2016-11-25 00:27:22 -07:00

9649 lines
278 KiB

namespace gtk
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
-- either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-- version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Pl, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
export constant
version = "4.12.0",
release = "Sept 1, 2016",
copyright = " © 2016 by Irv Mullins"
public object ACCEL_FONT = "italic 10" -- affects accels in menus;
public integer BTN_ICON_SIZE = 20 -- pixels;
public integer BTN_TEXT_SIZE = 12
public integer BTN_SHOW_IMG = 1
public include GtkEnums.e
-- GtkEnums includes most of Eu std libraries as public,
-- making them available to your eu programs without
-- having to specifically include them.
if not equal(gtk:version,enums:version) then -- these 2 must be in sync!
crash("Version mismatch: GtkEnums should be version %s",{version})
end if
-- std/math, std/locale, std/datetime, etc. aren't made
-- public, because that would cause too many conflicts,
-- requiring you to use namespaces everywhere,
-- but we do need them here;
include std/datetime.e
include std/locale.e
include std/math.e
include std/net/dns.e
include std/utils.e
include std/net/http.e
include std/pipeio.e as pipe
public constant -- 'shorthand' identifiers to save space in method prototypes;
P = C_POINTER, -- any valid pointer
B = C_BYTE, -- 8 bits (boolean)
I = C_INT, -- 32 (integer)
S = E_ATOM, -- 64 (string)
D = C_DOUBLE, -- 64 (double)
F = C_FLOAT, -- 32 (float)
A = E_INTEGER, -- 32/64 (glist ptr)
X = E_OBJECT, -- 32/64 (array of pointers)
V = E_SEQUENCE -- 32/64 (pointer to array of strings)
-- hopefully, the above are compatible with both 32 and 64-bit architectures
export object LIBS -- a single lib in UNIX, a sequence of dll's for Windows;
ifdef OSX then -- thanks to Pete Eberlein for testing with OSX!
LIBS = {open_dll("/opt/local/lib/libgtk-3.dylib" )}
elsifdef UNIX then -- Linux, BSD, etc.
LIBS = {open_dll("" )}
elsifdef WINDOWS then
object path = "C:/Program Files/GTK3-Runtime Win64/bin/" -- 3.18.6 is the vers. tested.
LIBS = dir(path & "*.dll") -- get a list of all .dll's in that folder;
LIBS = vslice(LIBS,1) -- retain only the filenames;
if atom(LIBS) then -- none found;
crash("\nFATAL ERROR:\n************ Cannot find GTK runtime libraries (.dlls)\n")
end if
atom x
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do -- load each;
x = open_dll(LIBS[i])
if x = 0 then
display("Error loading []",{LIBS[i]})
LIBS[i] = x -- append this lib to list of libs;
end if
end for
end ifdef -- PLATFORMS;
if not object(LIBS) then -- no point in continuing;
crash("Required libraries not found!")
end if
constant cmd = pad_tail(command_line(),4,"")
if not gtk_func("gtk_init_check",{P,P},{0,0}) then -- initialize the GTK library;
crash("GTK Library error - cannot init GTK!")
else -- success!
gtk_proc("g_set_prgname",{S}," " & filename(cmd[2])) -- set default pgm name;
gtk_proc("g_type_init",{}) -- initialize normal GTK types;
end if
public constant -- two special types must be initialized at run-time;
gPIX = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_get_type"),
gCOMBO = gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_get_type")
-- Obtain a lot of sometimes useful system info;
include euphoria/info.e
constant os_info = os:uname()
export object
major_version = gtk_func("gtk_get_major_version"),
minor_version = gtk_func("gtk_get_minor_version"),
micro_version = gtk_func("gtk_get_micro_version"),
user_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_name"),
real_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_real_name"),
curr_dir = current_dir(),
home_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_home_dir"),
temp_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_tmp_dir"),
data_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_data_dir"),
conf_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_config_dir"),
runt_dir = gtk_str_func("g_get_user_runtime_dir"),
app_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_application_name"),
prg_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_prgname"),
lang_ = gtk_func("gtk_get_default_language"),
def_lang = gtk_str_func("pango_language_to_string",{P},{lang_}),
login = pathname(cmd[2]),
os_pid = os:get_pid(), -- process id: e.g:1234
os_name = os_info[1], -- e.g: Linux
os_distro = os_info[2], -- e.g: Mint17
os_version = os_info[3], -- e.g: 3.13.0-24-generic
os_compiled = os_info[4],
os_arch = os_info[5], -- e.g: AMD64
os_inc = getenv("EUINC"),
os_dir = getenv("EUDIR"),
os_path = getenv("PATH"),
os_shell = getenv("SHELL"),
os_term = getenv("TERM"),
eu_platform = platform_name(),
host_name = gtk_str_func("g_get_host_name"),
host_addr = ""
ifdef BITS64 then
constant eu_arch_bits = "64"
constant eu_arch_bits = "32"
end ifdef
if atom(os_term) then os_term = "none" end if
ifdef WINDOWS then
user_name = getenv("USERNAME")
real_name = getenv("USERNAME")
home_dir = getenv("HOMEPATH")
temp_dir = getenv("TEMP")
os_name = getenv("OS")
os_term = getenv("SESSIONNAME")
os_compiled = getenv("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER")
end ifdef
-- following added because Windows misbehaves in the ifdef above :(
if atom(os_term) then os_term = getenv("SESSIONNAME") end if
if atom(os_shell) then os_shell = getenv("ComSpec") end if
if atom(os_arch) then os_arch = getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") end if
export object info = { -- above system info in key/value form, sometimes this is useful;
"version=" & version,
"release=" & release,
"copyright=" & copyright,
"major=" & to_string(major_version),
"minor=" & to_string(minor_version),
"micro=" & to_string(micro_version),
"user_name=" & user_name,
"real_name=" & real_name,
"host_name=" & host_name,
"host_addr=" & host_addr,
"home_dir=" & home_dir,
"temp_dir=" & temp_dir,
"curr_dir=" & curr_dir,
"data_dir=" & data_dir,
"conf_dir=" & conf_dir,
"runt_dir=" & runt_dir,
"app_name=" & app_name,
"prg_name=" & prg_name,
"os_pid=" & to_string(os:get_pid()),
"os_name=" & os_info[1],
"os_distro=" & os_info[2],
"os_vers=" & os_info[3],
"os_comp=" & os_compiled,
"os_arch=" & os_arch,
"os_term=" & os_term,
"os_shell=" & os_shell,
"os_inc=" & os_inc,
"os_dir=" & os_dir,
"os_path=" & os_path,
"def_lang=" & def_lang,
"eu_version=" & version_string_short(),
"eu_revision=" & to_string(version_revision()),
"eu_platform=" & eu_platform,
"eu_arch_bits=" & eu_arch_bits,
"eu_date=" & version_date(),
"today=" & datetime:format(datetime:now(),"%A %B %d, %Y"),
"start_time=" & datetime:format(datetime:now(),"%H:%M:%S"),
"CMD1=" & cmd[1],
"CMD2=" & canonical_path(cmd[2]),
"CMD3=" & pathname(canonical_path(cmd[2])),
export function networked()
atom m = gtk_func("g_network_monitor_get_default")
return gtk_func("g_network_monitor_get_network_available",{P},{m})
end function
export function inet_connected() -- ping msftncsi
atom err = allocate(8) err = 0
atom x = gtk_func("g_network_address_parse_uri",{P,I,P},
if x > 0 then return gtk_str_func("g_socket_connectable_to_string",{P},{x})
else return x
end if
end function
export function get_net_address()
object results
object addr
ifdef UNIX then
sequence tmp = temp_file(,"MYIP-")
system_exec(sprintf(`ifconfig | grep "inet addr:" > %s`,{tmp}),2)
results = trim(read_file(tmp))
results = split(results," ")
for i = 1 to length(results) do
if match("inet addr:",results[i]) = 1 then
addr = split(results[i],':')
host_addr = addr[2]
info[11] = "host_addr=" & host_addr
return host_addr
end if
end for
end ifdef
return ""
end function
public procedure requires(sequence a, object msg="Error")
-- an easy way to ensure that your program is using the
-- appropriate GTK version;
object s = split(a,'.')
if length(s) < 3 then s = append(s,"0") end if
s[1] = to_number(s[1])
s[2] = to_number(s[2])
s[3] = to_number(s[3])
object msg2 = gtk_str_func("gtk_check_version",{I,I,I},{s[1],s[2],s[3]})
if string(msg2) then
text:format("Requires Gtk version []\nInstalled is Gtk [].[].[]",
end if
end procedure
public function create(integer class,
object p1=0, object p2=0, object p3=0, object p4=0,
object p5=0, object p6=0, object p7=0, object p8=0)
-- This function does the following:
-- 1. initializes the class if not already initialized,
-- 2. creates a new instance of the class (returning a handle to that instance)
-- 3. optionally sets one or more properties and/or connects the default signal.
if class = GtkStockList then -- GtkStock is not a real widget, but we fake it
return newStockList()-- also, stock items are deprecated as of 3.10+
end if -- so don't get in the habit of using them too much :)
if class = GtkColumn then return newColumn(p1) end if
if not initialized[class] then -- create a routine_id for each 'method' in class
init(class) -- but only do it if this is the first call to that class
end if
object method = lookup("new",vslice(widget[class],1),widget[class],0)
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then -- a 'new' method name was not found;
Error(,,widget[class][$],"not implemented in this GTK version!")
end if
object props = 0, dataitem = 0
if sequence(p1) and sequence(p1[1]) then -- a list of properties was provided.
props = p1 -- save until widget is created,
p1 = 0 -- then set them in one 'swell foop'
elsif string(p1) and match("=",p1) then -- properties were provided in string form,
props = keyvalues(p1,,,,"\t\n\r")-- break them up into key/value pairs,
p1 = 0 -- save for later;
dataitem = vlookup("data",props,1,2)
end if
atom handle = 0
object params = method[PARAMS]
object args = {p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8}
args = args[1..length(params)] -- discard un-needed args;
ifdef PARAMS then display(params) end ifdef -- debug;
for i = 1 to length(params) do -- ensure values match formal params;
switch params[i] do
case S then -- convert string to pointer to cstring;
if string(args[i]) then
args[i] = allocate_string(args[i])
end if
case B then -- convert "1", "TRUE", or "YES" to 1,
if string(args[i]) then
if args[i] = "1"
or upper(args[i]) = "TRUE"
or upper(args[i]) = "YES" then
args[i] = 1
args[i] = 0 -- anything else is 0;
end if
end if
end switch
end for
ifdef CREATE then -- debug;
puts(1,"\tArgs: ") display(args,{2,5,10,78,"%d","%.2g",32,127,1,0})
ifdef METHOD then display(method) end ifdef
end ifdef
if method[RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK function (routine_id is positive);
handle = c_func(method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if method[RETVAL] < -1 then -- it's a Eu func (a negated routine_id)
handle = call_func(-method[VECTOR],args) -- convert to positive rid and call;
end if
if handle = 0 then -- failure :(
ifdef CREATE then
display("Create failed for class []",{widget[class][$]})
end ifdef
return handle
end if
object sig = 0, arg1 = 0 ,arg2 = 0
switch class do -- connect a default signal for some common controls;
case GtkButton then sig ="clicked" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkToolButton then sig ="clicked" arg1 = p3 arg2 = p4
case GtkRadioButton then sig ="toggled" arg1 = p3 arg2 = p4
case GtkRadioToolButton then sig = "toggled" arg1 = p3 arg2 = p4
case GtkRadioMenuItem then sig ="toggled" arg1 = p3 arg2 = p4
case GtkMenuItem then sig ="activate" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkCheckMenuItem then sig = "toggled" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkCellRendererToggle then sig = "toggled" arg1 = p1 arg2 = p2
case GtkFontButton then sig = "font-set" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkStatusIcon then sig = "activate" arg1 = p1 arg2 = p2
case GtkSwitch then sig = "notify::active" arg1 = p1 arg2 = p2
case GtkColorButton then sig = "color-set" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkCalendar then sig = "day-selected-double-click" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkComboBoxText, GtkComboBoxEntry then sig ="changed" arg1 = p1 arg2 = p2
case GtkCheckButton then sig ="toggled" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkToggleButton then sig ="toggled" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
case GtkToggleToolButton then sig ="toggled" arg1 = p2 arg2 = p3
end switch
if atom(arg2) and arg2 = 0 then arg2 = dataitem end if
connect(handle,sig,arg1,arg2) -- connect per above switch;
ifdef CREATE then -- debug;
display("\t[] => []\n",{widget[class][$],handle})
end ifdef
if class = GtkWindow then -- if not otherwise specified, use OpenEu logo;
atom err= allocate(8,1)
end if
-- set properties using the new key/val style;
object p = 0, signal, name, v1, v2, v3, v4
if not atom(props) then
if handle > 0 then
for i = 1 to length(props) do
while length(props[i]) < 5 do
props[i] &= 0
end while
for n = 1 to 5 do
props[i][n] = numeric_test(props[i][n])
end for
end for
for i = 1 to length(props) do
name = props[i][1]
v1 = props[i][2]
v2 = props[i][3]
v3 = props[i][4]
v4 = props[i][5]
ifdef SET then
display("\nset []->[]",{widget[class][$],props[i]})
end ifdef
if match("sig.",name) = 1 then
signal = name[5..$]
elsif match("$",name) = 1 then
signal = name[2..$]
elsif match("data.",name) = 1 then
end if
end for
end if
end if
return handle -- a pointer to the newly created instance
end function
public function set(object handle, sequence property,
object p1=0, object p2=0, object p3=0, object p4=0,
object p5=0, object p6=0, object p7=0, object p8=0)
-- This routine sets a property or sequence of properties
-- for the given widget.
-- In order to work with Glade, widget names in string form
-- may be used, otherwise set() expects a handle.
-- Property is always a string, p1...p8 are optional parameters.
-- Any parameter expected but not supplied is set to null, excess
-- parameters are discarded.
integer class=-1
object name = "unknown"
object result = 0
object allocated = {}
name = handle
ifdef SETX then display({name,property,p1,p2,p3,p4}) end ifdef
if string(handle) then handle = pointer(handle) end if
if handle = 0 then
printf(1,"Critical error\n" &
"Objects must have a unique name!\n%s [%d]",{name,handle})
return 0
end if
object prop = 0
if string(property) and match("=",property) > 0 then -- convert string props
property = keyvalues(property,,,,"\t\t\n") -- to key/val form;
end if
if sequence(property) -- new create format (key=value pairs);
and not string(property) then
for i = 1 to length(property) do
while length(property[i]) < 5 do
property[i] &= 0
end while
for n = 1 to 5 do
property[i][n] = numeric_test(property[i][n])
end for
end for
for i = 1 to length(property) do
prop = property[i] if prop[1][1]='$' then continue end if
while length(prop) < 8 do prop &= 0 end while
end for
return 0
end if
class = vlookup(handle,registry,1,2,-1) -- get widget's class;
if class = -1 then -- fail;
display("Set invalid handle [] []",{handle,prop})
end if
property = "set_" & lower(join(split(property,' '),'_')) -- conform;
object method = lookup_method(class,property)
ifdef METHOD then display(method) end ifdef
if atom(method) then
if not set_property(handle,property[5..$],numeric_test(p1)) then
Error(,,"Cannot set property",class_name(handle) & property)
end if
return 0
end if
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then
Warn(,,"Method not found",
return 0
end if
-- method was found;
object params = method[PARAMS]
switch method[1] do -- make life easier for a common operation;
case "set_from_file" then p1 = canonical_path(p1)
end switch
object args = {handle,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8}
ifdef PARAMS then
puts(1,"Params: ") display(params)
puts(1,"Args: ") display(args)
end ifdef
args = args[1..length(params)] -- match args to formal parameters;
for i = 2 to length(args) do
switch params[i] do
case A then -- array of strings;
if not atom(args[i]) then
args[i] = allocate_string_pointer_array(args[i])
allocated &= args[i]
end if
case S then -- string;
if atom(args[i]) then
args[i] = sprintf("%g",args[i])
end if
if string(args[i]) then
args[i] = allocate_string(args[i])
allocated &= args[i]
end if
case B then
if string(args[i]) then
if equal("TRUE",upper(args[i]))
or equal("YES",upper(args[i]))
or equal("1",args[i]) then
args[i] = 1
end if
if equal("FALSE",upper(args[i]))
or equal("NO",upper(args[i]))
or equal("0",args[i]) then
args[i] = 0
end if
end if
case I,D then
if string(args[i]) then
args[i] = to_number(args[i])
end if
-- apply patches for zero-based indexes;
switch method[1] do
case "add_attribute",
"set_sort_column_id" then args[i]-=1
end switch
end switch
end for
ifdef SET then -- debug;
puts(1,"\tArgs: ")
end ifdef
if equal("set_name",property) then
p8 = find(handle,vslice(registry,1))
registry[p8][4] = p1
end if
if method[RETVAL] = 0 then -- it's a GTK proc;
end if
if method[RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK func;
result = c_func(method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if method[RETVAL] <-1 then -- it's a Eu func;
result = call_func(-method[VECTOR],args)
end if
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then -- GTK doesn't know about this method!
