import os PLAYER_NAME = "jack" PLAYER_INIT_LOCATION = "1" class Player: def __init__(self, name, location): = name self.location = location def getName(self): return def getLocation(self): return self.location class GameManager: 'Manage the game' def __init__(self): self.gameIsRunning = True self.player = Player(PLAYER_NAME, PLAYER_INIT_LOCATION) def isGameRunning(self): return self.gameIsRunning def stopGame(self): self.gameIsRunning = False def printPlayerStats(self): print("Name: ", self.player.getName()) print("Location: ", self.player.getLocation()) print() def clearScreen(self): os.system('clear') def mainMenu(): while(True): os.system('clear') userInput = input("(n)ew game (q)uit:\n>> ").lower() if userInput == "q": break if userInput == "n": mainGame() def mainGame(): Game = GameManager() userInput = "" Game.clearScreen() while Game.isGameRunning(): userInput = input("(q)uit (p)layer stats (c)lear screen:\n>> ").lower() if userInput == "q": Game.stopGame() if userInput == "p": Game.printPlayerStats() if userInput == "c": Game.clearScreen() def main(): mainMenu() main() # Main menu should be start game or quit # game running should be false until start # ending the game shoudl return to the main menu