--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --# EuGTK Info -- Displays a lot of data gathered by EuGTK about the platform. -- Don't be concerned that this looks complex. Go on to test1, etc. -- to see how easy EuGTK can be! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- include GtkEngine.e get_net_address() -- check current address; -- don't call this unless you're needing it! ---------------------------------------------------- -- Interface: -- This uses std/format to allow [{named}] -- parameters. This makes it easy to move things -- around, add or delete items. Labels use markup -- to style the text. ---------------------------------------------------- constant fmt1 = -- stuff for left side; `EuGTK Version: [{version}] Date: [{release}] [{copyright}] GTK Lib version: [{major}].[{minor}].[{micro}] Euphoria Version: [{eu_version}] Revision: [{eu_revision}] Platform: [{eu_platform}] Bits: [{eu_arch_bits}] Date: [{eu_date}] Platform OS: [{os_name}] Distro: [{os_distro}] Version: [{os_vers}] Architecture [{os_arch}]` constant fmt2 = -- stuff for right side; ` User User name: [{user_name}] Full name: [{real_name}] Home Dir: [{home_dir}] Terminal: [{os_term}] Shell: [{os_shell}] Language: [{def_lang}] Application App name: [{app_name}] Prog name: [{prg_name}] Process ID: [{os_pid}] Curr Dir: [{curr_dir}] Temp Dir: [{temp_dir}] Data Dir: [{data_dir}] Config Dir: [{conf_dir}] ` constant fmt3 = -- for the bottom; ` Other Host Name: [{host_name}] Host Addr: [{host_addr}] Today: [{today}] Start Time: [{start_time}] Runtime Dir: [{runt_dir}] ` ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Window ------------------------------------------------------------------------- constant win = create(GtkWindow,"size=250x-1,border=10,position=1,$destroy=Quit") constant grid = create(GtkGrid,"column_spacing=10") add(win,grid) constant img = create(GtkImage,"thumbnails/eugtk.png") set(grid,"attach",img,1,1,2,1) constant lbl_left = create(GtkLabel) set(lbl_left,"markup",format(fmt1,info)) set(grid,"attach",lbl_left,1,2,1,1) constant lbl_right = create(GtkLabel) set(lbl_right,"markup",format(fmt2,info)) set(grid,"attach",lbl_right,2,2,1,1) constant lbl_bot = create(GtkLabel) set(lbl_bot,"markup",format(fmt3,info)) set(grid,"attach",lbl_bot,1,3,2,1) constant box = create(GtkButtonBox), btn = create(GtkButton,"gtk-close","Quit") add(box,btn) set(grid,"attach",box,1,4,2,1) show_all(win) ifdef IAB then set(win,"interactive debugging",1) end ifdef main()