2016-11-25 00:27:22 -07:00

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279 KiB

namespace gtk
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-- either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-- version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pl, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
export constant
version = "4.9.4",
release = "Apr 15, 2015",
copyright = "© 2015 by Irv Mullins"
public include GtkEnums.e
-- GtkEnums includes most of Eu std libraries, making them available to your eu programs
-- without specifically including them. std/math, std/locale, and std/datetime aren't
-- public, because that would cause too many conflicting names, requiring you to use
-- namespaces everywhere.
if not equal(gtk:version,enums:version) then
crash("Version mismatch: GtkEnums should be version %s",{version})
end if
include std/datetime.e
include std/math.e
public constant -- 'shorthand' identifiers save space in method prototypes;
export object LIBS
constant windll = "C:\\gtk\\bin\\" -- assume this is where you put your gtk3.dll's
ifdef OSX then -- thanks to Pete Eberlein for testing with OSX!
LIBS = {open_dll("/opt/local/lib/libgtk-3.dylib" )}
elsifdef UNIX then -- Linux, BSD, etc.
LIBS = {open_dll("" )}
end ifdef
ifdef WINDOWS then -- assuming you put the dlls in C:\\gtk...
LIBS = {
atom x
chdir(windll) -- switch to dll folder so dll's can find other dll's
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do
x = open_dll(windll & LIBS[i])
if x = 0 then
display("Error loading []",{windll & LIBS[i]})
LIBS[i] = x
end if
end for
end ifdef
if not object(LIBS) then
crash("GTK Libraries not found!")
end if
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do
if LIBS[i] = 0 then
crash("GTK Library %s not found!",{LIBS[i]})
end if
end for
constant cmd = command_line() -- used only to get program name
if not gtk_func("gtk_init_check",{P,P},{0,0}) then -- initialize the GTK library;
crash("GTK Library error - cannot init GTK!")
else -- success!
gtk_proc("g_set_prgname",{S}," " & filename(cmd[2])) -- set default pgm name;
gtk_proc("g_type_init",{}) -- initialize normal GTK types;
end if
public constant -- two special types must be initialized at run-time; ??
gPIX = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_get_type"),
gCOMBO = gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_get_type")
-- obtain a lot of sometimes useful system info;
include euphoria/info.e
constant os_info = os:uname()
export constant
major_version = gtk_func("gtk_get_major_version"),
minor_version = gtk_func("gtk_get_minor_version"),
micro_version = gtk_func("gtk_get_micro_version"),
user_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_name"),
real_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_real_name"),
host_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_host_name"),
home_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_home_dir"),
temp_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_tmp_dir"),
curr_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_current_dir"),
data_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_data_dir"),
conf_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_config_dir"),
init_dir = init_curdir(),
runt_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_runtime_dir"),
app_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_application_name"),
prg_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_prgname"),
os_pid = os:get_pid(), -- process id 1234
os_name = os_info[1], -- e.g: Linux
os_distro = os_info[2], -- e.g: Mint17
os_version = os_info[3], -- e.g: 3.13.0-24-generic
os_compiled = os_info[4] -- #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014
ifdef UNIX then
export constant
host_addr = inet_address(),
os_architecture = os_info[5], -- e.g: x86_64
os_shell = getenv("SHELL") -- e.g: /bin/bash
end ifdef
ifdef WINDOWS then -- FIXME
export constant
host_addr = "localhost",
os_architecture = "unknown",
os_shell = ""
end ifdef
object os_term = getenv("TERM")
if atom(os_term) then os_term = "none" end if
ifdef WINDOWS then os_term = "CMD.COM" end ifdef
export constant info = { -- above system info in key/value form, sometimes more useful
"version=" & version,
"release=" & release,
"copyright=" & copyright,
"major=" & to_string(major_version),
"minor=" & to_string(minor_version),
"micro=" & to_string(micro_version),
"user_name=" & user_name,
"real_name=" & real_name,
"host_name=" & host_name,
"host_addr=" & host_addr,
"home_dir=" & home_dir,
"temp_dir=" & temp_dir,
"curr_dir=" & curr_dir,
"data_dir=" & data_dir,
"conf_dir=" & conf_dir,
"init_dir=" & init_dir,
"runt_dir=" & runt_dir,
"app_name=" & app_name,
"prg_name=" & prg_name,
"os_pid=" & to_string(os:get_pid()),
"os_name=" & os_info[1],
"os_distro=" & os_info[2],
"os_version=" & os_info[3],
"os_compiled=" & os_info[4],
"os_architecture=" & os_architecture,
"os_term=" & os_term,
"os_shell=" & os_shell,
"eu_version=" & version_string_short(),
"eu_revision=" & to_string(version_revision()),
"eu_date=" & version_date()
ifdef WINDOWS then -- switch back from GTK3 dll folder
end ifdef
public function create(integer class,
object p1=0, object p2=0, object p3=0, object p4=0,
object p5=0, object p6=0, object p7=0, object p8=0)
-- This function does the following:
-- 1. initializes the class if not already initialized,
-- 2. creates a new instance of the class (returning a handle to that instance)
-- 3. links signals to your specified Eu function (for commonly-used widgets),
-- Widgets which have no default signal or which need to respond to a signal
-- other than the default must be linked manually, using connect().
-- If no function is specified, no link will be created.
-- Immediately following the function identifier is an optional data item.
-- data item can contain anything - integer, atom, string, or mixed sequence.
if class = GtkStockList then -- GtkStock is not a real widget,
return newStockList() -- in addition, stock items are deprecated in 3.10+
end if
if not initialized[class] then -- create a routine_id for each 'method' in class
end if
object method = lookup("new",vslice(widget[class],1),widget[class],0)
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then -- if a 'new' method name not found,
printf(1,"\nERROR 220: %s not implemented in this version of GTK!\n",widget[class])
puts(1,"\nPress any key ...")
end if
object props = 0
if sequence(p1) and sequence(p1[1]) then -- list of properties provided (new style)
props = p1 -- save until widget is created, then set them in one 'swell foop'
p1 = 0
end if
atom handle = 0
object params = method[PARAMS]
object args = {p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8}
args = args[1..length(params)]
ifdef PARAMS then display(params) end ifdef -- debug
for i = 1 to length(params) do
switch params[i] do
case S then -- convert string to pointer to cstring;
if string(args[i]) then
args[i] = allocate_string(args[i])
end if
end switch
end for
ifdef CREATE then -- debug
puts(1,"Args: ") display(args)
ifdef METHOD then display(method) end ifdef
end ifdef
if method[RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK function (routine_id is positive)
handle = c_func(method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if method[RETVAL] < -1 then -- it's a Eu func (a negated routine_id)
handle = call_func(-method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if handle = 0 then
ifdef CREATE then
Warn(,,"Create failed for class",widget[class][$])
crash("Create failed for class %s",{widget[class][$]})
end ifdef
return handle
end if
switch class do -- connect a default signal for some common controls;
case GtkButton then connect(handle,"clicked",p2,p3)
case GtkToolButton then connect(handle,"clicked",p3,p4)
case GtkRadioButton then connect(handle,"toggled",p3,p4)
case GtkRadioToolButton then connect(handle,"toggled",p3,p4)
case GtkRadioMenuItem then connect(handle,"toggled",p3,p4)
case GtkMenuItem then connect(handle,"activate",p2,p3)
case GtkCheckMenuItem then connect(handle,"toggled",p2,p3)
case GtkCellRendererToggle then connect(handle,"toggled",p1,p2)
case GtkFontButton then connect(handle,"font-set",p2,p3)
case GtkStatusIcon then connect(handle,"activate",p1,p2)
case GtkColorButton then connect(handle,"color-set",p2,p3)
case GtkCalendar then connect(handle,"day-selected-double-click",p2,p3)
case GtkComboBoxText, GtkComboBoxEntry then connect(handle,"changed",p1,p2)
case GtkCheckButton, GtkToggleButton, GtkToggleToolButton
then connect(handle,"toggled",p2,p3)
end switch
ifdef CREATE then -- debug
display("\t[] => []\n",{widget[class][$],handle})
end ifdef
if not atom(props) then -- set properties using new style;
for i = 1 to length(props) do
while length(props[i]) < 4 do props[i] &= 0 end while
end for
end if
return handle -- a pointer to the newly created instance
end function /*create*/
public function set(object handle, sequence property,
object p1=0, object p2=0, object p3=0, object p4=0,
object p5=0, object p6=0, object p7=0, object p8=0)
-- This routine sets a property or sequence of properties
-- for the given widget handle.
-- In order to work with Glade, widget names in string form
-- may be used.
-- Property is always a string, p1...p8 are [optional] parameters.
-- Any parameter expected but not supplied is set to null, excess
-- parameters are discarded.
integer class=-1, x
object name
name = handle
if string(handle) then handle = pointer(handle) end if
if handle = 0 then
crash("Fatal error 325 Can't obtain a handle for %s",{name})
end if
object prop = 0
if sequence(property) -- new create format
and not string(property) then
for i = 1 to length(property) do
prop = property[i]
while length(prop) < 8 do prop &= 0 end while
end for
return 0
end if
class = vlookup(handle,registry,1,2,-1) -- get widget's class;
if class = -1 then
display("Error 343 in set() - invalid handle [] []",{handle,prop})
end if
property = "set_" & lower(join(split(property,' '),'_')) -- conform;
ifdef SET then
display("Line 349 []->[]",{widget[class][$],property})
end ifdef
object method = lookup_method(class,property)
ifdef METHOD then display(method) end ifdef
if atom(method) then -- method not defined, try fallback to generic Object;
if not setProperty(handle,property[5..$],p1) then
ifdef SET then --debug
printf(1,"Caution: %s not found for class %d %s\n",
end ifdef
end if
return 0
end if
-- else, method was found;
object params = method[PARAMS]
switch method[1] do -- make life easier for a common operation;
case "set_from_file" then p1 = canonical_path(p1)
end switch
object args = {handle,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8}
args = args[1..length(params)] -- match args to formal parameters;
for i = 2 to length(args) do
switch params[i] do
case A then -- array of strings;
if not atom(args[i]) then
args[i] = allocate_string_pointer_array(args[i])
end if
case S then -- string;
if string(args[i]) then
args[i] = allocate_string(args[i])
end if
case I,D then
if string(args[i]) then
args[i] = to_number(args[i])
end if
-- apply patches for zero-based indexes;
switch method[1] do
case "add_attribute",
"set_sort_column_id" then args[i]-=1
end switch
end switch
end for
ifdef SET then -- debug
puts(1,"\tArgs: ") display(decode_args(method,args),
end ifdef
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then -- GTK doesn't know about this method!
Warning: %s->%s call is invalid,
******** perhaps you need a later GTK version?
return 0
end if
if method[RETVAL] = 0 then -- it's a GTK proc
return 0
end if
if method[RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK func
return c_func(method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if method[RETVAL] <-1 then -- it's a Eu func
return call_func(-method[VECTOR],args)
end if
return 0
end function /*set*/
export function get(object handle, sequence property,
object p1=allocate(64), object p2=allocate(64),
object p3=allocate(64), object p4=allocate(64))
-- This routine gets one or more values for a given property name.
-- Property name is always a string, handle is usually an atom,
-- but may sometimes be a string in order to work with Glade.
-- parameters p1...p4 are normally not supplied when calling get()
-- but are there to store return values from the GTK function.
-- For example, get(win,"default size") will return with the
-- window width in p1, height in p2, which are converted by the get
-- function into a Euphoria tuple {w,h} before returning.
integer class, x
object name
if string(handle) then handle = pointer(handle) end if
class = vlookup(handle,registry,1,2,-1) -- get widget's class;
if class = -1 then
crash("Error 459 - unregistered handle %d",handle)
end if
property = "get_" & lower(join(split(property,' '),'_'))
object method = lookup_method(class,property)
object result = 0
if atom(method) then -- not found, try fallback to Object;
result = getProperty(handle,property[5..$])
return result
end if
-- else, method found;
object params = method[PARAMS]
object args = {handle,p1,p2,p3,p4}
args = args[1..length(params)]
ifdef GET then -- debug
puts(1,"\tArgs: ") display(decode_args(method,args),
end ifdef
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then
crash("\nERROR 478\n****** Invalid call: %s->%s",{widget[class][$],method[1]})
end if
for i = 2 to length(args) do -- convert args to pointers if necessary;
switch method[PARAMS][i] do
case S then
if string(args[i]) then args[i] = allocate_string(args[i]) end if
end switch
end for
if method[RETVAL] = 0 then -- it's a GTK proc
for i = 2 to length(method[PARAMS]) do -- convert returned values;
switch method[PARAMS][i] do
case D then args[i] = float64_to_atom(peek({args[i],8}))
case F then args[i] = float32_to_atom(peek({args[i],4}))
case S then if args[i] > 0 then args[i] = peek_string(args[i]) end if
case I then args[i] = peek4s(args[i])
end switch
end for
result = args[2..$]
end if
if method[RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK func
result = c_func(method[VECTOR],args)
switch method[RETVAL] do
case S then -- convert string pointer to string;
if result > 0 then
result = peek_string(result)
result = 0
end if
case A then
result = to_sequence(result)
case I then
switch method[1] do -- patch for zero-based indexing
case "get_active",
"get_sort_column_id" then result += 1
end switch
end switch
end if
if method[RETVAL] <-1 then -- it's a Eu func (negated routine_id)
result = call_func(-method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if method[CLASS] != GSList then
if method[CLASS] != 0 then -- for widgets created 'internally' by GTK;
if not initialized[method[CLASS]] then init(method[CLASS]) end if
end if
end if
ifdef GET then -- debug
if string(result) then
display("\tReturns: '[]'",{result})
display("\tReturns: []",{result})
end if
end ifdef
return result
end function /*get*/
public function add(object parent, object child, object space = 0)
-- add a child widget or a {list} of child widgets to parent container
object name, class, handle
if classid(child) = GdkPixbuf then -- issue a warning;
return Warn(,,"Cannot add a pixbuf to a container",
"Create an image from it first,\nthen add the image,\nor save it for later use!")
