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2016-11-25 00:27:22 -07:00
namespace events
export constant version = "4.12.0"
--Thanks to Pete Eberlein for helping with this!
include GtkEngine.e
include std/convert.e
if not equal(version,gtk:version) then
Error(,,"GtkEvents version mismatch","should be version " & gtk:version)
end if
-- Maps keys from keypad to match same keys on keyboard,
-- maps control/arrow keys to negative numbers, so they
-- can be differentiated from the same ascii character
-- values;
constant keyvalues = {
{8,-8}, -- bksp
{9,-9}, -- tab
{20,-20}, -- scroll lock
{27,27}, -- escape
{80,-80}, -- home 'P'
{81,-81}, -- left arrow 'Q'
{82,-82}, -- up arrow 'R'
{83,-83}, -- right arrow 'S'
{84,-84}, -- down arrow 'T'
{85,-85}, -- page up 'U'
{86,-86}, -- page dn 'V'
{87,-87}, -- end 'W'
{99,-99}, -- insert 'c'
{127,-127}, -- num lock
{141,13}, -- keypad Enter, with or w/o numlock;
-- keypad keys w/o numlock;
{149,-149}, -- keypad home
{150,-150}, -- keypad left
{151,-151}, -- keypad up
{152,-152}, -- keypad right
{153,-153}, -- keypad down
{154,-154}, -- keypad pg up
{155,-155}, -- keypad pg dn
{156,-156}, -- keypad end
{157,-157}, -- keypad 5
{158,-158}, -- keypad ins
{159,-159}, -- keypad del
-- keypad keys with numlock - return ascii 0..9
{176,48},{177,49},{178,50},{179,51},{180,52}, -- keypad numbers 0..4
{181,53},{182,54},{183,55},{184,56},{185,57}, -- keypad numbers 5..9
-- F keys;
{190,-190}, -- F1
{191,-191}, -- F2
{192,-192}, -- F3
{193,-193}, -- F4
{194,-194}, -- F5
{195,-195}, -- F6
{196,-196}, -- F7
{197,-197}, -- F8
{198,-198}, -- F9
{199,-199}, -- F10
{200,-200}, -- F11
{201,-201}, -- F12
{227,-227}, -- left ctl
{228,-228}, -- right ctl
{225,-225}, -- left shift
{226,-226}, -- right shift
{233,-233}, -- left alt
{234,-234}, -- right alt
{255,-255}, -- delete
constant shiftkeys = {
{32,-9}, -- shift tab
constant event_names = {
export function key(atom event) -- get key pressed;
if event = 0 then return 0 end if
integer k = peek(event+16)
integer z = peek(event+17)
integer s = state(event)
ifdef BITS64 then
k = peek(event+28)
z = peek(event+29)
end ifdef
switch z do
case 0 then return k
case 255 then return vlookup(k,keyvalues,1,2,k)
case 254 then return vlookup(k,shiftkeys,1,2,k)
end switch
return 0
end function
--(32/64)struct GdkEventButton
-- 0 0 GdkEventType type a.k.a. id
-- 4 8 GtkWindow *window
-- 8 16 gint8 send_event
-- 12 20 guint32 time
-- 16 24 gdouble x
-- 24 32 gdouble y
-- 32 40 gdouble *axes
-- 36 48 guint state
-- 40 52 guint button
-- 44 56 GdkDevice *device
-- 48 64 gdouble x_root, y_root
export function id(atom event)
if event > 0 then return peek4u(event) else return event end if
end function
export function name(atom event)
event = id(event)
for i = 1 to length(event_names) do
if event = event_names[i][1] then
return event_names[i][2]
end if
end for
return -1
end function
export function window(atom event) -- get event window
ifdef BITS64 then
return peek8u(event + 8)
end ifdef
return peek4u(event + 4)
end function
export function time(atom event) -- get event time
ifdef BITS64 then
return peek4u(event + 20)
end ifdef
return peek4u(event + 12)
end function
export function xy(atom event) -- get mouse button x y;
ifdef BITS64 then
return floor({
float64_to_atom(peek({event + 24, 8})),
float64_to_atom(peek({event + 32, 8}))})
end ifdef
return floor({
float64_to_atom(peek({event + 16, 8})),
float64_to_atom(peek({event + 24, 8}))})
end function
export function axes(atom event)
ifdef BITS64 then
return float64_to_atom(peek({event + 40, 8}))
end ifdef
return float64_to_atom(peek({event + 32, 8}))
end function
export function button(atom event) -- get mouse button clicked;
ifdef BITS64 then
return peek(event+52)
end ifdef
return peek(event+40)
end function
export function state(atom event)
ifdef BITS64 then
return peek(event+48)
end ifdef
return peek(event+36)
end function
export function device(atom event)
ifdef BITS64 then
return peek(event+56)
end ifdef
return peek(event+44)
end function
export function clicks(atom event)
atom ct = allocate(64)
object result
if gtk_func("gdk_event_get_click_count",{P,I},{event,ct}) then
result = peek4u(ct)
result = -1
end if
return result
end function
export function scroll_dir(atom event)
atom dir = allocate(64)
object result
if gtk_func("gdk_event_get_scroll_direction",{P,I},{event,dir}) then
result = peek4u(dir)
result = -1
end if
return result
end function
export function pending() -- used sometimes when using timeout or eu tasks
return gtk_func("gtk_events_pending")
end function
export procedure main_iteration()
end procedure
export procedure main_iteration_do(integer i) -- used sometimes when multi-tasking;
end procedure
-- following routine traps the enter key when Entry is activated,
-- and uses it like the tab key - so it works like people expect.
-- When using Glade, connect each entry's 'activate' signal to
-- trap_enter_key
constant gsig = define_proc("g_signal_emit_by_name",{P,P,P})
constant fsig = allocate_string("move-focus")
global function trap_enter_key(atom ctl, atom event)
if class_id(ctl) = GtkEntry then
if event = 0 then
return 1
end if
end if
return 0
end function