85 lines
2.5 KiB
85 lines
2.5 KiB
Create a guessing game with a random number.
Go through it all using stepwise refinement before touch a char of code
make as many functions as reasonable
Start: Use python along with importing the random lib
1. Print a welcome screen which also explains "q" to exit
2. Generate a random number
a. Create a function named random_number()
1. Import random lib in order to generate a random number
2. superSecreteNum = rand(1,100)
3. Get a guess from the user
a. create a function called ask_player_for_guess()
1. playerGuess = input("Please enter a number 1-100: ")
4. Check to see if the user guessed correctly
a. Create a function called check_guess()
1. If playerGuess.lower() is != "q" then
if int(playerGuess) == superSecreteNum then print "You WIN!!!"
else if print if greater than or less than the number
else return 0
5. Ask if user would like to play again
a. create a function called play_again()
end: Have a complete guessing (1-100) game that accepts user input for guesses
import random
def random_number():
rand_number = random.randint(1,100)
return rand_number
def ask_player_for_guess():
guess = input("Please enter a number (1-100): ")
return guess
def check_guess(guess, answer):
if guess.lower != "q":
guess = int(guess)
if guess == answer:
print("Congrats! You guessed the right number!")
return True
elif guess > answer:
print("You're a bit high yo!")
return False
elif guess < answer:
print("Man, you might want to consider some anti-depressants")
return False
return 0
def play_again():
choice = input("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ")
return choice
def quit_game():
print("Thanks for playing!")
return 0
def main():
print("Welcome to superSikrit, type \"q\" at any time to quit!")
superSecreteNum = random_number()
while True:
print("Answer is:", superSecreteNum)
playerGuess = ask_player_for_guess()
if playerGuess.lower() == "q":
result = check_guess(playerGuess, superSecreteNum)
#if the player wins...
if result == True:
result = False
choice = play_again()
print ("This was your choice:", choice)
if choice.lower() == "y":
superSecreteNum = random_number()