end if
if classid(parent) = GtkBuilder then
return 1
end if
if string(parent) then
parent = vlookup(parent,registry,4,1,-1)
end if
if string(child) then
child = vlookup(child,registry,4,1,-1)
end if
-- Switch below implements an easier-to-remember 'add' syntax
-- as an alias for the various calls shown. The GTK original is still available,
-- if you wish to use it.
switch classid(parent) do
case GtkComboBoxText, GtkComboBoxEntry then
for i = 1 to length(child) do
set(parent,"append text",child[i]) -- add is alias for "append text"
end for
case GtkToolbar then
if atom(child) then
else for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
return child
case GtkFileChooserDialog then
if atom(child) then
if classid(child) = GtkFileFilter then
set(parent,"add filter",child)
end if
else for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
case GtkSizeGroup then
set(parent,"add widgets",child)
return child
case GtkTreeView then
set(parent,"append columns",child)
return child
case GtkTreeViewColumn then
if child > 0 then
set(parent,"pack start",child)
set(parent,"pack end",-child)
end if
return child
case else
if atom(child) then
for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
return child
end switch
return -1
end function /*add*/
public function pack(atom parent, object child,
integer expand=0, integer fill=0, integer padding=0)
-- pack a child widget or {list} of child widgets into parent container;
-- prepending a negative sign to the child pointer means
--'pack end'. this is an alias which is sometimes useful.
if atom(child) then
if child > 0 then
set(parent,"pack start",child,expand,fill,padding)
child = -child
set(parent,"pack end",child,expand,fill,padding)
end if
for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
return child
end function
-- following 2 calls are supplied for completeness;
public function pack_start(atom parent, object child, -- original GTK call
boolean expand=0, boolean fill=0, integer padding=0)
return pack(parent,child,expand,fill,padding)
end function
public function pack_end(atom parent, object child, -- orignal GTK call
boolean expand=0, boolean fill=0, integer padding=0)
return pack(parent,-child,expand,fill,padding)
end function
public procedure show(object x)
if atom(x) then -- show widget x or a {list} of widgets
for i = 1 to length(x) do
end for
end if
end procedure
public procedure show_all(object x)
if atom(x) then
set(x,"show all") -- show container x and all children
for i = 1 to length(x) do
set(x[i],"show all")
end for
end if
end procedure
public procedure hide(object x)
if atom(x) then -- hide a widget or a {list} of widgets;
for i = 1 to length(x) do
end for
end if
end procedure
public procedure hide_all(object x)
set(x,"hide all") -- hide container x and any children it contains
end procedure
public function Destroy(object ctl, object data)
-- destroy a widget or {list} of widgets;
if atom(data) then
for i = 1 to length(data) do
end for
end if
return 1
end function
export constant destroy = call_back(routine_id("Destroy"))
export procedure main()
gtk_proc("gtk_main") -- start the GTK engine;
end procedure
export function events_pending() -- used sometimes when using timeout or eu tasks
return gtk_func("gtk_events_pending")
end function
export procedure main_iteration()
end procedure
export procedure main_iteration_do(integer i) -- used sometimes when multi-tasking;
end procedure
without warning {not_reached}
export function Quit(atom ctl=0, object errcode=0)
abort(errcode) -- kill the GTK engine;
return 0
end function
export constant main_quit = call_back(routine_id("Quit"))
global function gtk_main_quit()
return 0
end function
with warning {not_reached}
-- Following are 4 pre-built, easy to use popup dialogs
-- which save you the trouble of writing tons of code!
-- Refer to documentation/dialogs.html for details.
-- Rewritten for 4.8.8 to preserve images on dialog buttons despite
-- GTK developers' bland, boring preferences :P
-- Beginning with EuGTK 4.9.3, dialogs can be non-modal if desired.
public function Info(object parent=0, object title="Info",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_OK,
object image="dialog-information",
object icon="dialog-information",
integer modal=1)
return Dialog(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal)
end function
public function Warn(object parent=0, object title="Warning",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,
object image="dialog-warning",
object icon="dialog-warning",
integer modal=1)
return Dialog(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal)
end function
public function Error(object parent=0, object title="Error",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object image="dialog-error",
object icon="dialog-error",
integer modal=1)
return Dialog(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal)
end function
public function Question(object parent=0, object title="Question",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO,
object image="dialog-question",
object icon="dialog-question",
integer modal=1)
return Dialog(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal)
end function
public function Dialog(object parent=0, object title="dialog",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_OK,
object image=0,
object icon=0,
integer modal=1)
if modal = -1 then
return NonModalDialog(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon)
end if
atom dlg = create(GtkDialog)
if string(parent) then
parent = get(builder,"object",parent)
end if
{"transient for",parent},
{"border width",10},
if atom(icon) and icon = 0 and parent > 0 then
icon = get(parent,"icon name")
end if
if atom(icon) and icon > 0 then
end if
if string(icon) then
end if
object ca = get(dlg,"content area")
object panel = create(GtkBox,HORIZONTAL,10)
object left = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL,5)
object right = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL,5)
if string(image) then
elsif image > 0 then
if classid(image) = GdkPixbuf then
image = create(GtkImage,image)
end if
end if
if atom(modal) and modal > 1 then
atom addon = create(GtkButtonBox,HORIZONTAL)
end if
object lbl1 = create(GtkLabel)
object btn = repeat(0,2)
switch btns do
case GTK_BUTTONS_NONE then skip() -- do nothing
case GTK_BUTTONS_OK then
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok#_OK")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_OK)
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-cancel#_Cancel")
btn[2] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok#_OK")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_CANCEL)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[2],MB_OK)
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-close#_Close")
set(btn[1],"can default",TRUE)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_CLOSE)
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-no#_No")
btn[2] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-yes#_Yes")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_NO)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[2],MB_YES)
case else btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok#_OK")
set(btn[1],"can default",TRUE)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_OK)
end switch
atom result = get(dlg,"run") set(dlg,"destroy")
return result
end function
global integer dialog_return_value = 0
function close_dialog(object ctl, object dlg)
dlg = unpack(dlg)
dialog_return_value = dlg[2]
return 1
end function
export function NonModalDialog(object parent=0, object title="?",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=0,
object image="dialog-info",
object icon="dialog-info",
object modal=0)
atom dlg = create(GtkWindow)
integer closedlg = call_back(routine_id("close_dialog"))
set(dlg,"border width",10)
if atom(icon) and icon = 0 and parent > 0 then
icon = get(parent,"icon name")
end if
if atom(icon) and icon > 0 then
end if
if string(icon) then
end if
object panel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL)
object ca = create(GtkBox,HORIZONTAL,10)
object left = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL,5)
object right = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL,5)
if atom(modal) and modal > 1 then
if classid(modal) != GtkButtonBox then
atom addon = create(GtkButtonBox,HORIZONTAL)
end if
end if
object btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox)
if sequence(btns) and not atom(btns[1]) then
for i = 1 to length(btns) do
while length(btns[i]) < 3 do btns[i] &= 0 end while
if atom(btns[i][2]) and btns[i][2] = 0 then btns[i][2] = closedlg end if
if atom(btns[i][3]) and btns[i][3] = 0 then btns[i][3] = {dlg,MB_CANCEL} end if
btns[i] = create(GtkButton,btns[i][1],btns[i][2],btns[i][3])
end for
end if
label "images"
if string(image) then
elsif image > 0 then
if classid(image) = GdkPixbuf then
image = create(GtkImage,image)
end if
end if
object lbl1 = create(GtkLabel)
return 0
end function
-- Following functions register and initialize class methods
-- A class is initialized the first time a widget of that class is created.
-- This means the widget's method vectors are filled in with Eu routine_ids
-- generated by define_c_func or eu_define_c_proc as appropriate.
-- When a subsequent call is made to a widget method, that vector is
-- used by calling c_func, c_proc, or call_func.
-- If the call is to a method not implemented by the widget, but is
-- instead a method inherited from one of the widget's ancestors,
-- then the ancestor is initialized (if necessary).
-- This scheme means that program startup isn't delayed as it would be
-- if all widgets and methods were to be initialized first, most of which
-- would likely not be used in any given program.
global procedure init(integer class)
object name, params, retval
ifdef INIT then
display("\nInit class:[] []",{class,widget[class][$]})
end ifdef
if initialized[class] then return end if
for method = 3 to length(widget[class])-1 do
name = sprintf("%s_%s",{widget[class][NAME],widget[class][method][NAME]})
widget[class][method] = pad_tail(widget[class][method],5,0)
params = widget[class][method][PARAMS]
retval = widget[class][method][RETVAL]
for i = 1 to length(params) do
switch params[i] do
case A then params[i] = P
case D then
if equal("get_range",widget[class][method][NAME]) then
params[i] = P
end if
case F then
if class = GtkAspectFrame then -- do nothing
else switch widget[class][method][NAME] do
case "add_mark","set_fraction","set_alignment" then
skip() -- do nothing
case else params[i] = P
end switch
end if
case else -- do nothing
end switch
end for
if widget[class][method][RETVAL] = 0 then -- it's a GTK proc
widget[class][method][VECTOR] = define_proc(name,params)
goto "init"
end if
if widget[class][method][RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK func
widget[class][method][VECTOR] = define_func(name,params,retval)
goto "init"
end if
if widget[class][method][RETVAL] < -1 then -- it's a Eu func
widget[class][method][VECTOR] = widget[class][method][RETVAL]
end if
label "init"
initialized[class] = TRUE
ifdef INIT then
display("\tCLASS:[] METHOD:[] RID:[]",
end ifdef
ifdef INIT_ERR then
if widget[class][method][VECTOR] = -1 then -- function invalid!
display("\tINIT ERROR: CLASS:[] METHOD: [] ERR:[]",
end if
end ifdef
end for
end procedure /*init*/
procedure skip()
end procedure
export object registry = {}
-- The registry associates a control's handle with its class,
-- so that future calls to set or get that control's properties
-- can go directly to the correct set of functions stored in the
-- widget{} structure.
global function register(atom handle, integer class, object name="-nil-", object v=math:MINF)
integer x = find(handle,vslice(registry,1))
if x > 0 then -- handle already exists,
-- update it in case handle has been recycled.
ifdef REG_DUP then
display("Note: [] [] handle [] [] already registered to []",
end ifdef
registry[x] = {handle,class,widget[class][$],name,v}
return 1
end if
-- else, add the widget to the registry;
registry = append(registry,{handle,class,widget[class][$],name,v})
-- initialize class if this is the first use of that class;
if not initialized[class] then init(class) end if
ifdef REG then
printf(1,text:format("Registry + [3:20]\thandle: [1:10>]\tname: [4] [5]\n",registry[$]))
end ifdef
return 1
end function /*register*/
procedure deregister(atom handle)
integer x = find(handle,vslice(registry,1))
if x > 0 then
ifdef REG then
printf(1,text:format("Registry - [3:16]\thandle: [1:12>]\t",registry[x]))
if string(registry[x][4]) then printf(1,"name: %s",{registry[x][4]}) end if
end ifdef
registry = remove(registry,x)
end if
end procedure
-- Returns an integer corresponding with a enumerated widget class;
public function classid(object handle)
return vlookup(handle,registry,1,2,-1)
end function
-- returns classname as a string (e.g. "GtkWindow") for a given handle;
public function classname(atom handle)
return vlookup(handle,registry,1,3,"?")
end function
-- returns name of object from registry
public function objectname(atom handle)
return vlookup(handle,registry,1,4,"?")
end function
-- returns handle (pointer) to object given name or namespace:name:
public function pointer(object name)
return vlookup(name,registry,4,1,0)
end function
function lookup_method(integer class, sequence prop)
-- Finds the method to set or get a property for a given class,
-- if not found, ancestors of that class are checked until the method
-- is located.
if class = -1 then return 0 end if
ifdef LOOK then display("Look []->[]",{widget[class][$],prop}) end ifdef
object method = lookup(prop,vslice(widget[class],NAME),widget[class],0)
ifdef LOOKUP then display(widget[class][$]) end ifdef
if atom(method) then -- try sans the set_ or get_ prefix;
method = lookup(prop[5..$],vslice(widget[class],NAME),widget[class],0)
end if
if sequence(method) then -- method found in this class;
return method
end if
object ancestor -- if not found, need to look for method in ancestors;
for i = 1 to length(widget[class][PARAMS]) do
ancestor = widget[class][PARAMS][i]
if ancestor = 0 then return 0 end if
if not initialized[ancestor] then
end if
ifdef LOOKUP then
display("trying ancestor: []",{widget[ancestor][$]})
end ifdef
method = lookup(prop,vslice(widget[ancestor],NAME),widget[ancestor],0)
if atom(method) then
method = lookup(prop[5..$],vslice(widget[ancestor],NAME),widget[ancestor],0)
end if
if sequence(method) then
ifdef LOOKUP then display("\t []",{method[1]}) end ifdef
return method
end if
end for
return -1
end function /*lookup*/
public function connect(object ctl, object sig, object fn=0, object data=0,
atom closure=0, integer flags=0)
-- tells control to call fn, sending data along for the ride,
-- whenever that control gets the signal 'sig'
if string(ctl) then ctl = pointer(ctl) end if -- convert name to pointer
if atom(fn) and fn = 0 then -- no point in calling null functions!
return 0
end if
if string(fn) then -- if interpreted, can call functions by name if in scope.
