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<h1 class="post-title">About</h1>
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<p>SudoTask is a place for Logen Kain to write about whatever he feels like on a whim. It’s also the main place where Logen offer’s his services as a Freelance writer.</p>
<p>Feel free to follow him on twitter @rockroar, over on google plus +Logen Kain, or better yet, just follow #sudotask on Diaspora.</p>
<h2>Games Review Scoring</h2>
<p>I don’t use scores for reviews, I simply choose whether a game is frustrating to play or not.</p>
<p>I found the game frustrating to play. This doesn’t mean that I feel that the game is good or bad (that’s what the review is for), it simply means that I found it uncomfortable to play.</p>
<p>Be wary of these games, they are only recommended for diehard fans.</p>
<h3>Not Frustrating</h3>
<p>This means that the game was comfortable to play. Again, this isn’t a judgement on the game itself, but the overall feeling I get while playing it. Otherwise great games can be ruined by poor controls or excessive loading times.</p>
<p>Games like Woah Dave! are not frustrating to play, but I found the game to be incredibly lacking. However, diehard fans of this genre will probably love it.</p>
<p>All articles are licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</a> License unless otherwise stated.</p>
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<p>A place for Logen to write about whatever and offer his services.
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<description>A place for Logen to write about whatever and offer his services.
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<pubDate>Sun, 11 Sep 2016 16:33:59 -0700</pubDate>
<lastBuildDate>Sun, 11 Sep 2016 16:33:59 -0700</lastBuildDate>
<generator>Jekyll v3.2.1</generator>
<title>Starting Over</title>
<description><p>Well, it was a good run with WordPress.</p>
<p>Over time I noticed it was getting slower and slower as my WordPress install upgraded, and my Ubuntu server over on Digital Ocean continued to be an old LTS on a $5 rig.</p>
<p>Not only that, but mySQL database errors were becoming more and more common. I almost switched at the beginning of this year when the database errors started to become frequent. I would have to reboot every day or so just to keep the site up.</p>
<p>Then one day I found the culprit. Not enough ram on the Digital Ocean server. So, did I upgrade? Ha, no I just created a nice big swap file, and everything was good to go for a few months.</p>
<p>Then the errors came back. The site was slower, and I would have to restart it every month or so. Then it was every day. That’s when I decided it was time to switch to another platform.</p>
<p>In my infinite laziness I was taking a long time to switch the site over. Why? Because the tools used to automate the process didn’t work, and I had to recreate every post. I got about halfway through over the course of a month or so and then yesterday I couldn’t get the site to load.</p>
<p>Can I get my data out of Digital Ocean? Probably, but I’m not sure it’s worth it, and even if I do, I’ve decided to start fresh with the site.</p>
<p>A lot of my writing was forced ramblings, and not very appropriate now that SudoTask LLC is a thing. Perhaps I’ll try to bring them back, and put them somewhere buried on the website, or on some other domain.</p>
<p>Now I’m using a combination of Jekyll (static web site) and git with as my host. Why vultr and ditch Digital Ocean? Simple. They let me use my own custom ISO. Which is amazing because that means I get to use my favorite Linux distribution (Void Linux), on my server.</p>
<p>I hate to shill out on my first post, but if you’d like to check them out please consider using <a href="">this referral link</a>. Using <a href="">my referral link</a> will net you $20 in credits (4 months of their cheapest offering) and I’ll get $30.</p>
<p>Don’t want to support me? Don’t want the discount? Then just go to <a href=""> (non-ref link)</a> to sign up. So far I’m happy with the service. It has a bit more memory than Digital Ocean’s cheapest offering, not that it really helps me now that I’m going full static, but it could be important for someone running server applications.</p>
<p>Might even be able to get away with hosting a Minecraft server. From what I remember, Minecraft is a fantastic memory hog. So maybe. Should be a bit better than Digital Ocean in either case.</p>
<p>By using git I’ll be able to work on posts locally (something that always irked me about WordPress) and push them to the server when they are ready, as well as another backup git server.</p>
<p>Avoiding a database structure will make it a lot easier to back up. It’s all beautiful plain text. Though, it is a bit annoying how I have to create posts, so I’ll probably write a tool to make file creation a bit less annoying, but I’m sure I won’t bother till I get fed up with it.</p>
<p>So yea, welcome to the new site. I’m sure it looks a bit bare at the moment, as I haven’t looked into themes yet, but I’ll get there. If anyone has suggestions feel free to email me at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<pubDate>Sun, 11 Sep 2016 12:00:00 -0700</pubDate>