"Warning: %s->%s call is invalid," &
"******** perhaps you need a later GTK version",
end if
if not equal("set_data",property) then
for i = 1 to length(allocated) do
end for
end if
return result
end function
export function get(object handle, sequence property,
object p1=MINF, object p2=MINF, object p3=MINF, object p4=MINF, object p5=MINF)
-- This routine gets one or more values for a given property name.
-- Property name is always a string, handle is usually an atom,
-- but may sometimes be a string in order to work with Glade.
integer class
object name = "unknown"
if string(handle) then
name = handle
handle = pointer(handle)
end if
class = vlookup(handle,registry,1,2,-1) -- get widget's class;
if class = -1 then
return 0
end if
property = "get_" & lower(join(split(property,' '),'_'))
object method = lookup_method(class,property)
if atom(method) then -- not found, try fallback to Object;
return get_property(handle,property[5..$])
end if
-- else, method found;
object params = method[PARAMS]
if method[VECTOR] = -1 then
crash("\nERROR:\n****** Invalid call: %s->%s",{widget[class][$],method[1]})
end if
object result = {}
if string(p1) then p1 = allocate_string(p1,1) end if
if string(p2) then p2 = allocate_string(p2,1) end if
if string(p3) then p3 = allocate_string(p3,1) end if
if string(p4) then p4 = allocate_string(p4,1) end if
object args = {handle,allocate(8,1),allocate(8,1),allocate(8,1),allocate(8,1)}
if p1 > MINF then args[2]=p1 end if
if p2 > MINF then args[3]=p2 end if
if p3 > MINF then args[4]=p3 end if
if p4 > MINF then args[5]=p4 end if
args = args[1..length(params)]
ifdef GET then -- debug
puts(1,"\tArgs: ")
end ifdef
if method[RETVAL] = 0 then -- it's a GTK proc, may have multiple return values;
result = repeat(0,length(args))
for i = 1 to length(args) do
switch params[i] do -- convert arg pointer to value;
case D then result[i] = float64_to_atom(peek({args[i],8}))
case F then result[i] = float32_to_atom(peek({args[i],4}))
case I then result[i] = peek4s(args[i])
case B then result[i] = peek(args[i])
case A then result[i] = unpack_gs_str_list(args[i])
case X then result[i] = unpack_gs_atom_list(args[i])
case V then result[i] = deallocate_string_pointer_array(args[i])
case S then if args[i] > 0 then result[i] = peek_string(args[i]) end if
case else result[i] = args[i]
end switch
end for
result = result[2..$] -- don't return handle, just results;
goto "fini"
end if
if method[RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK func;
result = c_func(method[VECTOR],args)
switch method[RETVAL] do -- convert function result to value;
case A then result = unpack_gs_str_list(result)
case X then result = unpack_gs_atom_list(result)
case V then result = deallocate_string_pointer_array(result)
case S then if result > 0 then result = peek_string(result) else result = 0 end if
case I then
switch method[1] do -- patch for zero-based indexing;
"get_sort_column_id" then result += 1
end switch
end switch
goto "fini"
end if
if method[RETVAL] <-1 then -- it's a Eu func (negated routine_id);
result = call_func(-method[VECTOR],args)
end if
label "fini"
if method[CLASS] != GSList then -- for widgets created 'internally' by GTK
if method[CLASS] != 0 then -- as a result of creating a parent widget;
if not initialized[method[CLASS]] then init(method[CLASS]) end if
if atom(result) then register(result,method[CLASS])
else for z = 1 to length(result) do
register(result[z],method[CLASS]) -- must be registered;
end for
end if
end if
end if
ifdef GET then display("\tReturns: []\n",{result}) end ifdef
return result
end function
public function add(object parent, object child) -- add widgets to container;
ifdef ADD then
display("Add [] []",{parent,child})
end ifdef
if atom(child) and child = 0 then
display("Null pointer passed to add()\n")
return 0
end if
if class_id(child) = GdkPixbuf then -- issue a warning;
return Warn(,,"Cannot add a pixbuf to a container",
"Create an image from it first,\nthen add the image.",,child)
end if
if class_id(parent) = GtkBuilder then
return 1
end if
if string(parent) then -- convert to handle;
parent = pointer(parent)
end if
if string(child) then -- convert to handle;
child = pointer(child)
end if
-- Switch below implements an easier-to-remember 'add' syntax
-- as an alias for the various 'set' calls shown.
-- The GTK original is still available, if you wish to use it.
switch class_id(parent) do
case GtkComboBoxText, GtkComboBoxEntry then
for i = 1 to length(child) do
set(parent,"append text",child[i])
end for
case GtkToolbar then
if atom(child) then
else for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
return child
case GtkFileChooserDialog then
if atom(child) then
if class_id(child) = GtkFileFilter then
set(parent,"add filter",child)
end if
else for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
case GtkSizeGroup then
set(parent,"add widgets",child)
return child
case GtkTextTagTable then
return child
case GtkTreeView then
set(parent,"append columns",child)
return child
case else
if atom(child) then
for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
return child
end switch
return -1
end function
public function pack(object parent, object child,
integer expand=0, integer fill=0, integer padding=0)
-- pack a child widget or {list} of child widgets into parent container;
-- prepending a negative sign to the child pointer means
--'pack end'. this is an alias which is sometimes useful.
if string(parent) then parent = pointer(parent) end if
if string(child) then child = pointer(child) end if
if atom(child) then
if child > 0 then
child = -child
end if
for i = 1 to length(child) do
end for
end if
return abs(child)
end function
function valid(object x)
object msg = "Invalid object []"
atom p
if string(x) then
p = pointer(x)
if p = 0 then
return 0
else return p
end if
end if
if x = 0 then
end if
return x
end function
-- following 2 functions provided for compatibility with GTK calls;
public function pack_start(object parent, object child,
boolean expand=0, boolean fill=0, integer padding=0)
parent = valid(parent)
child = valid(child)
set(parent,"pack start",child,expand,fill,padding)
return child
end function
public function pack_end(object parent, object child,
boolean expand=0, boolean fill=0, integer padding=0)
parent = valid(parent)
child = valid(child)
set(parent,"pack end",child,expand,fill,padding)
return child
end function
public procedure show(object x) -- show widget x or a {list} of widgets;
if string(x) then x = pointer(x) end if
if atom(x) then
for i = 1 to length(x) do
end for
end if
end procedure
public function show_all(object x) -- show container x and all children;
if string(x) then x = pointer(x) end if
if atom(x) then
set(x,"show all")
for i = 1 to length(x) do
set(x[i],"show all")
end for
end if
return 1
end function
public function hide(object x) -- hide a widget or a {list} of widgets;
if string(x) then x = pointer(x) end if
if atom(x) then
for i = 1 to length(x) do
end for
end if
return 1
end function
public procedure hide_all(object x) -- hide container x and any children it contains;
set(x,"hide all")
end procedure
export function destroy(object ctl) -- destroy a widget or {list} of widgets;
if sequence(ctl) then
for i = 1 to length(ctl) do
end for
if ctl > 0 then
end if
end if
return 1
end function
export procedure main() -- start the GTK engine;
end procedure
without warning {not_reached}
export function Quit(atom ctl=0, object errcode=0) -- kill the GTK engine;
return 1
end function
export constant main_quit = call_back(routine_id("Quit"))
with warning {not_reached}
function numeric_test(object x) -- convert numbers passed in key=value format;
atom z
if atom(x) then
return x
end if
if string(x) then
if equal("TRUE",x) then return 1 end if
if equal("FALSE",x) then return 0 end if
if equal("YES",x) then return 1 end if
if equal("NO",x) then return 0 end if
if equal("VERTICAL",x) then return 1 end if
if equal("CENTER",x) then return 1 end if
if equal("HORIZONTAL",x) then return 0 end if
z = to_number(x)
if z != 0 then
ifdef NUM then display("string [] converted to number []",{x,z}) end ifdef
return z
ifdef NUM then display("returning string '[]'",{x}) end ifdef
return x
end if
end if
ifdef NUM then display("error []",x) end ifdef
return x
end function
-- Following functions register and initialize class methods
-- A class is initialized the first time a widget of that class is created.
-- This means the widget's method vectors are filled in with Eu routine_ids,
-- either direct or generated by define_c_func or define_c_proc as appropriate.
-- When a subsequent call is made to a widget method, that vector is
-- used by calling c_func, c_proc, or call_func.
-- If the call is to a method not implemented by the widget, but is
-- instead a method inherited from one of the widget's ancestors,
-- then that ancestor is also initialized if necessary.
-- This scheme means that program startup isn't delayed as it would be
-- if all 300+ widgets and nearly 4000 methods were to be initialized
-- first, most of which would likely never be used in any given program.
global procedure init(integer class)
object name, params, retval
ifdef INITX then
display("\nInit class:[] []",{class,widget[class][$]})
end ifdef
if initialized[class] then return end if
for method = 3 to length(widget[class])-1 do
name = sprintf("+%s_%s",{widget[class][NAME],widget[class][method][NAME]})
widget[class][method] = pad_tail(widget[class][method],5,0)
params = widget[class][method][PARAMS]
retval = widget[class][method][RETVAL]
if class = GtkSpinButton then
switch widget[class][method][NAME] do
case "get_increments","get_range" then params[2] = P params[3] = P
case else -- do nothing;
end switch
end if
if widget[class][method][RETVAL] = 0 then -- it's a GTK proc
widget[class][method][VECTOR] = define_proc(name,params)
goto "init"
end if
if widget[class][method][RETVAL] > 0 then -- it's a GTK func
widget[class][method][VECTOR] = define_func(name,params,retval)
goto "init"
end if
if widget[class][method][RETVAL] < -1 then -- it's a Eu func
widget[class][method][VECTOR] = widget[class][method][RETVAL]
end if
label "init"
initialized[class] = TRUE
ifdef INIT then
display("INIT: [].[] RID:[]",
end ifdef
ifdef INIT_ERR then
if widget[class][method][VECTOR] = -1 then -- function is invalid!
display("\tINIT ERROR: [].[] ERR:[]",
end if
end ifdef
end for
end procedure
-- The registry associates a control's handle with its class,
-- so that future calls to set or get that control's properties
-- can go directly to the correct set of functions stored in the
-- large widget{} structure.
export object registry = {}
global function register(atom handle, integer class, object name="-nil-", object v=math:MINF)
integer x = find(handle,vslice(registry,1))
if x > 0 then -- handle already exists in the registry,
ifdef REG_DUP then -- debug
display("Note: [] handle [] already registered to [] []",
end ifdef
-- update it in case handle has been recycled.
registry[x] = {handle,class,widget[class][$],name,v}
return 1
end if
-- else, add the widget to the registry;
registry = append(registry,{handle,class,widget[class][$],name,v})
-- initialize class if this is the first use of that class;
if not initialized[class] then init(class) end if
ifdef REG then -- debug
printf(1,text:format("Registry + [3:20]\thandle: [1:10>]\tname: [4]\tvalue: [5]\n",registry[$]))
end ifdef
return 1
end function
procedure deregister(atom handle) -- when object no longer used;
integer x = find(handle,vslice(registry,1))
if x > 0 then
ifdef REG then
printf(1,text:format("Registry - [3:16]\thandle: [1:12>]\t",registry[x]))
if string(registry[x][4]) then printf(1,"name: %s",{registry[x][4]}) end if
end ifdef
registry = remove(registry,x)
end if
end procedure
public function class_id(object handle) -- returns an integer widget class;
if string(handle) then handle = pointer(handle) end if
return vlookup(handle,registry,1,2,-1)
end function
public function class_name(object handle) -- returns class_name for a given handle;
if string(handle) then handle = pointer(handle) end if
return vlookup(handle,registry,1,3,"!")
end function
public function object_name(atom handle) -- returns name of object, or -nil-;
return vlookup(handle,registry,1,4,"!")
end function
public function pointer(object name) -- returns handle to object or null,
return vlookup(name,registry,4,1,0)
end function
function lookup_method(integer class, sequence prop)
-- Finds the method to set or get a property for a given class,
-- if not found, ancestors of that class are checked until the method
-- is located.
if class = -1 then return 0 end if
ifdef LOOK then display("Look []->[]",{widget[class][$],prop}) end ifdef
object method = lookup(prop,vslice(widget[class],NAME),widget[class],0)
ifdef LOOKUP then display(widget[class][$]) end ifdef
if atom(method) then -- try sans the set_ or get_ prefix;
method = lookup(prop[5..$],vslice(widget[class],NAME),widget[class],0)
end if
if sequence(method) then -- method was found in this class, we're done!
return method
end if
object ancestor -- if not found, need to look for method in ancestors;
for i = 1 to length(widget[class][PARAMS]) do
ancestor = widget[class][PARAMS][i]
if ancestor = 0 then return 0 end if
if not initialized[ancestor] then
end if
ifdef LOOKUP then -- debug;
display("trying ancestor: []",{widget[ancestor][$]})
end ifdef
method = lookup(prop,vslice(widget[ancestor],NAME),widget[ancestor],0)
if atom(method) then
method = lookup(prop[5..$],vslice(widget[ancestor],NAME),widget[ancestor],0)
end if
if sequence(method) then -- found it!
ifdef LOOKUP then display("\t []",{method[1]}) end ifdef
return method
end if
end for
return -1 -- method not found (not implemented)
end function
public function connect(object ctl, object sig, object fn=0, object data=0,
atom closure=0, integer flags=0)
-- tells control to call your Eu function, sending data along for the ride,
-- whenever that control gets the specified signal.
integer result = -1
atom rid = 0
if atom(fn) and fn = 0 then -- no point in registering null functions!
return 0
end if
if string(ctl) then
ctl = pointer(ctl) -- convert name to pointer;
end if
if sequence(ctl) then
for i = 1 to length(ctl) do
end for
return 1
end if
if string(fn) then -- if interpreted, we can call functions by name if in scope;
ifdef COMPILE then -- do compile test if requested;
display("Connecting [] [] Signal '[]' Function [] Data []",
if not equal("Quit",fn) then
printf(1,"\n\tCaution: function %s will not link when compiled!\n\t********\n",{fn})
end if
end ifdef
rid = routine_id(fn)
if rid > 0 then -- named function is in scope;
fn = call_back(rid) -- so obtain a callback;
printf(1,"\n\tError: function %s is not in scope\n\t****** (make it global or link via routine_id)\n",{fn})
Warn(,,sprintf("function %s </b> is not in scope<b>",{fn}),"make it global or link via routine_id")
end if
end if
sig = join(split(sig,' '),'-') -- normalize signal names;
sig = allocate_string(sig) -- convert to string pointer;
if integer(data) then -- can be attached directly;
result = gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
return result
end if
if atom(data) then
data = prepend({data},"ATOM") -- must be serialized and unpacked later;
data = allocate_wstring(serialize(data)+1)
result = gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
return result
end if
if string(data) then
data = prepend({data},"STR") -- must be serialized and unpacked later;
data = allocate_wstring(serialize(data)+1)
result = gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
return result
end if
if sequence(data) then
data = prepend(data,"SEQ")-- must be serialized and unpacked later;
data = allocate_wstring(serialize(data)+1)
result = gtk_func("g_signal_connect_data",{P,S,P,P,I,I},{ctl,sig,fn,data,closure,flags})
return result
end if
end function
export procedure disconnect(atom ctl, integer sigid) -- disconnect a signal from ctl;
end procedure
export function unpack(object data) -- retrieves data passed in a control's data space;
if atom(data) and data = 0 then return 0 end if
object result = deserialize(peek_wstring(data)-1)
switch result[1][1] do
case "ATOM","STR","INT" then return result[1][2]
case "SEQ" then return result[1][2..$]
case else return result
end switch
end function
export function deallocate_string_pointer_array(atom x)
integer i = 0
object result = {}
while peek4u(x+i) > 0 do
result = append(result,peek_string(peek4u(x+i)))
i += 8
end while
return result
end function
-- following 3 'decode_x' functions are for debugging purposes,
-- they make displays more readable;
function decode_args(object method, object args)
for i = 1 to length(method[PARAMS]) do
switch method[PARAMS][i] do
case S then
if atom(args[i]) and args[i] > 0 then
args[i] = peek_string(args[i])
if length(args[i]) > 40 then
args[i] = args[i][1..40] & "..."
end if
args[i] = args[i]
end if
case else -- do not convert
end switch
end for
return args
end function
constant ptype = {0,P,I,D,F,S,B,A}
constant pname = {{},"None","Ptr ","Int ","Dbl ","Flt ","Str ","Bool ","Array "}
function decode_params(object params)
return transmute(params,ptype,pname)
end function
function decode_method(sequence title, integer class, object method)
object z = {}
integer n
z = prepend(method,widget[class][$])
z = prepend(z,title)
z[4] = decode_params(method[PARAMS])
while length(z) < 5 do
z = append(z,0)
end while
if length(method) >= RETVAL then
n = find(method[RETVAL],ptype)
z[5] = pname[n+1]
end if
return text:format("[]\n\tCall: []->[]\n\tParams: []\n\tReturn type: []\n\tVector: []",z)
end function
public function to_sequence(atom glist, integer fmt=0) -- mostly internal use;
-- convert glist pointer back to a Euphoria sequence;
-- results are returned in a choice of formats;
integer len = gtk_func("g_list_length",{P},{glist})
object s = {}
atom data
for i = 0 to len-1 do
data = gtk_func("g_slist_nth_data",{P,I},{glist,i})
switch fmt do
case 0 then s = append(s,peek_string(data))
case 1 then s = append(s,data)
case 2 then s = append(s,gtk_str_func("gtk_tree_path_to_string",{P},{data}))
case 3 then s = append(s,to_number(gtk_str_func("gtk_tree_path_to_string",{P},{data})))
case else Warn(,,"Converting glist to_sequence",
"invalid format supplied,\nvalues are 0 to 3")
end switch
end for
return s
end function
sequence initialized = repeat(0,500)
-- This is a set of flags which are set to 1 when a given widget has
-- been initialized. This prevents having to initialize a widget's
-- methods repeatedly. Size is larger than GtkFinal to allow 'plugin'
-- widgets to be added at runtime.
export sequence widget = repeat(0,GtkFinal)
-- This structure holds prototypes for each GTK method call,
-- organized by widget. When each widget is initialized,
-- vectors are added pointing to the routine_ids needed
-- to call the GTK functions that implement each method.