ifdef COMPILE then -- do compile test if requested;
display("Connecting [] Signal '[]' Data []",{classname(ctl),sig,data})
if not equal("Quit",fn) then
printf(1,"\n\tCaution: function %s will not link when compiled!\n\t********\n",{fn})
end if
end ifdef
atom rid = routine_id(fn)
if rid > 0 then -- named func is in scope;
fn = call_back(rid) -- so obtain a callback;
printf(1,"\n\tError: function %s is not in scope\n\t****** (make it global or link via routine_id)\n",{fn})
end if
end if
sig = allocate_string(sig)
if integer(data) then -- can be attached directly;
return gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
end if
if atom(data) then
data = prepend({data},"ATOM") -- must be serialized and unpacked later;
data = allocate_wstring(serialize(data)+1)
return gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
end if
if string(data) then
data = prepend({data},"STR") -- must be serialized and unpacked later;
data = allocate_wstring(serialize(data)+1)
return gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
end if
if sequence(data) then
data = prepend(data,"SEQ")-- must be serialized and unpacked later;
data = allocate_wstring(serialize(data)+1)
return gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
end if
end function /*connect*/
export procedure disconnect(atom ctl, integer sigid)
-- disconnect a signal from ctl;
end procedure
export function unpack(object data)
-- retrieves data passed in a control's data space;
if atom(data) and data = 0 then return 0 end if
object result = deserialize(peek_wstring(data)-1)
switch result[1][1] do
case "ATOM","STR","INT" then return result[1][2]
case "SEQ" then return result[1][2..$]
case else return result
end switch
end function
-- following 3 'decode' functions are for debugging purposes;
-- they make displays more readable
function decode_args(object method, object args)
for i = 1 to length(method[PARAMS]) do
switch method[PARAMS][i] do
case S then
if atom(args[i]) and args[i] > 0 then
args[i] = peek_string(args[i])
if length(args[i]) > 40 then
args[i] = args[i][1..40] & "..."
end if
args[i] = args[i]
end if
case else -- do not convert
end switch
end for
return args
end function
constant ptype = {0,P,I,D,F,S,B,A}
constant pname = {{},"None","Ptr ","Int ","Dbl ","Flt ","Str ","Bool ","Array "}
function decode_params(object params)
return transmute(params,ptype,pname)
end function
function decode_method(sequence title, integer class, object method)
object z = {}
integer n
z = prepend(method,widget[class][$])
z = prepend(z,title)
z[4] = decode_params(method[PARAMS])
while length(z) < 5 do
z = append(z,0)
end while
if length(method) >= RETVAL then
n = find(method[RETVAL],ptype)
z[5] = pname[n+1]
end if
return text:format("\n[]\n\tCall: []->[]\n\tParams: []\n\tReturn type: []\n\tVector: []",z)
end function
export function valid_icon(object list)
-- check a list of possible icon names,
-- return an image made from first one that is valid
object result = 0
for i = 1 to length(list) do
result = get_icon_image(list[i])
if result > 0 then return result end if
end for
return result
end function
export function valid_icon_name(object list)
-- check a list of possible icon names, return name of first valid
for i = 1 to length(list) do
--display("Checking []",{list[i]})
if valid_icon({list[i]}) > 0 then
return list[i]
end if
end for
return "gtk-missing-image"
end function
function get_icon_image(object icon, integer size=6)
-- get image from a variety of sources;
atom img = 0, ani = 0, default_theme
if string(icon) then
if find(icon,stock_list) then
img = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_stock",{P,I},
return img
end if
end if
if to_number(icon) > 0 then
icon = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple",{P,I,I,I},{to_number(icon),30,30,GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR})
img = create(GtkImage)
set(img,"from pixbuf",icon)
return img
end if
img = 0
default_theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default",{})
if gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_has_icon",{P,P},
{default_theme,allocate_string(icon)}) then
img = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_icon_name",{P,P},
return img
end if
img = 0
icon = canonical_path(icon)
if file_exists(icon) then -- image from file
size *= 6
img = create(GtkImage)
ani = create(GdkPixbufAnimation,icon)
if gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_animation_is_static_image",{P},{ani}) then
ani = create(GdkPixbuf,icon,size,size)
set(img,"from pixbuf",ani)
set(img,"from animation",ani)
end if
return img
end if
return -1
end function
public function to_sequence(atom glist, integer fmt=0) -- mostly internal
-- convert glist pointer back to a Euphoria sequence;
-- results are returned in a choice of formats;
integer len = gtk_func("g_list_length",{P},{glist})
object s = {}
atom data
for i = 0 to len-1 do
data = gtk_func("g_slist_nth_data",{P,I},{glist,i})
switch fmt do
case 0 then s = append(s,peek_string(data))
ifdef TOSEQ then display(s) end ifdef
case 1 then s = append(s,data)
case 2 then s = append(s,gtk_str_func("gtk_tree_path_to_string",{P},{data}))
case 3 then s = append(s,to_number(gtk_str_func("gtk_tree_path_to_string",{P},{data})))
case else Warn(,,"Converting glist to_sequence",
"invalid format supplied,\nvalues are 0 to 3")
end switch
end for
return s
end function
-- Color handling routines - most are used internally
export function to_rgba(object color)
-- converts a color description to rgba ptr;
atom rgba = allocate(32)
object c = color
if string(c) then c = allocate_string(c) end if
if gtk_func("gdk_rgba_parse",{P,P},{rgba,c}) then
return rgba
printf(1,"Error: invalid color '%s'\n******",{color})
end if
return rgba
end function
export function from_rgba(object rgba, object fmt=0)
-- converts rgba ptr to usable description;
object result = gtk_str_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{P},{rgba})
if fmt=0 then return result
else return fmt_color(result,fmt)
end if
end function
function fmt_color(object s, integer fmt=0)
-- Convert color to various usable formats - this can be used by the
-- programmer, refer to ~/demos/documentation/HowItWorks.html#colors
if atom(s) then
if string(peek_string(s)) then
s = peek_string(s)
end if
end if
object w
w = split_any(s,"(,)")
if length(w[1]) = 3 then
w[5] = "1"
end if
for i = 2 to 5 do
w[i] = to_number(w[i])
end for
if atom(w[5]) then
w[5] = round(w[5],100)
end if
switch fmt do
case 0 then return w[1..length(w[1])+1]
case 1 then return sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x",w[2..4])
case 2 then return (256*256*w[2])+(256*w[3])+ w[4]
case 3 then return {w[2],w[3],w[4]}
case 4 then return {w[2],w[3],w[4],w[5]}
case 5 then return {w[2],w[3],w[4],256*w[5]}
case 6 then return sprintf("rgba(%d,%d,%d,%2.2f)",w[2..$])
case 7 then return {w[2]/255,w[3]/255,w[4]/255,w[5]}
case 8 then return sprintf("r=#%x, g=#%x, b=#%x, alpha=#%x",w[2..5])
case else -- do nothing
end switch
return s
end function
sequence initialized = repeat(0,1000)
-- This is a set of flags which are set to 1 when a given widget has
-- been initialized. This prevents having to initialize a widget's
-- methods repeatedly.
export sequence widget = repeat(0,GtkFinal)
-- This structure holds prototypes for each GTK method call,
-- organized by widget. When each widget is initialized,
-- vectors are added pointing to the routine_ids needed
-- to call the GTK functions that implement each method.
-- The list below need not be in any specific order.
-- Widget names must also be added to the list in GtkEnums
sequence stock_list = create(GtkStockList)
widget[GObject] = {"g_object",
{0}, -- {list of ancestors}
{"new",{I,S,S,I},P}, -- method,{formal params},return type
"GObject"} -- human-readable name
fn1 = define_proc("g_object_get",{P,S,P,P}),
doubles = {"angle","climb-rate","fraction","max-value","min-value",
function setProperty(object handle, object a, object b)
ifdef OBJ then
display("Handle []",handle)
display("Prop []",{a})
display("Value []",b)
end ifdef
if find(a,doubles) then
if string(a) then a = allocate_string(a) end if
if string(b) then b = allocate_string(b) end if
if string(a) then a = allocate_string(a) end if
if string(b) then b = allocate_string(b) end if
end if
return 1
end function
function getProperty(atom handle, object p)
atom x = allocate(32)
if string(p) then p = allocate_string(p) end if
object result = peek4u(x)
return result
end function
widget[GtkAdjustment] = {"gtk_adjustment",
widget[GtkWidgetPath] = {"gtk_widget_path",
{"iter_get_state",{P,I},I}, -- GTK3.14
{"iter_set_state",{P,I,I}}, -- GTK3.14
widget[GtkWidget] = {"gtk_widget",
-- aliases to fix awkward overrides; ordinarily you will use one of these 4;
-- only use following 2 versions when you need to change the color
-- of a control in a state other than normal;
{"remove_tick_callback",{P,I}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"reparent",{P,P}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_pointer",{P,I,I}}, -- deprecated 3.4
{"set_double_buffered",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_root_window",{P},P,0,GdkWindow}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"register_window",{P,P}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"unregister_window",{P,P}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"get_double_buffered",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"is_visible",{P},B}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"get_opacity",{P},D}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"set_opacity",{P,D}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"set_margin_left",{P,I}}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_margin_left",{P},I}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"set_margin_right",{P,I}}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_margin_right",{P},I}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_margin_end",{P},I}, -- new 3.12
{"set_margin_end",{P,I}}, -- new 3.12
{"get_margin_start",{P},I}, -- new 3.12
{"set_margin_start",{P,I}}, -- new 3.12
{"get_clip",{P,P}}, -- 3.14
{"set_clip",{P},P}, -- 3.14
{"get_action_group",{P,S},P,0,GActionGroup}, -- 3.16
{"list_action_prefixes",{P},A}, -- 3.16
function getWidgetAllocation(atom obj)
atom al = allocate(4*4)
integer x,y,w,h
{x,y,w,h} = peek4u({al,4})
return {x,y,w,h}
end function
function widget_set_name(atom ctl, object name)
integer x = find(ctl,vslice(registry,1))
if x > 0 then
registry[x][4] = peek_string(name)
end if
return 1
end function
-- This allows specifying a font name, e.g. "Courier bold 12", instead of
-- as a pango font description object;
function setFont(atom x, object fnt)
fnt = gtk_func("pango_font_description_from_string",{P},{fnt})
return 1
end function
-- The functions below handle color conversion to/from rgba,
-- as well as supplying easier-to-use method names for setting background
-- and foreground. These methods are only used to set the colors of a widget
-- in the NORMAL state, whereas if you want to set the colors in
-- some other state, such as mouse-over, etc, you use the original
-- set(widget,"override background",STATE,"color") syntax.
function setFg(atom x, object c)
return overrideFg(x,0,c)
end function
function setBg(atom x, object c)
return overrideBg(x,0,c)
end function
function overrideFg(atom x, integer state=0, object c)
if atom(c) then
c = text:format("#[:06X]",c)
end if
return 1
end function
function overrideBg(atom x, integer state=0, object c)
if atom(c) then
c = text:format("#[:06X]",c)
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkAccessible] = {"gtk_accessible",
widget[GtkActivatable] = {"gtk_activatable",
widget[GActionGroup] = {"g_action_group",
widget[GtkContainer] = {"gtk_container",
widget[GdkKeymap] = {"gdk_keymap",
function newKeymap(atom disp=0)
if disp=0 then
return gtk_func("gdk_keymap_get_default")
return gtk_func("gdk_keymap_get_for_display",{P},P)
end if
end function
widget[GdkKeyval] = {"gdk_keyval",
widget[GtkBin] = {"gtk_bin",
widget[GtkModelButton] = {"gtk_model_button", -- new in 3.16
widget[GtkButton] = {"gtk_button",
{"set_alignment",{P,F,F}}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"get_alignment",{P,F,F}}, -- Deprecated 3.15
{"set_always_show_image",{P,B}}, -- GTK 3.6+
{"get_always_show_image",{P},B}, -- GTK 3.6+
function newBtn(object cap = 0)
-- handles creation of buttons with icons from various sources;
-- this function modified greatly from earlier versions
atom btn
object tmp, icon, title
atom child
if atom(cap) and cap = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_button_new",{})
end if
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) > 0 then
tmp = split(cap,'#')
icon = get_icon_image(tmp[1],GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
title = tmp[2]
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{title})
if icon > 0 then
set(btn,"always show image",TRUE)
end if
return btn
end if
if match("gtk-",cap) then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},
icon = get_icon_image(cap,GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
if icon > 0 then set(btn,"image",icon) end if
set(btn,"always show image",TRUE)
return btn
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(cap)})
return btn
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new")
return btn
end if
return btn
end function
widget[GtkBox] = {"gtk_box",
{"get_center_widget",{P},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- GTK 3.12.1
{"set_center_widget",{P,P}}, -- GTK 3.12.1
widget[GtkButtonBox] = {"gtk_button_box",
widget[GtkWindowGroup] = {"gtk_window_group",
widget[GtkWindow] = {"gtk_window",
{"resize_grip_is_visible",{P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"get_resize_grip_area",{P,P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"set_titlebar",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_titlebar",{P},P}, -- 3.16
{"close",{P}}, -- 3.10
{"is_maximized",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"set_interactive_debugging",{B}}, -- 3.14
-- this replaces a handy but deprecated GTK function which
-- restores a window to its original size after being resized
-- to fit larger contents;
function restoreWin(atom win)
return 1
end function
-- manages the creation of window icon from a variety of
-- source formats; makes life simpler for the programmer.
