--# GtkStack offers a variety of 'transition' effects when pages change.
include GtkEngine.e
requires("3.10.8","for GtkStack")
constant img = {
sequence captions = {
"Slide Right",
"Slide Left",
"Slide Up",
"Slide Down",
"Left Right",
"Up Down"
if minor_version > 10 then
captions &= {
"Over Up","Over Down","Over Left","Over Right",
"Under Up","Under Down","Under Left","Under Right","Over Up Down"}
end if
if minor_version > 12 then
captions &= {"Over Down Up","Over Left Right","Over Right Left"}
end if
constant icons = { -- icons for radio buttons;
constant tips = { -- for radio buttons;
"None\nchange is instantaneous",
"Slide right",
"Slide left",
"Slide up",
"Slide down",
"Slide left-right\nbi-directional\naccording to button order",
"Slide up-down\nbi-directional\naccording to button order",
"Over up\ncover the old page by sliding up",
"Over down\ncover the old page by sliding down",
"Over left\ncover the old page by sliding left",
"Over right\ncover the old page by sliding right",
"Under up\nuncover the new page by sliding up",
"Under down\nuncover the new page by sliding down",
"Under left\nuncover the new page by sliding to the left",
"Under right\nuncover the new page by sliding to the right",
"Over up down\naccording to button order",
"Over down up\naccording to button order",
"Over left right\naccording to button order",
"Over right left\naccording to button order",
constant window = create(GtkWindow,{
{"border width",10},
constant grid = add(window,create(GtkGrid))
constant stack = create(GtkStack,{
{"transition duration",500},
{"transition type",GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_NONE}})
constant stackswitcher = create(GtkStackSwitcher,{
{"border width",10},
sequence page = repeat(0,3)
for i = 1 to 3 do
page[i] = newPage(i)
set(stack,"add titled",page[i],
sprintf("label %d",i),sprintf("Page %d",i))
end for
constant speed = create(GtkScale,{
{"range",0,2}, -- min, max
{"increments",.01,.1}, -- step, page
{"tooltip markup","Transition Speed"},
constant lbl2 = create(GtkLabel,{
{"markup","Transition speed (seconds)"},
function newPage(integer page) -- build page content;
atom box = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL)
atom lbl = create(GtkLabel,sprintf("Page %d",page))
atom frm = create(GtkFrame,sprintf("Page %d",page))
set(lbl,"font","Purisa, Georgia bold 36")
return frm
end function
function newOptions() -- build option buttons;
atom frame = create(GtkFrame,"Transition Types")
atom grid = create(GtkGrid)
atom x = 0
object btns = repeat(0,20)
for i = 1 to length(captions) do
x = create(GtkRadioButton,x,captions[i],"setTransition",i-1)
if i = 2 then set(x,"active",TRUE) end if
if i <= length(icons) then
end if
if i <= length(tips) then set(x,"tooltip markup",tips[i]) end if
btns[i] = x
end for
btns = breakup(btns,4)
for i = 1 to 4 do
for j = 1 to 4 do
if btns[i][j] > 0 then
end if
end for
end for
return frame
end function
global function setTransition(atom ctl, integer x)
set(stack,"transition type",x)
return 1
end function
global function SetTransitionSpeed(atom ctl)
set(stack,"transition duration",get(ctl,"value")*1000)
return 1
end function