In this lab, you will write three JavaScript functions to generate a bar graph of letter grades from a distributions of scores. Implement parseScores() (1 point) Implement the parseScores() function to take a space-separated string of scores as an argument and return an array of score strings. Each score is a number in the range [0, 100]. Ex: "45 78 98 83 86 99 90 59" → ["45", "78", "98", "83", "86", "99", "90", "59"] Hint: The string method split() can create the array with one line of code. Implement buildDistributionArray() (2 points) Implement the buildDistributionArray() function to take an array of scores, built by parseScores(), as an argument. The function should return a grade distribution array of length 5. Loop through the scores array and tally up the number of A, B, C, D, and F scores using the standard scoring system (90 and above = A, 80‐89 = B, 70‐79 = C, 60-69 = D, 59 and below = F). Store these totals in a distribution array where the number of As is the first number, number of Bs is the second number, etc. Ex: ["45", "78", "98", "83", "86", "99", "90", "59"] → [3, 2, 1, 0, 2] buildDistributionArray() returns [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] when the scoresArray argument is empty. Implement setTableContent() (7 points) Implement the setTableContent() function to take a space-separated string of scores as an argument. setTableContent() should call parseScores() and buildDistributionArray() and produce a grade distribution graph by setting the table's inner HTML. The table has id="distributionTable". Use a