/* Create game object Add 2 properties: lives - initially 3, and coins - initially 0. Add a getter called points that returns coins * 10. Add a playerDies() method that subtracts 1 from lives if lives is greater than 0. Add a newGame() method that sets lives to 3 and coins to 0. If it works correctly, output will be: lives = 3 coins = 0 points = 0 points = 20 lives = 2 lives = 0 lives = 3 coins = 0 */ const game = { lives: 3, coins: 0, get points() {return (this.coins * 10)}, playerDies : function() {if (this.lives>0){this.lives-=1}}, newGame : function(){this.lives=3; this.coins=0;} } /* The below comes with the exercise */ console.log("lives = " + game.lives); // should be 3 console.log("coins = " + game.coins); // should be 0 console.log("points = " + game.points); // should be 0 game.coins = 2; console.log("points = " + game.points); // should be 20 game.playerDies(); console.log("lives = " + game.lives); // should be 2 game.playerDies(); game.playerDies(); game.playerDies(); console.log("lives = " + game.lives); // should be 0 game.newGame(); console.log("lives = " + game.lives); // should be 3 console.log("coins = " + game.coins); // should be 0