--------------------------- --test173.ini --------------------------- !My Label.markup=The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog !TextFontBtn.show style=1 !TextFontBtn.use font=0 !TextFontBtn.use size=0 !TextFontBtn.tooltip text=Select the font for the label at top !CalendarFontBtn.show style=1 !CalendarFontBtn.use font=0 !CalendarFontBtn.use size=0 !CalendarFontBtn.tooltip text=Select a font for the Calendar !My Calendar.tooltip markup=This is My Calendar! My Calendar.date={2016,8,31} ColorButton.rgba=#FCE94F MyCheckButton.active=1 TextFontBtn.font name=aakar Bold 14 CalendarFontBtn.font name=Century Schoolbook L Bold 12 +My Label.font=aakar Bold 14 +My Calendar.font=Century Schoolbook L Bold 12 +Main Window.background=rgb(252,233,79) +Main Window.size={510,333} +Main Window.position={473,361}