function setWinIcon(object win, object icon)
object path
if string(icon) then
path = canonical_path(icon)
if file_exists(path) then
return 1
return 1
end if
end if
if atom(icon) then
if classid(icon) = GtkImage then
icon = get(icon,"pixbuf")
end if
if classid(icon) = GdkPixbuf then
end if
return 1
end if
return 0
end function
widget[GtkMisc] = {"gtk_misc", -- deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkLabel] = {"gtk_label",
{"set_lines",{P,I}}, -- 3.10
{"get_lines",{P},I}, -- 3.10
{"get_xalign",{P},F}, -- 3.16
{"get_yalign",{P},F}, -- 3.16
{"set_xalign",{P,F}}, -- 3.16
{"set_yalign",{P,F}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkImage] = {"gtk_image",
{"set_from_surface",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
-- create an image from a variety of source formats
function newImage(object icon=0, integer size=6, integer h, integer w)
atom img = 0
IconTheme theme = create(GtkIconTheme)
atom err = allocate(32)
err = 0
if atom(icon) and icon = 0 then -- blank image
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new")
end if
if size = 0 then size = 6 end if
if size > 6 then -- load icon from theme, sized
img = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_load_icon",{P,S,I,I,P},
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf",{P},{img})
end if
if string(icon) then
if begins("gtk-",icon) then -- from stock (deprecated)
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_icon_name",{P,I},
end if
if file_exists(canonical_path(icon)) then -- from file
if size+h+w < 7 then
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_file",{P},
img = newPixbuf(icon,size,h,w)
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf",{P},{img})
end if
end if
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_icon_name",{P,I},{icon,size})
end if
switch classid(icon) do
case GdkPixbuf then
img = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf",{P},{icon})
case GIcon then
img = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_gicon",{P,I},{icon,size})
case CairoSurface_t then
img = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_surface",{P},{icon})
case else -- no conversion needed
end switch
return img
end function
constant fnImageInfo = define_proc("gtk_image_get_icon_name",{P,P,P})
function getIconName(atom img)
atom name = allocate(32), size = allocate(32)
name = peek4u(name)
if name > 0 then
return peek_string(name)
else return "?"
end if
end function
function getIconSize(atom img)
atom name = allocate(32), size = allocate(32)
return peek4u(size)
end function
widget[GdkCursor] = {"gdk_cursor",
-- manages cursor creation from a variety of sources
function newCur(object a, object b=0, integer c=0, integer d=0)
if string(b) then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_from_name",{P,S},
end if
if classid(b) = GdkPixbuf then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf",{P,P,I,I},{a,b,c,d})
end if
if classid(b) = CairoSurface_t then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_from_surface",{P,P,D,D},{a,b,c,d})
end if
if classid(a) = GdkDisplay then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_for_display",{P,I},{a,b})
end if
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new",{I},{a})
end function
widget[GdkWindow] = {"gdk_window",
{"set_composited",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.16
{"get_composited",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.16
{"create_gl_context",{P,I,P},P,0,GdkGLContext}, -- 3.16
{"mark_paint_from_clip",{P,P}}, -- 3.16
widget[GdkPixbuf] = {"gdk_pixbuf",
-- creates a pixbuf from a variety of sources
function newPixbuf(object name, integer w=0, integer h=0, atom ratio=0)
atom err = allocate(32) err = 0
atom fn, fx
object path, pix
if string(name) then
path = canonical_path(name)
if file_exists(path) then
path = allocate_string(path)
goto "build"
end if
if has_icon(name) then
path = icon_info(name)
path = allocate_string(path[3])
goto "build"
else return 0
end if
end if -- string name;
label "build"
if h = 0 and w = 0 then -- return at original size;
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file",{P,P},{path,err})
else -- if one or other dimension given, scale it, otherwise size it;
if w > 0 and h = 0 then h = -1 end if
if w = 0 and h > 0 then w = -1 end if
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale",{P,I,I,B,P},
end if
return 0
end function
-- save a pixbuf in various formats based on file extension(.png, .jpg, etc)
function savePixbuf(atom handle, object fn, object ft, object params = 0)
fn = allocate_string(fn)
ft = allocate_string(ft)
if string(params) then
params = split(params,'=')
for i = 1 to length(params) do
params[i] = allocate_string(params[i])
end for
end if
atom err = allocate(16) err = 0
if atom(params) then
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_save",{P,P,P,P,P},{handle,fn,ft,err,0})
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_save",{P,P,P,P,P,P,P},{handle,fn,ft,err,params[1],params[2],0})
end if
end function
function getPixbufSize(object pb)
return {get(pb,"width"),get(pb,"height")}
end function
widget[GtkDialog] = {"gtk_dialog",
{"get_action_area",{P},P,0,GtkBox}, -- Deprecated 3.12
{"get_header_bar",{P},P,0,GtkWidget},-- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkMessageDialog] = {"gtk_message_dialog",
{"set_image",{P,P}}, -- Deprecated 3.12
{"get_image",{P},P,0,GtkImage}, -- Deprecated 3.12
widget[GtkSeparator] = {"gtk_separator",
widget[GtkEditable] = {"gtk_editable",
widget[GtkEntry] = {"gtk_entry",
{"set_placeholder_text",{P,S}}, -- GTK 3.2+
{"get_placeholder_text",{P},S}, -- GTK 3.2+
{"set_icon_from_stock",{P,I,S}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"set_tabs",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_tabs",{P},P,0,PangoTabArray}, -- 3.10
{"get_max_width_chars",{P},I}, -- 3.12
{"set_max_width_chars",{P,I}}, -- 3.12
{"grab_focus_without_selecting",{P}}, --3.16
widget[GtkSpinButton] = {"gtk_spin_button",
newsb1 = define_func("gtk_spin_button_new",{P,D,I},P),
newsb2 = define_func("gtk_spin_button_new_with_range",{D,D,D},P)
-- create a spin button from an ajustment object or from a range of values
function newSpinBtn(atom a, atom b, atom c)
atom sb = 0
if classid(a) = GtkAdjustment then
sb = c_func(newsb1,{a,b,c})
sb = c_func(newsb2,{a,b,c})
end if
return sb
end function
widget[GtkOrientable] = {"gtk_orientable",
widget[GtkRange] = {"gtk_range",
widget[GtkScale] = {"gtk_scale",
-- create scale from range or adjustment;
function newScale(integer orient, atom min=0, atom max=0, atom step=0)
if orient = 0 and min = 0 and max = 0 and step = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_scale_new",{I,P},{0,0})
end if
if classid(min) = GtkAdjustment then
return gtk_func("gtk_scale_new",{I,P},{orient,min})
return gtk_func("gtk_scale_new_with_range",{I,D,D,D},{orient,min,max,step})
end if
end function
widget[GTimeout] = {"g_timeout",
function newTimeout(integer ms, atom fn, atom data)
return gtk_func("g_timeout_add",{I,P,P},{ms,fn,data})
end function
widget[GIdle] = {"g_idle",
function newIdle(atom fn, atom data)
return gtk_func("g_idle_add",{P,P},{fn,data})
end function
widget[GAppInfo] = {"g_app_info",
widget[GFile] = {"g_file",
-- create a GFile from a path or uri
function newGFile(object s)
if file_exists(canonical_path(s)) then
return gtk_func("g_file_new_for_path",{S},{canonical_path(s)})
return gtk_func("g_file_new_for_uri",{S},{s})
end if
return 0
end function
widget[GIcon] = {"g_icon",
widget[GFileIcon] = {"g_file_icon",
widget[GList] = {"g_list",
function newGList()
atom x = allocate(64) x = 0
return x
end function
widget[GSList] = {"g_slist",
widget[GdkDisplay] = {"gdk_display",
function getDisplay()
return gtk_func("gdk_display_get_default",{})
end function
widget[GdkDevice] = {"gdk_device",
widget[GdkScreen] = {"gdk_screen",
function getDefScrn()
return gtk_func("gdk_screen_get_default",{})
end function
widget[GdkVisual] = {"gdk_visual",
widget[GThemedIcon] = {"g_themed_icon",
widget[GtkThemedIcon] = {"gtk_themed_icon",
widget[GEmblem] = {"g_emblem",
widget[GEmblemedIcon] = {"g_emblemed_icon",
widget[GdkDeviceManager] = {"gdk_device_manager",
widget[GtkAppChooser] = {"gtk_app_chooser",
widget[GtkAppChooserButton] = {"gtk_app_chooser_button",
widget[GMenu] = {"g_menu",
widget[GtkApplication] = {"gtk_application",
{"get_accels_for_action",{P,S},P,0,GSList}, -- 3.12
{"get_actions_for_accel",{P,S},P}, -- 3.14
{"get_menu_by_id",{P,S},P,0,GMenu}, -- 3.14
{"prefers_app_menu",{},B}, -- 3.14
function appValid(object x)
return gtk_func("g_application_id_is_valid",{S},{x})
end function
function appActivate(object x)
return 1
end function
function appRun(object x)
return 1
end function
function newApp(object id, object flags)
if string(id) then id = allocate_string(id) end if
if appValid(id) then
return gtk_func("gtk_application_new",{P,I},{id,flags})
crash("Error: invalid application id!")
end if
return 0
end function
widget[GtkApplicationWindow] = {"gtk_application_window",
widget[GtkActionable] = {"gtk_actionable",
widget[GtkAppLaunchContext] = {"gtk_app_launch_context",
widget[GtkAspectFrame] = {"gtk_aspect_frame",
widget[GtkAssistant] = {"gtk_assistant",
widget[GtkDrag] = {"gtk_drag",
widget[GtkCssProvider] = {"gtk_css_provider",
{"load_from_resource",{P,S}}, -- 3.16
function newProvider(object name=0)
atom provider = gtk_func("gtk_css_provider_get_default")
atom style = create(GtkStyleContext)
atom screen = get(style,"screen")
atom err = allocate(64) err = 0
if atom(name) then
set(style,"add provider for screen",screen,provider,800)
return provider
end if
if get(provider,"load from path",canonical_path(name),err) then
set(style,"add provider for screen",screen,provider,800)
printf(1,"Error finding or parsing css %s \n",{name})
end if
return provider
end function
function addCssfromString(atom provider, object str)
display("Pro [] str []",{provider,str})
return gtk_func("gtk_css_provider_load_from_data",{P,P,I,P},
end function
widget[GtkCssSection] = {"gtk_css_section",
widget[GtkStatusIcon] = {"gtk_status_icon", -- Deprecated 3.14
constant sipm = define_proc("gtk_status_icon_position_menu",{P,I,I,I,P})
function StatIconPosMenu(atom stat, atom menu, integer x, integer y, integer p)
display("Stat [] Menu []",{stat,menu})
return 1
end function
widget[GtkOffscreenWindow] = {"gtk_offscreen_window",
widget[GtkAlignment] = {"gtk_alignment", -- deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkComboBox] = {"gtk_combo_box",
{"set_add_tearoffs",{P,B}}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"get_add_tearoffs",{P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"set_title",{P,S}}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"get_title",{P},S}, -- Deprecated 3.10
function setActivatesDefault(atom box, boolean z)
atom x = get(box,"child")
return 1
end function
-- create a combo box either empty or from a model
function newComboBox(object x=0)
if x = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_new",{},{})
end if
if classid(x) = GtkListStore then
return gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_new_with_model",{P},{x})
end if
end function
widget[GtkComboBoxText] = {"gtk_combo_box_text",
function getComboEntry(atom box)
atom x = get(box,"child")
return x
end function
constant cbtadd = define_proc("gtk_combo_box_text_append",{P,P,P})
function appComboBoxText(object box, object txt)
if string(txt[1]) then
for i = 1 to length(txt) do
txt[i] = allocate_string(txt[i])
end for
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkComboBoxEntry] = {"gtk_combo_box_text",
function newComboBoxEntry()
return gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_text_new_with_entry",{},{})
end function
widget[GtkFrame] = {"gtk_frame",
widget[GtkToggleButton] = {"gtk_toggle_button",
-- handles creation of buttons with icons from various sources;
-- this function modified greatly from GTK versions prior to 10
function newToggleBtn(object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0, img = 0
if atom(cap) and cap = 0 then -- return a blank button;
return gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new")
end if
object icon = 0, title = 0, tmp
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) then
tmp = split(cap,'#')
icon = tmp[1]
title = tmp[2]
icon = cap
title = cap
end if
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},
img = get_icon_image(icon,3)
if img > 0 then
title = allocate_string(title)
end if
return btn
end function
widget[GtkCheckButton] = {"gtk_check_button",
function newCheckBtn(object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0, img = 0
if atom(cap) and cap = 0 then -- return a blank button;
return gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new")
end if
object icon = 0, title = 0, tmp
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) then
tmp = split(cap,'#')
icon = tmp[1]
title = tmp[2]
icon = cap
title = cap
end if
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},
img = get_icon_image(icon,GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR)
if img > 0 then
title = allocate_string(title)
end if
return btn
end function
widget[GtkRadioButton] = {"gtk_radio_button",
function newRadioBtn(atom group, object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0, img = 0
if atom(cap) and cap = 0 then -- return a blank button;
return gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new_from_widget",{P},{group})
end if
object icon = 0, title = 0, tmp
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) then
tmp = split(cap,'#')
icon = tmp[1]
title = tmp[2]
icon = cap
title = cap
end if
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget",{P,P},
img = get_icon_image(icon,GTK_ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
if img > 0 then
title = allocate_string(title)
end if
return btn
end function
widget[GtkColorButton] = {"gtk_color_button",
function new_color_button(object c=0)
if string(c) then c = to_rgba(c) end if
if c=0 then return gtk_func("gtk_color_button_new")
else return gtk_func("gtk_color_button_new_with_rgba",{P},{c})
end if
end function
widget[GtkFontButton] = {"gtk_font_button",
function new_font_button(object f=0, object fn=0, object data=0)
if string(f) then f = allocate_string(f) end if
atom fnt
if f = 0 then
fnt = gtk_func("gtk_font_button_new")
else fnt = gtk_func("gtk_font_button_new_with_font",{P},{f})
end if
if string(fn) or fn > 0 then connect(fnt,"font-set",fn,data) end if
return fnt
end function
widget[GtkLinkButton] = {"gtk_link_button",
function newLinkButton(object link, object lbl=0)
if lbl = 0 then return gtk_func("gtk_link_button_new",{S},{link})
else return gtk_func("gtk_link_button_new_with_label",{S,S},{link,lbl})
end if
end function
widget[GtkLockButton] = {"gtk_lock_button", -- unable to make this work!
