----------------------------------------------------------------- --# GtkFlowBox ----------------------------------------------------------------- include GtkEngine.e requires("3.12","GtkFlowBox") constant win = create(GtkWindow,{ {"title","FlowBox ~ RESIZE ME!"}, {"border width",10}, {"position",GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER}, {"default size",300,300}, {"signal","destroy","Quit"}}) constant fb = create(GtkFlowBox,"homogeneous=FALSE,max children per line=2") add(win,fb) sequence ob = repeat(0,4) ob[1] = create(GtkImage,"thumbnails/clown.svg") ob[2] = create(GtkImage,create(GdkPixbuf,"thumbnails/eugtk.png",100,0,1)) ob[3] = create(GtkSpinButton,0,10,1) ob[4] = create(GtkButton,"gtk-about","ShowDocs") add(fb,ob) show_all(win) main() global function ShowDocs() Info(,"FlowBox", "A GtkFlowBox", `positions child widgets in sequence according to its orientation. For instance, with the horizontal orientation, the widgets will be arranged from left to right, starting a new row under the previous row when necessary. Reducing the width in this case will require more rows, so a larger height will be requested. Likewise, with the vertical orientation, the widgets will be arranged from top to bottom, starting a new column to the right when necessary. Reducing the height will require more columns, so a larger width will be requested. The children of a GtkFlowBox can be dynamically sorted and filtered.`) return 1 end function