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2016-11-25 00:33:18 -07:00
namespace printer -- Utility to make printing easier
export constant version = "4.12.0"
-- functions callbacks
-- printer:PrintFile() printer:print_file
-- printer:PrintText() printer:print_text
-- This version handles most common printing needs, but it will not yet respect
-- 'marked up' a.k.a. 'rich' text, i.e. text with colors and styles as produced
-- by GTK3's TextView widget. It just prints them as plain text.
-- However, it DOES print text marked up with GTK's HTML subset, so you can use
-- <b>, <i>, <u>, <span>, <font> ... etc. in your printouts! This includes various
-- imbedded font styles and colors.
-- More documentation is found in ~/documentation/printing.html
include GtkEngine.e
include GtkCairo.e
include std/datetime.e
if not equal(version,gtk:version) then
Error(,,"GtkPrinter version mismatch","should be version " & gtk:version)
end if
-- The following exported variables can be modified before calling the
-- print routine:
public object header = "[1]\n" -- default is just the page title
public object subheader = "[1] page [5]\n\n" -- format for headers on pg.2 ... n
-- default subheader (above) prints page title and pg #;
public object footer = "<small>\n<i>Printed by EuGTK [8] on [9]'s computer</i></small>"
-- default footer (above) prints date and user name;
-- Info ID's for use in header and footer;
-- 1 = page title (for first page)
-- 2 = sub title (for subsequent pages - leave null to use page title (1) on all pgs)
-- 3 = file name
-- 4 = short name (file name w/o path)
-- 5 = current page number
-- 6 = n_pages printed e.g. pg 1 of n
-- 7 = n_copies requested
-- 8 = today's date in date_format
-- 9 = user name
--10 = user's real name
--11 = font name used for this print job
--12 = file length in bytes
--13 = file timestamp
--14 = exported filename, if any
export integer
n_pages = 0, -- number of pages to print (0=all)
n_copies = 1,
collate = FALSE,
duplex = 0,
number_up = 1,
number_up_layout = 1,
units = GTK_UNIT_INCH,
use_line_numbers = TRUE,
use_color = TRUE, -- print eu comments in red if true
lines_per_page = 60,
wrap_at = 0,
track_status = TRUE,
show_progress = TRUE, -- enable the built-in progressbar
embed_page_setup = TRUE,
orientation = 0,
order = 0,
confirm = FALSE,
sourcecode = TRUE,
plaintext = FALSE,
use_full_page = FALSE, -- ignore margins
has_selection = FALSE,
support_selection = FALSE,
auto_lpp = TRUE
export atom
scale = 100,
top_margin = 0.25, -- in inch units
left_margin = 0.25,
right_margin = 0.25,
bottom_margin = 0.25,
parent = 0,
signal_status_changed = call_back(routine_id("show_status")),
signal_begin_print = call_back(routine_id("begin_print")),
signal_draw_page = call_back(routine_id("draw_page")),
signal_end_print = call_back(routine_id("end_print")),
signal_request_page_setup = 0,
signal_done = 0,
signal_ready = 0,
signal_got_page_size = 0
export object
name = 0,
font = "Ubuntu Mono 8",
jobname = 0,
settings_file = 0,
setup_file = 0,
export_file = 0,
page_ranges = 0,
page_set = GTK_PAGE_SET_ALL,
custom_tab_hook = 0,
custom_tab_label = 0,
custom_tab_func = 0
ifdef WINDOWS then font = "Courier New 16" end ifdef
export object
line_number_format = "[:4] []\n", -- controls line # format AND code line!