widget[GtkScaleButton] = {"gtk_scale_button",
function setScaleButtonIcons(atom btn, object icons)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkMenu] = {"gtk_menu",
{"set_title",{P,S}}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"get_title",{P},S}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"set_tearoff_state",{P,B}}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"get_tearoff_state",{P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.10
widget[GtkMenuBar] = {"gtk_menu_bar",
widget[GMenu] = {"g_menu",
widget[GMenuModel] = {"g_menu_model",
widget[GMenuItem] = {"g_menu_item",
widget[GtkMenuButton] = {"gtk_menu_button", --3.6
{"set_popover",{P,P}}, -- 3.12
{"get_popover",{P},P,0,GtkPopover}, -- 3.12
{"set_use_popover",{P,B}}, -- 3.12
{"get_use_popover",{P},B}, -- 3.12
widget[GtkMenuItem] = {"gtk_menu_item",
function addMenuAccel(atom item, object accels, object img = 0)
atom x = allocate(8)
integer key, mods
object child = get(item,"child")
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
-- do nothing
img = get_icon_image(img,4)
end if
if sequence(accels) then
gtk_proc("gtk_accelerator_parse", {P,P,P},
key = peek4u(x) mods = peek4u(x+4)
if classid(child) = -1 then
end if
end if
atom box = create(GtkButtonBox)
if img > 0 then
set(box,"child non_homogeneous",img,TRUE)
end if
add(box,child) -- put the label back
set(box,"child non_homogeneous",child,TRUE)
if sequence(accels) then
object txt = gtk_str_func("gtk_accelerator_get_label",{I,I},{key,mods})
if string(txt) then
atom acc = create(GtkLabel)
set(acc,"font","italic 10")
set(box,"child secondary",acc,TRUE)
set(box,"child non_homogeneous",acc,TRUE)
end if
end if
return item
end function
function newMenuItem(object stk=0, object fn=0, object data=0, object accels=0)
object item, img = 0
if match("#",stk) then
stk = split(stk,'#')
img = stk[1]
stk = stk[2]
goto "next"
end if
if not match("#",stk) then
if match("gtk-",stk) then
img = stk
stk = "_" & proper(stk[5..$])
end if
end if
label "next"
item = gtk_func("gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(stk)})
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
item = addMenuAccel(item,accels)
item = addMenuAccel(item,accels,img)
end if
return item
end function
function setMenuItemLabel(atom item, object lbl)
if string(lbl) then lbl = allocate_string(lbl) end if
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if classid(l[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return 1
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function getMenuItemLabel(atom item)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if classid(l[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return gtk_str_func("gtk_label_get_text",{P},{l[i]})
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function setMenuItemImage(atom item, object img)
if string(img) then img = get_icon_image(img) end if
img = get(img,"pixbuf")
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if classid(l[i]) = GtkImage then
return 1
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function getMenuItemImage(atom item)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if classid(l[i]) = GtkImage then
return l[i]
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function setMenuItemUseUnderline(atom item, boolean use)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if classid(l[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return 1
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function getMenuItemUseUnderline(atom item)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if classid(l[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return gtk_func("gtk_label_get_use_underline",{P},{l[i]})
end if
end for
return 1
end function
widget[GtkImageMenuItem] = {"gtk_image_menu_item",
widget[GtkRadioMenuItem] = {"gtk_radio_menu_item",
function newRadioMenuItem(atom group, object stk, object fn, object data, object accels=0)
object item, img = 0
if match("#",stk) then
stk = split(stk,'#')
img = stk[1]
stk = stk[2]
goto "next"
end if
if not match("#",stk) then
if match("gtk-",stk) then
img = stk
end if
end if
label "next"
if group = 0 then
item = gtk_func("gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic",{P,P},
item = gtk_func("gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget",
end if
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
item = addMenuAccel(item,accels)
item = addMenuAccel(item,accels,img)
end if
return item
end function
widget[GtkCheckMenuItem] = {"gtk_check_menu_item",
function newCheckMenuItem(object stk,object fn, object data, object accels=0)
object item, img = 0
if match("#",stk) then
stk = split(stk,'#')
img = stk[1]
stk = stk[2]
goto "next"
end if
if not match("#",stk) then
if match("gtk-",stk) then
img = stk
end if
end if
label "next"
item = gtk_func("gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(stk)})
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
item = addMenuAccel(item,accels)
item = addMenuAccel(item,accels,img)
end if
return item
end function
widget[GtkNumerableIcon] = {"gtk_numerable_icon", -- Deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkEventBox] = {"gtk_event_box",
widget[GtkExpander] = {"gtk_expander",
function newExp(sequence caption)
if match("_",caption) then
return gtk_func("gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{caption})
return gtk_func("gtk_expander_new",{P},{caption})
end if
end function
widget[GtkToolItem] = {"gtk_tool_item",
widget[GtkToolButton] = {"gtk_tool_button",
{"set_stock_id",{P,S}}, -- Deprecated 3.10
{"get_stock_id",{P},S}, -- Deprecated 3.10
function newTB(object icn=0, object lbl=0)
if string(icn) then
if match("gtk-",icn) = 1 then
return gtk_func("gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock",{P},{allocate_string(icn)})
end if
icn = create(GtkImage,icn)
end if
if string(lbl) then
lbl = allocate_string(lbl)
end if
atom btn = gtk_func("gtk_tool_button_new",{P,P},{icn,lbl})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkMenuToolButton] = {"gtk_menu_tool_button",
function newMenuTB(object icn=0, object lbl=0)
if string(icn) then
icn = create(GtkImage,icn,1)
end if
if string(lbl) then
lbl = allocate_string(lbl)
end if
atom btn = gtk_func("gtk_menu_tool_button_new",{P,P},{icn,lbl})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkToggleToolButton] = {"gtk_toggle_tool_button",
function newToggleToolButton(object txt)
return gtk_func("gtk_toggle_tool_button_new_from_stock",{S},{txt})
end function
widget[GtkRadioToolButton] = {"gtk_radio_tool_button",
function newRadioToolButton(atom id)
if classid(id) = GtkRadioToolButton then
return gtk_func("gtk_radio_tool_button_new_from_widget",{P},{id})
return gtk_func("gtk_radio_tool_button_new",{P},{id})
end if
end function
widget[GtkSeparatorToolItem] = {"gtk_separator_tool_item",
widget[GtkOverlay] = {"gtk_overlay",
widget[GtkScrollable] = {"gtk_scrollable",
{"get_border",{P,P},B}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkScrolledWindow] = {"gtk_scrolled_window",
{"add_with_viewport",{P,P}}, -- Deprecated 3.8
{"get_overlay_scrolling",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_overlay_scrolling",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkSidebar] = {"gtk_sidebar", -- 3.16
widget[GtkTextBuffer] = {"gtk_text_buffer",
{"insert_markup",{P,P,S,I}}, -- 3.16
fnBufStart = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter",{P,P}),
fnBufEnd = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter",{P,P}),
fnBufGet = define_func("gtk_text_buffer_get_text",{P,P,P,B},S),
fnBufSet = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_set_text",{P,S,I}),
fnBufIns = define_func("gtk_text_buffer_get_insert",{P},P),
fnBufIter = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark",{P,P,P}),
fnBufBounds = define_func("gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds",{P,P,P},B)
function getBufferText(object buf)
atom start = allocate(64) c_proc(fnBufStart,{buf,start})
atom fini = allocate(64) c_proc(fnBufEnd,{buf,fini})
object result = c_func(fnBufGet,{buf,start,fini,1})
return peek_string(result)
end function
function getSelectionBounds(object buf)
atom start = allocate(100)
atom fini = allocate(100)
atom iter = allocate(100)
if c_func(fnBufBounds,{buf,start,fini}) then
return {start,fini}
start = c_func(fnBufIns,{buf})
return {iter,iter}
end if
end function
function setBufferText(object buf, object txt)
object len
if atom(txt) then
len = peek_string(txt)
len = length(len)
len = length(txt)
txt = allocate_string(txt)
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkClipboard] = {"gtk_clipboard",
function newClipBoard(integer i)
return gtk_func("gtk_clipboard_get",{I},{i})
end function
widget[GtkSelectionData] = {"gtk_selection_data",
widget[GtkCellArea] = {"gtk_cell_area",
widget[GtkCellAreaCell] = {"gtk_cell_area_cell",
widget[GtkCellAreaBox] = {"gtk_cell_area_box",
widget[GtkCellAreaContext] = {"gtk_cell_area_context",
widget[GtkCellEditable] = {"gtk_cell_editable",
widget[GtkCellLayout] = {"gtk_cell_layout",
widget[GtkCellRenderer] = {"gtk_cell_renderer",
widget[GtkCellRendererAccel] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_accel",
widget[GtkCellRendererCombo] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_combo",
widget[GtkCellRendererText] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_text",
widget[GtkCellRendererPixbuf] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf",
widget[GtkCellRendererProgress] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_progress",
widget[GtkCellRendererSpin] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_spin",
widget[GtkCellRendererSpinner] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_spinner",
widget[GtkCellRendererToggle] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_toggle",
widget[GtkTreeModelFilter] = {"gtk_tree_model_filter",
widget[GtkTreeModelSort] = {"gtk_tree_model_sort",
widget[GtkListStore] = {"gtk_list_store", -- HEAVILY-MODIFIED 4.8.2
-- almost all calls to GtkListStore are overridden with Euphoria calls,
-- because the GTK versions are just too complex and tedious to set up,
-- making them impractical to use.
TM1 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first",{P,P},I),
TM2 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_next",{P,P},I),
TM3 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string",{P,P,P},P),
TM4 = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I}),
TM5 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I),
LS0 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_clear",{P}),
LS1 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_insert",{P,P,I}),
LS2 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_append",{P,P}),
LS3 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_swap",{P,P,P}),
LS4 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_move_before",{P,P,P}),
LS5 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_move_after",{P,P,P}),
LS6 = define_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},B),
function newListStore(object params)
object proto = I & repeat(P,length(params))
params = length(params) & params -- must build func params 'on the fly'
atom fn = define_func("gtk_list_store_new",proto,P)
return c_func(fn,params)
end function
function nListRows(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children",{P,P},{store,0})
end function
function nListCols(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},{store})
end function
function setListData(object store, object data)
atom iter = allocate(32)
integer len = length(data)
for row = 1 to len do
c_proc(LS1,{store,iter,len}) -- new row
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0
then display("Error in setlistdata []",data[row]) abort(0)
end if
if string(data[row]) then
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function setListRowData(atom store, integer row, object data)
integer max_col = nListCols(store)
for col = 1 to math:min({length(data),max_col}) do
end for
return 1
end function
function setListColData(object store, object row, integer col, object data)
integer max_col = nListCols(store)
if col < 1 or col > max_col then
crash("Invalid column #%d",col)
end if
atom iter = allocate(32)
if not c_func(TM3,{store,iter,allocate_string(sprintf("%d",row-1))}) then
return -1
end if
object prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
integer col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
switch col_type do
case gSTR then prototype = {P,P,I,S,I}
case gDBL then prototype = {P,P,I,D,I}
case gFLT then prototype = {P,P,I,D,I}
case gPIX then prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
case gINT then prototype = {P,P,I,I,I}
case gBOOL then prototype = {P,P,I,I,I}
case else display("Error in setlistcoldata 5 []",col_type) abort(0)
end switch
if string(data) then data = allocate_string(data) end if
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_list_store_set",prototype)
object params = {store,iter,col-1,data,-1}
return 1
end function
function getListData(object store)
object data = {}
for row = 1 to nListRows(store) do
data = append(data,getListRowData(store,row))
end for
return data
end function
function getListRowData(object store, integer row)
object data = {}
integer max_row = nListRows(store)
if row > max_row then return -1 end if
integer max_col = nListCols(store)
for i = 1 to max_col do
data = append(data,getListColData(store,row,i))
end for
return data
end function
function getListColData(atom store, integer row, integer col)
atom x = allocate(64)
object result
ifdef LISTSTORE then
if col = 2 then
display("Get Col Data ~ row [] col []",{row,col})
end if
end ifdef
integer col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
ifdef BITS64 then
end ifdef
atom iter = allocate(32)
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in getlistcoldata 2 ") abort(0) end if
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in getlistcoldata 3") abort(0) end if
switch col_type do
case gSTR then
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(x)
result = peek4u(x)
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
result = peek_string(result)
end if
case gINT then result = peek4u(x)
case gBOOL then result = peek(x)
case gDBL then result = float64_to_atom(peek({x,8}))
case gFLT then result = float32_to_atom(peek({x,4}))
case gPIX then result = peek4u(x)
case else display("Error in getlistcoldata 4") abort(0)
end switch
ifdef LISTSTORE then
if col = 2 then
display("Result [] getListColData",{result})
end if
end ifdef
return result
end function
function getListColDatafromIter(atom store, atom iter, integer col)
atom x = allocate(32)
object result
ifdef LISTSTORE then
if col = 2 then
display("Get Col Data from Iter ~ store [] iter [] col []\n",{store,iter,col})
end if
end ifdef
integer col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
ifdef BITS64 then
end ifdef
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in getlistcoldatafromiter 1 ") abort(0) end if
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in getlistcoldatafromiter 2 ") abort(0) end if
switch col_type do
case gSTR then
if peek4u(x) > 0 then result = peek_string(peek4u(x))
else result = "err 1" end if
case gINT then result = peek4u(x)
case gBOOL then result = peek(x)
case gDBL then result = float64_to_atom(peek({x,8}))
case gFLT then result = float32_to_atom(peek({x,4}))
case gPIX then result = peek4u(x)
case else display("Error in getlistcoldatafromiter 3") abort(0)
end switch
ifdef LISTSTORE then
if col = 2 then
display("Result [] getListColDataFromIter",{result})
end if
end ifdef
return result
end function
function insertListRow(object store, object data, integer pos)
object tmp = getListData(store)
tmp = insert(tmp,data,pos)
return tmp
end function
function appendListRow(atom store, object data)
object tmp = getListData(store)
tmp = append(tmp,data)
return tmp
end function
function prependListRow(atom store, object data)
object tmp = getListData(store)
tmp = prepend(tmp,data)
return tmp
end function
function removeListRow(atom store, integer row)
object tmp = getListData(store)
tmp = remove(tmp,row)
return tmp
end function
function replaceListRow(atom store, object data, integer row)
object tmp = getListData(store)
tmp = replace(tmp,{data},row)
return tmp
end function
function swapListRows(atom store, integer row_a, integer row_b)
if get(store,"is sorted") then
Warn(0,,"Can't move items in a sorted list!")
