#!/usr/bin/python3 import contextlib with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None): # hide Pygame welcome message import os import sys import pygame def confirm_leave(): prompt = input("All progress will be lost, are you sure?: [y/N]: ") if prompt == "n": print("Staying in game") elif prompt == "y": main_menu() else: print("That is not an option") def nav_bar(): print(""" ============================ [m] - Main Menu ============================ """) def clear(): os.system("clear") # Windows has no clear screen equivalent so use os.system def lvl_one(): clear() nav_bar() while True: print(""" Level 1 - Quest for big booty! ----------- You find yourself lost in thought while shopping in a grocery store, when suddenly you notice what appears to be a nice looking woman bending over. Your first instinct is to: 1) Get closer 2) Stand and stare """) prompt = input(">> ") if prompt == "1": print("You walk closer to the women but the closer you get, the farther she walks away from you.") elif prompt == "m": confirm_leave() elif prompt == "q": sys.exit(0) else: print("That key is not an option") def main_menu(): clear() pygame.init() pygame.mixer.music.load("big-booty-judy-drums.ogg") pygame.mixer.music.play(loops=-1, start=0.0) while 1 == 1: print(""" ____ _ ____ __ _ __ / __ )(_)___ _ / __ )____ ____ / /___ __ (_)_ ______/ /_ __ / __ / / __ `/ / __ / __ \/ __ \/ __/ / / / / / / / / __ / / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_____/_/\__, / /_____/\____/\____/\__/\__, / __/ /\__,_/\__,_/\__, / /____/ /____/ /___/ /____/ ,:~~~~:::::.~~~:::~====~====~+===::::::: :::::::::::~::,,,::~==+++++++====~:::::: :::::::::~~===+=,,=++++?+?++++++=~~~:::: :,.::::====++++:,==+++????????+++====::: :,,::====++++++,~=++???????????++++=~=:: ,,,~===++++++++~==+?????????????++++==,, ,,:===++++++++=.=++???????????????+++=~: ,,~==+++++??++=.=++????IIIII??????+++==: ,~===+++????+++.=++????IIIII???????++==~ ,~===+++????+++,~=+?+??IIIII???????+++== .~~===++?????++~~=++???I?II??????++++=== ,~~~==+++++???+=,=++???????????++++++=== :~~~~===++++?+?+.~==++????????+++++===== ::~~~~=====++++=~.~==++++++++++++======~ ::::~~~~~====+==~:.~===+++++++======~~~~ ::::::~~~~======~~:.:~=========~~~~~~~~: ::::::::~~~~~~~~~:::...,,::::~~~~~~~~:~~ :::::,,,::::::::::::,,,,,.,,,,:::::====~ ::::::::,,,::::~=~~:,,,,,.,,,,:~~======~ ::::::::::,,~~====~.,,,::,,:::,~~==++==~ ::::::::::,.~~===~:::::::,,:::,:~===+==~ ,:,,:::::::,~====~.::::::,::::::~==+===: """) print("(S)tart Game") print("(Q)uit") prompt = input(">> ") if prompt == "s": pygame.mixer.music.stop() pygame.quit() lvl_one() elif prompt == "q": pygame.quit() sys.exit(0) main_menu()