
268 lines
10 KiB

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.junit.*;
* Class to test the CovidDatabase project
* @author -
* @version -
public class CovidDatabaseJUnit{
/** object of the CovidDatabase class */
private CovidDatabase database;
* Test constructor
public void testConstructor()
database= new CovidDatabase();
assertEquals("ArrayList should not contain any records at this time",
0, database.countRecords ());
* Test read file and counts
public void testReadFileAndCounts()
database= new CovidDatabase();
assertEquals("ArrayList should not contain 10346 records",
10346, database.countRecords ());
* Test statics for all the covid entries
public void testStatistics()
database= new CovidDatabase();
// testing total deaths
assertEquals("Total deaths up to 9/27 should be 196,696",
196696, database.getTotalDeaths());
// testing total infections
assertEquals("Total infections up to 9/27 should be 7,032,090",
7032090, database.getTotalInfections());
// testing most total infections
CovidEntry c = database.mostTotalDeaths();
assertEquals("State with most total deaths up to 9/27 is NY",
"NY", c.getState());
assertEquals("Number of deaths in NY up to 9/27: 25,456" ,
25456, c.getTotalDeaths());
* Test peak daily deaths
public void testPeakDailyDeaths()
database= new CovidDatabase();
CovidEntry c;
// testing peak daily deaths for a date 8/12
c = database.peakDailyDeaths(8, 12);
assertEquals("State with peak deaths on 8/12 is TX",
"TX", c.getState());
assertEquals("Number deaths in TX on 8/12: 324" ,
324, c.getDailyDeaths());
// testing peak daily deaths for a state
c = database.peakDailyDeaths("MI");
assertEquals("Peak deaths up to 9/27 in MI",
"MI", c.getState());
assertEquals("Peak number of deaths for MI: 169" ,
169, c.getDailyDeaths());
// testing peak daily deaths for a date 4/30
c = database.peakDailyDeaths(4, 30);
assertEquals("State with peak deaths on 4/30 is NJ",
"NJ", c.getState());
assertEquals("Number deaths in NJ on 4/30: 481" ,
481, c.getDailyDeaths());
// testing peak daily deaths for a state
c = database.peakDailyDeaths("NY");
assertEquals("Peak deaths up to 9/27 in NY",
"NY", c.getState());
assertEquals("Peak number of deaths for NY: 951" ,
951, c.getDailyDeaths());
* Test peak daily deaths - invalid state & invalid date
public void testPeakDailyDeathsInvalidParameters()
database= new CovidDatabase();
CovidEntry c;
// testing peak daily deaths for an invalid date
c = database.peakDailyDeaths(13, 12);
assertEquals("Wrong date 13/12 should return null",
null, c);
// testing peak daily deaths for an invalid state
c = database.peakDailyDeaths("XX");
assertEquals("Wrong state XX should return null" ,
null, c);
// testing peak daily deaths for date not found in the file
c = database.peakDailyDeaths(1, 1);
assertEquals("No records for 1/1 should return null",
null, c);
* Test safe to open
public void testSafeToOpen() {
ArrayList<CovidEntry> list;
database= new CovidDatabase();
// testing safe to open WA
list = database.safeToOpen("WA");
assertEquals("Safe to open should have 5 records" ,
5, list.size());
//testing first record on the list
assertEquals("The states should be WA",
"WA", list.get(0).getState());
assertEquals("Month in the first record in the sequence should be 5",
5, list.get(0).getMonth());
assertEquals("Day in the first record in the sequence should be 6",
6, list.get(0).getDay());
assertEquals("Infections in the first record in the sequence whould be 289",
289, list.get(0).getDailyInfections());
//testing last record on the list
assertEquals("The states should be WA",
"WA", list.get(4).getState());
assertEquals("Month in the lasst record in the sequence should be 5",
5, list.get(4).getMonth());
assertEquals("Day in the last record in the sequence should be 10",
10, list.get(4).getDay());
assertEquals("Infections in the last record in the sequence whould be 62",
62, list.get(4).getDailyInfections());
// test safe to open - California
list = database.safeToOpen("CA");
assertEquals("Safe to open should have 5 records" ,
5, list.size());
//testing first record on the list
assertEquals("The states should be CA",
"CA", list.get(0).getState());
assertEquals("Month in the first record in the sequence should be 5\4",
4, list.get(0).getMonth());
assertEquals("Day in the first record in the sequence should be 21",
21, list.get(0).getDay());
assertEquals("Infections in the first record in the sequence whould be 2283",
2283, list.get(0).getDailyInfections());
//testing last record on the list
assertEquals("The states should be CA",
"CA", list.get(4).getState());
assertEquals("Month in the lasst record in the sequence should be 4",
4, list.get(4).getMonth());
assertEquals("Day in the last record in the sequence should be 25",
25, list.get(4).getDay());
assertEquals("Infections in the last record in the sequence whould be 1883",
1883, list.get(4).getDailyInfections());
// testing a state not found in the database
list = database.safeToOpen("ZZ");
assertEquals("State not valid - safeToOpen should return null" ,
null, list);
* Test minimum infections on a date
public void testMinInfections() {
ArrayList<CovidEntry> list;
database= new CovidDatabase();
// testing a Minimum of 2,500 infections on 9/11
list = database.listMinimumDailyInfections(9, 11, 2500);
assertEquals("three records with 2,500 infections or more on 9/11" ,
3, list.size());
//testing highest - index 0
assertEquals("TX should have the highest number of deaths on 8/1",
"TX", list.get(0).getState());
assertEquals("Infections in TX on 9/11 should be 3547",
3547, list.get(0).getDailyInfections());
//testing last entry
assertEquals("CA should be the last entry on the list",
"CA", list.get(2).getState());
assertEquals("Infections in CA on 9/11 should be 3326",
3326, list.get(2).getDailyInfections());
// testing parameter values not found in database
list = database.listMinimumDailyInfections(9, 11, 6000);
assertEquals("Infections of 6,000 or more on 9/11 hould be zero" ,
0, list.size());
// testing wrong parameter values
list = database.listMinimumDailyInfections(13, 11, 10);
assertEquals("Invalid date 13/11 Infections of 10 or more on 9/11 hould be zero" ,
0, list.size());
* Test top ten
public void testTopTen() {
ArrayList<CovidEntry> list;
database= new CovidDatabase();
// testing top ten for 8/1
list = database.topTenDeaths(8, 1);
assertEquals("top ten number of records should be 10" ,
10, list.size());
//testing highest - index 0
assertEquals("TX should have the highest number of deaths on 8/1",
"TX", list.get(0).getState());
assertEquals("Deaths in TX on 8/1 should be 268",
268, list.get(0).getDailyDeaths());
//testing CovidEntry at index 6
assertEquals("NC should be at index 6 of the list of deaths on 8/1",
"NC", list.get(6).getState());
assertEquals("Deaths in NC on 8/1 should be 40",
40, list.get(6).getDailyDeaths());
// testing a date not found in the database
list = database.topTenDeaths(10, 31);
assertEquals("top ten number of records should be zero" ,
0, list.size());
// testing an invalid date
list = database.topTenDeaths(-10, 31);
assertEquals("top ten number of records should be zero" ,
0, list.size());