return -1
end if
atom iter_a = allocate(32), iter_b = allocate(32)
return get(store,"data")
end function
function movebeforeListRows(atom store, integer row_a, integer row_b)
if get(store,"is sorted") then
Error(0,,"Can't move items in a sorted list!")
return -1
end if
atom iter_a = allocate(32), iter_b = allocate(32)
return get(store,"data")
end function
function moveafterListRows(atom store, integer row_a, integer row_b)
if get(store,"is sorted") then
Error(0,,"Can't move items in a sorted list!")
return -1
end if
atom iter_a = allocate(32), iter_b = allocate(32)
return get(store,"data")
end function
widget[GtkTreeStore] = {"gtk_tree_store",
constant TSA = define_proc("gtk_tree_store_append",{P,P,P})
constant TSX = define_proc("gtk_tree_store_insert",{P,P,P,I})
function newTreeStore(object params)
object proto = I & repeat(P,length(params))
params = length(params) & params -- must build func params 'on the fly'
atom fn = define_func("gtk_tree_store_new",proto,P)
return c_func(fn,params)
end function
function nTreeRows(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children",{P,P},{store,0})
end function
function nTreeCols(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},{store})
end function
function setTreeData(object store, object data)
atom iter = allocate(32)
for row = 1 to length(data) do
c_proc(TSA,{store,iter,0}) -- append new row
end for
return 1
end function
function setTreeRowData(atom store, object data, object parent = 0)
atom iter1 = allocate(32)
atom iter2 = allocate(32)
atom iter3 = allocate(32)
atom iter4 = allocate(32)
for i = 1 to length(data) do
if string(data[i]) then
for j = 1 to length(data[i]) do
if string(data[i][j]) then
for k = 1 to length(data[i][j]) do
if string(data[i][j][k]) then
for l = 1 to length(data[i][j][k]) do
if string(data[i][j][k][l]) then
for m = 1 to length(data[i][j][k][l]) do
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function setTreeColData(object store, object iter, integer col, object item)
integer max_col = nTreeCols(store)
if col < 1 or col > max_col then
crash("Invalid column #%d",col)
end if
object prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
integer col_type
col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
switch col_type do
case gDBL then prototype = {P,P,I,D,I}
case gFLT then prototype = {P,P,I,D,I}
case gPIX then prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
case gINT then prototype = {P,P,I,I,I}
case gBOOL then prototype = {P,P,I,I,I}
case gSTR then prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
if atom(item) then item = sprintf("%g",item) end if
case else Warn(,,"Unknown column type",
"Expecting gSTR, gBOOL, gINT, gDBL, gFLT, or gPIX")
end switch
if string(item[1]) then item = item[1] end if
if string(item) then item = allocate_string(item) end if
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_tree_store_set",prototype)
object params = {store,iter,col-1,item,-1}
return iter
end function
function getTreeData(atom store)
object rowdata = {}
object column = {}
for row = 1 to nTreeRows(store) do
for col = 1 to nTreeCols(store) do
column = append(column,get(store,"col data",col))
end for
rowdata = append(rowdata,column)
column = {}
end for
return rowdata
end function
function removeTreeRow(atom store, integer row)
object tmp = get(store,"data")
tmp = remove(tmp,row)
return tmp
end function
widget[GtkTreeDragSource] = {"gtk_tree_drag_source",
widget[GtkTreeDragDest] = {"gtk_tree_drag_dest",
widget[GtkTreePath] = {"gtk_tree_path",
function newPath(object x=0)
if atom(x) and x > 0 then
x = sprintf("%d",x-1)
end if
if string(x) then
x = allocate_string(x)
end if
if x > 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_path_new_from_string",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_path_new",{},{})
end if
end function
function pathtoNumber(object x)
integer n = to_number(gtk_str_func("gtk_tree_path_to_string",{P},{x}))
return n+1
end function
widget[GtkTreeRowReference] = {"gtk_tree_row_reference",
widget[GtkTreeIter] = {"gtk_tree_iter",
function newIter()
return allocate(64)
end function
widget[GtkTreeModel] = {"gtk_tree_model",
tmstriter = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_string_from_iter",{P,P},P),
tmiterstr = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string",{P,S,P},P),
tmcolset = define_proc("gtk_list_store_set",{P,P,I,P,I}),
tmnrows = define_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children",{P,P},I)
function getTMnRows(atom model)
return c_func(tmnrows,{model,0})
end function
function tmStrIter(atom model, atom iter)
return peek_string(c_func(tmstriter,{model,iter}))
end function
function tmIterStr(atom model, object str)
atom iter = newIter()
if string(str) then str = allocate_string(str) end if
if c_func(tmiterstr,{model,iter,str}) then
return iter
end if
return 0
end function
function tmIterN(atom model, integer path)
return tmIterStr(model,sprintf("%d",path-1))
end function
function tmIterPath(atom model, object path)
return tmIterStr(model,peek_string(path))
end function
fntmget = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get_value",{P,P,I,P}),
fncoltype = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I),
gtvfn = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I}),
tmncol = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},I)
function getTMVal(atom mdl, atom iter, integer col)
atom x = allocate(64)
integer ct = c_func(fncoltype,{mdl,col-1})
ifdef BITS64 then
end ifdef
switch ct do
case gSTR then
if peek4u(x) != 0 then return peek_string(peek4u(x))
else return sprintf("%d",peek4u(x))
end if
case gINT then return peek4u(x)
case gBOOL then return peek4u(x)
case gFLT then return float32_to_atom(peek({x,4}))
case gPIX then return peek4u(x)
case else return sprintf("%d",x)
end switch
return sprintf("Oops %d",ct)
end function
function tmRowVals(atom mdl, atom iter)
integer ncols = c_func(tmncol,{mdl})
object results = repeat(0,ncols)
for n = 1 to ncols do
results[n] = getTMVal(mdl,iter,n)
end for
return results
end function
function tmColVal(atom mdl, integer row, integer col)
atom iter = allocate(32)
object data = tmRowVals(mdl,iter)
return data[col]
end function
function setTMColVal(atom mdl, integer row, integer col, object data)
atom iter = tmIterN(mdl,row)
return 1
end function
function getTreeModelCol(atom mdl, integer row, integer col)
object data = getTreeModelRow(mdl,row)
return data[col]
end function
function getTreeModelRow(atom mdl, integer row)
atom iter = tmIterN(mdl,row)
return tmRowVals(mdl,iter)
end function
widget[GtkTreeSortable] = {"gtk_tree_sortable",
constant TS1 = define_func("gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id",{P,P,P},B)
function TSisSorted(atom mdl)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id",{P,P,P},{mdl,0,0})
end function
function TSsetSortColID(atom mdl, integer col, integer order)
return 1
end function
function TSgetSortColID(atom mdl)
integer col = allocate(32), order = allocate(32)
if c_func(TS1,{mdl,col,order}) then
return peek4u(col)+1
return 0
end if
end function
function TSgetSortOrder(atom mdl)
integer col = allocate(32), order = allocate(32)
if c_func(TS1,{mdl,col,order}) then
return peek4u(order)
return 0
end if
end function
widget[GtkViewport] = {"gtk_viewport",
widget[GtkAppChooserWidget] = {"gtk_app_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkVolumeButton] = {"gtk_volume_button",
widget[GtkColorChooserWidget] = {"gtk_color_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkColorChooser] = {"gtk_color_chooser",
fngetccrgba = define_proc("gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba",{P,P}),
fngetccalpha = define_func("gtk_color_chooser_get_use_alpha",{P},B)
function setccRGBA(atom x, object c)
return 1
end function
function getccRGBA(atom x, integer fmt)
atom rgba = allocate(32)
object c = gtk_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{P},{rgba})
return fmt_color(c,fmt)
end function
function setccAlpha(atom x, integer b)
return 1
end function
function getccAlpha(atom x)
return c_func(fngetccalpha,{x})
end function
widget[GtkColorSelection] = {"gtk_color_selection", -- Deprecated
-- following color functions make using RGB colors much easier,
-- converting automatically between various color notations
fngetCurCol = define_proc("gtk_color_selection_get_current_rgba",{P,P}),
fngetPrevCol = define_proc("gtk_color_selection_get_previous_rgba",{P,P})
function setCurrentRGBA(atom x, object c)
c =peek_string(c)
return 1
end function
function setPreviousRGBA(atom x, object c)
c = peek_string(c)
return 1
end function
function getCurrentRGBA(atom x, integer fmt=0)
atom rgba = allocate(32)
atom fn = define_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{P},P)
object c = c_func(fn,{rgba})
return fmt_color(c,fmt)
end function
function getPreviousRGBA(atom x, integer fmt=0)
atom rgba = allocate(32)
object c = gtk_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{rgba})
return fmt_color(c,fmt)
end function
widget[GtkFileChooser] = {"gtk_file_chooser",
{"get_current_name",{P},S}, --GTK3.10
widget[GtkFileChooserButton] = {"gtk_file_chooser_button",
widget[GtkFileChooserWidget] = {"gtk_file_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkFileFilter] = {"gtk_file_filter",
widget[GtkFontChooser] = {"gtk_font_chooser",
widget[GtkFontChooserWidget] = {"gtk_font_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkInfoBar] = {"gtk_info_bar",
{"set_show_close_button",{P,B}}, -- 3.10
{"get_show_close_button",{P},B}, -- 3.10
widget[GtkRecentChooser] = {"gtk_recent_chooser",
widget[GtkRecentChooserWidget] = {"gtk_recent_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkStatusbar] = {"gtk_statusbar",
widget[GtkFixed] = {"gtk_fixed",
widget[GtkGrid] = {"gtk_grid",
{"remove_row",{P,I}}, --3.10
{"remove_column",{P,I}}, --3.10
{"set_baseline_row",{P,I}}, --3.10
{"get_baseline_row",{P},I}, --3.10
{"set_row_baseline_position",{P,I,I}}, --3.10
{"get_row_baseline_position",{P,I},I}, --3.10
widget[GtkPaned] = {"gtk_paned",
{"get_wide_handle",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_wide_handle",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkIconInfo] = {"gtk_icon_info",
{"get_base_scale",{P},I}, --3.10
{"get_display_name",{P},S}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"get_builtin_pixbuf",{P},P,0,GdkPixbuf}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"set_raw_coordinates",{P,B}}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"get_embedded_rect",{P,P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"get_attach_points",{P,A,P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"is_symbolic",{P},B}, -- 3.12
function iconinfoLoadIcon(atom info)
atom err = allocate(8) err = 0
atom icn = gtk_func("gtk_icon_info_load_icon",{P,P},{info,err})
return icn
end function
function newIconInfo(atom theme, atom pix)
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_info_new_for_pixbuf",{P,P},{theme,pix})
end function
widget[GtkIconTheme] = {"gtk_icon_theme",
{"add_resource_path",{P,S}}, -- 3.14
function iconthemeLoadIcon(atom theme, object name, integer size, integer flags)
atom err = allocate(8) err = 0
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_load_icon",{P,S,I,I,P},{theme,name,size,flags,err})
end function
function iconthemeListContexts(atom theme)
object list = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_list_contexts",{P},{theme})
return to_sequence(list)
end function
function iconthemeListIcons(atom theme, object context)
object list = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_list_icons",{P,S},{theme,context})
return to_sequence(list)
end function
function getDefaultIconTheme()
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
end function
widget[GtkIconView] = {"gtk_icon_view",
{"set_activate_on_single_click",{P,B}}, --3.8
{"get_activate_on_single_click",{P},B}, --3.8
{"get_cell_rect",{P,P,P,P},B}, --3.6
widget[GtkLayout] = {"gtk_layout",
widget[GtkSeparatorMenuItem] = {"gtk_separator_menu_item",
widget[GtkRecentChooserMenu] = {"gtk_recent_chooser_menu",
widget[GtkRecentFilter] = {"gtk_recent_filter",
widget[GtkRecentInfo] = {"gtk_recent_info",
widget[GtkSettings] = {"gtk_settings",
function getDefaultSettings()
return gtk_func("gtk_settings_get_default",{})
end function
widget[GtkSizeGroup] = {"gtk_size_group",
function addWidgets(atom group, object widgets)
if atom(widgets) then
set(group,"add widget",widgets)
for i = 1 to length(widgets) do
set(group,"add widget",widgets[i])
end for
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkTargetEntry] = {"gtk_target_entry",
widget[GtkTargetList] = {"gtk_target_list",
widget[GtkTextChildAnchor] = {"gtk_text_child_anchor",
widget[GtkTextMark] = {"gtk_text_mark",
widget[GtkTextTag] = {"gtk_text_tag",
widget[GtkTextAttributes] = {"gtk_text_attributes",
widget[GtkTextTagTable] = {"gtk_text_tag_table",
widget[GtkMenuShell] = {"gtk_menu_shell",
{"bind_model",{P,P,S,B}}, --3.6
