56 lines
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56 lines
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--# GtkGrid demo
include GtkEngine.e
function PrintHello()
return 1
end function
constant print_hello = call_back(routine_id("PrintHello"))
-- create a new window;
constant window = create(GtkWindow,"title=Grid Demo,border=10,position=1,$destroy=Quit")
-- a container to hold our buttons;
constant grid = create(GtkGrid)
-- Pack the container in the window;
atom button = create(GtkButton,"Button 1",print_hello)
-- Place the first button in the grid cell (0, 0), and make it fill
-- just 1 cell horizontally and vertically (ie no spanning)
set(grid,"attach",button, 0, 0, 1, 1)
button = create(GtkButton,"Button 2",print_hello)
-- Place the second button in the grid cell (1, 0), and make it fill
-- just 1 cell horizontally and vertically (ie no spanning)
set(grid,"attach",button, 1, 0, 1, 1)
button = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit")
-- Place the Quit button in the grid cell (0, 1), and make it
-- span 2 columns.
set(grid,"attach", button, 0, 1, 2, 1)
-- Now that we are done packing our widgets, we show them all
-- in one go, by calling gtk_widget_show_all() on the window.
-- This call recursively calls gtk_widget_show() on all widgets
-- that are contained in the window, directly or indirectly.
show_all (window)
-- All GTK applications must have a gtk_main(). Control ends here
-- and waits for an event to occur (like a key press or a mouse event),
-- until gtk_main_quit() is called.
main ()