-- The widgets below need not be in any specific order.
-- Widget names must also be added to the list in GtkEnums
sequence stock_list = create(GtkStockList) -- a fake object;
widget[GObject] = {"g_object",
fn1 = define_proc("g_object_get",{P,P,P,P}),
doubles = {"angle","climb-rate","fraction","max-value","min-value",
constant prop = allocate_string("property")
function set_property(object handle, object a, object b)
object params = {P,P,P,P}
if find(a,doubles) then params = {P,P,D,P} end if
if string(a) then a = allocate_string(a,1) end if
if string(b) then b = allocate_string(b,1) end if
return 1
end function
function get_property(atom handle, object p)
atom x = allocate(8,1)
if string(p) then p = allocate_string(p,1) end if
object result = peek4u(x)
return result
end function
widget[GtkAdjustment] = {"gtk_adjustment",
widget[GtkWidgetPath] = {"gtk_widget_path",
{"iter_set_object_name",{P,I,S}}, -- 3.20
{"iter_get_object_name",{P,I},S}, -- 3.20
{"iter_get_state",{P,I},I}, -- 3.14
{"iter_set_state",{P,I,I}}, -- 3.14
{"get_object_name",{P,I},S}, -- 3.20
{"set_object_name",{P,I,S}}, -- 3.20
widget[GtkStyle] = {"gtk_style",
widget[GAction] = {"g_action",
widget[GSimpleAction] = {"g_simple_action",
widget[GPropertyAction] = {"g_property_action",
widget[GActionGroup] = {"g_action_group",
widget[GSimpleActionGroup] = {"g_simple_action_group",
widget[GActionMap] = {"g_action_map",
widget[GtkWidgetClass] = {"gtk_widget_class",
{"set_template",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"set_template_from_resource",{P,S}}, -- 3.10
{"set_css_name",{P,S}}, -- 3.20
{"get_css_name",{P},S}, -- 3.20
widget[GtkWidget] = {"gtk_widget",
-- Aliases to fix awkward overrides; ordinarily you will use one of these 4,
-- Only use following versions when you need to change the color
-- of a control in a state other than normal. Rarely used since themes
-- often disallow the use of stateful colors;
{"remove_tick_callback",{P,I}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"reparent",{P,P}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_pointer",{P,I,I}}, -- deprecated 3.4
{"set_double_buffered",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_root_window",{P},P,0,GdkWindow}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"register_window",{P,P}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"unregister_window",{P,P}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"get_double_buffered",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"is_visible",{P},B}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"get_opacity",{P},D}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"set_opacity",{P,D}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"set_margin_left",{P,I}}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_margin_left",{P},I}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"set_margin_right",{P,I}}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_margin_right",{P},I}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_margin_end",{P},I}, -- new 3.12
{"set_margin_end",{P,I}}, -- new 3.12
{"get_margin_start",{P},I}, -- new 3.12
{"set_margin_start",{P,I}}, -- new 3.12
{"get_clip",{P,P}}, -- 3.14
{"set_clip",{P},P}, -- 3.14
{"get_action_group",{P,S},P,0,GActionGroup}, -- 3.16
{"list_action_prefixes",{P},A}, -- 3.16
{"get_font_map",{P},P,0,PangoFontMap}, -- 3.18
{"set_font_map",{P,P}}, -- 3.18
{"get_font_options",{P},P}, -- 3.18
{"set_font_options",{P,P}}, -- 3.18
{"get_allocated_size",{P,P,I}}, -- 3.20
{"get_focus_on_click",{P},B}, -- 3.20
{"set_focus_on_click",{P,B}}, -- 3.20
function widget_set_size_request(atom ctl, object x=0, object y=0)
if string(x) then
x = split(x,'x')
y = to_number(x[2])
x = to_number(x[1])
end if
return 1
end function
function widget_get_font(atom x)
object layout = get(x,"layout")
object context = gtk_func("pango_layout_get_context",{P},{layout})
object descr = gtk_func("pango_context_get_font_description",{P},{context})
return gtk_str_func("pango_font_description_to_string",{P},{descr})
end function
function widget_get_allocation(atom obj)
atom al = allocate(32,1)
return peek4u({al,4})
end function
function widget_set_name(atom ctl, object name)
integer x = find(ctl,vslice(registry,1))
if x > 0 then
registry[x][4] = peek_string(name)
end if
return 1
end function
-- This allows specifying a font name, e.g. "Courier bold 12" as a string,
-- instead of a pango font description object;
function widget_set_font(atom x, object fnt)
fnt = gtk_func("pango_font_description_from_string",{P},{fnt})
return 1
end function
-- The functions below handle color conversion to/from rgba,
-- as well as supplying easier-to-use method names for setting background
-- and foreground. These methods are only used to set the colors of a widget
-- in the NORMAL state, whereas if you want to set the colors in
-- some other state, such as mouse-over, etc, you use the original
-- set(widget,"override background",STATE,"color") syntax.
function widget_set_foreground(atom x, object c) -- alias 'color'
return widget_override_color(x,0,c)
end function
function widget_set_background(atom x, object c) -- alias 'background'
return widget_override_background_color(x,0,c)
end function
function widget_override_color(atom x, integer state=0, object c)
if atom(c) then
c = text:format("#[:06X]",c)
end if
return 1
end function
function widget_override_background_color(atom x, integer state=0, object c)
if atom(c) then
c = text:format("#[:06X]",c)
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkContainer] = {"gtk_container",
{"child_notify_by_pspec",{P,P,P}}, -- 3.18
{"class_install_child_properties",{P,I,P}}, -- 3.18
function set_border(atom cont, integer w) -- alias for 'border_width';
return 1
end function
widget[GdkKeymap] = {"gdk_keymap",
function new_keymap(atom disp=0)
if disp=0 then
return gtk_func("gdk_keymap_get_default")
return gtk_func("gdk_keymap_get_for_display",{P},P)
end if
end function
widget[GtkBin] = {"gtk_bin",
widget[GtkBox] = {"gtk_box",
{"get_center_widget",{P},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- 3.12
{"set_center_widget",{P,P}}, -- 3.12
widget[GtkButtonBox] = {"gtk_button_box",
widget[GtkWindowGroup] = {"gtk_window_group",
-- shortcuts are new in 3.20, inadequate documentation means there's no way to test yet;
widget[GtkShortcutsWindow] = {"gtk_shortcuts_window",
-- properties:
-- section-name
-- view-name
widget[GtkShortcutsSection] = {"gtk_shortcuts_section",
-- properties;
-- max-height
-- section-name
-- title
-- view-name
widget[GtkShortcutsGroup] = {"gtk_shortcuts_group",
-- properties;
-- accel-size-group
-- height
-- title
-- title-size-group
-- view
widget[GtkShortcutsShortcut] = {"gtk_shortcuts_shortcut",
-- properties;
-- accel-size-group
-- accelerator
-- title
-- title-size-group
widget[GtkShortcutsGesture] = {"gtk_shortcuts_gesture",
-- properties;
-- icon
-- icon-size-group
-- subtitle
-- title
-- title-size-group
widget[GtkWindow] = {"gtk_window",
{"set_size",{P,P},-routine_id("win_set_size")}, -- alias;
{"set_position",{P,P},-routine_id("win_set_pos")}, -- alias
--{"set_position",{P,I}}, -- alias above allows 2 forms of 'position';
{"resize_grip_is_visible",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_resize_grip_area",{P,P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"set_titlebar",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_titlebar",{P},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- 3.16
{"restore",{P},-routine_id("win_restore")}, -- see below;
{"close",{P}}, -- 3.10
{"is_maximized",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"set_interactive_debugging",{B}}, -- 3.14
{"fullscreen_on_monitor",{P,P,I}}, -- 3.18
function win_set_size(atom win, object size)
-- allow for WxH format to be passed;
if match("x",size) then size = split(size,'x') end if
if match("{",size) = 1 and match("}",size) = length(size) then
size = size[2..$-1]
size = split(size,',')
end if
return 1
end function
function win_set_pos(atom win, object pos)
if integer(pos) then -- only one integer passed;
gtk_proc("gtk_window_set_position",{P,I},{win,pos}) -- use original call;
return 1
end if
-- else position is WxH format, so call move instead;
if match("x",pos) then pos = split(pos,'x') end if
if match("{",pos) = 1 and match("}",pos) = length(pos) then
pos = pos[2..$-1]
pos = split(pos,',')
end if
return 1
end function
function win_set_cursor(atom win, object cursor)
atom gdkwin = get(win,"window")
cursor = create(GdkCursor,cursor)
return cursor
end function
-- this replaces a handy but deprecated GTK function which
-- restores a window to its original size after being resized
-- to fit larger contents;
function win_restore(atom win)
return 1
end function
-- manages the creation of window icon from a variety of source formats.
-- this makes life much easier for the programmer.
function win_set_icon(object win, object icon)
object path
if string(icon) then
path = locate_file(icon)--display(path)
if file_type(path) = 1 then
return 1
return 1
end if
end if
if sequence(icon) then
end if
if atom(icon) then
if class_id(icon) = GtkImage then
icon = get(icon,"pixbuf")
end if
if class_id(icon) = GdkPixbuf then
end if
return 1
end if
return 0
end function
widget[GtkMisc] = {"gtk_misc", -- deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkLabel] = {"gtk_label",
{"set_value",{P,D},-routine_id("lbl_set_value")}, -- convenience, converts # to readable form;
{"set_lines",{P,I}}, -- 3.10
{"get_lines",{P},I}, -- 3.10
{"get_xalign",{P},F}, -- 3.16
{"get_yalign",{P},F}, -- 3.16
{"set_xalign",{P,F}}, -- 3.16
{"set_yalign",{P,F}}, -- 3.16
function lbl_set_value(atom lbl, atom val) -- provided for convenience;
set(lbl,"text",sprintf("%2.2f",val)) -- convert atom to string for label;
return 1
end function
widget[GtkImage] = {"gtk_image",
{"set_image",{P,P,P},-routine_id("setImage")}, -- not a gtk func
{"set_from_surface",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_pixbuf",{P},P,0,GdkPixbuf}, -- doesn't work!
-- create an image from a variety of source formats
function newImage(object icon=0, integer size=6, integer w=0, integer h=0)
if atom(icon) then
if icon = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new") -- just a blank image requested;
switch class_id(icon) do
case GdkPixbuf then
icon = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf",{P},{icon})
case GIcon then
icon = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_gicon",{P,I},{icon,size})
case CairoSurface_t then
icon = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_surface",{P},{icon})
case else -- do nothing
end switch
end if
return icon
end if
object theme, icon_info
if string(icon) then
if begins("gtk-",icon) then -- from stock (deprecated)
if size = 0 then size = 6 end if
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_icon_name",{P,I},
{allocate_string(icon,1),size}) -- size is a GTK_ICON_SIZE_ enum;
end if
if file_exists(canonical_path(icon)) then -- from file
icon = canonical_path(icon)
if h = 0 and w = 0 then -- return at natural size;
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_file",{P},
icon = newPixbuf(icon,w,h,size) -- resize it;
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf",{P},{icon})
end if
end if
if file_exists(locate_file(icon)) then -- from file
icon = locate_file(icon)
if h = 0 and w = 0 then -- return at natural size;
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_file",{P},
icon = newPixbuf(icon,w,h,size) -- resize it;
return gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf",{P},{icon})
end if
end if
if size < 7 then
icon = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_icon_name",{P,I},{icon,size})
theme = create(GtkIconTheme) -- get current theme;
icon_info = get(theme,"lookup icon",icon,size) -- get icon details;
icon = get(icon_info,"load icon") -- load selected icon;
return create(GtkImage,icon)
end if
end if
return icon
end function
function setImage(atom img, object icon, integer size=0)
if size = 0 then
size = get(img,"pixel size")
end if
if string(icon) then
if file_exists(canonical_path(icon)) then -- from file
set(img,"from file",icon)
set(img,"pixel size",size)
return img
end if
if begins("gtk-",icon) then -- from stock (deprecated)
set(img,"from stock",icon)
return img
end if
set(img,"from icon name",icon)
return img
end if
return img
end function
function img_get_icon_name(atom img)
atom name = allocate(8), size = allocate(8)
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_image_get_icon_name",{P,P,P})
if name > 0 then
return {peek_string(peek4u(name)),peek4u(size)}
else return -1
end if
end function
widget[GdkCursor] = {"gdk_cursor",
-- manages cursor creation from a variety of sources
function newCursor(object a, object b=0, integer c=0)
atom disp = gtk_func("gdk_display_get_default")
if string(a) then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_from_name",{P,P},{disp,allocate_string(a,1)})
end if
if class_id(a) = GdkPixbuf then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf",{P,P,I,I},{disp,a,b,c})
end if
if class_id(a) = CairoSurface_t then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_from_surface",{P,P,D,D},{disp,a,b,c})
end if
if integer(a) then
return gtk_func("gdk_cursor_new_for_display",{P,I},{disp,a})
end if
end function
widget[GdkWindow] = {"gdk_window",
{"set_composited",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.16
{"get_composited",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.16
{"create_gl_context",{P,P},P,0,GdkGLContext}, -- 3.16
{"mark_paint_from_clip",{P,P}}, -- 3.16
widget[GdkPixbuf] = {"gdk_pixbuf",
{"composite_color_simple",{}},-- Cannot implement, use gtk_func if required.
-- creates a pixbuf from a variety of sources
function newPixbuf(object name, integer w=0, integer h=0, atom ratio=0)
atom err = allocate(32,1) err = 0
object path=allocate_string("gtk-missing-image",1)
object pix = 0
if string(name) then
path = canonical_path(locate_file(name))
if file_exists(path) then
ifdef PIXBUF then
display("PIXBUF from file: []",{abbreviate_path(path)},0)
end ifdef
path = allocate_string(path,1)
goto "build"
end if
if has_icon(name) then
path = icon_info(name)
ifdef PIXBUF then
display("PIXBUF from icon: []",{filename(path[3])},0)
end ifdef
if string(path[3]) then
path = allocate_string(path[3],1)
path = "!"
