------------------- namespace about -- Generic About dialog ------------------- export constant version = "4.12.0" --# EXPORTS: about:Dialog -- use run(about:Dialog), not show() include GtkEngine.e public include euphoria/info.e if not equal(version,gtk:version) then Error(,,"GtkAboutDialog version mismatch","should be version " & gtk:version) end if export atom Dialog = create(GtkAboutDialog,{ {"name","about:dialog"}, {"logo","thumbnails/eugtk.png"}, {"program name",prg_name}, {"version","EuGTK version: " & gtk:version}, {"copyright",copyright}, {"comments","For information on the Euphoria\nprogramming language, click below"}, -- must specify custom as the license type if supplying license text; {"license type",GTK_LICENSE_CUSTOM}, {"license",LGPL}, -- LGPL text is built into EuGTK {"wrap license",0}, {"website","http://OpenEuphoria.org"}, {"website label","OpenEuphoria"}, {"authors",{"Irv Mullins"}}, --{"artists",0}, --{"documenters",0}, --{"translator credits",0}, --{"add credit section","Special Thanks to",{"\nBob's Burgers\nDuff's Beer"}}, $})