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  <center><h1>Old Ass Sudotask</h1></center>
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  <h2>College Is A Horrible Thing</h2>
	College is a terrible thing.  Growing up we're told about the glories of college.  College will help you get a job. College is a place of free thought. College will make your dreams come true. This is bullshit.
	What's so great about college? It helps you get a job?  The purpose of college was to foster the growth of intelligence among the elite who could afford it. 
	Why does it seem like everyone needs college to do well in life these days?  This author currently goes to college, but he does so for self improvement, not some grand idea of landing a great job.
	This begs the questions:
		<li>Does (s)he who earns the most money win?</li>
		<li>Is making more money the only way to be comfortable?</li>
	There is another option.  Consume less.  
	At least in the United States, outside of expensive cities, living on $1000 a month (assuming no debt) is entirely practical.  So long as the money isn't wasted, $1000 a month allows for plenty of excess income for fancy gadgets and pretty meals.
	So is college really the only way?  Will we immediately make $3000 a month straight out of college?  Probably not going to happen.  
	College is for those who don't know what to do, want a very specific job that requires formal education, or those who simply wish to learn.  
	Hell, college probably makes it harder to get a decent job if student loans are involved.  Employers like to look at credit ratings these days, student loans don't make for a good credit rating.
	College is a business.  As a business they sold to the wealthy in order to help bolster the separation of the rich and poor.  To play on their ego that they are better.  The rich are smart and the poor are dumb.
	Now college realizes it is able to target everyone.  Why not?  It's easy to get a loan for college, we can target everyone in the country and raise prices to boot.  This reminds me of insurance companies.  As soon as it's required... Prices skyrocket.  College is becoming required.
	All of this could be forgiven, if only college was actually an institution of free thought.  Oh, you have a problem with Times New Roman or Microsoft?  You don't want to support the destruction of freedom?  Well too bad.  Do it or you get a zero.
	Yea, I attend a Jr. College.  I use Linux/OpenBSD for my school work along with libreoffice.  When I ask if I can use a font that's not proprietary but is still metrically compatible with Times New Roman (liberation serif) I'm told, "I require Times New Roman.  However, I don't want my students to be uncomfortable, so if this is a problem I suggest you drop my class." 
	She suggested I drop the class instead of letting me use free fonts. What the fuck?  This is an affront to freedom.  "Use this anti-freedom device, or get out of class."  
	I don't blame the teachers, I'm sure they are not well versed in such facets of technology and they shouldn't have to be.  However, I believe it is the responsibility of the schools to allow for free alternatives.  
	Even if liberation serif is the only Times New Roman alternative, at least it allows us, as students, to choose to support freedom.
	Instead of teaching us how to open our minds and be free, we are being taught to open our minds, but still be subservient.  Think all you want, think well, think grandious, but you are only allowed to do this my way.
	Anyway, what do you think of college?  My perception is based on my experiences from one college, and a Jr. College at that.  So please, share your experiences below!