end if
goto "build"
else return 0
end if
ifdef PIXBUF then
display("PIXBUF from atom: [] []",{name,peek_string(name)},0)
end ifdef
end if -- string name;
label "build"
if h = 0 and w = 0 then -- return at original size;
ifdef PIXBUF then display("Orig size") end ifdef
pix = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file",{P,P},{path,err})
else -- if one or other dimension given, scale it, otherwise size it;
if w > 0 and h = 0 then h = -1 end if
if w = 0 and h > 0 then w = -1 end if
ifdef PIXBUF then display("\t SCALE []x[] []",{w,h,ratio}) end ifdef
pix = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale",{P,I,I,B,P},{path,w,h,ratio,err})
end if
ifdef PIXBUF_ERR then
if pix = 0 then
display("CAUTION: cannot create pixbuf from []",{peek_string(path)})
end if
end ifdef
return pix
end function
-- save a pixbuf in various formats based on file extension(.png, .jpg, etc)
function pb_save(atom handle, object fn, object ft, object params = 0)
if string(fn) then fn = allocate_string(fn,1) end if
if string(ft) then ft = allocate_string(ft,1) end if
if string(params) then
params = split(params,'=')
for i = 1 to length(params) do
params[i] = allocate_string(params[i],1)
end for
end if
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
if atom(params) then
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_save",{P,P,P,P,P},{handle,fn,ft,err,0})
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_save",{P,P,P,P,P,P,P},{handle,fn,ft,err,params[1],params[2],0})
end if
end function
function getPixbufSize(object pb)
return {get(pb,"width"),get(pb,"height")}
end function
function pb_get_file_info(atom pb, object name)
atom w = allocate(8,1), h = allocate(8,1)
object fmt = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_get_file_info",{P,P,P},
return {fmt,peek4u(w),peek4u(h)}
end function
function pb_get_format(atom pb, object name)
object fmt = pb_get_file_info(pb,name)
return fmt
end function
export function pixbuf_formats()
object fmts = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_get_formats")
return unpack_gs_str_list(fmts)
end function
widget[GdkPixbufFormat] = {"gdk_pixbuf_format",
-- {"extensions",{P},P}, -- error
widget[GtkDialog] = {"gtk_dialog",
{"get_action_area",{P},P,0,GtkBox}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_header_bar",{P},P,0,GtkContainer},-- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkMessageDialog] = {"gtk_message_dialog",
{"set_image",{P,P}}, -- deprecated 3.12
{"get_image",{P},P,0,GtkImage}, -- deprecated 3.12
widget[GtkSeparator] = {"gtk_separator",
widget[GtkEditable] = {"gtk_editable",
widget[GtkTextIter] = {"gtk_text_iter",
{"starts_tag",{P,P},B}, -- 3.20
widget[GtkEntry] = {"gtk_entry",
{"set_value",{P,D},-routine_id("entry_set_value")}, -- not GTK, a convenience func;
{"get_value",{P},-routine_id("entry_get_value")}, -- not GTK, a convenience func;
{"set_placeholder_text",{P,S}}, -- GTK 3.2+
{"get_placeholder_text",{P},S}, -- GTK 3.2+
{"set_icon_from_stock",{P,I,S}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"set_tabs",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_tabs",{P},P,0,PangoTabArray}, -- 3.10
{"get_max_width_chars",{P},I}, -- 3.12
{"set_max_width_chars",{P,I}}, -- 3.12
{"grab_focus_without_selecting",{P}}, --3.16
function entry_get_value(atom x) -- retrieve input text as a number;
object txt = get(x,"text")
return to_number(txt)
end function
function entry_set_value(atom x, atom v) -- convert number to text equivalent;
if integer(v) then
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkSpinButton] = {"gtk_spin_button",
-- create a spin button from an ajustment object or from a range of values
function newSpinButton(atom a=0, atom b=0, atom c=0)
atom sb = 0
if a+b+c = 0 then a = create(GtkAdjustment,0,0,100,1) end if
if class_id(a) = GtkAdjustment then
sb = gtk_func("gtk_spin_button_new",{P,D,I},{a,b,c})
sb = gtk_func("gtk_spin_button_new_with_range",{D,D,D},{a,b,c})
end if
return sb
end function
function getSpinVal(atom spin)
object range = get(spin,"range")
atom fn = define_func("gtk_spin_button_get_value",{P},D)
atom val = c_func(fn,{spin})
val = math:ensure_in_range(val,range)
return val
end function
widget[GtkOrientable] = {"gtk_orientable",
widget[GtkRange] = {"gtk_range",
widget[GtkScale] = {"gtk_scale",
-- create scale from range or adjustment;
function newScale(integer orient, atom min=0, atom max=0, atom step=0)
if min+max+step = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_scale_new",{I,P},{orient,0})
end if
if class_id(min) = GtkAdjustment then
return gtk_func("gtk_scale_new",{I,P},{orient,min})
return gtk_func("gtk_scale_new_with_range",{I,D,D,D},{orient,min,max,step})
end if
end function
widget[GTimeout] = {"g_timeout",
function newTimeout(integer ms, atom fn, atom data)
return gtk_func("g_timeout_add",{I,P,P},{ms,fn,data})
end function
widget[GIdle] = {"g_idle",
function newIdle(atom fn, atom data)
return gtk_func("g_idle_add",{P,P},{fn,data})
end function
widget[GNotification] = {"g_notification",
--{"set_priority",{P,I}}, error
widget[GApplication] = {"g_application",
widget[GAppInfo] = {"g_app_info",
widget[GFile] = {"g_file",
-- create a GFile from a path or uri
function newGFile(object s)
if file_exists(canonical_path(locate_file(s))) then
return gtk_func("g_file_new_for_path",{P},
return gtk_func("g_file_new_for_uri",{P},
end if
return 0
end function
widget[GIcon] = {"g_icon",
function newGIcon(object s)
if string(s) then s = allocate_string(s,1) end if
return gtk_func("g_icon_new_for_string",{P,P},{s,0})
end function
widget[GFileIcon] = {"g_file_icon",
widget[GFileInfo] = {"g_file_info",
widget[GList] = {"g_list",
function newGList()
atom x = allocate(64) x = 0 -- keep;
return x
end function
widget[GSList] = {"g_slist",
object temp_list
export function unpack_gs_str_list(atom gs)
if gs = 0 then return 1 end if
atom fn = call_back(routine_id("gs_str_each"))
temp_list = {}
return temp_list
end function
function gs_str_each(object x)
if x > 0 then
temp_list = append(temp_list,peek_string(x))
end if
return 1
end function
export function unpack_gs_atom_list(object gs)
temp_list = {}
atom fn = call_back(routine_id("gs_atom_each"))
return temp_list
end function
function gs_atom_each(object x)
temp_list = append(temp_list,x)
return 1
end function
widget[GdkDisplay] = {"gdk_display",
{"new",{},-routine_id("newGdkDisplay")}, -- alias get_default;
{"supports_composite",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.16
function newGdkDisplay() -- alias;
return gtk_func("gdk_display_get_default",{})
end function
widget[GdkDevice] = {"gdk_device",
widget[GdkScreen] = {"gdk_screen",
{"new",{},-routine_id("newGdkScreen")}, -- alias get_default;
function newGdkScreen() -- alias;
return gtk_func("gdk_screen_get_default",{})
end function
widget[GdkVisual] = {"gdk_visual",
widget[GThemedIcon] = {"g_themed_icon",
widget[GtkThemedIcon] = {"gtk_themed_icon",
widget[GEmblem] = {"g_emblem",
widget[GEmblemedIcon] = {"g_emblemed_icon",
widget[GdkDeviceManager] = {"gdk_device_manager",
function newDeviceManager(atom disp=0)
if disp = 0 then
disp = gtk_func("gdk_display_get_default")
end if
return gtk_func("gdk_display_get_device_manager",{P},{disp})
end function
widget[GtkAppChooser] = {"gtk_app_chooser",
widget[GtkAppChooserButton] = {"gtk_app_chooser_button",
widget[GMenu] = {"g_menu",
widget[GSettings] = {"g_settings",
widget[GtkApplication] = {"gtk_application",
{"get_accels_for_action",{P,S},V}, -- 3.12
{"set_accels_for_action",{P,S,S}}, -- 3.12
{"get_actions_for_accel",{P,S},V}, -- 3.14
{"get_menu_by_id",{P,S},P,0,GMenu}, -- 3.14
{"prefers_app_menu",{},B}, -- 3.14
function app_activate(object x)
return 1
end function
function app_run(object x)
return 1
end function
function newApplication(object id, object flags)
if string(id) then id = allocate_string(id,1) end if
if gtk_func("g_application_id_is_valid",{P},{id}) then
return gtk_func("gtk_application_new",{P,I},{id,flags})
crash("Error: invalid application id!")
end if
return 0
end function
widget[GtkApplicationWindow] = {"gtk_application_window",
{"set_help_overlay",{P,P}}, -- 3.20
{"get_help_overlay",{P},P,0,GtkShortcutsWindow}, -- 3.20
widget[GtkActionable] = {"gtk_actionable",
-- Soon to be deprecated, but still used internally by Glade;
widget[GtkAlignment] = {"gtk_alignment",
widget[GtkAppLaunchContext] = {"gdk_app_launch_context",
widget[GtkAspectFrame] = {"gtk_aspect_frame",
widget[GtkAssistant] = {"gtk_assistant",
{"get_page_has_padding",{P,P},B}, -- 3.18
{"set_page_has_padding",{P,P,B}}, -- 3.18
widget[GtkDrag] = {"gtk_drag",
{"cancel",{P}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkDragSource] = {"gtk_drag_source",
widget[GtkDragDest] = {"gtk_drag_dest",
widget[GtkCssProvider] = {"gtk_css_provider",
{"load_from_resource",{P,S}}, -- 3.16
function new_css_provider(object name=0)
atom provider = gtk_func("gtk_css_provider_get_default")
atom style = create(GtkStyleContext)
atom screen = get(style,"screen")
atom err = allocate(64,1) err = 0
if atom(name) then
set(style,"add provider for screen",screen,provider,800)
return provider
end if
if file_exists(canonical_path(locate_file(name))) then
if gtk_func("gtk_css_provider_load_from_path",{P,P,P},
{provider,allocate_string(canonical_path(locate_file(name)),1),err}) then
set(style,"add provider for screen",screen,provider,800)
return provider
printf(1,"Error finding or parsing css from path: %s \n",
end if
end if
if string(name) then
integer len = length(name)
name = allocate_string(name,1)
if gtk_func("gtk_css_provider_load_from_data",{P,P,I,P},{provider,name,len,err}) then
set(style,"add provider for screen",screen,provider,800)
end if
end if
return provider
end function
widget[GtkCssSection] = {"gtk_css_section",
widget[GtkStatusIcon] = {"gtk_status_icon", -- deprecated 3.14
function si_position_menu(atom stat, atom menu, integer x, integer y, integer p)
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_status_icon_position_menu",{P,I,I,I,P})
c_proc(fn,{menu,x,y,p,stat}) -- menu and status_icon params swapped;
return 1
end function
widget[GtkOffscreenWindow] = {"gtk_offscreen_window",
widget[GtkComboBox] = {"gtk_combo_box",
{"set_add_tearoffs",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"get_add_tearoffs",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"set_title",{P,S}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"get_title",{P},S}, -- deprecated 3.10
-- create a combo box either empty or from a model
function newComboBox(object x=0)
if x = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_new",{},{})
end if
if class_id(x) = GtkListStore then
return gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_new_with_model",{P},{x})
end if
end function
function combo_get_entry(atom box)
atom x = get(box,"child")
return x
end function
function combo_set_activates_default(atom box, boolean z)
atom x = get(box,"child")
return 1
end function
widget[GtkComboBoxText] = {"gtk_combo_box_text",
widget[GtkComboBoxEntry] = {"gtk_combo_box_text",
function new_combo_box_entry() -- alias;
return gtk_func("gtk_combo_box_text_new_with_entry",{},{})
end function
widget[GtkFrame] = {"gtk_frame",
widget[GtkModelButton] = {"gtk_model_button", -- new in 3.16
widget[GtkButton] = {"gtk_button",
{"new_from_icon_name",{S,I},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- 3.10
{"set_alignment",{P,F,F}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_alignment",{P,F,F}}, -- deprecated 3.15
{"set_always_show_image",{P,B}}, -- GTK 3.6+
{"get_always_show_image",{P},B}, -- GTK 3.6+
function setBtnImage(atom btn, object img)
if class_id(img) = GdkPixbuf then
img = create(GtkImage,img)
end if
if string(img) then
if file_exists(canonical_path(img)) then
img = canonical_path(img)
elsif file_exists(canonical_path("~" & img)) then
img = canonical_path("~" & img)
end if
img = create(GdkPixbuf,img,20,20,1)
img = create(GtkImage,img)
end if
if atom(img) then
end if
return 1
end function
-- handles creation of buttons with icons from various sources;
-- this function modified greatly from earlier versions, in order
-- to circumvent the misguided idea that buttons, menus, etc. should not have
-- icons (even though window managers have settings to show or hide these
-- icons as the USER prefers)
function newButton(object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0
object tmp, t1, box, lbl = 0, icon = 0
if atom(cap) then
if cap = 0 then -- blank button;
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new",{})
return btn
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new",{})
set(btn,"use underline",TRUE)
if class_id(cap) = GdkPixbuf then -- convert to image;
cap = create(GtkImage,cap)
end if
if class_id(cap) = GtkImage then
set(btn,"image",cap) -- add image to btn
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
end if
return btn
end if
end if
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) = 0 then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new_from_stock",{P},{allocate_string(cap)})
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
set(btn,"use underline",TRUE)
return btn
end if
tmp = split(cap,'#')
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(tmp[2],1)})
set(btn,"use underline",TRUE)
t1 = canonical_path(locate_file(tmp[1]))
if match("gtk-",cap) = 1 then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new")
box = create(GtkBox,0,5)
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],ceil(BTN_ICON_SIZE/10))
if icon > 0 then add(box,icon) end if
if length(tmp[2]) > 0 then
lbl = gtk_func("gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(tmp[2])})
end if
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
set(btn,"use underline",TRUE)
return btn
elsif file_exists(t1) then
icon = create(GdkPixbuf,t1,BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
end if
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
set(btn,"use underline",TRUE)
return btn
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_button_new",{})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkToggleButton] = {"gtk_toggle_button",
function newToggleButton(object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0
object tmp, t1, icon = 0
if atom(cap) then
if cap = 0 then -- blank button;
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new",{})
return btn
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new",{})
if class_id(cap) = GdkPixbuf then -- convert to image;
cap = create(GtkImage,cap)
end if
if class_id(cap) = GtkImage then
set(btn,"image",cap) -- add image to btn
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
end if
return btn
end if
end if
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) = 0 then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(cap)})
return btn
end if
tmp = split(cap,'#')
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(tmp[2],1)})
t1 = canonical_path(locate_file(tmp[1]))
if match("gtk-",cap) = 1 then
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],ceil(BTN_ICON_SIZE/5))
elsif file_exists(t1) then
icon = create(GdkPixbuf,t1,BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
end if
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
return btn
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_button_new",{})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkCheckButton] = {"gtk_check_button",
function newCheckButton(object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0
object tmp, t1, icon = 0
if atom(cap) then
if cap = 0 then -- blank button;
btn = gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new",{})
return btn
btn = gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new",{})
if class_id(cap) = GdkPixbuf then -- convert to image;
cap = create(GtkImage,cap)
end if
if class_id(cap) = GtkImage then
set(btn,"image",cap) -- add image to btn
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
end if
return btn
end if
end if
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) = 0 then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(cap)})
return btn
end if
tmp = split(cap,'#')
btn = gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(tmp[2],1)})
t1 = canonical_path(locate_file(tmp[1]))
if match("gtk-",cap) = 1 then
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],ceil(BTN_ICON_SIZE/5))
elsif file_exists(t1) then
icon = create(GdkPixbuf,t1,BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
end if
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
return btn
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_check_button_new",{})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkRadioButton] = {"gtk_radio_button",
function newRadioButton(atom group=0, object cap = 0)
atom btn = 0
object tmp, t1, icon = 0
if atom(cap) then
if cap = 0 then -- blank button;
btn = gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new",{P},{group})
return btn
btn = gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new",{P},{group})
if class_id(cap) = GdkPixbuf then -- convert to image;
cap = create(GtkImage,cap)
end if
if class_id(cap) = GtkImage then
set(btn,"image",cap) -- add image to btn
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
end if
return btn
end if
end if
if string(cap) then
if match("#",cap) = 0 then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget",{P,P},{group,cap})
return btn
end if
tmp = split(cap,'#')
btn = gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget",{P,P},{group,allocate_string(tmp[2],1)})
t1 = canonical_path(locate_file(tmp[1]))
if match("gtk-",cap) = 1 then
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],ceil(BTN_ICON_SIZE/5))
elsif file_exists(t1) then
icon = create(GdkPixbuf,t1,BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
icon = create(GtkImage,tmp[1],BTN_ICON_SIZE,0,1)
end if
set(btn,"always show image",BTN_SHOW_IMG)
return btn
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_radio_button_new",{P},{group})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkColorButton] = {"gtk_color_button",
{"show_editor",{P,B}}, -- 3.20
function newColorButton(object c=0)
if string(c) then c = to_rgba(c) end if
if c=0 then return gtk_func("gtk_color_button_new")
else return gtk_func("gtk_color_button_new_with_rgba",{P},{c})
end if
end function
widget[GtkFontButton] = {"gtk_font_button",
function newFontButton(object f=0, object fn=0, object data=0)
if string(f) then f = allocate_string(f,1) end if
atom fnt
if f = 0 then
fnt = gtk_func("gtk_font_button_new")
else fnt = gtk_func("gtk_font_button_new_with_font",{P},{f})
end if
if string(fn) or fn > 0 then
end if
return fnt
end function
widget[GtkLinkButton] = {"gtk_link_button",
function newLinkButton(object link, object lbl=0)
if lbl = 0 then return gtk_func("gtk_link_button_new",{S},{link})
else return gtk_func("gtk_link_button_new_with_label",{S,S},{link,lbl})
end if
end function
widget[GtkLockButton] = {"gtk_lock_button", -- unable to make this work!
widget[GPermission] = {"g_permission",
widget[GSimplePermission] = {"g_simple_permission",
widget[GtkScaleButton] = {"gtk_scale_button",
widget[GtkMenu] = {"gtk_menu",
{"set_title",{P,S}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"get_title",{P},S}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"set_tearoff_state",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"get_tearoff_state",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"popup_at_pointer",{P,P}}, -- 3.22
{"popup_at_rect",{P,P,P,I,I,P}}, -- 3.22
{"popup_at_widget",{P,P,I,I,P}}, -- 3.22
function newMenu(object x=0)
if class_id(x) = GMenuModel then
return gtk_func("gtk_menu_new_from_model",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_menu_new")
end if
end function
widget[GtkMenuBar] = {"gtk_menu_bar",
function newMenuBar(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GMenuModel then
return gtk_func("gtk_menu_bar_new_from_model",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_menu_bar_new")
end if
end function
widget[GMenu] = {"g_menu",
widget[GMenuModel] = {"g_menu_model",
widget[GMenuItem] = {"g_menu_item",
widget[GtkMenuButton] = {"gtk_menu_button", --3.6
{"set_popover",{P,P}}, -- 3.12
{"get_popover",{P},P,0,GtkPopover}, -- 3.12
{"set_use_popover",{P,B}}, -- 3.12
{"get_use_popover",{P},B}, -- 3.12
widget[GtkMenuItem] = {"gtk_menu_item",
-- all this just to allow images and accels on menu items!