function appendMenuShell(atom menu, object items)
if atom(items) then
for i = 1 to length(items) do
end for
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkNotebook] = {"gtk_notebook",
widget[GtkSocket] = {"gtk_socket",
widget[GtkPlug] = {"gtk_plug",
widget[GtkToolPalette] = {"gtk_tool_palette",
widget[GtkTextView] = {"gtk_text_view",
{"set_input_purpose",{P,I}}, -- GTK 3.6+
{"get_input_purpose",{P},I}, -- GTK 3.6+
{"set_input_hints",{P,I}}, -- GTK 3.6+
{"get_input_hints",{P},I}, -- GTK 3.6+
{"get_monospace",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_monospace",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkToolShell] = {"gtk_tool_shell",
widget[GtkToolbar] = {"gtk_toolbar",
widget[GtkToolItemGroup] = {"gtk_tool_item_group",
widget[GtkTooltip] = {"gtk_tooltip",
widget[GtkTreeView] = {"gtk_tree_view",
{"set_rules_hint",{P,B}}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"get_rules_hint",{P},B}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"set_activate_on_single_click",{P,B}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"get_activate_on_single_click",{P},B}, -- GTK 3.8+
constant sfn1 = define_func("gtk_tree_view_get_model",{P},P)
constant sfn2 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},I)
constant sfn3 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter",{P,P,P},B)
constant sfn4 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I)
constant sp1 = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I})
function getSelectedColData(atom view, atom path, integer col)
object data = getSelectedRowData(view,path)
return data[col]
end function
function getSelectedRowData(atom view, atom path)
atom mdl = c_func(sfn1,{view})
integer ncols = c_func(sfn2,{mdl})
object data = repeat(0,ncols)
object types = repeat(0,ncols)
atom iter = allocate(32)
if c_func(sfn3,{mdl,iter,path}) then
for i = 1 to length(data) do
data[i] = allocate(32)
types[i] = c_func(sfn4,{mdl,i-1})
end for
end if
for i = 1 to length(data) do
? types[i]
switch types[i] do
case gSTR then data[i] = peek_string(peek4u(data[i]))
case else data[i] = peek4u(data[i])
end switch
end for
return data
end function
constant scrl2cell = define_proc("gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell",{P,P,P,I,F,F})
function tvScrol2Cel(atom v, atom p, atom c=0, integer align=0, atom row=0, atom col=0)
return 1
end function
constant appcol = define_func("gtk_tree_view_append_column",{P,P},I)
function tvAppendCols(atom store, object cols)
if atom(cols) then
for i = 1 to length(cols) do
end for
end if
return 1
end function
function tvSelectRow(atom tv, object path, atom rowalign=0, atom colalign=0)
path = create(GtkTreePath,path)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkTreeViewColumn] = {"gtk_tree_view_column",
widget[GtkTreeSelection] = {"gtk_tree_selection",
treeselection_fn1 = define_func("gtk_tree_selection_get_selected",{P,P,P},I),
treeselection_fn2 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},I),
treeselection_fn3 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I),
treeselection_p1 = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I})
function getSelRows(atom selection, atom model)
object list = gtk_func("gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows",{P,P},{selection,model})
list = to_sequence(list,3)
return list +1
end function
function getSelRow(atom selection, atom model)
object result = getSelRows(selection,model)
if equal({},result) then
return 0
return result[1]
end if
end function
function getSelRowData(atom selection)
atom mdl = allocate(32), iter = allocate(32)
integer n
object x,t, val
if c_func(treeselection_fn1,{selection,mdl,iter}) then
mdl = peek4u(mdl)
n = c_func(treeselection_fn2,{mdl})
x = repeat(0,n) t = x
for i = 1 to n do
val = allocate(32)
t[i] = c_func(treeselection_fn3,{mdl,i-1})
x[i] = val
end for
for i = 1 to length(x) do
switch t[i] do
case gSTR then
if peek4u(x[i]) > 0 then
x[i] = peek_string(peek4u(x[i]))
end if
case gFLT then x[i] = float32_to_atom(peek({x[i],4}))
case gDBL then x[i] = float64_to_atom(peek({x[i],8}))
case else x[i] = peek4u(x[i])
end switch
end for
return x
end if
return -1
end function
function getSelRowCol(atom selection, integer col)
object x = getSelRowData(selection)
return x[col]
end function
widget[GtkActionBar] = {"gtk_action_bar", -- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkAccelLabel] = {"gtk_accel_label",
{"get_accel",{P,I,I}}, -- 3.14
widget[GtkAccelGroup] = {"gtk_accel_group",
widget[GtkArrow] = {"gtk_arrow", -- Deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkCalendar] = {"gtk_calendar",
function new_calendar(object d = 0)
object cal = gtk_func("gtk_calendar_new")
if atom(d) and d = 0 then return cal
else gtk_proc("gtk_calendar_select_month",{P,I,I},{cal,d[2]-1,d[1]})
return cal
end if
end function
-- Calendar convenience functions
-- Handle odd month numbering scheme:
-- Q: If the first day of the month is 1, then why is the first month
-- of the year zero?
-- A: Blame a C programmer!
-- Here we fix that, plus change the set_date routine from two steps
-- to one; also, provide for standard formatting to be used when
-- getting the date. See std/datetime.e for the formats available.
constant get_date = define_proc("gtk_calendar_get_date",{P,I,I,I})
function selectCalendarMonth(atom handle, integer mo, integer yr=0)
while mo < 1 do yr -= 1 mo += 12 end while
while mo > 12 do yr += 1 mo -= 12 end while
return 1
end function
function setCalendarDate(atom handle, object cdate)
if string(cdate) then
cdate = split(cdate,',')
cdate[1] = to_number(cdate[1][2..$])
cdate[2] = to_number(cdate[2])
cdate[3] = to_number(cdate[3][1..$-1])
end if
integer yr = cdate[1], mo = cdate[2], da = cdate[3]
return 1
end function
function getCalendarDate(atom handle, object fmt=0)
atom y = allocate(64)
atom m = allocate(64)
atom d = allocate(64)
object clock
if atom(fmt) then
fmt = "%A, %b %d, %Y"
end if
object result
result = datetime:new(peek4u(y),peek4u(m)+1,peek4u(d))
clock = datetime:now()
result = result[1..3] & clock[4..6]
result = datetime:format(result,fmt)
free(y) free(m) free(d)
return result
end function
function getCalendarEuDate(atom handle) --returns {y,m,d} in Eu fmt.
atom y = allocate(64)
atom m = allocate(64)
atom d = allocate(64)
sequence result = {peek4u(y)-1900,peek4u(m)+1,peek4u(d)}
free(y) free(m) free(d)
return result
end function
function getCalendarYMD(atom handle, integer full=0)
object clock
switch full do
case 0 then return getCalendarEuDate(handle) + {1900,0,0}
case 1 then return getCalendarEuDate(handle) + {1900,0,0} & {0,0,0}
case 2 then clock = datetime:now()
return getCalendarEuDate(handle) + {1900,0,0} & clock[4..6]
case else return getCalendarEuDate(handle) + {1900,0,0}
end switch
end function
function getCalendarDay(atom handle)
atom y = allocate(64)
atom m = allocate(64)
atom d = allocate(64)
integer result = peek4u(d)
free(y) free(m) free(d)
return result
end function
function getCalendarMonth(atom handle)
atom y = allocate(64)
atom m = allocate(64)
atom d = allocate(64)
integer result = peek4u(m)
free(y) free(m) free(d)
return result+1
end function
function getCalendarYear(atom handle)
atom y = allocate(64)
atom m = allocate(64)
atom d = allocate(64)
integer result = peek4u(y)
free(y) free(m) free(d)
return result
end function
widget[GtkCellView] = {"gtk_cell_view",
widget[GtkDrawingArea] = {"gtk_drawing_area",
widget[GtkSearchEntry] = {"gtk_search_entry", --3.6
widget[GtkEntryBuffer] = {"gtk_entry_buffer",
widget[GtkEntryCompletion] = {"gtk_entry_completion",
widget[GtkRevealer] = {"gtk_revealer", -- new in GTK 3.10
widget[GtkSearchBar] = {"gtk_search_bar", -- new in GTK 3.10
widget[GtkStack] = {"gtk_stack", -- new in GTK 3.10
{"get_child_by_name",{P,S},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- 3.12
{"get_transition_running",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"get_hhomogeneous",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_hhomogeneous",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
{"get_vhomogeneous",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_vhomogeneous",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkStackSidebar] = {"gtk_stack_sidebar",
widget[GtkStackSwitcher] = {"gtk_stack_switcher",
widget[GtkScrollbar] = {"gtk_scrollbar",
widget[GtkInvisible] = {"gtk_invisible",
widget[GtkProgressBar] = {"gtk_progress_bar",
widget[GtkSpinner] = {"gtk_spinner",
widget[GtkSwitch] = {"gtk_switch",
{"get_state",{P},B}, -- GTK3.14
{"set_state",{P,B}}, -- GTK3.14
widget[GtkLevelBar] = {"gtk_level_bar",-- GTK3.6+
{"get_inverted",{P},B}, --GTK3.8+
{"set_inverted",{P,B}}, --GTK3.8+
widget[GtkAboutDialog] = {"gtk_about_dialog",
widget[GtkAppChooserDialog] = {"gtk_app_chooser_dialog",
function newforURI(atom parent, integer flags, object uri)
return gtk_func("gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new_for_content_type",{P,I,P},
end function
function newforFIL(atom parent, integer flags, object fil)
fil = allocate_string(canonical_path(fil))
fil = gtk_func("g_file_new_for_path",{S},{fil})
return gtk_func("gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new",{P,I,P})
end function
widget[GtkColorChooserDialog] = {"gtk_color_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkColorSelectionDialog] = {"gtk_color_selection_dialog",
widget[GtkFileChooserDialog] = {"gtk_file_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkFontChooserDialog] = {"gtk_font_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkStock] = {"gtk_stock",
widget[GtkStyleProvider] = {"gtk_style_provider",
widget[GtkStyleContext] = {"gtk_style_context",
{"get_background_color",{P,I,P}}, -- Deprecated 3.16
{"get_border_color",{P,I,P}}, -- Deprecated 3.16
{"add_region",{P,S,I}}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"remove_region",{P,S}}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"has_region",{P,S,I},B}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"list_regions",{P},P,0,GList}, -- Deprecated 3.14
{"set_scale",{P,I}}, -- GTK3.10
{"get_scale",{P},I}, -- GTK3.10
function addProvider(atom context, atom scrn, atom provider, integer priority)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkRecentChooserDialog] = {"gtk_recent_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkPrintSettings] = {"gtk_print_settings",
function setPageRanges(atom x, object r)
atom m = allocate_data(8)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkPaperSize] = {"gtk_paper_size",
{"new_from_ipp",{S,D,D},P,0,GtkPaperSize}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkPageSetup] = {"gtk_page_setup",
function setPgSetupToFile(atom setup, object filename)
atom err = allocate(8) err = 0
return gtk_func("gtk_page_setup_to_file",{P,P,P},{setup,filename,err})
end function
widget[GtkPrintOperation] = {"gtk_print_operation",
function getPrintOpJobName(atom op)
object job = allocate(32), err = allocate(32) err = 0
gtk_func("g_object_get",{P,S,P,P},{op,"job name",job,err})
return peek_string(peek4u(job))
end function
widget[GtkPrintContext] = {"gtk_print_context",
widget[GtkPrintUnixDialog] = {"gtk_print_unix_dialog",
widget[GtkPageSetupUnixDialog] = {"gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog",
widget[GtkListBox] = {"gtk_list_box", -- new in GTK 3.10
{"select_all",{P}}, -- 3.14
{"unselect_all",{P}}, -- 3.14
{"unselect_row",{P,P}}, -- 3.14
{"get_selected_rows",{P},A},-- 3.14
{"row_is_selected",{P},B}, -- 3.14
{"selected_foreach",{P,P,P}}, -- 3.14
widget[GtkListBoxRow] = {"gtk_list_box_row",
widget[GtkPopover] = {"gtk_popover", -- new in GTK 3.12
widget[GtkPopoverMenu] = {"gtk_popover_menu", -- 3.16
widget[GtkPlacesSidebar] = {"gtk_places_sidebar", -- new 3.10
{"set_local_only",{P,B}}, -- 3.12
{"get_local_only",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"get_show_enter_location",{P},B}, --3.14
{"set_show_enter_location",{P,B}}, --3.14
widget[GtkHeaderBar] = {"gtk_header_bar", -- new in GTK 3.10
{"set_has_subtitle",{P,B}}, -- 3.12
{"get_has_subtitle",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"set_decoration_layout",{P,S}}, -- 3.12
{"get_decoration_layout",{P},S}, -- 3.12
widget[GtkPrinter] = {"gtk_printer",
widget[GtkPrintJob] = {"gtk_print_job",
widget[GtkFlowBox] = {"gtk_flow_box", -- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkFlowBoxChild] = {"gtk_flow_box_child", -- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkMountOperation] = {"gtk_mount_operation",
-- stocklist is not a GTK widget, we just fake it for convenience
widget[GtkStockList] = {"gtk_stocklist", -- deprecated in GTK 3.12+
function newStockList()
object list = gtk_func("gtk_stock_list_ids")
return to_sequence(list)
end function
widget[GtkEventController] = {"gtk_event_controller",
widget[GtkGesture] = {"gtk_gesture", --GTK3.14
widget[GtkGestureSingle] = {"gtk_gesture_single",
widget[GtkGestureRotate] = {"gtk_gesture_rotate",
widget[GtkGestureZoom] = {"gtk_gesture_zoom",
widget[GtkGestureDrag] = {"gtk_gesture_drag", -- 3.14
