#!/usr/bin/python3 #user input dolloars #user input number of packs #output day, week, month year costs import os import math cost = None packs = None def calcHours(tempCost): return format(float(tempCost)/wages, '.2f') while True: os.system('clear') try: cost = float(input("How much does a pack cost? ")) except ValueError: print("Please only type numbers") input("Press 'enter' to continue: ") continue try: packs = float(input("How many packs do you smoke a day? ")) except ValueError: print("Please only type numbers") input("Press 'enter' to continue: ") continue try: wages = float(input("What is your hourly wage? ")) except ValueError: print("Please only type numbers") input("Press 'enter' to continue: ") continue os.system('clear') break print("Your cigarettes cost $" + format(cost/20, '.2f'), "each") print() print("You smoke: ") print(math.ceil(20 * packs), "per day") print(math.ceil(20 * packs * 7), "per week") print(math.ceil((20 * packs * 365)/12), "per month") print(math.ceil(20 * packs * 365), "per year") print() print("This costs you: ") tempCost = format(cost * packs, '.2f') tempHours = calcHours(tempCost) print("$" + tempCost, "and", tempHours, "hours per day") tempCost = format(cost * packs * 7, '.2f') tempHours = calcHours(tempCost) print("$" + tempCost, "and", tempHours, "hours per week") tempCost = format((cost * packs * 365)/12, '.2f') tempHours = calcHours(tempCost) print("$" + tempCost, "and", tempHours, "hours per month") tempCost = format(cost * packs * 365, '.2f') tempHours = calcHours(tempCost) print("$" + tempCost, "and", tempHours, "hours per year")