--# GtkFontChooserDialog
-- Note: this is a pop-up dialog, not a widget to be added to a window.
-- If it is created in the main body of the code, so that it gets created only once,
-- rather than in the choose function, where a new one would be created with each call,
-- it will retain its settings between activations.
include GtkEngine.e
constant note = `
-- Please note: this demo does NOT use a font filter, so it displays
-- (or tries to) every font on your computer - this makes for a long list
-- with lots of 'odd' fonts such as clock faces, unreadable styles, etc.
-- You'll most likely want to use a font filter on any 'real-life' program...
-- see test36 or test59.
-- See also GtkFontChooser.e for a pre-made font chooser to include.
constant win = create(GtkWindow,"size=200x100,border=10,position=1,$destroy=Quit")
constant dlg = create(GtkFontChooserDialog,
"title=Select a font,preview text=`EuGTK is easy to use as 1,2,3...`")
constant panel = create(GtkBox,VERTICAL)
constant lbl = create(GtkLabel,{
{"markup","Font Chooser Dialog\n" & note}})
constant quitbtn = create(GtkButton,"gtk-quit","Quit")
constant fntbtn = create(GtkButton,"gtk-select-font","SelectFont")
constant btnbox = create(GtkButtonBox)
global function SelectFont()
if set(dlg,"run") = MB_OK then
end if
return 1
end function