import org.junit.*; /**************************************************** * MyGardenJUnitTest - To test Flower, Plant, and the Garden Manager. * * @author Resendiz * @version Feb 2021 ****************************************************/ public class MyGardenJUnitTest { /****************************************************** * Test default constructor for plant *****************************************************/ @Test public void testPlantConstructor() { Plant p = new Plant(); Assert.assertEquals("Plant should have a constructor that sets plant name to: No Name ", "No Name", p.getPlantName() ); Assert.assertEquals("Plant should have a constructor that sets plant cost to: 0.0 ", "0.0", p.getPlantCost() ); } /****************************************************** * Test default constructor for flower *****************************************************/ @Test public void testFlowerConstructor() { Flower f = new Flower(); Assert.assertEquals("Flower should have called super and set plant name to: No Name ", "No Name", f.getPlantName() ); Assert.assertEquals("Flower should have called super and set plant cost to: 0.0 ", "0.0", f.getPlantCost() ); Assert.assertFalse("Flower should have a constructor that sets is Annual to false ", f.getPlantType()); Assert.assertEquals("Flower should have a constructor that sets color of flower to TBD ", "TBD", f.getColorOfFlowers() ); } /****************************************************** * Test setters for Plant *****************************************************/ @Test public void testPlantSetters() { Plant p = new Plant(); p.setPlantName("Apple Tree"); p.setPlantCost("50.99"); Assert.assertEquals("Plant's name should be: Apple Tree ", "Apple Tree", p.getPlantName() ); Assert.assertEquals("Plant's cost should be set to 50.99 ", "50.99", p.getPlantCost() ); } /****************************************************** * Test setters for Flower *****************************************************/ @Test public void testFlowerSetters() { Flower f = new Flower(); f.setPlantName("Rose"); f.setColorOfFlowers("Red"); f.setPlantType(true); Assert.assertTrue("Roses should be annual plants ", f.getPlantType()); Assert.assertEquals("Roses should have color Red ", "Red", f.getColorOfFlowers() ); } /****************************************************** * Test Garden Manager Constructor *****************************************************/ @Test public void testGardenManagerConstructor() { GardenManager gm = new GardenManager(); Assert.assertEquals("The manager should create an empty ArrayList of Plants", 0, gm.getMyGardenList().size()); } /****************************************************** * Test Adding plants and flowers to My Garden *****************************************************/ @Test public void testAddingPlantsAndFlowers() { GardenManager gm = new GardenManager(); Plant p = new Plant(); p.setPlantName("Spirea"); p.setPlantCost("10"); Flower f = new Flower(); f.setPlantName("Rose"); f.setPlantCost("6"); f.setPlantType(false); f.setColorOfFlowers("White"); gm.addPlant(p); gm.addPlant(f); Assert.assertEquals("There should be two plants in the ArrayList", 2, gm.getMyGardenList().size()); } }