paper_name = "na_letter", -- 8.5x11.0"
tabs = " ", -- replace tab chars with 8 spaces
file_name = 0,
short_name = 0,
page_title = 0,
sub_title = 0
export atom
progress = create(GtkProgressBar),
settings = create(GtkPrintSettings)
-- use date and time formats in std/datetime.e;
export sequence date_format = "%A, %B %d %Y %l:%M %p"
sequence user
ifdef WINDOWS then
user = "User"
user = proper(getenv("USER"))
end ifdef
-- for local use;
atom fontdesc
integer filesize = 0
object timestamp = 0
sequence text
sequence today = datetime:format(datetime:now(),date_format)
export procedure reset()
n_pages = 0
n_copies = 1
collate = FALSE
duplex = 0
number_up = 1
number_up_layout = 1
use_line_numbers = TRUE
use_color = TRUE
lines_per_page = 60
wrap_at = 0
track_status = TRUE
show_progress = TRUE
embed_page_setup = TRUE
orientation = 0
order = 0
confirm = FALSE
sourcecode = TRUE
plaintext = FALSE
use_full_page = FALSE
has_selection = FALSE
support_selection = FALSE
auto_lpp = TRUE
scale = 100
top_margin = 0.25
left_margin = 0.25
right_margin = 0.25
bottom_margin = 0.25
parent = 0
name = 0
paper_name = "na_letter"
font = "Ubuntu Mono 8"
jobname = 0
settings_file = 0
setup_file = 0
export_file = 0
page_ranges = 0
page_set = GTK_PAGE_SET_ALL
custom_tab_hook = 0
custom_tab_label = 0
custom_tab_func = 0
end procedure
export function PrintFile(object f=0, object x=0)
if string(f) and string(x) then
page_title = f
file_name = canonical_path(x)
timestamp = file_timestamp(file_name)
filesize = file_length(file_name)
short_name = filebase(file_name)
text = read_file(file_name)
return 1
end if
if string(f) and atom(x) and x = 0 then
f = canonical_path(f)
file_name = f
timestamp = file_timestamp(f)
filesize = file_length(f)
short_name = filebase(f)
page_title = filename(f)
text = read_file(f)
return 1
end if
if string(f) and atom(x) and x < 100 then
page_title = f
short_name = f
file_name = f
text = read_file(x)
return 1
end if
if atom(f) and atom(x) and x < 101 then
if atom(file_name) then
file_name = ""
end if
if atom(short_name) then
short_name = ""
end if
if atom(page_title) then
page_title = ""
end if
text = read_file(x)
return 1
end if
if atom(f) and atom(x) then
x = unpack(x)
x = canonical_path(x)
file_name = x
short_name = filebase(x)
page_title = filename(x)
text = read_file(x)
return 1
end if
return 1
end function
export constant print_file = call_back(routine_id("PrintFile"))
export function PrintText(object f=0, object x=0)
if string(f) and string(x) then
page_title = f
text = x
return 1
end if
if atom(f) and string(x) then
text = x
return 1
end if
if atom(f) and atom(x) then
if atom(page_title) and page_title = 0 then
page_title = ""
end if
text = unpack(x)
return 1
end if
return 0
end function
export constant print_text = call_back(routine_id("PrintText"))
integer status_code
sequence status_string
export function show_status(atom op)
fn1 = define_func("gtk_print_operation_get_status",{P},I),
fn2 = define_func("gtk_print_operation_get_status_string",{P},S)
status_code = c_func(fn1,{op})
status_string = peek_string(c_func(fn2,{op}))
ifdef PRINT then display("Status [] []",{status_code,status_string}) end ifdef
if show_progress then
end if
ifdef DELAY then sleep(0.15) end ifdef
return 1
end function
export function begin_print(atom op, atom context)
ifdef PRINT then display("Begin printing [] pages ",length(text)) end ifdef
fontdesc = create(PangoFontDescription,font)
if auto_lpp then
atom setup = get(op,"default page setup")
atom pght = get(setup,"page height",GTK_UNIT_POINTS)
--display("Page height [] pt.",pght)
pght -= length(header)
pght -= length(footer)
atom fs = get(fontdesc,"size") / 1024
--display("Font size []",fs)
fs = fs * (96/72)
integer lpp = 1
while ((fs*lpp)) < pght do
lpp += 1
--display("Text height [] lpp []",{(fs*lpp),lpp})
end while
--display("New LPP []",lpp-1)
lines_per_page = lpp
end if
text = process_text(text)
set(op,"n pages",n_pages)
-- important, as a new value for n_pages is computed
-- based on the length of the file being read, unless a set number
-- has been provided from the calling program.
