455 lines
12 KiB
455 lines
12 KiB
namespace fileselector -- Generic file selection dialog;
-- functions:
-- returns:
full file path if successful, e.g. "/home/irv/demos/test99.ex"
or an atom:
MB_ABORT when dialog is closed
MB_CANCEL when cancel button is clicked.
include GtkEngine.e
export constant version = "4.12.0"
if not equal(version,gtk:version) then
Error(,,"GtkFileSelector version mismatch","should be version " & gtk:version)
end if
-- default settings, change before calling the dialog if required;
export boolean
create_folders = TRUE,
local_only = TRUE,
select_multiple = FALSE,
show_hidden = FALSE,
do_overwrite_confirmation = TRUE,
show_preview = FALSE,
preview_widget_active = TRUE
export sequence preview_size = {200,200}
export atom preview_max = 150 -- default size
export object selected_filter=0, filters = {"euphoria","text"}
-- may change filters before calling the dialog
-- (or every 5,000 miles, whichever comes first)
-- IOW, to show only .css files, add the line:
-- fileselector:filters = {"css"}
-- before calling:
-- fileselector:Open("~/demos/*")
-- note that the syntax of the parameter to Open() is important:
-- ~/demos or ~/demos/ will only cause the dialog to highlight the ~/demos folder,
-- ~/demos/* will open the demos folder and display the [filtered] file types
-- ~/demos/*.css will show folders and all *.css files
-- combining filters with wildcards:
-- fileselector:filters = {"images"}
-- fileselector:Open("~/demos/glade/*")
-- the above will show all images in the specified directory,
-- whereas:
-- fileselector:Open("~/demos/glade/*.png")
-- will show only .png images in the specified directory,
-- regardless of how the filters are set.
-- below, only .png images will be shown, but drop-down options to show .html and .c files
-- will be available also:
-- fileselector:filters = {"html","c"}
-- fileselector:Open("~/demos/glade/*.png")
function generate_filter(object name)
object filter = 0
switch name do
case "images",".jpg",".gif",".png",".xpm" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","Images"},{"add mime type","image/*"}})
case "euphoria",".eu",".e",".exw" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","Euphoria files"},{"add pattern","*.e"},
{"add pattern","*.ex"},{"add pattern","*.cfg"}})
case "text",".text",".txt" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","All text"},{"add mime type","text/plain"}})
case "c",".c",".h" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","C source code"},{"add mime type","text/x-c"},
{"add pattern","*.c"},{"add pattern","*.h"}})
case "c++" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","C++ source code"},{"add pattern","*.c++"}})
case "css",".css" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","css markup"},{"add mime type","text/css"},
{"add pattern","*.css"}})
case "python",".python",".py" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","Python"},{"add mime type","text/x-python"}})
case "html",".htm",".html" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","html source"},{"add mime type","text/html"},
{"add pattern","*.html"}})
case "ini",".ini" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","ini"},{"add pattern","*.ini"}})
case "all" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","All files"},{"add pattern","*"}})
case "dir" then filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{
{"name","Directories"},{"add mime type","inode/directory"}})
end switch
return filter
end function
constant update_preview = call_back(routine_id("UpdatePreview"))
export function New(object current=0)
object result=0
atom dlg = create(GtkFileChooserDialog)
{"title","Create a new file"},
{"preview widget active",preview_widget_active},
{"add button","gtk-cancel",MB_CANCEL},
{"add button","gtk-ok",MB_OK},
{"create folders",create_folders},
{"local only",local_only},
{"select multiple",select_multiple},
{"show hidden",show_hidden},
{"do overwrite confirmation",do_overwrite_confirmation}})
for i = 1 to length(filters) do
set(dlg,"add filter",generate_filter(filters[i]))
end for
if show_preview = TRUE then
atom preview = create(GtkImage)
set(dlg,"preview widget",preview)
end if
if atom(current) and current > 0 then
set(dlg,"current name",unpack(current))
end if
result = get(dlg,"run")
if result = MB_OK then
result = get(dlg,"filename")
end if
return result
end function
export constant new = call_back(routine_id("New"))
export function Open(object data=0, atom x=0)
object result=0
object filter=0
if atom(data) and data > 0 then data = unpack(data) end if
if string(data) and equal("*",filename(data)) then filters &= {"all"} end if
atom dlg = create(GtkFileChooserDialog)
{"title","Open a file"},
{"preview widget active",preview_widget_active},
{"add button","gtk-cancel",MB_CANCEL},
{"add button","gtk-ok",MB_OK},
{"create folders",create_folders},
{"local only",local_only},