constant activate = allocate_string("activate")
function newMenuItem(object stk=0, object fn=0, object data=0, object accels=0)
object item, img = 0
if match("#",stk) then
stk = split(stk,'#')
img = stk[1]
stk = stk[2]
goto "next"
end if
if not match("#",stk) then
if match("gtk-",stk) then
img = stk
stk = "_" & proper(stk[5..$])
end if
end if
label "next"
item = gtk_func("gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(stk,1)})
label "accels "
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
item = mi_add_accelerator(item,accels)
item = mi_add_accelerator(item,accels,img)
end if
return item
end function
function mi_add_accelerator(atom item, object accels, object img = 0)
atom x = allocate(8,1)
integer key, mods
object child = get(item,"child")
if atom(img) and img = 0 then -- do nothing
img = get_icon_image(img,3)
end if
if sequence(accels) then
gtk_proc("gtk_accelerator_parse", {P,P,P},
key = peek4u(x) mods = peek4u(x+4)
if class_id(child) = -1 then
end if
end if
atom box = create(GtkButtonBox)
set(box,"margin left",0)
if atom(img) and img > 0 then
set(img,"margin left",0)
set(img,"margin right",0)
set(box,"child non_homogeneous",img,TRUE)
end if
pack_start(box,child,1,1) -- put the label back
set(box,"child non_homogeneous",child,TRUE)
set(child,"margin left",0)
if sequence(accels) then
object txt = gtk_str_func("gtk_accelerator_get_label",{I,I},{key,mods})
if string(txt) then
atom acc = create(GtkLabel)
if sequence(ACCEL_FONT) then
end if
set(box,"child secondary",acc,TRUE)
set(box,"child non_homogeneous",acc,TRUE)
end if
end if
return item
end function
function mi_set_label(atom item, object lbl)
if string(lbl) then lbl = allocate_string(lbl,1) end if
atom b = get(item,"child")
object list = get(b,"children")
if atom(list) then
list &= 0
end if
for i = 1 to length(list) do
if class_id(list[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return 1
end if
end for
return 1
end function
export function mi_get_label(atom item)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object list = get(b,"children")
for i = 1 to length(list) do
if class_id(list[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return gtk_str_func("gtk_label_get_text",{P},{list[i]})
end if
end for
return 0
end function
function mi_set_image(atom item, object img)
if string(img) then img = get_icon_image(img,GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU) end if
img = get(img,"pixbuf")
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if class_id(l[i]) = GtkImage then
return 1
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function gmi_get_image(atom item)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if class_id(l[i]) = GtkImage then
return l[i]
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function mi_set_use_underline(atom item, boolean use)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if class_id(l[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return 1
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function mi_get_use_underline(atom item)
atom b = get(item,"child")
object l = get(b,"children")
l = to_sequence(l,1)
for i = 1 to length(l) do
if class_id(l[i]) = GtkAccelLabel then
return gtk_func("gtk_label_get_use_underline",{P},{l[i]})
end if
end for
return 1
end function
widget[GtkImageMenuItem] = {"gtk_image_menu_item",
widget[GtkRadioMenuItem] = {"gtk_radio_menu_item",
{"join_group",{P,P}}, -- 3.18
function newRadioMenuItem(atom group, object stk, object fn, object data, object accels=0)
object item, img = 0
if match("#",stk) then
stk = split(stk,'#')
img = stk[1]
stk = stk[2]
goto "next"
end if
if not match("#",stk) then
if match("gtk-",stk) then
img = stk
end if
end if
label "next"
if group = 0 then
item = gtk_func("gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic",{P,P},
item = gtk_func("gtk_radio_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic_from_widget",
end if
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
item = mi_add_accelerator(item,accels)
item = mi_add_accelerator(item,accels,img)
end if
return item
end function
widget[GtkCheckMenuItem] = {"gtk_check_menu_item",
function newCheckMenuItem(object stk,object fn, object data, object accels=0)
object item, img = 0
if match("#",stk) then
stk = split(stk,'#')
img = stk[1]
stk = stk[2]
goto "next"
end if
if not match("#",stk) then
if match("gtk-",stk) then
img = stk
end if
end if
label "next"
item = gtk_func("gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{allocate_string(stk,1)})
if atom(img) and img = 0 then
item = mi_add_accelerator(item,accels)
item = mi_add_accelerator(item,accels,img)
end if
return item
end function
widget[GtkNumerableIcon] = {"gtk_numerable_icon", -- deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkEventBox] = {"gtk_event_box",
widget[GtkExpander] = {"gtk_expander",
function newExpander(object caption="")
if string(caption) and match("_",caption) then
return gtk_func("gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic",{P},{caption})
return gtk_func("gtk_expander_new",{P},{caption})
end if
end function
widget[GtkToolItem] = {"gtk_tool_item",
widget[GtkToolButton] = {"gtk_tool_button",
{"set_stock_id",{P,S}}, -- deprecated 3.10
{"get_stock_id",{P},S}, -- deprecated 3.10
function newToolButton(object icn=0, object lbl=0)
atom btn = 0
if string(icn) then
if match("gtk-",icn) = 1 then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_tool_button_new_from_stock",{P},{allocate_string(icn,1)})
set(btn,"always show icon",TRUE)
return btn
icn = create(GtkImage,icn)
end if
end if
if string(lbl) then
lbl = allocate_string(lbl,1)
end if
btn = gtk_func("gtk_tool_button_new",{P,P},{icn,lbl})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkMenuToolButton] = {"gtk_menu_tool_button",
function newMenuToolButton(object icn=0, object lbl=0)
if string(icn) then
icn = create(GtkImage,icn,1)
end if
if string(lbl) then
lbl = allocate_string(lbl,1)
end if
atom btn = gtk_func("gtk_menu_tool_button_new",{P,P},{icn,lbl})
return btn
end function
widget[GtkToggleToolButton] = {"gtk_toggle_tool_button",
function newToggleToolButton(object x)
atom btn
if string(x) then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_tool_button_new_from_stock",{S},{x})
elsif atom(x) then
btn = gtk_func("gtk_toggle_tool_button_new")
if class_id(btn) = GdkPixbuf then
end if
end if
return btn
end function
widget[GtkRadioToolButton] = {"gtk_radio_tool_button",
function newRadioToolButton(atom id)
if class_id(id) = GtkRadioToolButton then
return gtk_func("gtk_radio_tool_button_new_from_widget",{P},{id})
return gtk_func("gtk_radio_tool_button_new",{P},{id})
end if
end function
widget[GtkSeparatorToolItem] = {"gtk_separator_tool_item",
widget[GtkOverlay] = {"gtk_overlay",
{"get_overlay_pass_through",{P,P},B}, -- 3.18
{"set_overlay_pass_through",{P,P,B}}, -- 3.18
widget[GtkScrollable] = {"gtk_scrollable",
{"get_border",{P,P},B}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkScrolledWindow] = {"gtk_scrolled_window",
{"add_with_viewport",{P,P}}, -- deprecated 3.8
{"get_overlay_scrolling",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_overlay_scrolling",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkSidebar] = {"gtk_sidebar", -- 3.16
widget[GtkTextBuffer] = {"gtk_text_buffer",
{"insert_markup",{P,P,S,I}}, -- 3.16
{"insert_markup",{P,P,S,I}}, -- 3.16
export constant
fnBufStart = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter",{P,P}),
fnBufEnd = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter",{P,P}),
fnBufGet = define_func("gtk_text_buffer_get_text",{P,P,P,B},S),
fnBufSet = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_set_text",{P,S,I}),
fnBufIns = define_func("gtk_text_buffer_get_insert",{P},P),
fnBufIter = define_proc("gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark",{P,P,P}),
fnBufBounds = define_func("gtk_text_buffer_get_selection_bounds",{P,P,P},B)
function getBufferText(object buf)
atom start = allocate(64) c_proc(fnBufStart,{buf,start})
atom fini = allocate(64) c_proc(fnBufEnd,{buf,fini})
object result = c_func(fnBufGet,{buf,start,fini,1})
return peek_string(result)
end function
function getSelectionBounds(object buf)
atom start = allocate(100)
atom fini = allocate(100)
atom iter = allocate(100)
if c_func(fnBufBounds,{buf,start,fini}) then
return {start,fini}
start = c_func(fnBufIns,{buf})
return {iter,iter}
end if
end function
function setBufferText(object buf, object txt)
object len
if atom(txt) then
len = peek_string(txt)
len = length(len)
len = length(txt)
txt = allocate_string(txt)
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkClipboard] = {"gtk_clipboard",
{"get_default",{P},P,0,GtkClipboard},-- 3.16
{"get_selection",{P},P}, -- 3.22
function newClipboard(integer i=0) -- just use default clipboard;
return gtk_func("gtk_clipboard_get",{I},{i})
end function
widget[GtkSelectionData] = {"gtk_selection_data",
widget[GtkCellArea] = {"gtk_cell_area",
{"attribute_get_column",{P,P,S},I}, -- 3.14
widget[GtkCellAreaCell] = {"gtk_cell_area_cell",
widget[GtkCellAreaBox] = {"gtk_cell_area_box",
widget[GtkCellAreaContext] = {"gtk_cell_area_context",
widget[GtkCellEditable] = {"gtk_cell_editable",
widget[GtkCellLayout] = {"gtk_cell_layout",
widget[GtkCellRenderer] = {"gtk_cell_renderer",
-- Many properties exist for cell renderers, see GTK docs!
widget[GtkCellRendererAccel] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_accel",
widget[GtkCellRendererCombo] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_combo",
widget[GtkCellRendererText] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_text",
widget[GtkCellRendererPixbuf] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf",
widget[GtkCellRendererProgress] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_progress",
widget[GtkCellRendererSpin] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_spin",
widget[GtkCellRendererSpinner] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_spinner",
widget[GtkCellRendererToggle] = {"gtk_cell_renderer_toggle",
widget[GtkTreeModelFilter] = {"gtk_tree_model_filter",
widget[GtkTreeModelSort] = {"gtk_tree_model_sort",
widget[GtkListStore] = {"gtk_list_store",
-- almost all calls to GtkListStore are overridden with Euphoria calls,
-- because the GTK versions are just too complex and tedious to set up,
-- making them impractical to use.
TM1 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first",{P,P},I),
TM2 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_next",{P,P},I),
TM3 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string",{P,P,P},P),
TM4 = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I}),
TM5 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I),
LS0 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_clear",{P}),
LS1 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_insert",{P,P,I}),
LS2 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_append",{P,P}),
LS3 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_swap",{P,P,P}),
LS4 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_move_before",{P,P,P}),
LS5 = define_proc("gtk_list_store_move_after",{P,P,P}),
LS6 = define_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},B)
function newListStore(object params)
object proto = I & repeat(P,length(params))
params = length(params) & params -- must build func params 'on the fly'
atom fn = define_func("gtk_list_store_new",proto,P)
return c_func(fn,params)
end function
function ls_get_n_rows(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children",{P,P},{store,0})
end function
function ls_get_n_cols(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},{store})
end function
function ls_set_data(object store, object data)
atom iter = allocate(32,1)
for row = 1 to length(data) do
c_proc(LS1,{store,iter,length(data)}) -- new row
if string(data[row]) then
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function ls_set_row_data(atom store, integer row, object data)
integer max_col = ls_get_n_cols(store)
for col = 1 to math:min({length(data),max_col}) do
end for
return 1
end function
function ls_set_col_data(object store, object row, integer col, object data)
integer max_col = ls_get_n_cols(store)
if col < 1 or col > max_col then
crash("Invalid column #%d",col)
end if
atom s = allocate_string(sprintf("%d",row-1),1)
atom iter = allocate(32,1)
if not c_func(TM3,{store,iter,s}) then
return -1
end if
object prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
integer col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
switch col_type do
case gSTR then prototype = {P,P,I,S,I}
if atom(data) then data = sprintf("%2.2f",data) end if
case gDBL,gFLT then prototype = {P,P,I,D,I}
case gPIX then prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
case gINT,gBOOL then prototype = {P,P,I,I,I}
case else
display("Error in []->ls_set_col_data: col [] type [] expects [], got []",
end switch
if string(data) then
data = allocate_string(data) -- don't free these strings!
end if
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_list_store_set",prototype)
object params = {store,iter,col-1,data,-1}
return 1
end function
function ls_get_data(object store)
object data = {}
for row = 1 to ls_get_n_rows(store) do
data = append(data,ls_get_row_data(store,row))
end for
return data
end function
function ls_get_row_data(object store, integer row)
object data = {}
integer max_row = ls_get_n_rows(store)
if row > max_row then return -1 end if
integer max_col = ls_get_n_cols(store)
for i = 1 to max_col do
data = append(data,ls_get_col_data(store,row,i))
end for
if max_col = 1 then
return data[1] else return data
end if
end function
function ls_get_col_data(atom store, integer row, integer col)
atom x = allocate(32,1)
object result
ifdef LISTSTORE then
display("Get Col Data ~ row [] col []",{row,col})
end ifdef
integer col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
ifdef BITS64 then
end ifdef
atom iter = allocate(32,1)
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in ls_get_col_data 2 ") abort(0) end if
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in ls_get_col_data 3") abort(0) end if
switch col_type do
case gSTR then
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(x)
result = peek4u(x)
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
result = peek_string(result)
end if
case gINT then result = peek4u(x)
case gBOOL then result = peek(x)
case gDBL then result = float64_to_atom(peek({x,8}))
case gFLT then result = float32_to_atom(peek({x,4}))
case gPIX then result = peek4u(x)
case else display("Error in ls_get_col_data 4") abort(0)
end switch
ifdef LISTSTORE then
display("Result []",{result})
end ifdef
return result
end function
function ls_get_col_data_from_iter(atom store, atom iter, integer col)
atom x = allocate(64,1)
object result
ifdef LISTSTORE then
display("Get Col Data from Iter ~ store [] iter [] col []\n",{store,iter,col})
end ifdef
integer col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
ifdef BITS64 then
end ifdef
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in ls_get_col_datafromiter 1 ") abort(0) end if
if gtk_func("gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid",{P,P},{store,iter}) = 0 then
display("Error in ls_get_col_datafromiter 2 ") abort(0) end if
switch col_type do
case gSTR then
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(x)
result = peek4u(x)
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
result = peek_string(result)
end if
case gINT then result = peek4u(x)
case gBOOL then result = peek(x)
case gDBL then result = float64_to_atom(peek({x,8}))
case gFLT then result = float32_to_atom(peek({x,4}))
case gPIX then result = peek4u(x)
case else display("Error in ls_get_col_datafromiter 3") abort(0)
end switch
ifdef LISTSTORE then
display("Result []",{result})
end ifdef
return result
end function
function ls_insert_row(object store, object data, integer pos)
object tmp = ls_get_data(store)
tmp = insert(tmp,data,pos)
return tmp
end function
function ls_append_row(atom store, object data)
object tmp = ls_get_data(store)
tmp = append(tmp,data)
return tmp
end function
function ls_prepend_row(atom store, object data)
object tmp = ls_get_data(store)
tmp = prepend(tmp,data)
return tmp
end function
function ls_remove_row(atom store, integer row)
object tmp = ls_get_data(store)
tmp = remove(tmp,row)
return tmp
end function
function ls_replace_row(atom store, object data, integer row)
object tmp = ls_get_data(store)
tmp = replace(tmp,{data},row)
return tmp
end function
function ls_set_swap_rows(atom store, integer row_a, integer row_b)
if get(store,"is sorted") then
Warn(0,,"Can't move items in a sorted list!")
return -1
end if
atom iter_a = allocate(32,1), iter_b = allocate(32,1)
return get(store,"data")
end function
function ls_set_move_before(atom store, integer row_a, integer row_b)
if get(store,"is sorted") then
Error(0,,"Can't move items in a sorted list!")
return -1
end if
atom iter_a = allocate(32,1), iter_b = allocate(32,1)
return get(store,"data")
end function
function ls_set_move_after(atom store, integer row_a, integer row_b)
if get(store,"is sorted") then
Error(0,,"Can't move items in a sorted list!")
return -1
end if
atom iter_a = allocate(32,1), iter_b = allocate(32,1)
return get(store,"data")
end function
widget[GtkTreeStore] = {"gtk_tree_store",
function newTreeStore(object params)
object proto = I & repeat(P,length(params))
params = length(params) & params -- must build func params 'on the fly'
atom fn = define_func("gtk_tree_store_new",proto,P)
return c_func(fn,params)
end function
function ts_get_n_rows(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children",{P,P},{store,0})
end function
function ts_get_n_cols(object store)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},{store})
end function
function ts_set_data(object store, object data)
atom iter = allocate(32,1)
for row = 1 to length(data) do
end for
return 1
end function
constant TSA = define_proc("gtk_tree_store_append",{P,P,P})
-- the following should really be recursive, but that's too complicated
-- for me to figure out! Anyway, four deep should be enough.
