--# Connecting to the World Wide Web include GtkEngine.e constant txt = sprintf(`Euphoria was created by Robert Craig at RapidEuphoria and is currently maintained by volunteers at OpenEuphoria file: README.html`, {canonical_path(locate_file("documentation/README.html"))}) constant win = create(GtkWindow,"border_width=10,position=1") connect(win,"destroy","Quit") constant panel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL) add(win,panel) constant lbl1 = create(GtkLabel,{ {"markup",txt}, {"track visited links",TRUE}, {"connect","activate-link",_("Foo")}}) add(panel,lbl1) show_all(win) main() ------------------------------------------------------------- function Foo(atom ctl, object uri) ------------------------------------------------------------- object img sequence Q uri = peek_string(uri) display(uri) if file_exists(uri) then img = create(GtkImage,"text-html",6) if Question(win,,"Open File",uri,,img) = MB_YES then ifdef WINDOWS then system("explorer " & uri) return 1 end ifdef show_uri(uri) end if return 1 else if not networked() then return Warn(,host_addr,"Sorry","Not connected to a network") end if if inet_connected() then img = create(GtkImage,"emblem-web",6) if Question(win,,"Browse Website",uri,,img) = MB_YES then show_uri(uri) end if else return Warn(,host_addr,"Sorry","No internets!") end if end if return 1 end function