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<h1 class="post-title" itemprop="name headline">Starting Over</h1>
<p class="post-meta"><time datetime="2016-09-11T12:00:00-07:00" itemprop="datePublished">Sep 11, 2016</time></p>
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<p>Well, it was a good run with WordPress.</p>
<p>Over time I noticed it was getting slower and slower as my WordPress install upgraded, and my Ubuntu server over on Digital Ocean continued to be an old LTS on a $5 rig.</p>
<p>Not only that, but mySQL database errors were becoming more and more common. I almost switched at the beginning of this year when the database errors started to become frequent. I would have to reboot every day or so just to keep the site up.</p>
<p>Then one day I found the culprit. Not enough ram on the Digital Ocean server. So, did I upgrade? Ha, no I just created a nice big swap file, and everything was good to go for a few months.</p>
<p>Then the errors came back. The site was slower, and I would have to restart it every month or so. Then it was every day. That’s when I decided it was time to switch to another platform.</p>
<p>In my infinite laziness I was taking a long time to switch the site over. Why? Because the tools used to automate the process didn’t work, and I had to recreate every post. I got about halfway through over the course of a month or so and then yesterday I couldn’t get the site to load.</p>
<p>Can I get my data out of Digital Ocean? Probably, but I’m not sure it’s worth it, and even if I do, I’ve decided to start fresh with the site.</p>
<p>A lot of my writing was forced ramblings, and not very appropriate now that SudoTask LLC is a thing. Perhaps I’ll try to bring them back, and put them somewhere buried on the website, or on some other domain.</p>
<p>Now I’m using a combination of Jekyll (static web site) and git with as my host. Why vultr and ditch Digital Ocean? Simple. They let me use my own custom ISO. Which is amazing because that means I get to use my favorite Linux distribution (Void Linux), on my server.</p>
<p>I hate to shill out on my first post, but if you’d like to check them out please consider using <a href="">this referral link</a>. Using <a href="">my referral link</a> will net you $20 in credits (4 months of their cheapest offering) and I’ll get $30.</p>
<p>Don’t want to support me? Don’t want the discount? Then just go to <a href=""> (non-ref link)</a> to sign up. So far I’m happy with the service. It has a bit more memory than Digital Ocean’s cheapest offering, not that it really helps me now that I’m going full static, but it could be important for someone running server applications.</p>
<p>Might even be able to get away with hosting a Minecraft server. From what I remember, Minecraft is a fantastic memory hog. So maybe. Should be a bit better than Digital Ocean in either case.</p>
<p>By using git I’ll be able to work on posts locally (something that always irked me about WordPress) and push them to the server when they are ready, as well as another backup git server.</p>
<p>Avoiding a database structure will make it a lot easier to back up. It’s all beautiful plain text. Though, it is a bit annoying how I have to create posts, so I’ll probably write a tool to make file creation a bit less annoying, but I’m sure I won’t bother till I get fed up with it.</p>
<p>So yea, welcome to the new site. I’m sure it looks a bit bare at the moment, as I haven’t looked into themes yet, but I’ll get there. If anyone has suggestions feel free to email me at <a href=""></a>.</p>
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<p>If you are interested in any services please <a href="">email us</a>.</p>
<p>Special requests are welcome. Here are a few of the services we offer:</p>
<p><strong>Youtube Comments</strong></p>
<p>For $5 we will write one comment on a video 30 minutes or less. Videos are watched in their entirety and opinions are genuine. Please do not ask for scripted comments.</p>
<p><strong>Blog comments</strong></p>
<p>For $5 we will write one comment on a blog post 500 words or less. All opinions are genuine. Please do not ask for scripted comments.</p>
<p><strong>Article Writing</strong></p>
<p>Our current rate is 10 cents per word. Reasonable offers will be considered.</p>
<p><strong>Android App Reviews</strong></p>
<p>We will review Android applications at a rate of 10 cents per word. Considering the work involved with reviewing an app, and potential costs involved, the minimum charge is $50.</p>
<p><strong>Physical Product Reviews</strong></p>
<p>We are happy to review products at the rate of 5 cents per word if we keep the product. Products that must be returned will cost the standard rate of 10 cents per word plus shipping.</p>
<p><strong>Custom Requests</strong></p>
<p>Please <a href="">email us</a> with your special request. Our standard rate is 10 cents per word, but we are flexible project to project.</p>
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