widget[GtkGesturePan] = {"gtk_gesture_pan",
widget[GtkGestureSwipe] = {"gtk_gesture_swipe",
widget[GtkGestureLongPress] = {"gtk_gesture_long_press",
widget[GtkGestureMultiPress] = {"gtk_gesture_multi_press",
widget[GdkGLProfile] = {"gdk_gl_profile",
widget[GtkGLArea] = {"gtk_gl_area", -- GTK 3.16
widget[GdkFrameClock] = {"gdk_frame_clock",
widget[GdkFrameTimings] = {"gdk_frame_timings",
widget[GdkEvent] = {"gdk_event",
widget[GdkEventSequence] = {"gdk_event_sequence",
widget[GdkX11Display] = {"gdk_x11_display",
widget[GdkX11Screen] = {"gdk_x11_screen",
widget[GdkX11Window] = {"gdk_x11_window",
widget[GdkGLContext] = {"gdk_gl_context",
function glContext()
return c_func("gdk_gl_context_get_current")
end function
widget[GtkBindingSet] = {"gtk_binding_set",
widget[GtkBindingEntry] = {"gtk_binding_entry",
widget[GdkPixbufAnimation] = {"gdk_pixbuf_animation",
function newPixbufAni(object name)
atom err = allocate(32) err = 0
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_file",{P,P},
end function
widget[PangoFont] = {"pango_font",
widget[PangoFontDescription] = {"pango_font_description",
function newPangoFontDescription(object name=0)
if atom(name) then
return gtk_func("pango_font_description_new")
end if
return gtk_func("pango_font_description_from_string",{S},{name})
end function
function pfdtoStr(atom fd)
return gtk_str_func("pango_font_description_to_string",{P},{fd})
end function
widget[PangoContext] = {"pango_context",
widget[PangoFontsetSimple] = {"pango_fontset_simple",
widget[PangoFontSet] = {"pango_fontset",
widget[PangoFontMap] = {"pango_font_map",
widget[PangoFontFace] = {"pango_font_face",
function getFaceName(atom x)
return gtk_str_func("pango_font_face_get_face_name",{P},{x})
end function
widget[PangoFontFamily] = {"pango_font_family",
function getFamilyName(atom x)
return gtk_str_func("pango_font_family_get_name",{P},{x})
end function
widget[PangoLayout] = {"pango_layout",
function plSetTxt(atom layout, object txt)
return 1
end function
widget[PangoLayoutLine] = {"pango_layout_line",
widget[PangoLayoutIter] = {"pango_layout_iter",
widget[PangoLayoutRun] = {"pango_layout_run",
widget[PangoTabArray] = {"pango_tab_array",
widget[PangoLanguage] = {"pango_language",
function newPangoLanguage(object s)
return gtk_func("pango_language_from_string",{S},{s})
end function
function getDefaultLanguage(object junk)
return gtk_str_func("pango_language_get_default")
end function
function getSampleStr(object x)
return gtk_str_func("pango_language_get_sample_string",{P},{x})
end function
widget[PangoLayout] = {"pango_layout",
widget[GdkCairo_t] = {"gdk_cairo",
{"draw_from_gl",{P,P,I,I,I,I,I,I,I}}, -- 3.16
function newGdkCairo(atom win)
return gtk_func("gdk_cairo_create",{P},{win})
end function
-- to use the Cairo color specs, where colors are 0.0 => 1.0
function setCairoRGBA(atom cr, atom r, atom g, atom b, atom a=1)
return 1
end function
-- it's easier to use named colors
function setCairoColor(atom cr, object color)
if atom(color) then color = sprintf("#%06x",color) end if
color = to_rgba(color)
color = from_rgba(color,7)
return 1
end function
widget[Cairo_t] = {"cairo",
widget[CairoPattern_t] = {0,
widget[CairoPattern] = {"cairo_pattern",
function newCairoPattern(atom surf)
return gtk_func("cairo_pattern_create_for_surface",{P},{surf})
end function
widget[CairoLinearGradient] = {"cairo_pattern",
function newLinearGradient(atom a, atom b, atom c, atom d)
return gtk_func("cairo_pattern_create_linear",{D,D,D,D},{a,b,c,d})
end function
widget[CairoRadialGradient] = {"cairo_pattern",
function newRadialGradient(atom a, atom b, atom c, atom d, atom e, atom f)
return gtk_func("cairo_pattern_create_radial",{D,D,D,D,D,D},{a,b,c,d,e,f})
end function
widget[CairoRegion_t] = {"cairo_region_t",
widget[CairoSurface_t] = {"cairo_surface_t",
function writetoPNG(atom surf, object name)
return gtk_func("cairo_surface_write_to_png",{P,S},{surf,name})
end function
widget[CairoImageSurface] = {"cairo_image_surface",
function newCairoImageSurface(object png)
if string(png) then
png = allocate_string(canonical_path(png))
end if
return gtk_func("cairo_image_surface_create_from_png",{S},{png})
end function
widget[PangoCairoLayout] = {"pango_cairo",
function newPangoCairoLayout(atom cr)
return gtk_func("pango_cairo_create_layout",{P},{cr})
end function
function updateLayout(atom pl, atom cr)
return 1
end function
function showLayout(atom pl, atom cr)
return 1
end function
--TODO: these are not yet implemented;
widget[CairoFontOptions] = {0,{0},"CairoFontOptions"}
widget[CairoContent_t] = {0,{0},"CairoContent_t"}
widget[CairoStatus_t] = {0,{0},"CairoStatus_t"}
widget[CairoSurfaceType_t] = {0,{0},"CairoSurfaceType_t"}
widget[GtkPrintOperationPreview] = {0,{0},"GtkPrintOperationPreview"}
widget[GtkPageRange] = {0,{0},"GtkPageRange"}
widget[GdkPixbufAnimationIter] = {0,{0},"GdkPixbufAnimationIter"}
widget[GtkBuildable] = {"gtk_buildable",
widget[GtkBuilder] = {"gtk_builder",
{"add_callback_symbol",{P,S,P}}, -- 3.10
{"lookup_callback_symbol",{P,S},P}, -- 3.10
{"set_application",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_application",{P},P}, -- 3.10
export constant builder = create(GtkBuilder)
object current_builder_file = ""
export sequence class_name_index = repeat(0,length(widget))
for i = 1 to length(widget) do
if sequence(widget[i]) then
class_name_index[i] = widget[i][$]
end if
end for
constant bad_from_file = define_func("gtk_builder_add_from_file",{P,P,P},I)
constant bad_from_string = define_func("gtk_builder_add_from_string",{P,P,I,P},I)
-- add objects from Glade XML file;
function addBuilderObjects(atom bld, object fname)
current_builder_file = fname
atom err = allocate(32) err = 0
integer result = c_func(bad_from_file,{bld,fname,err})
if result = 0 then
printf(1,"Error loading Builder from file: %s \n",{current_builder_file})
printf(1,"Possible GTK version mismatch or other error in Glade.\n\n")
? 1/0
end if
return result
end function
-- add object from string or include-file contents;
function addBuilderObjectsStr(atom bld, object str)
current_builder_file = str
atom err = allocate(32) err = 0
integer len = length(str)
str = allocate_string(str)
integer result = c_func(bad_from_string,{bld,str,len,err})
if result = 0 then
printf(1,"Error %d loading Builder from string or include: %s!\n",
printf(1,"\tGTK version mismatch or other error in Glade.\n\n")
end if
return result
end function
-- link signals defined in Glade, this starts a 'for' loop,
-- running the builder_connect_function for each control;
function builder_connect(atom bld)
return 1
end function
constant builder_connect_func = call_back(routine_id("builder_connect_function"))
-- links Glade controls to user-written or Eu functions
function builder_connect_function(atom bld, atom obj, object sig, object hdlr, atom cxo, atom flags, atom data)
hdlr = peek_string(hdlr)
sig = peek_string(sig)
if atom(current_builder_file) and (current_builder_file > 0) then
current_builder_file = peek_string(current_builder_file)
end if
atom rid = routine_id(hdlr)
if rid = -1 then
printf(1,"-- Undeclared function in %s\n",{current_builder_file})
rid = call_back(rid)
end if
return 1
end function
procedure load_builder(object parent, object child, object prefix=0)
object name, class
object x, tree
integer c,n
atom err = allocate(32)
if file_exists(canonical_path(child)) then
set(parent,"add from file",canonical_path(child),err)
prefix = filebase(child)
if match(prefix,filebase(prg_name)) then
prefix = 0 -- do not prefix main file objects
end if
x = read_lines(canonical_path(child))
elsif string(child) then
set(parent,"add from string",child,err)
x = split(child,'\n')
end if
for i = 1 to length(x) do
if string(x[i]) and match("<object class",x[i]) then
c = match("class=",x[i]) + 7
n = match("id=",x[i]) + 4
class = x[i][c..$]
class = split(class," ")
class = class[1]
if class[$] = '"' then class = class[1..$-1] end if
name = x[i][n..$]
n = find('"',name)
name = name[1..n-1]
n = get(builder,"object",name)
if string(prefix) then
name = sprintf("%s:%s",{prefix,name})
end if
ifdef BUILDER then
display("[:25] [:36] [:10>]",{class,name,n})
end ifdef
class = find(class,class_name_index)
if not initialized[class] then init(class) end if
tree = widget[class][2]
for z = 1 to length(tree) do
end for
end if
end for
end procedure
procedure show_template(object handlr) -- used with Glade and GtkBuilder to prompt for missing functions
global function %s()
return 1
end function
end procedure
-- Internet conveniences
export function show_uri(object uri)
if atom(uri) then
return 0
end if
integer x = find('#',uri)
object tmp
if x > 0 then
tmp = canonical_path(uri[1..x-1])
if file_exists(tmp) then
uri = "file:///" & tmp & uri[x..$]
end if
tmp = canonical_path(uri)
if file_exists(tmp) then
uri = "file:///" & tmp
end if
end if
atom err = allocate(100) err = 0
object result = gtk_func("gtk_show_uri",{P,P,P,P},
return result
end function
export function inet_address() -- only works on linux;
object ip
sequence tmp = temp_file(,"MYIP-")
if system_exec(sprintf("ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:' | grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}' > %s ",{tmp}),0) = 0 then
ip = read_lines(tmp)
if length(ip) = 0 then
return ""
return ip[1]
end if
end if
return -1
end function
export function inet_connected()
return not equal("",inet_address())
end function
-- Icon functions
export function list_icons()
atom theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
object list = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_list_icons",{P,P},{theme,0})
return to_sequence(list)
end function
export function has_icon(object name)
atom theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
name = allocate_string(name)
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_has_icon",{P,P},{theme,name})
end function
export function icon_info(object name, integer size=6)
atom theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
atom err = allocate(32) err = 0
atom icon_info = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon",{P,P,I,I},
object results = repeat(0,5)
results = {
return results
-- returns {1,2,3,4,5}
-- 1 = pointer to icon_info structure,
-- 2 = display name or null,
-- 3 = full path to icon file,
-- 4 = base size,
-- 5 = base scale
end function
-- Following 3 functions simplify method calls; used mostly internally,
-- but can also be called by the programmer to execute any GTK, GDK or
-- GLib function which has not been implemented in EuGTK.
export function gtk_func(object name, object params={}, object values={})
-- syntax: result = gtk_func("gtk_*_*",{formal params},{values})
-- where formal params might be {P,P,I} (function expects Ptr, Ptr, and Int)
-- and values are the values to be inserted into the formal params before
-- the function named is called;
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if string(values[i]) then
values[i] = allocate_string(values[i])
end if
end for
atom fn = define_func(name,params,P)
if fn > 0 then
return c_func(fn,values)
else return -1
end if
end function
export function gtk_str_func(object name, object params={}, object values={})
-- syntax: same as above, except a string result is returned, so no
-- conversion from a pointer is needed;
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if string(values[i]) then
values[i] = allocate_string(values[i])
end if
end for
atom fn = define_func(name,params,P)
object result
if fn > 0 then
if length(params) > 0 then
result = c_func(fn,values)
result = c_func(fn,{})
end if
if result > 0 then
return peek_string(result)
end if
end if
return "unknown"
end function
export procedure gtk_proc(object name, object params={}, object values={})
-- syntax: same as above, but no value is returned, used to call GTK procs
atom fn
if string(values) then values = {values} end if
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if not atom(values) and string(values[i]) then
values[i] = allocate_string(values[i])
end if
end for
if length(params) = 0 then
fn = define_proc(name)
if fn > 0 then
end if
fn = define_proc(name,params)
if fn > 0 then
if atom(values) then values = {values} end if
end if
end if
end procedure
-- The following 2 functions had to be added for Windows, so that we could search
-- a list of dlls until we find the function name requested.
export function define_proc(object name, object params={})
atom x
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do
x = define_c_proc(LIBS[i],name,params)
if x > 0 then
return x
end if
end for
ifdef GTK_ERR then
display("? 9045 Proc []",{name})
end ifdef
return -1
end function
export function define_func(object name, object params={}, object values=P)
atom x
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do
x = define_c_func(LIBS[i],name,params,values)
if x > 0 then
return x
end if
end for
ifdef GTK_ERR then
display("? 9061 Func []",{name})
end ifdef
return -1
end function
-- © 2015 by Irv Mullins