40 lines
977 B
40 lines
977 B
# Dependencies
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
# Gems (for Jekyll 3.0)
gems: [jekyll-paginate]
# Permalinks
# Use of `relative_permalinks` ensures post links from the index work properly.
permalink: pretty
# Setup
title: Foss Times
tagline: 'Foss News Today; Foss News Tomorrow'
description: 'A place to open source'
url: ""
baseurl: "/"
paginate: 7
# About/contact
name: Logen Kain
url: https://twitter.com/rockroar
email: fosstimes@sudotask.com
# Custom vars
version: 2.0
# Social Media
#github: http://github.com/logenkain
twitter: http://twitter.com/fosstimes
#disqus: testnaringu
# Theme Author (Please don't edit this line cause of MIT LICENSE rules)
creator: Rizky Ariestiyansyah
codename: Naringu
link: https://github.com/ariestiyansyah/naringu