---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Following items are 'persistent', only changed by editing this file: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --!MainWindow.icon=face-smile --!MainWindow.border width=20 --!Label1.text=Move, resize, change color, etc... --!ColorChooserButton.tooltip text=Pick a color for the Main Window background --!FontButton.tooltip text=Select font for calendar ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Following items are added by the settings:Save() command -- using the default properties for the controls on the list -- your program provides. -- Items beginning with + are added via the settings:Add() -- function called in your program code, as they are not a -- default property as defined in GtkSettings.e -- They can also be added by manually editing the ini file. -- You may also save and restore widgets named data spaces -- by settings:Add(ini,ctl,"data.name","value") -- see MainWindow.data lines below. ------------------------------------------------------------ +MainWindow.data.Foobar=Baz! +MainWindow.data.Message=Thanks a lot! +MainWindow.background=#729FCF +MyCalendar.font=aakar Bold 8 MainWindow.size={295,270} MainWindow.position={12,3} ColorChooserButton.rgba=#729FCF FontButton.font name=aakar Bold 8 MyCalendar.date={2016,9,15}