44 lines
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44 lines
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import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.*;
* Class to test the CovidEntry class
* @author -
* @version -
public class CovidEntryJUnit{
/** object of the CovidEntry class*/
private CovidEntry covid;
* Test constructor
public void testConstructor() {
//Testing a female baby name
covid = new CovidEntry("MI",8,1,758,7,91332,6457);
assertEquals("Constructor: State should be equal to value of input parameter",
"MI", covid.getState());
assertEquals("Constructor: month should be equal to value of input parameter",
8, covid.getMonth());
assertEquals("Constructor: day should be equal to value of input parameter",
1, covid.getDay());
assertEquals("Constructor: daily infections should be equal to value of input parameter",
758, covid.getDailyInfections());
assertEquals("Constructor: daily deaths should be equal to value of input parameter",
7, covid.getDailyDeaths());
assertEquals("Constructor: total infections should be equal to value of input parameter",
91332, covid.getTotalInfections());
assertEquals("Constructor: total deaths should be equal to value of input parameter",
6457, covid.getTotalDeaths());