function ts_set_row_data(atom store, object data, object parent = 0)
atom iter1 = allocate(32,1)
atom iter2 = allocate(32,1)
atom iter3 = allocate(32,1)
atom iter4 = allocate(32,1)
for i = 1 to length(data) do
if string(data[i]) then
for j = 1 to length(data[i]) do
if string(data[i][j]) then
for k = 1 to length(data[i][j]) do
if string(data[i][j][k]) then
for l = 1 to length(data[i][j][k]) do
if string(data[i][j][k][l]) then
for m = 1 to length(data[i][j][k][l]) do
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
end if
end for
return 1
end function
function ts_set_row_col_data(object store, object iter, integer col, object item)
integer max_col = ts_get_n_cols(store)
if col < 1 or col > max_col then
crash("Invalid column #%d",col)
end if
object prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
integer col_type
col_type = c_func(TM5,{store,col-1})
switch col_type do
case gDBL,gFLT then prototype = {P,P,I,D,I}
case gSTR, gPIX then prototype = {P,P,I,P,I}
case gBOOL,gINT then prototype = {P,P,I,I,I}
if atom(item) then item = sprintf("%g",item) end if
case else Warn(,,"Unknown column type",
"Expecting gSTR, gBOOL, gINT, gDBL, gFLT, or gPIX")
end switch
if string(item[1]) then item = item[1] end if
if string(item) then item = allocate_string(item,1) end if
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_tree_store_set",prototype)
object params = {store,iter,col-1,item,-1}
return iter
end function
function ts_get_data(atom store)
object rowdata = {}
object column = {}
for row = 1 to ts_get_n_rows(store) do
for col = 1 to ts_get_n_cols(store) do
column = append(column,get(store,"col data",col))
end for
rowdata = append(rowdata,column)
column = {}
end for
return rowdata
end function
function ts_remove_row(atom store, integer row)
object tmp = get(store,"data")
tmp = remove(tmp,row)
return tmp
end function
widget[GtkTreeDragSource] = {"gtk_tree_drag_source",
widget[GtkTreeDragDest] = {"gtk_tree_drag_dest",
widget[GtkTreePath] = {"gtk_tree_path",
function newTreePath(object x=0)
if atom(x) and x > 0 then
x = sprintf("%d",x-1)
end if
if string(x) then
x = allocate_string(x,1)
end if
if x > 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_path_new_from_string",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_path_new",{},{})
end if
end function
function tp_to_integer(object x)
integer n = to_number(gtk_str_func("gtk_tree_path_to_string",{P},{x}))
return n+1
end function
widget[GtkTreeRowReference] = {"gtk_tree_row_reference",
widget[GtkTreeIter] = {"gtk_tree_iter",
function newTreeIter()
return allocate(64) -- keep;
end function
widget[GtkTreeModel] = {"gtk_tree_model",
fntmget = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get_value",{P,P,I,P}),
fncoltype = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I),
gtvfn = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I}),
tmncol = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},I)
function tm_get_n_rows(atom model)
atom fn = define_func("gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children",{P,P},I)
return c_func(fn,{model,0})
end function
function tm_get_string_from_iter(atom model, atom iter)
atom fn = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_string_from_iter",{P,P},P)
return peek_string(c_func(fn,{model,iter}))
end function
function tm_get_iter_from_string(atom model, object str)
atom iter = allocate(64)
atom fn = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter_from_string",{P,P,P},P)
if string(str) then str = allocate_string(str,1) end if
if c_func(fn,{model,iter,str}) then
return iter
end if
return 0
end function
function tm_get_iter_n(atom model, integer path)
return tm_get_iter_from_string(model,sprintf("%d",path-1))
end function
function tm_get_iter_from_path(atom model, object path)
return tm_get_iter_from_string(model,peek_string(path))
end function
function tm_get_value(atom mdl, atom iter, integer col)
atom x = allocate(64,1)
integer ct = c_func(fncoltype,{mdl,col-1})
object result
ifdef BITS64 then
end ifdef
switch ct do
case gSTR then
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(x)
result = peek4u(x)
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
return peek_string(result)
return sprintf("%d",result)
end if
case gBOOL,gINT then return peek4u(x)
case gFLT then return float32_to_atom(peek({x,4}))
case gPIX then return peek4u(x)
case else return sprintf("%d",x)
end switch
return sprintf("Oops %d",ct)
end function
function tm_get_row_values(atom mdl, atom iter)
integer ncols = c_func(tmncol,{mdl})
object results = repeat(0,ncols)
for n = 1 to ncols do
results[n] = tm_get_value(mdl,iter,n)
end for
return results
end function
function tm_get_col_value(atom mdl, integer row, integer col)
atom iter = allocate(32,1)
object data = tm_get_row_values(mdl,iter)
return data[col]
end function
function tm_set_col_value(atom mdl, integer row, integer col, object data)
atom iter = tm_get_iter_n(mdl,row)
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_list_store_set",{P,P,I,P,I})
if string(data) then data = allocate_string(data,1) end if
return 1
end function
function tm_get_col_data(atom mdl, integer row, integer col)
atom iter = tm_get_iter_n(mdl,row)
object data = tm_get_row_values(mdl,iter)
return data[col]
end function
widget[GtkTreeSortable] = {"gtk_tree_sortable",
function ts_is_sorted(atom mdl)
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id",{P,P,P},{mdl,0,0})
end function
function ts_get_sort_col_id(atom mdl)
integer col = allocate(32,1), order = allocate(32,1)
if gtk_func("gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id",{P,P,P},{mdl,col,order}) then
return peek4u(col)+1
return -1
end if
end function
function ts_get_sort_order(atom mdl)
integer col = allocate(32,1), order = allocate(32,1)
if gtk_func("gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id",{P,P,P},{mdl,col,order}) then
return peek4u(order)
return -1
end if
end function
widget[GtkViewport] = {"gtk_viewport",
widget[GtkAppChooserWidget] = {"gtk_app_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkVolumeButton] = {"gtk_volume_button",
widget[GtkColorChooserWidget] = {"gtk_color_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkColorChooser] = {"gtk_color_chooser",
function cc_set_rgba(atom x, object c)
if string(c) then
c = to_rgba(c)
c = to_rgba(text:format("#[X]",c))
end if
return 1
end function
function cc_get_rgba(atom x, integer fmt)
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba",{P,P})
atom rgba = allocate(32,1)
object c = gtk_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{P},{rgba})
return fmt_color(c,fmt)
end function
function cc_set_alpha(atom x, integer b)
return 1
end function
function cc_get_alpha(atom x)
atom fn = define_func("gtk_color_chooser_get_use_alpha",{P},B)
return c_func(fn,{x})
end function
widget[GtkColorSelection] = {"gtk_color_selection", -- deprecated
-- following color functions make using RGB colors much easier,
-- converting automatically between various color notations
function cs_set_current_rgba(atom x, object c)
c =peek_string(c)
return 1
end function
function cs_set_previous_rgba(atom x, object c)
c = peek_string(c)
return 1
end function
function cs_get_current_rgba(atom x, integer fmt=0)
atom rgba = allocate(32,1)
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_color_selection_get_current_rgba",{P,P})
object c = gtk_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{P},{rgba})
return fmt_color(c,fmt)
end function
function cs_get_previous_rgba(atom x, integer fmt=0)
atom rgba = allocate(32,1)
atom fn = define_proc("gtk_color_selection_get_previous_rgba",{P,P})
object c = gtk_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{rgba})
return fmt_color(c,fmt)
end function
widget[GtkNativeDialog] = {"gtk_native_dialog",
widget[GtkFileChooserNative] = {"gtk_file_chooser_native",
widget[GtkFileChooser] = {"gtk_file_chooser",
{"get_current_name",{P},S}, --GTK3.10
widget[GtkFileChooserButton] = {"gtk_file_chooser_button",
widget[GtkFileChooserWidget] = {"gtk_file_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkFileFilter] = {"gtk_file_filter",
widget[GtkFontChooser] = {"gtk_font_chooser",
{"get_font_map",{P},P,0,PangoFontMap}, -- 3.18
{"set_font_map",{P,P}}, -- 3.18
widget[GtkFontChooserWidget] = {"gtk_font_chooser_widget",
widget[GtkInfoBar] = {"gtk_info_bar",
{"set_show_close_button",{P,B}}, -- 3.10
{"get_show_close_button",{P},B}, -- 3.10
widget[GtkRecentChooser] = {"gtk_recent_chooser",
widget[GtkRecentChooserWidget] = {"gtk_recent_chooser_widget",
function newRecentChooserWidget(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GtkRecentManager then
return gtk_func("gtk_recent_chooser_widget_new_for_manager",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_recent_chooser_widget_new")
end if
end function
widget[GtkStatusbar] = {"gtk_statusbar",
widget[GtkFixed] = {"gtk_fixed",
widget[GtkGrid] = {"gtk_grid",
{"remove_row",{P,I}}, --3.10
{"remove_column",{P,I}}, --3.10
{"set_baseline_row",{P,I}}, --3.10
{"get_baseline_row",{P},I}, --3.10
{"set_row_baseline_position",{P,I,I}}, --3.10
{"get_row_baseline_position",{P,I},I}, --3.10
widget[GtkPaned] = {"gtk_paned",
{"get_wide_handle",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_wide_handle",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkIconInfo] = {"gtk_icon_info",
{"get_base_scale",{P},I}, --3.10
{"get_display_name",{P},S}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_builtin_pixbuf",{P},P,0,GdkPixbuf}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"set_raw_coordinates",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_embedded_rect",{P,P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_attach_points",{P,A,P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"is_symbolic",{P},B}, -- 3.12
function newIconInfo(atom theme, atom pix) -- reorder params;
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_info_new_for_pixbuf",{P,P},{theme,pix})
end function
function icon_info_load_icon(atom info) -- allow for err, register object;
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
atom icn = gtk_func("gtk_icon_info_load_icon",{P,P},{info,err})
return icn
end function
widget[GtkIconTheme] = {"gtk_icon_theme",
{"add_resource_path",{P,S}}, -- 3.14
function newIconTheme(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GdkScreen then
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
end if
end function
function icon_theme_load_icon(atom theme, object name, integer size, integer flags)
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_load_icon",{P,P,I,I,P},{theme,name,size,flags,err})
end function
function icon_theme_list_contexts(atom theme)
object list = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_list_contexts",{P},{theme})
return to_sequence(list)
end function
function icon_theme_list_icons(atom theme, object context)
object list = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_list_icons",{P,P},{theme,context})
return to_sequence(list)
end function
widget[GtkIconView] = {"gtk_icon_view",
{"set_activate_on_single_click",{P,B}}, --3.8
{"get_activate_on_single_click",{P},B}, --3.8
{"get_cell_rect",{P,P,P,P},B}, --3.6
widget[GtkLayout] = {"gtk_layout",
widget[GtkSeparatorMenuItem] = {"gtk_separator_menu_item",
widget[GtkRecentChooserMenu] = {"gtk_recent_chooser_menu",
widget[GtkRecentFilter] = {"gtk_recent_filter",
widget[GtkRecentInfo] = {"gtk_recent_info",
widget[GtkSettings] = {"gtk_settings",
{"reset_property",{P,S}}, -- 3.20
function newSettings(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GdkScreen then
return gtk_func("gtk_settings_get_for_screen",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_settings_get_default")
end if
end function
widget[GtkSizeGroup] = {"gtk_size_group",
function sg_add_widgets(atom group, object widgets) -- allow {list} of widgets;
if atom(widgets) then
set(group,"add widget",widgets)
for i = 1 to length(widgets) do
set(group,"add widget",widgets[i])
end for
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkTargetEntry] = {"gtk_target_entry",
widget[GtkTargetList] = {"gtk_target_list",
widget[GtkTextChildAnchor] = {"gtk_text_child_anchor",
widget[GtkTextMark] = {"gtk_text_mark",
widget[GtkTextTag] = {"gtk_text_tag",
{"changed",{P,B}}, -- 3.20
widget[GtkTextAttributes] = {"gtk_text_attributes",
widget[GtkTextTagTable] = {"gtk_text_tag_table",
widget[GtkMenuShell] = {"gtk_menu_shell",
{"bind_model",{P,P,S,B}}, --3.6
function ms_append(atom menu, object items) -- allow {list} of items;
if atom(items) then
for i = 1 to length(items) do
end for
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkNotebook] = {"gtk_notebook",
{"detach_tab",{P,P}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkSocket] = {"gtk_socket",
widget[GtkPlug] = {"gtk_plug",
widget[GtkToolPalette] = {"gtk_tool_palette",
widget[GtkTextView] = {"gtk_text_view",
{"set_input_purpose",{P,I}}, -- 3.6+
{"get_input_purpose",{P},I}, -- 3.6+
{"set_input_hints",{P,I}}, -- 3.6+
{"get_input_hints",{P},I}, -- 3.6+
{"get_monospace",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_monospace",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
{"get_bottom_margin",{P},I}, -- 3.18
{"set_bottom_margin",{P,I}}, -- 3.18
{"get_top_margin",{P},I}, -- 3.18
{"set_top_margin",{P,I}}, -- 3.18
{"reset_cursor_blink",{P}}, -- 3.20
widget[GtkToolShell] = {"gtk_tool_shell", -- WARNING!
{GtkWidget}, -- see GTK3 docs re: GtkToolShell functions
widget[GtkToolbar] = {"gtk_toolbar",
widget[GtkToolItemGroup] = {"gtk_tool_item_group",
widget[GtkTooltip] = {"gtk_tooltip",
function newColumn(object params)
params = keyvalues(params)
atom c = create(GtkTreeViewColumn)
atom r = -1
object t = vlookup("type",params,1,2)
switch t do
case "text","markup" then r = create(GtkCellRendererText)
case "pixbuf" then r = create(GtkCellRendererPixbuf)
case "progress" then r = create(GtkCellRendererProgress)
case "spin" then r = create(GtkCellRendererSpin)
case "toggle" then r = create(GtkCellRendererToggle)
case "combo" then r = create(GtkCellRendererCombo)
case else display("Error specifying cell renderer type")
end switch
if r = -1 then
Warn(,,"Create new column","Must specify a renderer type (i.e. type=text)")
end if
set(c,{{"pack start",r,TRUE}})
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if equal("TRUE",params[i][2]) then params[i][2] = 1 end if
if equal("FALSE",params[i][2]) then params[i][2] = 0 end if
if equal("1",params[i][2]) then params[i][2] = 1 end if
if equal("0",params[i][2]) then params[i][2] = 0 end if
if match("column.",params[i][1]) then
elsif match("renderer.",params[i][1]) then
elsif equal("cell_data_func",params[i][1]) then
params[i][2] = to_number(params[i][2])
set(c,"cell data func",r,params[i][2])
switch params[i][1] do
case "type" then break -- do nothing
case "title","sort_column_id" then set(c,params[i][1],params[i][2])
case "toggled" then connect(r,"toggled",_(params[i][2]))
case "edited" then connect(r,"edited",_(params[i][2]))
--display("Connecting [] []",{params[i][2],_(params[i][2])})
case else set(c,"add attribute",r,params[i][1],params[i][2])
end switch
end if
end for
return c
end function
widget[GtkTreeView] = {"gtk_tree_view",
{"set_rules_hint",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"get_rules_hint",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"set_activate_on_single_click",{P,B}}, -- GTK 3.8+
{"get_activate_on_single_click",{P},B}, -- GTK 3.8+
function newTreeView(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GtkTreeModel then
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_view_new_with_model",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_tree_view_new")
end if
end function
constant sfn1 = define_func("gtk_tree_view_get_model",{P},P)
constant sfn2 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},I)
constant sfn3 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_iter",{P,P,P},B)
constant sfn4 = define_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},I)
constant sp1 = define_proc("gtk_tree_model_get",{P,P,I,P,I})
function tv_get_selected_col_data(atom view, atom path, integer col)
object data = tv_get_selected_row_data(view,path)
return data[col]
end function
function tv_get_selected_row_data(atom view, atom path)
atom mdl = c_func(sfn1,{view})
integer ncols = c_func(sfn2,{mdl})
object data = repeat(0,ncols)
object types = repeat(0,ncols)
atom iter = allocate(32,1)
object result
if c_func(sfn3,{mdl,iter,path}) then
for i = 1 to length(data) do
data[i] = allocate(32,1)
types[i] = c_func(sfn4,{mdl,i-1})
end for
end if
for i = 1 to length(data) do
switch types[i] do
case gSTR then
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(data[i])
result = peek4u(data[i])
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
result = peek_string(result)
end if
data[i] = result
case else data[i] = peek4u(data[i])
end switch
end for
return data
end function
function tv_scroll_to_cell(atom v, atom p, atom c=0, integer align=0, atom row=0, atom col=0)
return 1
end function
function tv_append_columns(atom store, object cols)
if atom(cols) then
for i = 1 to length(cols) do
end for
end if
return 1
end function
function tv_select_row(atom tv, object path, atom rowalign=0, atom colalign=0)
path = create(GtkTreePath,path)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkTreeViewColumn] = {"gtk_tree_view_column",
widget[GtkTreeSelection] = {"gtk_tree_selection",
function ts_get_selected_rows(atom selection, atom model)
object list = gtk_func("gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows",
list = to_sequence(list,3)
return list +1
end function
function ts_get_selected_row(atom selection, atom model)
object result = ts_get_selected_rows(selection,model)
if equal({},result) then return 0
else return result[1]
end if
end function
function ts_get_selected_row_data(atom selection)
atom mdl = allocate(32), iter = allocate(32)
integer n
object x,t, val, result
if gtk_func("gtk_tree_selection_get_selected",{P,P,P},{selection,mdl,iter}) then
mdl = peek4u(mdl)
n = gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns",{P},{mdl})
x = repeat(0,n) t = x
for i = 1 to n do
val = allocate(32,1)
t[i] = gtk_func("gtk_tree_model_get_column_type",{P,I},{mdl,i-1})
x[i] = val
end for
for i = 1 to length(x) do
switch t[i] do
case gSTR then
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(x[i])
result = peek4u(x[i])
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
x[i] = peek_string(result)
end if
case gFLT then x[i] = float32_to_atom(peek({x[i],4}))
case gDBL then x[i] = float64_to_atom(peek({x[i],8}))
case else x[i] = peek4u(x[i])
end switch
end for
return x
end if
return -1
end function
widget[GtkActionBar] = {"gtk_action_bar", -- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkAccelLabel] = {"gtk_accel_label",
{"get_accel",{P,I,I}}, -- 3.14
widget[GtkAccelGroup] = {"gtk_accel_group",
widget[GtkArrow] = {"gtk_arrow", -- deprecated 3.14
widget[GtkCalendar] = {"gtk_calendar",
function newCalendar(object d = 0) -- create calendar, set optional date;
object cal = gtk_func("gtk_calendar_new")
if atom(d) and d = 0 then return cal
else gtk_proc("gtk_calendar_select_month",{P,I,I},{cal,d[2]-1,d[1]})
return cal
end if
end function
-- Calendar convenience functions
-- Handle odd month numbering scheme:
-- Q: If the first day of the month is 1, then why is the first month
-- of the year zero
-- A: Blame a C programmer!
