#include "SDL2/SDL.h" //Write a function that moves an image based on which arrow keys are pressed. //something like //void move_image(direction, image); int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { /* initialize SDL */ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0){ printf("Unable to init SDL!: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } /* init surfaces */ SDL_Window* screen; //No longer need to do this part I suppose SDL_Renderer* renderer; SDL_Surface* temp; SDL_Texture* top_image; const char background_imagefile[] = "sdl_logo.bmp"; SDL_Surface* background_surface; SDL_Texture* background_texture; SDL_Rect top_image_dest = { 0 }; SDL_Event event = { 0 }; int screen_width = 1024, screen_height = 768; int top_image_width = 0, top_image_height = 0; /* create window of size 640x480 and set title bar*/ screen = SDL_CreateWindow("SDL TEST", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, screen_width, screen_height, 0); if (screen == NULL){ printf("Unable to set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(screen, -1, 0); if (renderer == NULL){ printf("Unable to create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } atexit(SDL_Quit); /* load bitmap to surface */ background_surface = SDL_LoadBMP(background_imagefile); if (background_surface == NULL){ printf("Unable to find image!!: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } else{ /* convert bitmap to texture */ background_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, background_surface); SDL_FreeSurface(background_surface); // No longer need the surface background_surface = NULL; if(background_texture == NULL) { printf("Failed to create texture from background surface: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } } /* load top_image image to practice blit on top of surface*/ temp = SDL_LoadBMP("dinowheel.bmp"); if (temp == NULL){ printf("Unable to load top_image: %s/n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } else{ top_image = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); temp = NULL; /* Get height and width of top_image */ SDL_QueryTexture(top_image, NULL, NULL, &top_image_width, &top_image_height); if(top_image == NULL) { printf("Failed to create texture from top_image: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } } int gameover = 0; /* message pump */ while (!gameover) { /* look for an event */ if (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { /* an event was found */ switch (event.type) { /* close button clicked */ case SDL_QUIT: gameover = 1; break; /* handle the keyboard */ case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: case SDLK_q: gameover = 1; break; case SDLK_w: printf("You just pressed 'w'\n"); break; } break; } } /* render the background */ SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, background_texture, NULL, NULL); /* Render entire top_image to center of screen */ top_image_dest.x = (screen_width / 2) - (top_image_width / 2); top_image_dest.y = (screen_width / 2) - (top_image_height / 2); top_image_dest.w = top_image_width; top_image_dest.h = top_image_height; SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, top_image, NULL, &top_image_dest); /* Render here */ SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } /* cleanup SDL */ if (renderer) SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); if (screen) SDL_DestroyWindow(screen); if (background_texture) SDL_DestroyTexture(background_texture); if (top_image) SDL_DestroyTexture(top_image); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }