include("story.jl") function printc(color, message::AbstractString="", x...) print_with_color(color, message) end function input(prompt::AbstractString="") print(prompt) return chomp(readline()) end function title() printc(:light_cyan, " ----------------------------------\n") printc(:light_cyan, "| 4 Rooms |\n") printc(:light_cyan, " ----------------------------------\n") printc(:green, "By: Mollusk and CrabApple\n\n") end function start() start = input("Press S to start.\n") if start == "s" return end end function instructions() print("Instructions: You will ecounter 4 rooms, starting with room 1. Each room will \n contain items for you to choose from. Once you choose an item, it will interact in some way \n with the items in the next room, or with the room itself. Choose wisely! Your decision impacts \n your next set of choices. You have 3 tries per room, otherwise you fail the task.\n\n You may press q to Quit the game at any time.\n\n") Continue() end function Continue() Continue = input("Press enter to continue...\n") if Continue == "" return end end function room2() print("You have reached ROOM 2.\n") end function room1() print("ROOM 1\n\n") print("You must choose one of 4 options to move to the next room.\n\n") print("1. Get a lockpick.\n") print("2. Get a bottle of water.\n") print("3. Get cookies.\n") print("4. Get a grenade.\n\n") choice = input("Make your choice: ") if choice == "1" print("Here are your cookies! You may now move to the next room.\n\n") Continue() room2() elseif choice == "2" print("") elseif choice == "3" print("") elseif choice == "4" print("") elseif choice == "q" quit() else print("You did not select one of the given choices. Please begin again.") end end title() instructions() room1()