if show_progress then -- turn on the progress dialog in the calling program
end if
return 1
end function
export function draw_page(atom op, atom context, integer pg, atom data)
atom fn6 = define_func("gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context",{P},P)
atom cr = c_func(fn6,{context})
atom pl = create(PangoCairoLayout,cr)
set(pl,"font description",fontdesc)
pg += 1
if pg > length(text) then
set(progress,"text","Printing complete")
return 0
end if
if show_progress then
set(progress,"text",sprintf("Printing page %d",pg))
end if
ifdef DELAY then sleep(0.25) end ifdef
object details = {
object page
if atom(header) then header = "<b><u>[1]</u> page [5] of [6]</b>\n\n" end if
if pg = 1 or atom(subheader) then
page = text:format(header,details)
& flatten(text[pg])
& text:format(footer,details)
page = text:format(subheader,details)
& flatten(text[pg])
& text:format(footer,details)
end if
if plaintext then
end if
set(pl,"update layout",cr)
set(pl,"show layout",cr)
ifdef PRINT then printf(1,"Page %d\n",pg) end ifdef
return 1
end function
function process_text(object txt)
txt = split(txt,'\n')
integer comment, n
object a,b
object test
for i = 1 to length(txt) do -- replace chars which will confuse markup
txt[i] = join(split(txt[i],'&'),"&amp;")
txt[i] = join(split(txt[i],"&amp;amp;"),"&amp;")
if sourcecode then
txt[i] = join(split(txt[i],'<'),"&lt;")
txt[i] = join(split(txt[i],'>'),"&gt;")
end if
if use_color then
if match("--",txt[i]) then -- a comment;
txt[i] = split(txt[i],"--")
txt[i] = txt[i][1] & "<span color='red'>-- " & txt[i][2] & "</span>"
end if
end if
if use_line_numbers then
txt[i] = text:format(line_number_format,{i,txt[i]})
txt[i] &= '\n'
end if
end for
txt = breakup(txt,lines_per_page)
if n_pages = 0 then -- no selection
n_pages = length(txt)
end if
return txt
end function
export function end_print()
status_string = "Printing complete"
ifdef PRINT then display(status_string) end ifdef
return 1
end function
export function setup_printer()
atom _size = create(GtkPaperSize,paper_name)
atom err = allocate(16) err = 0
object results = 0
atom fn7 = define_func("gtk_print_operation_run",{P,I,P,P},I)
atom fn8 = define_func("gtk_print_run_page_setup_dialog",{P,P,P},P)
set(settings,"paper size",_size,units)
set(settings,"n copies",n_copies)
set(settings,"number up",number_up)
set(settings,"number up layout",number_up_layout)
if string(name) then
end if
atom setup = create(GtkPageSetup)
set(setup,"paper size",_size)
set(setup,"left margin",left_margin,units)
set(setup,"right margin",right_margin,units)
set(setup,"top margin",top_margin,units)
set(setup,"bottom margin",bottom_margin,units)
atom printop = create(GtkPrintOperation)
set(printop,"print settings",settings)
set(printop,"default page setup",setup)
set(printop,"show progress",show_progress)
set(printop,"track print status",track_status)
set(printop,"embed page setup",embed_page_setup)
set(printop,"support selection",support_selection)
set(printop,"has selection",has_selection)
set(printop,"use full page",use_full_page)
export_file = canonical_path(export_file)
set(printop,"export filename",export_file)
end if
if string(jobname) then
set(printop,"job name",jobname)
end if
if custom_tab_hook != 0 then
set(printop,"custom tab label",custom_tab_label)
end if
display(get(settings,"printer lpi"))
c_func(fn7,{printop,action,parent,err}) -- start the print process;
if string(setup_file) and file_exists(canonical_path(setup_file)) then
get(setup,"to file",canonical_path(setup_file))
end if
object jobname = get(printop,"job name")
if confirm then
if Question(0,"PDF Written",
sprintf("%s\n<small>Folder: %s</small>",
sprintf("%s\nStatus: %d\n%s\nClick Yes to view",{jobname,status_code,status_string})
,,,"printer") then
end if
Info(0,"Print Job",jobname,
sprintf("Status: %d %s",{status_code,status_string})
end if
end if
page_title = 0
n_pages = 0
n_copies = 1
return 1
end function
header = "<b><u>[1]</u></b>\n\n"
-- copyright 2015 Irv Mullins