-- Here we fix that, plus change the set_date routine from two steps
-- to one; also, provide for standard formatting to be used when
-- getting the date. See std/datetime.e for the formats available.
constant get_date = define_proc("gtk_calendar_get_date",{P,I,I,I})
function cal_select_month(atom handle, integer mo, integer yr=0)
while mo < 1 do yr -= 1 mo += 12 end while
while mo > 12 do yr += 1 mo -= 12 end while
return 1
end function
function cal_set_day(atom handle, integer day)
object curr = get(handle,"date")
curr[3] = day
return 1
end function
function cal_set_month(atom handle, integer month)
object curr = get(handle,"date")
curr[2] = month
return 1
end function
function cal_set_year(atom handle, integer year)
object curr = get(handle,"date")
curr[1] = year
return 1
end function
function cal_set_date(atom handle, object cdate)
object dt = 0
integer yr, mo, da
dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%Y/%m/%d")
if atom(dt) then
dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%Y,%m,%d")
end if
if atom(dt) then
dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%m/%d/%y")
end if
if atom(dt) then
dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%m/%d/%Y")
end if
if atom(dt) then
dt = datetime:parse(cdate,"%y/%m/%d")
end if
if atom(dt) then
if cdate[1] > 31 then -- Y/M/D
yr = cdate[1]
mo = cdate[2]
da = cdate[3]
end if
if cdate[3] > 31 then -- M/D/Y
mo = cdate[1]
da = cdate[2]
yr = cdate[3]
end if
yr = dt[1]
mo = dt[2]
da = dt[3]
end if
if yr < 1900 then yr += 1900 end if
return 1
end function
function setCalendarEuDate(atom handle, object edt)
edt[1] += 1900
return cal_set_date(handle,edt)
end function
function cal_get_date(atom handle, object fmt=0)
atom y = allocate(8,1), m = allocate(8,1), d = allocate(8,1)
object clock
if atom(fmt) and fmt = 0 then
fmt = "%A, %b %d, %Y"
fmt = peek_string(fmt)
end if
object result
result = datetime:new(peek4u(y),peek4u(m)+1,peek4u(d))
clock = datetime:now()
result = result[1..3] & clock[4..6]
result = datetime:format(result,fmt)
return result
end function
function cal_get_datetime(atom handle, object fmt=1)
atom y = allocate(8,1), m = allocate(8,1), d = allocate(8,1)
object result
result = datetime:now() -- for current hr,min,sec
result[1] = peek4u(y)
result[2] = peek4u(m)+1
result[3] = peek4u(d)
if fmt = 0 then -- set hr,min,sec to zero;
result[4] = 0
result[5] = 0
result[6] = 0
end if
return result
end function
function cal_get_eu_date(atom handle) --returns {y,m,d} in Eu fmt.
atom y = allocate(8,1), m = allocate(8,1), d = allocate(8,1)
sequence result = {peek4u(y)-1900,peek4u(m)+1,peek4u(d)}
return result
end function
function cal_get_ymd(atom handle, integer full=0)
object clock
switch full do
case 0 then return cal_get_eu_date(handle) + {1900,0,0}
case 1 then return cal_get_eu_date(handle) + {1900,0,0} & {0,0,0}
case 2 then clock = datetime:now()
return cal_get_eu_date(handle) + {1900,0,0} & clock[4..6]
case else return cal_get_eu_date(handle) + {1900,0,0}
end switch
end function
function cal_get_day(atom handle)
atom y = allocate(8,1), m = allocate(8,1), d = allocate(8,1)
integer result = peek4u(d)
return result
end function
function cal_get_month(atom handle)
atom y = allocate(8,1), m = allocate(8,1), d = allocate(8,1)
integer result = peek4u(m)
return result+1
end function
function cal_get_year(atom handle)
atom y = allocate(8,1), m = allocate(8,1), d = allocate(8,1)
integer result = peek4u(y)
return result
end function
widget[GtkCellView] = {"gtk_cell_view",
function newCellView(atom x=0, atom y=0)
if class_id(x) = GtkCellArea
and class_id(y) = GtkCellAreaContext then
return gtk_func("gtk_cell_view_new_with_context",{P,P},{x,y})
elsif atom(x) and x > 0 then
if class_id(x) = GdkPixbuf then
return gtk_func("gtk_cell_view_new_with_pixbuf",{P},{x})
end if
elsif string(x) then
return gtk_func("gtk_cell_view_new_with_markup",{P},{allocate_string(x)})
end if
end function
widget[GtkDrawingArea] = {"gtk_drawing_area",
widget[GtkSearchEntry] = {"gtk_search_entry", --3.6
widget[GtkEntryBuffer] = {"gtk_entry_buffer",
widget[GtkEntryCompletion] = {"gtk_entry_completion",
function newEntryCompletion(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GtkCellArea then
return gtk_func("gtk_entry_completion_new_with_area",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_entry_completion_new")
end if
end function
widget[GtkRevealer] = {"gtk_revealer", -- new in GTK 3.10
widget[GtkSearchBar] = {"gtk_search_bar", -- new in GTK 3.10
widget[GtkStack] = {"gtk_stack", -- new in GTK 3.10
{"get_child_by_name",{P,S},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- 3.12
{"get_transition_running",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"get_hhomogeneous",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_hhomogeneous",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
{"get_vhomogeneous",{P},B}, -- 3.16
{"set_vhomogeneous",{P,B}}, -- 3.16
{"get_interpolate_size",{P},B}, -- 3.18
{"set_interpolate_size",{P,B}}, -- 3.18
widget[GtkStackSidebar] = {"gtk_stack_sidebar", -- 3.16
widget[GtkStackSwitcher] = {"gtk_stack_switcher",
widget[GtkScrollbar] = {"gtk_scrollbar",
widget[GtkInvisible] = {"gtk_invisible",
function newInvisible(atom x=0)
if class_id(x) = GdkScreen then
return gtk_func("gtk_invisible_new_for_screen",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_invisible_new")
end if
end function
widget[GtkProgressBar] = {"gtk_progress_bar",
widget[GtkSpinner] = {"gtk_spinner",
widget[GtkSwitch] = {"gtk_switch",
{"get_state",{P},B}, -- GTK3.14
{"set_state",{P,B}}, -- GTK3.14
widget[GtkLevelBar] = {"gtk_level_bar",-- GTK3.6+
{"get_inverted",{P},B}, --GTK3.8+
{"set_inverted",{P,B}}, --GTK3.8+
function newLevelBar(atom x=0, atom y=0)
if x+y > 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_level_bar_new_for_interval",{D,D},{x,y})
return gtk_func("gtk_level_bar_new")
end if
end function
widget[GtkAboutDialog] = {"gtk_about_dialog",
function setAboutLogo(atom dlg, object logo)
if string(logo) then
logo = locate_file(logo)
if file_type(logo) = 0 then return 0 end if
end if
if atom(logo) and class_id(logo) = GdkPixbuf then
return 0
logo = create(GdkPixbuf,logo)
end if
return 1
end function
widget[GtkAppChooserDialog] = {"gtk_app_chooser_dialog",
function newAppChooserDialog(atom parent, integer flags, object x)
if string(x) and file_exists(canonical_path(x)) then
x = allocate_string(canonical_path(x),1)
x = gtk_func("g_file_new_for_path",{P},{x})
return gtk_func("gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new",{P,I,P},{parent,flags,x})
if string(x) then
x = allocate_string(x,1)
end if
return gtk_func("gtk_app_chooser_dialog_new_for_content_type",
end if
end function
widget[GtkColorChooserDialog] = {"gtk_color_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkColorSelectionDialog] = {"gtk_color_selection_dialog",
widget[GtkFileChooserDialog] = {"gtk_file_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkFontChooserDialog] = {"gtk_font_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkStyleProvider] = {"gtk_style_provider",
widget[GtkStyleContext] = {"gtk_style_context",
{"get_background_color",{P,I,P}}, -- deprecated 3.16
{"get_border_color",{P,I,P}}, -- deprecated 3.16
{"add_region",{P,S,I}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"remove_region",{P,S}}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"has_region",{P,S,I},B}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"list_regions",{P},P,0,GList}, -- deprecated 3.14
{"set_scale",{P,I}}, -- 3.10
{"get_scale",{P},I}, -- 3.10
{"to_string",{P,I},S}, -- 3.20
function sc_add_provider_for_screen(atom context, atom scrn, atom pro, integer pri)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkRecentChooserDialog] = {"gtk_recent_chooser_dialog",
widget[GtkPrintSettings] = {"gtk_print_settings",
function newPrintSettings(object x=0, object y=0)
atom err=allocate(8,1)
if atom(x) and x = 0 then
return gtk_func("gtk_print_settings_new")
end if
if class_id(x) = GKeyFile then
y = allocate_string(y,1)
return gtk_func("gtk_print_settings_new_from_key_file",{P,P,P},{x,y,err})
end if
if string(x) and file_exists(canonical_path(x)) then
x = allocate_string(canonical_path(x),1)
return gtk_func("gtk_print_settings_new_from_file",{P,P},{x,err})
end if
end function
function ps_set_page_ranges(atom x, object r)
atom m = allocate_data(8)
return 1
end function
widget[GtkPaperSize] = {"gtk_paper_size",
{"new_from_ipp",{S,D,D},P,0,GtkPaperSize}, -- 3.16
function newPaperSize(object a=0, object b=0, atom c=0, atom d=0)
if string(a) and atom(b) and b = 0 and c = 0 and d = 0 then
a = allocate_string(a,1)
return gtk_func("gtk_paper_size_new",{P},{a})
end if
if string(a) and atom(b) and b > 0 and c > 0 then
a = allocate_string(a,1)
return gtk_func("gtk_paper_size_new_from_ipp",{P,D,D},{a,b,c})
end if
if string(a) and string(b) and c > 0 and d > 0 then
a = allocate_string(a,1)
b = allocate_string(b,1)
return gtk_func("gtk_paper_size_new_from_ppd",{P,P,D,D},{a,b,c,d})
end if
end function
export function get_paper_sizes(integer cust=0)
object ps = gtk_func("gtk_paper_size_get_paper_sizes",{P},{cust})
ps = unpack_gs_atom_list(ps)
return ps
end function
export function get_paper_size_names(integer cust=0)
object ps = get_paper_sizes(cust)
for i = 1 to length(ps) do
ps[i] = gtk_str_func("gtk_paper_size_get_name",{P},{ps[i]})
end for
return ps
end function
widget[GtkPageSetup] = {"gtk_page_setup",
function ps_to_file(atom setup, object filename)
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
return gtk_func("gtk_page_setup_to_file",{P,P,P},{setup,filename,err})
end function
widget[GtkPageRange] = {"gtk_page_range",
widget[GtkPrintOperation] = {"gtk_print_operation",
function getPrintOpJobName(atom op)
object job = allocate(32,1), err = allocate(32,1) err = 0
gtk_func("g_object_get",{P,P,P,P},{op,"job name",job,err})
object result
ifdef BITS64 then -- thanks pete eberlein
result = peek8u(job)
result = peek4u(job)
end ifdef
if result > 0 then
result = peek_string(result)
end if
return result
end function
widget[GtkPrintContext] = {"gtk_print_context",
widget[GtkPrintUnixDialog] = {"gtk_print_unix_dialog",
widget[GtkPageSetupUnixDialog] = {"gtk_page_setup_unix_dialog",
widget[GtkListBox] = {"gtk_list_box", -- new in GTK 3.10
{"select_all",{P}}, -- 3.14
{"unselect_all",{P}}, -- 3.14
{"unselect_row",{P,P}}, -- 3.14
{"get_selected_rows",{P},X,0,GList},-- 3.14
{"row_is_selected",{P},B}, -- 3.14
{"selected_foreach",{P,P,P}}, -- 3.14
{"bind_model",{P,P,P,P,P}}, -- 3.16
widget[GtkListBoxRow] = {"gtk_list_box_row",
widget[GtkPopover] = {"gtk_popover", -- new in GTK 3.12
{"get_default_widget",{P},P,0,GtkWidget}, -- 3.18
{"set_default_widget",{P,P}}, -- 3.18
{"get_constrain_to",{P},P}, -- 3.20
{"set_constrain_to",{P,P}}, -- 3.20
{"popup",{P}}, -- 3.21
{"popdown",{P}}, -- 3.21
function newPopover(atom a=0, atom b=0)
if class_id(b) = GMenuModel then
return gtk_func("gtk_popover_new_from_model",{P,P},{a,b})
return gtk_func("gtk_popover_new",{P},{a})
end if
end function
widget[GtkPopoverMenu] = {"gtk_popover_menu", -- 3.16
widget[GtkPlacesSidebar] = {"gtk_places_sidebar", -- new 3.10
{"get_show_connect_to_server",{P},B}, -- deprecated 3.18
{"set_show_connect_to_server",{P,B}}, -- deprecated 3.18
{"set_local_only",{P,B}}, -- 3.12
{"get_local_only",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"get_show_enter_location",{P},B}, --3.14
{"set_show_enter_location",{P,B}}, --3.14
{"get_show_other_locations",{P},B}, -- 3.18
{"set_show_other_locations",{P,B}}, -- 3.18
{"get_show_recent",{P},B}, -- 3.18
{"set_show_recent",{P,B}}, -- 3.18
{"get_show_trash",{P},B}, -- 3.18
{"set_show_trash",{P,B}}, -- 3.18
{"set_drop_targets_visible",{P,B,P}}, -- 3.18
widget[GtkHeaderBar] = {"gtk_header_bar", -- new in GTK 3.10
{"set_has_subtitle",{P,B}}, -- 3.12
{"get_has_subtitle",{P},B}, -- 3.12
{"set_decoration_layout",{P,S}}, -- 3.12
{"get_decoration_layout",{P},S}, -- 3.12
widget[GtkPrinter] = {"gtk_printer",
--{"list_papers",{P},X,0,GList}, -- buggy!
widget[GtkPrintJob] = {"gtk_print_job",
widget[GtkFlowBox] = {"gtk_flow_box", -- GTK 3.12
{"bind_model",{P,P,P,P,P}}, -- 3.18
widget[GtkFlowBoxChild] = {"gtk_flow_box_child", -- GTK 3.12
widget[GtkMountOperation] = {"gtk_mount_operation",
-- stocklist is not a real GTK widget, we just fake it for convenience
widget[GtkStockList] = {"gtk_stocklist", -- deprecated in GTK 3.12+
function newStockList()
object list = gtk_func("gtk_stock_list_ids")
return to_sequence(list)
end function
-- Support for Gestures;
widget[GtkEventController] = {"gtk_event_controller",
widget[GdkFrameClock] = {"gdk_frame_clock",
widget[GdkFrameTimings] = {"gdk_frame_timings",
widget[GdkEvent] = {"gdk_event",
widget[GdkEventSequence] = {"gdk_event_sequence",
widget[GtkGesture] = {"gtk_gesture", --GTK3.14
widget[GtkGestureSingle] = {"gtk_gesture_single",
widget[GtkGestureRotate] = {"gtk_gesture_rotate",
widget[GtkGestureZoom] = {"gtk_gesture_zoom",
widget[GtkGestureDrag] = {"gtk_gesture_drag", -- 3.14
widget[GtkGesturePan] = {"gtk_gesture_pan",
widget[GtkGestureSwipe] = {"gtk_gesture_swipe",
widget[GtkGestureLongPress] = {"gtk_gesture_long_press",
widget[GtkGestureMultiPress] = {"gtk_gesture_multi_press",
widget[GtkPadController] = {"gtk_pad_controller",
-- Support for openGL;
widget[GdkGLProfile] = {"gdk_gl_profile",
widget[GdkGLContext] = {"gdk_gl_context",
function newGLContext() -- alias for new;
return c_func("gdk_gl_context_get_current")
end function
widget[GtkGLArea] = {"gtk_gl_area", -- GTK 3.16
{"get_use_es",{P},B}, -- 3.22
{"set_use_es",{P,B}}, -- 3.22
-- low-level x11 functions;
widget[GdkX11Display] = {"gdk_x11_display",
widget[GdkX11Screen] = {"gdk_x11_screen",
widget[GdkX11Window] = {"gdk_x11_window",
widget[GtkBindingSet] = {"gtk_binding_set",
widget[GtkBindingEntry] = {"gtk_binding_entry",
widget[GdkPixbufAnimation] = {"gdk_pixbuf_animation",
function newPixbufAnimation(object name)
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
if string(name)
and file_exists(canonical_path(name)) then
name = allocate_string(canonical_path(name),1)
end if
return gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_animation_new_from_file",{P,P},{name,err})
end function
widget[GdkPixbufAnimationIter] = {"gdk_pixbuf_animation_iter",
widget[GtkRecentManager] = {"gtk_recent_manager",
function recent_manager_get_default()
return gtk_func("gtk_recent_manager_get_default")
end function
widget[GtkBuildable] = {"gtk_buildable",
widget[GtkBuilder] = {"gtk_builder",
{"add_callback_symbol",{P,S,P}}, -- 3.10
{"lookup_callback_symbol",{P,S},P}, -- 3.10
{"set_application",{P,P}}, -- 3.10
{"get_application",{P},P,0,GtkApplication}, -- 3.10
export constant builder = create(GtkBuilder)
object current_builder_file = ""
export function ID(atom ctl) -- retrieve the Glade ID property;
return vlookup(ctl,registry,1,4,"!")
