Investigate the page elements The given index.html file contains all needed page elements for a game of Tic-Tac-Toe: A div with ID gameBoard and 9 buttons forms the game board. CSS in tictactoe.css converts the div and buttons into a 3x3 grid. A paragraph with ID turnInfo, initially containing text "TURN INFO", indicates the turn is the player's or computer's. A "New game" button with ID newGameButton allows the player to clear the board and start a new game. Investigate the stylesheet The given tictactoe.css file contains .x and .o rules to set the X and O button colors. Other CSS rules style the grid and buttons. Investigate the JavaScript The given tictactoe.js script has six declarations: playerTurn: Boolean variable that is true when the turn belongs to the player and false when the turn belongs to the computer. computerMoveTimeout: ID of an active timeout for the computer's move, or 0 if no such timeout exists. gameStatus: Object that contains four possible game statuses. The checkForWinner() function returns the appropriate game status. domLoaded(): Function that is called when the DOM loads to start the game. Events for the "New game" button click and game board button clicks are registered. Then newGame() is called to start the game. The domLoaded() function is implemented for you and requires no alteration. getGameBoardButtons(): Function that returns an array of the 9