet is working! :)" echo echo " =====================" echo "| Connection Info |" echo " =====================" echo echo "Local IP Address: ${lanip}" echo echo "External IP Address: ${pubip}" echo if [ "${popup_box}" = "true" ];then zenity --info --text="Ping to '${site}' successful!" &>/dev/null fi exit 0; fi done } withoutLoop(){ clear echo echo "Pinging ${site}" ${pingcmd} ${site} &>/dev/null if [ $? = "2" ];then echo echo "The internet is not working :(" elif [ $? = "1" ];then if [ "${play_sound}" = "true" ];then ${sound_player} ${player_opts} ${sound_file} "${sound_message}" & fi lanip=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p') pubip=$(curl -s http://whatismijnip.nl |cut -d " " -f 5) clear echo "Yay! The internet is working! :)" echo echo " =====================" echo "| Connection Info |" echo " =====================" echo echo "Local IP Address: ${lanip}" echo echo "External IP Address: ${pubip}" echo if [ "${popup_box}" = "true" ];then zenity --info --text="Ping to '${site}' successful!" &>/dev/null fi exit 0; fi } if [ "${loop_script}" = "true" ];then withLoop else withoutLoop fi