end function
export sequence class_name_index = repeat(0,length(widget))
for i = 1 to length(widget) do
if sequence(widget[i]) then
class_name_index[i] = widget[i][$]
end if
end for
constant bad_from_file = define_func("gtk_builder_add_from_file",{P,P,P},I)
constant bad_from_string = define_func("gtk_builder_add_from_string",{P,P,I,P},I)
-- add objects from Glade XML file;
function addBuilderObjects(atom bld, object fname)
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
integer result = c_func(bad_from_file,{bld,fname,err})
if result = 0 then
printf(1,"Error code %d loading Builder\n",err)
if err = 0 then
printf(1,"***** GTK version mismatch or other error in Glade.\n")
printf(1,"\t(remove or change the 'requires...' line)")
Error(,,"Error 8623 loading glade file",peek_string(fname))
end if
end if
return result
end function
-- add object from inline string or string variable;
function addBuilderObjectsStr(atom bld, object str)
current_builder_file = str
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
integer len = length(str)
str = allocate_string(str,1)
integer result = c_func(bad_from_string,{bld,str,len,err})
if result = 0 then
printf(1,"Error 8638: loading Builder %s\n",{current_builder_file})
if err = 0 then
printf(1,"***** GTK version mismatch or other error in Glade.\n")
printf(1,"\t(remove or change the 'requires...' line)")
end if
end if
return result
end function
-- link signals defined in Glade, this starts a 'for' loop,
-- running the builder_connect_function for each control;
function builder_connect(atom bld)
return 1
end function
constant builder_connect_func = call_back(routine_id("builder_connect_function"))
-- links Glade controls to user-written or Eu functions
function builder_connect_function(atom bld, atom obj, object sig, object hdlr, atom cxo)
hdlr = peek_string(hdlr)
sig = peek_string(sig)
if atom(current_builder_file) and (current_builder_file > 0) then
current_builder_file = peek_string(current_builder_file)
end if
atom rid = routine_id(hdlr)
if rid = -1 then
printf(1,"-- Undeclared function in %s\n",{current_builder_file})
rid = call_back(rid)
end if
return 1
end function
procedure load_builder(object parent, object child, object prefix=0)
object name, class, path
object x, tree
integer c,n
atom err = allocate(8,1)
current_builder_file = canonical_path(child)
if file_exists(current_builder_file) then
set(parent,"add from file",current_builder_file,err)
prefix = filebase(child)
if match(prefix,filebase(prg_name)) then
prefix = 0 -- do not prefix main file objects
end if
x = read_lines(canonical_path(child))
elsif string(child) then
set(parent,"add from string",child,err)
x = split(child,'\n')
end if
for i = 1 to length(x) do
if string(x[i]) and match("<object class",x[i]) then
c = match("class=",x[i]) + 7
n = match("id=",x[i]) + 4
class = x[i][c..$]
class = split(class," ")
class = class[1]
if class[$] = '"' then class = class[1..$-1] end if
name = x[i][n..$]
n = find('"',name)
name = name[1..n-1]
n = get(builder,"object",name)
if string(prefix) then
name = sprintf("%s:%s",{prefix,name})
end if
ifdef BUILDER then
display("[:25] [:36] [:10>]",{class,name,n})
end ifdef
class = find(class,class_name_index)
if class < 1 then
display("Error finding class for []",{name})
if not initialized[class] then
end if
tree = widget[class][2]
for z = 1 to length(tree) do
end for
end if
end if
end for
end procedure
procedure show_template(object handlr) -- prompt for missing functions w/Glade;
global function %s()
return 1
end function
end procedure
-- Internet conveniences
export function show_uri(object uri)
if atom(uri) then
return 0
end if
display("URI: []\n",{uri})
integer x = find('#',uri) -- in case link to html section;
object tmp
if x > 0 then
tmp = canonical_path(uri[1..x-1])
if file_exists(tmp) then
uri = tmp & uri[x..$]
end if
tmp = canonical_path(uri)
if file_exists(tmp) then
uri = tmp
end if
end if
ifdef WINDOWS then
system("explore " & uri,0)
return 1
end ifdef
atom err = allocate(8,1) err=0
object result = gtk_func("gtk_show_uri",{P,P,P,P},
return result
end function
-- Icon functions
export function list_icons()
atom theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
object list = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_list_icons",{P,P},{theme,0})
return to_sequence(list)
end function
export function has_icon(object name)
atom theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
name = allocate_string(name,1)
return gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_has_icon",{P,P},{theme,name})
end function
export function valid_icon(object list)
-- check a list of possible icon names
object result = 0
if atom(list[1]) then
list = {list}
end if
for i = 1 to length(list) do
result = get_icon_image(list[i]) --display(result)
if string(result) then return 1 end if
end for
return result
end function
export function valid_icon_name(object list)
-- check a list of possible icon names,
-- return string name of first valid
for i = 1 to length(list) do
if valid_icon({list[i]}) > 0 then
return list[i]
end if
if file_exists(locate_file(list[i])) then
return list[i]
end if
end for
return "gtk-missing-image"
end function
-- get image from a variety of sources;
function get_icon_image(object icon, object sizex=0, object sizey=0, object sizez=1)
atom img = 0, ani = 0, default_theme, handle
handle = to_number(icon)
if class_id(handle) = GdkPixbuf then
img = create(GtkImage,handle)
return img
end if
if class_id(handle) = GtkImage then
return handle
end if
if find(icon,stock_list) then
img = gtk_func("gtk_image_new_from_stock",{P,I},
return img
end if
default_theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default",{})
if gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_has_icon",{P,P},
{default_theme,allocate_string(icon,1)}) then
img = create(GdkPixbuf,icon,18,18,sizez)
img = create(GtkImage,img)
--display("Has icon []",{icon})
return img
end if
icon = locate_file(icon)
if file_type(icon) = 1 then -- image from file
ani = create(GdkPixbufAnimation,icon,sizex,sizey)
if gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_animation_is_static_image",{P},{ani}) then
ani = create(GdkPixbuf,icon,sizex*6,sizey*6,sizez)
img = create(GtkImage,ani)
img = create(GtkImage)
set(img,"from animation",ani)
end if
return img
end if
return 0
end function
export function icon_info(object name, integer size=6)
atom theme = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_get_default")
atom err = allocate(8,1) err = 0
atom icon_info = gtk_func("gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon",{P,P,I,I},
object results = repeat(0,5)
results = {
return results
-- returns {1,2,3,4,5}
-- 1 = pointer to icon_info structure,
-- 2 = display name or null,
-- 3 = full path to icon file,
-- 4 = base size,
-- 5 = base scale
-- some entries missing in some cases
end function
export function xpm_to_pixbuf(object xpm, integer w=0, integer h=0, integer interp=2)
atom x = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data",{P},
if w + h > 0 then
x = gtk_func("gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple",{P,I,I,I},{x,w,h,interp})
end if
return x
end function
-- Following 3 functions simplify method calls; used mostly internally,
-- but can also be called by the programmer to execute any GTK, GDK or
-- GLib function which has not been implemented in EuGTK.
export function gtk_func(object name, object params={}, object values={})
-- syntax: result = gtk_func("gtk_*_*",{formal params},{values})
-- where formal params might be {P,P,I} (function expects Ptr, Ptr, and Int)
-- and values are the values to be inserted into the formal params before
-- the function is called;
name = '+' & name
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if string(values[i]) then
values[i] = allocate_string(values[i],1)
end if
end for
if atom(values) then
values = {values}
end if
atom fn = define_func(name,params,P)
if fn > 0 then
return c_func(fn,values)
return -1
end if
end function
export function gtk_str_func(object name, object params={}, object values={})
-- syntax: same as above, except a string result is returned
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if string(values[i]) then
values[i] = allocate_string(values[i],1)
end if
end for
name = '+' & name
atom fn = define_func(name,params,P)
object result
if fn > 0 then
if length(params) > 0 then
result = c_func(fn,values)
result = c_func(fn,{})
end if
if result > 0 then
return peek_string(result)
end if
end if
return 0
end function
export function gtk_proc(object name, object params={}, object values={})
-- syntax: same as above, but no value is returned, used to call GTK procs
atom fn
if string(values) then values = {values} end if
name = '+' & name
for i = 1 to length(params) do
if sequence(values) and string(values[i]) then
values[i] = allocate_string(values[i]) -- keep
end if
end for
if length(params) = 0 then
fn = define_proc(name)
if fn > 0 then
end if
fn = define_proc(name,params)
if fn > 0 then
if atom(values) then values = {values} end if
end if
end if
return values
end function
-- The following 2 functions had to be added for Windows, so that we could search
-- a list of dlls until we find the function name requested. I'm not sure the '+'
-- is necessary for 32-bit Windows, since I don't have a 32-bit computer anymore.
export function define_proc(object name, object params={})
atom x
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do
if atom(LIBS[i]) and LIBS[i] > 0 then
x = define_c_proc(LIBS[i],name,params)
if x > 0 then
return x
end if
end if
end for
return -1
end function
export function define_func(object name, object params={}, object values=P)
atom x
ifdef BITS32 and WINDOWS then name = '+' & name end ifdef
for i = 1 to length(LIBS) do
if atom(LIBS[i]) and LIBS[i] > 0 then
x = define_c_func(LIBS[i],name,params,values)
if x > 0 then
return x
end if
end if
end for
return -1
end function
-- Color handling routines - most are used internally, but exported if you need 'em
export function to_rgba(object color) -- converts a color description to rgba ptr;
atom rgba = allocate(32) -- keep;
object c = color
if string(c) then c = allocate_string(c,1) end if
if gtk_func("gdk_rgba_parse",{P,P},{rgba,c}) then
return rgba
printf(1,"\nError: invalid color '%s'\n******\n",{color})
return 0
end if
return rgba
end function
export function from_rgba(object rgba, object fmt=0) -- converts rgba ptr to description;
object result = gtk_str_func("gdk_rgba_to_string",{P},{rgba})
if fmt=0 then return result
else return fmt_color(result,fmt)
end if
end function
function fmt_color(object s, integer fmt=0) -- Convert color to various formats;
if atom(s) then
if string(peek_string(s)) then
s = peek_string(s)
end if
end if
object w
w = split_any(s,"(,)")
if length(w[1]) = 3 then
w[5] = "1"
end if
for i = 2 to 5 do
w[i] = to_number(w[i])
end for
if atom(w[5]) then
w[5] = round(w[5],100)
end if
switch fmt do
case 0 then return w[1..length(w[1])+1]
case 1 then return sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x",w[2..4])
case 2 then return (256*256*w[2])+(256*w[3])+ w[4]
case 3 then return {w[2],w[3],w[4]}
case 4 then return {w[2],w[3],w[4],w[5]}
case 5 then return {w[2],w[3],w[4],256*w[5]}
case 6 then return sprintf("rgba(%d,%d,%d,%2.2f)",w[2..$])
case 7 then return {w[2]/255,w[3]/255,w[4]/255,w[5]}
case 8 then return sprintf("r=#%x, g=#%x, b=#%x, alpha=#%x",w[2..5])
case else -- do nothing
end switch
return s
end function
-- Following are 5 pre-built, easy to use popup dialogs
-- which save you the trouble of writing tons of code!
-- Refer to documentation/dialogs.html for details.
-- Rewritten for 4.8.8 to preserve images on dialog buttons despite
-- GTK developers' bland, boring preferences :P
-- Beginning with EuGTK 4.9.3, dialogs can be non-modal if desired.
public function Info(object parent=0, object title="Info",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_OK,
object image="dialog-information",
object icon=0,
integer modal=1,
object addon=0,
integer x=-1,
integer y=-1,
object name="Info")
return Custom(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal,addon,x,y,name)
end function
public function Warn(object parent=0, object title="Warning",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,
object image="dialog-warning",
object icon=0,
integer modal=1,
object addon=0,
integer x=-1,
integer y=-1,
object name="Warn")
return Custom(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal,addon,x,y,name)
end function
public function Error(object parent=0, object title="Error",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object image="dialog-error",
object icon=0,
integer modal=1,
object addon=0,
integer x=-1,
integer y=-1,
object name="Error")
return Custom(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal,addon,x,y,name)
end function
public function Question(object parent=0, object title="Question",
object pri_txt="", object sec_txt="",
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO,
object image="dialog-question",
object icon=0,
integer modal=1,
object addon=0,
integer x=-1,
integer y=-1,
object name="Question")
return Custom(parent,title,pri_txt,sec_txt,btns,image,icon,modal,addon,x,y,name)
end function
integer closedlg = call_back(routine_id("close_dialog"))
public function Custom(
object parent=0, --1
object title="Dialog", --2
object pri_txt="", --3
object sec_txt="", --4
object btns=GTK_BUTTONS_OK, --5
object image=0, --6
object icon=0, --7
integer modal=GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, --8
object addon=0, --9
integer x=-1, --10
integer y=-1, --11
object name="Custom") --12
atom dlg = create(GtkDialog)
atom btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox)
atom ca = 0
atom top = 0, left = 0, right = 0
atom lbl1 = 0
atom capanel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL)
object btn = repeat(0,2)
if string(parent) then
parent = get(builder,"object",parent)
end if
if parent = 0 then
for i = 1 to length(registry) do
if registry[i][2] = 293 then
parent = registry[i][1]
end if
end for
end if
if parent > 0 and atom(icon) and icon = 0 then
icon = get(parent,"icon name")
end if
if atom(pri_txt) and pri_txt > 0 then pri_txt = unpack(pri_txt) end if
if atom(sec_txt) and sec_txt > 0 then sec_txt = unpack(sec_txt) end if
if class_id(addon) = GdkPixbuf then addon = create(GtkImage,addon) end if
{"transient for",parent},
{"title"," " & title},
{"border width",5},
if string(name) then
end if
ca = get(dlg,"content area")
capanel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL)
top = create(GtkBox,HORIZONTAL,2)
left = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL,5)
right = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL,5)
if string(image) then
elsif image > 0 then
if class_id(image) = GdkPixbuf
or class_id(image) = GIcon then
image = create(GtkImage,image)
end if
end if
lbl1 = create(GtkLabel)
set(lbl1,"name",name & "_label")
if atom(addon) and addon > 0 then
atom p2 = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL)
if get(addon,"parent") != 0 then
end if
end if
if integer(btns) then
switch btns do
case GTK_BUTTONS_NONE then break
case GTK_BUTTONS_OK then
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_OK)
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-cancel")
btn[2] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_CANCEL)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[2],MB_OK)
show(btn[1]) show(btn[2])
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-close")
set(btn[1],"can default",TRUE)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_CLOSE)
btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-yes")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_YES)
btn[2] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-no")
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[2],MB_NO)
show(btn[1]) show(btn[2])
case else btn[1] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-ok")
set(btn[1],"can default",TRUE)
set(dlg,"add action widget",btn[1],MB_OK)
end switch
end if
if sequence(btns) and not atom(btns[1]) then
set(btnbox,"margin top",5)
for i = 1 to length(btns) do
while length(btns[i]) < 3 do btns[i] &= 0 end while
if atom(btns[i][2]) and btns[i][2] = 0 then btns[i][2] = closedlg end if
if atom(btns[i][3]) and btns[i][3] = 0 then btns[i][3] = {dlg,MB_CANCEL} end if
btns[i] = create(GtkButton,btns[i][1],btns[i][2],btns[i][3])
end for
end if
if x+y > 0 then
end if
atom result = 0
if modal = GTK_DIALOG_NON_MODAL then
return show_all(dlg)
result = get(dlg,"run")
end if
return result
end function
export function run(object dlg)
if string(dlg) then
dlg = pointer(dlg)
end if
object result = get(dlg,"run")
return result
end function
global integer dialog_return_value = 0
function close_dialog(object ctl, object dlg)
dlg = unpack(dlg)
dialog_return_value = dlg[2]
return 1
end function
-- Nifty shortcut, thanks to Greg Haberek,
-- allows using local functions without
-- call_back(routine_id()) and scope issues:
export function _(sequence name, atom rid = routine_id(name))
if rid > 0 then
return call_back(rid)
end if
return 0
end function
-- © 2016 by Irv Mullins