------------------------------------------------------------------------ --# CSS styling -- If you run this from an xterm or from WEE with term, -- you can see the css code displayed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ include GtkEngine.e constant css = locate_file("resources/mystyle4.css") constant docs = ` CSS Styling Users can modify appearance without changing your code! (see resources/mystyle.css) ` constant win = create(GtkWindow,"border_width=10,position=1,$destroy=Quit") constant panel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL) add(win,panel) constant lbl1 = create(GtkLabel,"font=Courier bold 16") set(lbl1,"markup",docs) add(panel,lbl1) constant btn = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit"), box = create(GtkButtonBox,"margin_left=10,margin_right=10,margin_bottom=10") add(box,btn) pack(panel,-box) constant cow = create(GtkImage,"thumbnails/cowbell2.png") pack(panel,-cow) constant lbl2 = create(GtkLabel,"text=MOO?,name=cowsay") -- name required so that css can refer to this by name add(panel,lbl2) constant provider = create(GtkCssProvider,css) display(read_file(css)) -- just puts css on terminal show_all(win) main()