#!/usr/bin/env lua require("iuplua") require("iupluacontrols") require('progress') require('ffmpeg_progress') --Main url entry box function url_entry() local format = sel_format() local bitRate = sel_bitrate() local url = "" local playNow = sel_play() local changeLog = "* Set the default settings in 'mandy.cfg'\n".. "* Can now select audio bitrate\n".. "* Autoremove old video files from /tmp\n".. "* Added option to play completed file\n".. "- Still unknown bug with 'converting' bar\n" res, url, format, bitRate, playNow, changeLog = iup.GetParam("Mandy 0.6.0 (alpha)", nil, "Enter Youtube URL: %s\n".. "Audio Options %t\n".. "Select an audio format: %l|mp3|ogg|flac|\n".. "Select the bitrate: %l|320 kbps|192 kbps|160 kbps|128 kbps|96 kbps|\n".. "Play file when finished?: %l|no|yes|\n".. "Changelog: %m\n", url, format, bitRate, playNow, changeLog) gPlay = ask_play(playNow) gFormat = sel_Codec(format) gBitrate = bit_logic(bitRate) if res == true then if string.match(url, "youtube.com/watch") then return url else iup.Message("Error", "The URL is not a youtube link") iup.Flush() iup.Close() end else return false end end -- checks mandy.cfg for format function sel_format() local format = cfg_table["format"] if format == "mp3" then return 0 elseif format == "ogg" then return 1 elseif format == "flac" then return 2 else return 0 end end function sel_bitrate() local bitrate = cfg_table["bitrate"] if bitrate == "320k" then return 0 elseif bitrate == "192k" then return 1 elseif bitrate == "160k" then return 2 elseif bitrate == "128k" then return 3 elseif bitrate == "96k" then return 4 elseif bitrate == "32k" then return 5 else return 0 end end function sel_play() local playFile = cfg_table["playFile"] if playFile == "no" then return 0 elseif playFile == "yes" then return 1 else return 0 end end --make format dropdown menu items work function sel_Codec(x) if x == 0 then local mp3 = ".mp3" print("Selected "..mp3) return mp3 elseif x == 1 then local ogg = ".ogg" print("Selected "..ogg) return ogg elseif x == 2 then local flac = ".flac" print("Selected "..flac) return flac end end function bit_logic(x) if x == 0 then local b320k = "320k" print ("Selected "..b320k) return b320k elseif x == 1 then local b192k = "192k" print ("Selected "..b192k) return b192k elseif x == 2 then local b160k = "160k" print ("Selected "..b160k) return b160k elseif x == 3 then local b128k = "128k" print ("Selected "..b128k) return b128k elseif x == 4 then local b96k = "96k" print ("Selected "..b96k) return b96k end end --Ask user to set directory function set_dir() getPath = iup.filedlg{dialogtype = "SAVE", title="Save file...", filter="*.mp3; *.ogg; *.flac", directory=".", file=""} getPath:popup(iup.ANYWHERE, iup.ANYWHERE) local status = getPath.status -- The "%" is used to escape the "." comming from gFormat if status == "1" or status == "0" then if string.match(getPath.value, "%"..gFormat) then local savedPath = getPath.value return savedPath else local savedPath = getPath.value..gFormat return savedPath end elseif status == "-1" then return false end end function ytDl(x) local tmpName = math.random(0,999999999999) local tmpNameTwo = math.random(0,999999999999) local tmpPath = x.." --output=/tmp/youtube-dl-"..tmpName.."-"..tmpNameTwo..".flv" local tmpPath2 = "/tmp/youtube-dl-"..tmpName.."-"..tmpNameTwo..".flv" print(x) local flag = popin.ytdl(tmpPath, tmpPath2) if not flag then return false end return tmpPath2 end --optional function to implement autoplay function ask_play(x) if x == 0 then return false elseif x == 1 then return true end end function ffmpeg(tmpPath, dirD) if gFormat == ".mp3" then gFormat = "libmp3lame" end if gFormat == ".ogg" then gFormat = "libvorbis" end if gFormat == ".flac" then gFormat = "flac" end local subSpaces = string.gsub(dirD, " ", "\\ ") local codec = "ffmpeg -i "..tmpPath.." -acodec "..gFormat.." -ac 2 -ab "..gBitrate.." -vn -y "..subSpaces print(format) --debug purposes local flag = convert_mp3.go(codec, tmpPath) if not flag then return false end io.popen("notify-send 'The file was saved to' "..subSpaces) io.close() if gPlay == true then io.popen("xdg-open "..subSpaces) io.close() elseif gPlay == false then print ("You chose not to open the file") end end --put everything into a table to use local functions globally global = {} global.url = function () local url = url_entry() return url end global.dir = function() local dir = set_dir() return dir end global.path = function(url) local yt = ytDl(url) return yt end global.ffmpeg = function(tmpPath, saveDir) local convert = ffmpeg(tmpPath, saveDir) return convert end