---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --# Numerable Icons (deprecated) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- include GtkEngine.e constant docs = `Numerable Icons use an image or stock icon with attached numbers Numerable Icons are deprecated` constant win = create(GtkWindow,"size=200x100,border_width=5,position=1,$destroy=Quit") constant panel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL) add(win,panel) constant lbl = create(GtkLabel) set(lbl,"markup",docs) add(panel,lbl) constant top = create(GtkBox,"orientation=0,spacing=20,border_width=10") add(panel,top) -- use whatever image you want, it will be sized to fit; constant f = create(GFile,"thumbnails/mongoose.png") constant ic1 = create(GFileIcon,f) -- alternatively, load one from stock, but be careful that there -- is actually an icon by that name in the theme currently in use, -- otherwise, you get a 'missing image' icon. constant ic2 = create(GThemedIcon,"preferences-desktop-locale") object img = repeat(0,5) object ico for i = 1 to 5 do ico = create(GtkNumerableIcon,ic1) -- try also ic2 img[i] = create(GtkImage) set(ico,"count",i) -- this sets the # set(img[i],"from gicon",ico,6) add(top,img[i]) end for constant btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox) add(btnbox,create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit")) pack(panel,-btnbox) show_all(win) main()