{"select multiple",select_multiple},
{"show hidden",show_hidden},
{"do overwrite confirmation",do_overwrite_confirmation}})
for i = 1 to length(filters) do
set(dlg,"add filter",generate_filter(filters[i]))
end for
if show_preview = TRUE then
atom preview = create(GtkImage)
set(dlg,"preview widget",preview)
end if
if atom(data) and data > 0 then
data = unpack(data)
end if
if string(data) then
if file_exists(canonical_path(data)) then
if not equal("*",filename(data)) then
filter = create(GtkFileFilter,{ -- build a custom filter;
{"name",filename(data) & " files"},
{"add pattern",filename(data)}})
set(dlg,"add filter",filter)
end if
set(dlg,"filename",canonical_path(data)) -- change to desired folder;
end if
end if
result = get(dlg,"run")
if result = MB_OK then
result = get(dlg,"filename")
end if
return result
end function
export constant open = call_back(routine_id("Open"))
export function Save(object data, object x=0)
object result=0
atom dlg = create(GtkFileChooserDialog)
atom f
{"title","Save this file"},
{"add button","gtk-cancel",MB_CANCEL},
{"add button","gtk-ok",MB_OK},
{"create folders",create_folders},
{"local only",local_only},
{"select multiple",select_multiple},
{"show hidden",show_hidden},
{"do overwrite confirmation",do_overwrite_confirmation}})
for i = 1 to length(filters) do
set(dlg,"add filter",generate_filter(filters[i]))
end for
if show_preview = TRUE then
atom preview = create(GtkImage)
set(dlg,"preview widget",preview)
end if
if atom(data) and data > 0 then
set(dlg,"current name",unpack(data))
end if
if string(data) then
set(dlg,"current name",data)
end if
result = get(dlg,"run")
if result = MB_OK then
result = get(dlg,"filename")
end if
return result
end function
export constant save = call_back(routine_id("Save"))
export function SaveAs(object data=0, object x=0)
object result=0
atom dlg = create(GtkFileChooserDialog)
{"title","Save this file with a new name"},
{"add button","gtk-cancel",MB_CANCEL},
{"add button","gtk-ok",MB_OK},
{"create folders",create_folders},
{"local only",local_only},
{"select multiple",select_multiple},
{"show hidden",show_hidden},
{"do overwrite confirmation",do_overwrite_confirmation}})
for i = 1 to length(filters) do
set(dlg,"add filter",generate_filter(filters[i]))
end for
if show_preview = TRUE then
atom preview = create(GtkImage)
set(dlg,"preview widget",preview)
end if
if atom(data) and data > 0 then
set(dlg,"current name",unpack(data))
elsif string(data) then
set(dlg,"current name",data)
end if
result = get(dlg,"run")
if result = MB_OK then
result = get(dlg,"filename")
end if
return result
end function
export constant save_as = call_back(routine_id("SaveAs"))
export function CreateFolder(object data=0, object x=0)
object result=0
atom dlg = create(GtkFileChooserDialog)
{"title","Create a new folder"},
{"add button","gtk-cancel",MB_CANCEL},
{"add button","gtk-ok",MB_OK},
{"create folders",create_folders},
{"local only",local_only},
{"select multiple",select_multiple},
{"show hidden",show_hidden},
{"do overwrite confirmation",do_overwrite_confirmation}})
for i = 1 to length(filters) do
set(dlg,"add filter",generate_filter(filters[i]))
end for
if show_preview = TRUE then
atom preview = create(GtkImage)
set(dlg,"preview widget",preview)
end if
if atom(data) and data > 0 then
set(dlg,"current name",unpack(data))
end if
result = get(dlg,"run")
if result = MB_OK then
result = get(dlg,"filename")
end if
return result
end function
export constant create_folder = call_back(routine_id("CreateFolder"))
export function SelectFolder(object data=0, object x=0)
object result=0
atom dlg = create(GtkFileChooserDialog)
{"title","Select a folder"},
{"add button","gtk-cancel",MB_CANCEL},
{"add button","gtk-ok",MB_OK},
{"create folders",create_folders},
{"local only",local_only},
{"select multiple",select_multiple},
{"show hidden",show_hidden},
{"do overwrite confirmation",do_overwrite_confirmation}})
for i = 1 to length(filters) do
set(dlg,"add filter",generate_filter(filters[i]))
end for
if show_preview = TRUE then
atom preview = create(GtkImage)
set(dlg,"preview widget",preview)
end if
if atom(data) and data > 0 then
data = unpack(data)
if string(data) then
if file_exists(canonical_path(data)) then
end if
end if
end if
result = get(dlg,"run")
if result = MB_OK then
result = get(dlg,"filename")
end if
return result
end function
export constant select_folder = call_back(routine_id("SelectFolder"))
function UpdatePreview(atom dlg, atom preview) -- local: follow focus changes;
object pix
atom ratio
object dimensions
object fn = get(dlg,"filename")
if string(fn) then -- avoid trying to preview a directory!
pix = create(GdkPixbuf,fn)
if pix > 0 then
dimensions = get(pix,"size")
ratio = preview_max / dimensions[1]
dimensions *= {ratio,ratio}
pix = get(pix,"scale simple",dimensions[1],dimensions[2],1)
set(preview,"from pixbuf",pix)
end if
end if
return 0
end function